pac: Waterfront Whiffs Iioatbuildirig Prospects fbr Winter iifc. Packers HreaklRfi Into Halibut huslhfss-Good Coho ttuh Irl Skliiegate tRlet .... .. .t iSi. c . . . : :. .; .; - .n . t. .( : it::", i received definite contracts. At Port Essington, it is report tion during the past few months at the old Shockley woodworking factory on Market Place. It is a neat and well appointed little ves- pbuhds, r itir and mjnor overhaul work, ge, which wJ be a rea, acqujslon is looKing iorwara u gewing or- tp the pleasure fleet of the harder for new boats this winter bor The Chevrolet engine has and is said to have good pros- not yet been jngtailed. pets for at least three or four halibut vessel contracts. j The fish packer Provincial, The Japanese yards in Cow Bayj which has been working out of continue to build stock modejs j Provincial Cannery in Rivers In-during spare time and are usually, let during the past season, was able to dispose of them. Nane of brought from Inverness during these shops, however, have yet the week and is being laid up in the dry dock for the winter. ed, there will be more than the' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage usual boat building activity this ; Co.'s steam trawler G. E. Foster. ulhfAir Qama i.a h a with Pfint nnrlprann In rnmmnnr! I ' Don Finn, director of the Prince has been operated there during Rupert Fisheries Experimental .the summer by the Canadian Fish Station, finds time so precious and & Cold Storage Co. and which walkinir-so touch that he has now. will be tied up here, for the regaled himself with the splendor -winter. of a Ford Tudor Sedan and hence-,' forth' the board walks will know, Halibut boats Morris H., Capt. him no more. .John Hanson; Alkin, Capt. Andy I Hanson; Johanna,. Capt. John II. Enockson has had the 4 h.p. yick, .arid Marghllce. Capt. Jack Regal engine of his trolling boat Christiansen, have all been, tip Black Fbx in the Siar Welding bn the McLean Ways at Seal Cove Works this week for general over-, this week for cleaning and pafrit-haul. A 9 h.p. Kegd! from a JSp- fhg. anese wojrkboat at Port Essington has also been in fbr similar work. The Star Welding was this week fitting out eleven live rollers diately proceed in iiaiibul ilusl ness The B.C. Packers are breaking into the halibut .business and, while nothing definite on this is which will be installed in the new Rnowrl; it U reported they may be sawmill of the Blllmor Sprtice1 snipping fresh fish front Prince Mills along the railroad track front Rupert by next season. In any the city. jcase, the company has established , . .... a cold storage plapt at Its South Xels Rund, local salmon fisK- Bay canpefy in Skidegate Inlet and etrman, has purchased a 30x8 has made It Rribwh that it Is open boat whfeh is being built by Y. tb buy fUh tfiere arid supply bait Suelilro, Cqw Bay Japanese boat- and. Jfce. A representative of the bu!der. The boat, which will be , compdnytwa in -Prince Rujiert fl'n,ined in about two weeks' time, recently endeavoring" to drum up will be fitted with a new 12 fi:p. foe fishermen to take their hall- V&lmer engine. of this vessel for Albert & M'ctaffery. The ffesh shipment. The Legale had master of the Imbrecaria is Capt ho trouble in getting a full load J. S. Cunningham, a brother-in-law this week of Mrs. E. S. Tait of this city. This Chief Zibas'id. Cafit. Fred tValtSrs. Wi tmi StEfrett. Capt. Urilon frelbtet ChllkooL Capt. pafit, are both packing from Alert Jock Mulr, unloaded a small par- Bay to Prince ftupert, a distance eel df 20.00Q.feet of Ibnlbef ori bf ftfeafly f8lir htjHdre4 .Hilles, for Thursday radrfilrig frjf Albert & tHe Canadtafl Fish & ,Coldorage ( McCaffery. .Qou The Fredella, Cant. William -M-r....t.. fyyllSbn, is itlll bri the Sfceena The deal for the purchase by niver run. Albert & McCaffery of tne Bis I Bav Lumber Co.'s lumber yard and retail business, is. rbrteli Id Halibut Landings UtUc KlvnU HI FIR if ftiP nastt have fallen IhroDfih for the time rvelk Have brought halibu.iand-being at least. j ngs 't the p3R of Ptlhce Rupert '(or thj! seasdn to date to fiearly Northbound from Vancbtiver , houridS IH . t&e$ 8? the with a pdrty bf comhiercial 1027 tbtai i 2 similar date. The travellers on board, the power total .now stands at 22,250,700 cruiser Mac and Mne called In pounds as cUniparVd with 21,585,- 650 pounds at the corresponding time Inst year. This Season is not far behind theiefcord year, of 192C when the. total at a similar date was 22,Cd ,300 bounds'. American landings this season are still lajr-iHaJ. glpg behind those for 1927, the ""rrir bZ:" o far ahead 0f the 5,933.500 six weeKs bet pre the season close thp year's landings will be the heaviest on record at Prince Rupert. Prices during the week settled down to a niore ndrmal level after two weeks of exceptionally high bids. The high American price of the jveek was 18;2c and one compdny for the D.C. ihg while DV. J. P. Code's Eclae rtris been on the Ward Ways for Cdu I liking. 1 Prices current are as 'ollow Pure CordptfuiSd rfurttl K lidperial VaUey (rapefrult 2 for Mc bnanas. 2 lb 35c fxtri'ed honey., psr Jsr at bomb honey Sec Dates, bulk. 2 lbs. for . Rllalns. Bisins. bulk, nuiK, per per Ib in tfi id mlnbr , f . hull .. work; , . have included . , , . . Inlet . and , some of . the . , trollers . . . are 1 Oa'iifornu Dainty Data, package a naiiDut ooais itingieauer( j sata to nave oeen getting as nign t. Merrill Sollows. and Atlins fifty fish ter day. The Cana- Capi William Busey, and the dlan Fish & Colci SWrSge Co. has Fuji'moto workbbat Vask Tt)g Imbrecarii arrived in pbH on Thursday afternooh, hiivirig In tow two scows laden with coal put i'6 df Its packers the Chief Legale, Cipt. Sveridsen, and W. ft. Lord. Cant. Marshall, on that run to deHyer trie, fiah to Its plant fit Prince Rlipeti for freezing and Cantaloupes 15c, 30c an 3fte CooAanOU 2Jc Orn bobtlng Apples inc.). 9 lbs lie Btedles ETaVs. Ib 2Sc To'kly Ohapes,. lb 3Sc I Brtlett Pears, doe S6c to Wcj Bos.,.,, M.78 Concord Orkpsa, basket 11.10 Italian Prunes, box SMS lb 18c Nd. ( ereamery No. i oresinery K'.i iAU'u , ' 'as bit BO. fresh pulleU 60c CP. fresh firsts 55o BO. fresh extra 604 Loeai tear Uid ?be ... rn klppcra. lb l$c Snokrd li'jvfrcd kiliiion. ib 25o Smoi'eS blick cod. Ib 20c f lnnB naifflieT. lb. Ht MEATS fpwl. No. I. 1& v. Rotating chicken; la: .'. broilers Ham diced, first grade Hug. Whole, 'flrit grade . wJtfhHs as comDartd wrth i K.7R7.. . Z7"-. I IUool back, sliced 60c 850 pounds, while the Canadian ti,ire b4ebn " lb .jLV.V.V total is yp from 5,827,800 pounds " i teal, shoulder While it B.3iot expected mat n win reacn ine volume 01 rome . j. j. i .... previous ytur ana orders to date are rather slow with very J ICtt . J( . .... 1 1 an catch for the present season Beef, steak Btef, roast.' ..Jfrfljie fib Lamb; chops I'..'. .... Beets. ib. 8c paid the Lansing for 5,000 Bu. sack pounds ana the lowest was 18.1c Curate, n. and 7c which the North received Pouw,. for 17,000" potihds. Canadian ;iy- J?, ...... riHcRR ranfrtd from IfiSp tu1 7p !9r'lc- ,W?Pf Pr was paid the Southend fbr 4,000 pite, Mibn.: pounds, down to 12.5c and 6c Turnips, s lbs. Wllien the Nuba got for 4.500 Crated onions. 4 lbs. lor .Atijov and .Hire Sunday StunMy- Ostsln. . Pxlnce "ft i Vancouver local lettuce rwn.. nennefa h Wednesdays Fridays Saturdays CPJlOct. 10. -20, 21 . tie iniJ o$ Oeorje f rom Stewart and Piemler 494 450 SOO 40e 30c J9U 60c w Sc 40C xks Sic 3 Rupert during the coming winter. The halibql men are still busy j fUnds " J. t to fishing and, while eerUttn of th?ni are repVtfd 18 have more or less Vtfi . 5 T' ..f1 " ..,.! : mi .,.. i J T,K8w hltt flnoiu. iat?h P airing the next five or. Beef, bouuvg 1214c ty isc yet what they shall do in he way, of new craft It is likely, however, that some crdr for new salmon vessels; such as seineboats, packers, trolling, bepts and gill netters, may be forthcoming in the near fu port during the week, tying up at the flobts jif the Prince Itupert Salvage arid Towing Co. ture. Of course, consolidation and 1 New Power CruisS f retrenchmept on the part of the Kenny Rood during the week cannerie tetid . to minimize may rou ht down to the fIoats of activitt along this line. On the, . n b,; e;i;:u other U halibUi Reason has KSS&teJ been a fHy prleroo. ope and v.boUom f, R hd of the earnings will likely some go. wh,ch hfi g had under construc. into nw uoaiB. Out at Seal Cove, N. M. Sic-Lean, whose establishment has been kept quite busy of late with rV .. i(. SOC Lamb, shoulder s&c Mutton, leg '.. sOi Iamb, 'eg,.. 48 Mutton, chops , 40o Mutton shoulder 100 VEOKtAIII.KS M.n A - t- ys 12.00 OSc Si ft 23c 25c 10c 33 , . . . Hothouse toinatoeis, lb I2ttc in accordance with the negotia- Field. cuk ioc tibiti cumpleted oh Jlay 5 lasrvR.C. ' ' r" M 2 for 3Sc tSkUH Ltd. forma IV hcm th CSttllftwtr SM and 35o tofc7 ubb si""", ib 7c . , v, ' iK PIW TooMtoes. lb 10c Packing Co. and Millard Packjng Brown' Plotting tmiaw 2 lbs. ... ise Co. this week, it is announced This Pickling Cukes. 2 lbs 25c is the ettiriiihation of the deal '. 4t Jow. it 6c coHllucied by Wood, Garidy & Co. M1a meten- lb 15c Ltd. bf Toronto, when they organ- ,b ied B.C. Packers Ltd., placing ' .'. . . . '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 2 $1,000,0()0 in the treasury of the sweet- potatoes. 2 lbs........ asc new company and exchanging 1 cam on 00b (Ooiden Bantsni..) .. iit B.C. Packers common stock f0rlp"B- lb aic the common stock of .l.. . .iiii t in, a . : as iu say iiibi as inyii as tony omi incciing uuu suucsi boats will be built there Includ- flat fishing in Hecate "Straits and, ( ing gill netters, trollers and hall-.after landing her fifth catch last but boats up to forty-five feet in Sunday pf G0.000 pounds, left length. In any case, the prospect I again on Tuesday and is due back seems fairly certain that the Jap- by the end of this week anese boat buildfng establishments there will be very busy during the next few months. Packer W. R. Lord, Capt. Mar sHal, left on Thursday morning for Cahoe Pass and is due back Disdainful Don ! today with the camp scow which .On completion .but there. It Is reported . that lt'v.jv.V i a-' . .Sulrb.will mmornl mhmmmi, " ."E wttrtM construe-iCe Straits and on the west ti aunklit '.' ' ' 40o 4 soe tion of a 36 foot trolling boat as a stock model. Vessels going on the Ward Way thll week ff pHlHtlrig and boast of the iiebn Charlotte Is lands have agreed to sell them. A good run of cohoes has been repbrieo' re'ceKlly In SklUegate Suga boatbuilding yard reports the sale t.o A. Benson, local fisherman, of a reeefitly completed Owe titklk, 2 lt. ..; 25c e three JT "5 .6 -:Uien Radishes, bunch ers Ltd. While the new company , has been bneratinir for somr ... -time; it will now become f orriially J ;;;;;;; recognizea uniwr the ternw 01 the agreement. thirty-three foot model trolling; boat The vessel will be fitted; with a 10 h.p. Knox two-cycle! engine. TKe Suga yard is un derstood . to have, about closed: contracts for the building of two! couple of months. il'rum Vanronv . 6c i?i3 I8.7S STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Fr Vnnromei Sundays . prince George .. 11 pin. Tuesdays ss. Cstsla 3 t4n. Thursday Prince Rupert., ll pin. Friday ss Princeas Roysl w..0 pin. Fridays ss Oudena 12 mldolght Oct. 3 as. Ptrnce LouIm pll. Oct. 14 es. Prlftce4i Alice pS. Oct. 24 ss. prhfeeas Alice pin. i Stmday-ss. .Catsla , 4 pin Dr. H. L. Alexander's speed! !S!n'?,2f' f- ij" cruiser Marjorie was on the Suga "T'" S ; P . . , . . ! Friday. PrMtceSi Royal .. 4 pm. whys this week to receive a newj 9.tvmi.yM. p,. Gcorge ,0.30 gdmwood shoe and stern post.: oet. 10-ea. Pxlncew Alice am. George Bryant had the Hsrla on Oet.' ao. Princess Alice un, the Prince Rupert- Rowing &j Oct. si-. Princess Alice am. Yacht Club:? gird for hull paint-' ort smiMon im .... Sunday -ss Oatala 8 p.m. t'rsm Port SlinpMii,nnd N'ass Hirer Tuesday ss. Catala 1130 a in Arm . . prrl 4' p.m IViaiKCl r rices I ttom .nyox a nit .llice .trni .; .rPLF.! Mcintosh Reds, fancy S2J0 "C" rs!e f$40 .. Jumble ifMk S24O --jj, Tuesday ss. CaUla . . . .:..llMp aid j Sunday ss. Prince Oeorge ., 7 p.m. Ilir Stewart and Irmlrr I Sunday s. datala t psA. WeflRday-HM. Prince Rupert 10 pm Tuesday s. Oatsia 11 JO a in. I,- .. . v iir wnren I narimir iianu 4 Oat, 0 as Prince Chsrles .. 8 pin, Or.t. 2V as. Prince Charles 8 pB. Knm ilneen rtiurlotte Islunits . ' Pet. 4 as. Prince Chsrles a rru Oct. 18 -is. Prtffee bnsfies ' 1'ur ,lka Saturday as. Xrlc Cliorje .. 4 pin. Oct. in as. PrlnceSs Alice am OlV aves. PsiBceas Alice, Oct. 31 ss. PrlhceM Alice' Irani AUotca "( Sunday -as. PriMce OeprM .. 7 pin, Oct. 3-s. PjtDscesi Louise .... pill. Oct. 14 as. Princess Alice .... piu, Oct. 24 ss. Princess Alice .... p.m. MAIL SCHEDULE kondaya, Wednesdays, Saturdsys,niRli aloaaa 1030 aJu Innfi fie Bh1 , t'i.Mi:n Su dhM. Tu-Kljys nd Thursdays, ota,,. in-. m 1 H.r,i ,um.t i n man nne WS t IV SS-I ' W SMHU 1 MSWSJ f.W Pastry fur. Ivi 4sc.T" vrr . Pastry flour, ii ....... t2M luMfy P-ta- e.P.n;- oet. s. 14, 20 .. pm. rmii Vaiir-u- S'tndsys . 4 piu . ...load fi pjn. ,,. 10:30 ain r a.m. tor Anyo mid Alice Arm-Sundays P-1?? Ssturdayn . " P"1- 1'rnni Aiijo and Alice Aritf Sundays 7 pm. Tuesdays 1130 in. From Nam River Points r " ; jss8taj-. Tuesdays Sundays 7 pm Oct. 0. .. 31 Wednesday, 9 p.m.. I rrbm Stewart and ITemler- f"1"' Ala"k Tuesdays 11 JO am. , Oct. S, 14, 24 Thursdays IK 8 pjn. To Nnss Rlvrr rotnts , Sundays 7 pjn T Jueen t'liarlolwn Oct. 6. 80 Thursday! 1 OOMi I issillUII I JT lrotn Queen Clinrlnttes , . 11.30 am. I ifct. 4, IS H CM. TRAINS p.m. ; rr the raxt Dully except Bunday it mo t ! I 'roin I lie Haul 7 pjn. H pm D"11? esctP Wajdnesday ;i 1n t FOR ALL YOUR FLO OAl Q high N LA I D v"""1 - IMOLEUM V ivi lithe NEW DOMOLAC FINISH J 1 ., -p-i t ' Sfasar4 UmJmm Mm. JV2t. You will Marvel at its Beauty Inlaid Ltioleum, lone DOMINION noted for beauty of colour and design, is more attractive this year than ever. It now has the DOMOLAC Finish, a mellow soft-lustre lacquer, imparting an appealing softness of tone that must be teen to be appreciated. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with the new DOMOLAC Finish, it a real help in home decoration. It is ttsinproof and wearproof and retains its lustre indefinitely. You could buy no more beautiful or practical floor for any room tor anything like its reasonable price. Polishes readily . . . and beautifully . . . with a minimum of effort. The DomoUc Finish in Tins This new and endurinf finish is also available in convenient sited tins for application to your present Dominion floors. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Wider ihoce than ever is offered in Dor iin.o.i L iiolenin Rugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum. Long-wearing, beautiful, easy to clean . . . priced even lower than you expect . . . either makes an ideal floor lor any room. Dominion Llrolettm Rujs and Dominion Prin'cd Linoleum do not have the DOMOLAC Finish. At How Fwrnishinf and Departmental Storet rSiXnKi-. Iackage, with which you can wcurc many Iioii.hcKoIi s ? t -. . inrrsonai arucles ol genuine value. package, wrapped and sealed. Quick ich 1 h'i 1 ssstsssxr 1 Get TMs Fset StraigSat j-ou eat at bresjefast determines tie kind of tlay WHAT you will have. lack of balnm e of easentkl U elements results in m heavy, listless mornings. Kat Quick Quaker Oats. It has the most perfect UUncc found in cereals. Contains protein, 16, wliieli buifcU tlssub and stamina, carbohydrates which Muply energy, 06. Mineral which lone the blood and build bone; rougliaac a natural laxative, and vitamin 11, which aids the aasimilauou of all foods. You need Quick Quaker to sustain you through busy moraine hours when- most of the day's work is done. lie sure always to get Quirk Quaker. A coupon iu c HiK. it. full . wiigH . Cooks In ai to 5 minutes The worlds fastest cooking cereal J4a t. ThC Quaker 0atB Compnny, Peter borough and SuHkatoon 1 1 - I i 1