PROVINCIAL ily News rd Time TOMORROW'S -TIDES—_ ge ff 19.6 feet DAILY DELIVERY 27 «+179 feet sae NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBI1A’S NEWSPAPER 8 14 teet Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—’Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” Phone 81 VOL, XLI, No, 299 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS Three Ships To Load Barley Here For Se Korea ‘More Grain Needed To Fulfill Order Three shiploads of barley will be dispatched from here for South Korea, starting Dec. 29, it was ‘reported today by A. R. Mills, superintendent of the Canadian Government Grain Elevator. Total con- signment will amount to approximately 1,350,000 bushels. ? While final destination of the shipments is not definitely known, it is understood the grain will be directed toward relief of families im the war- ravaged country where starva- tion is a continual threat. It is the first suppiy of grain to be: Oakalla Termed Cesspool ‘Reporters Score } | Jail Conditions , (CP)—l a ee City Shoe Firm Wins Jaycee — Light-Up Contest 9h? SEES | VANCOUVER | Oakalla prison farm is) described as a jail operat-| 7 sate anternen Mens om “The General's Dam’ - ed by prisoners and not} loaded at Prince Rupert for| A city shoe firm was announced &. ; Korea since the outbreak of hos-|the winner today of the Prince f ib PETAWAWA CAMP « nicknam Ge Da was met ' the staff, in articles pub-| | tilities there. Rupert Junior Chamber of Com- rt abled in the Mouse of Commer The rt t im was not (lished by the Vancouver! “There are about 150,000 bush- ae ian ee in ae headquarters, tha a i COs if ‘ i now & ‘ ai pose wi Percy Wrigh nember for Melfor Sun and the Vancouver ford glee Ages oot in| Winner is Fashion Footwear n* of as a fist ; Province. Aedhn Ms. ide ithe yards ready for immediate | Wb 1s Sot ie aan e . 2 tin r ing,” Mr. Mills said. “This; : ° For the first time newspaper] ®, C. (DON) STEWART (left) and city nichts Seen: wc cn tad aay reporters were a > a} a Dan miers t Ur C t t rt cane ters were able prison ana, man J. F. (Jack) Collins, study Prince Rupert’s /less than half the amount that| Operator of the store, A. J re i Oo ge ons ruc id ame out to write stories de-| water system. will be required for the first pam Get the cagess Of Aiberta-B.C. Kail Link scribing Oakalla as a breeding crime irug addiction, other evils “cesspool,” sex perversion, prostitution and City Water System shipload. Prompt action is need- ‘ed if we are to have enough to |meet the shipment.” ARRIVALS SLOW certificate of merit, while the decorator, Miss Vicki Lewis, re- ceives a box of chocolates, do- nated by Malkin’s Lid ncbaaal J of store fronts was pre. The meeting b tween Pre mit also a ided: " eure casueh- ot the evel Although the elevator has had based on a point system total- ish) Bennett of B.C. and Alberta's’ @ To pi fot a new deal in). 14 sonditions are “so appail-| ou ewe @ busy year in handling a total ling 70. geal teal Premier Manning on Saturday the allocation of responsibilities bes ; in date ballet of about 12,000,000 bushels, the 48 points. beouwht together for the firstiend t fields between the " = ’ ‘ arrival of grain at this port Northern B.C. Po Co. Ltd. time heads of Canada's twe fed rovincial govern-| 4 similar story was told by! (This ts the second in Seles Of ee Cees oe Lee tak ie pee eee ee ee a a pear : i if ete | ar ; Jim Smith and Jack Wassér-| ®cquaint the public with administration of various city departments.) pace with demand. R tly one and — Photo —a © To. make. @ joint sutmis-|™22 Of Tee Sun By LARRY STANWOOD vessel cancelled a call to Prince tae wee. ee ion to Ola we sebeur - teporters spent some days i Rupert because there was no J : the h deeorat- r K ' Fi lee pecan ae pail link @@king the prison gurvey and A box of old boots left beside the garbage can| grain on hand, while another udging of — 7 Te a a publishe d their stories Saturday : : was delayed 24 hours by an in- ine cone, on ee between the Pacitie Great Bast- "rn" provinte reporter said} Wene picked -up in the weekly collection. Could they) nena, when ene entries ) and the Northern iberta aa a ‘ named w FIGURING BIRTH TOTAL Railways. ‘This would give the| “muon * the prison in- be returned, please? It is estimated there is ee ae the prize kee : ot a _ chaded : rant " Peace Rivet a straddling |“ @ Severe overcrowding that Now, what’s the matter with the city, anyway— peor lg 4 ae Sak The light-up sg pp eed geod Town cler homas Armatrong he north of both provinces, a _ i. weavedatin . nial. 9 * sponsored aycees and Pebagee a aati bi weet otftlet to the Pacific coast, DECYe™’s Segregation or treat- can’t it keep dogs out of flower gardens, or keep) five days a week, instead of the z orn in this Kent district Coronatior men 10 to 20 carloads now arriving Art Murray’s Menswear. Jack @ To} ote the orderly de-, @ “Nareoties smuggling on a people from building garages on other folks’ PproOp-) gaily. Unless the pace is quick- Breen and Bill Gordon are in he figure, Armstrong said I elopment - an, _ re- scale surpassing anything in any erty? e —_——— | ened, there is a possibility some charge. number of birth Da on one — © two province Canadian institution ‘ace anie a) foe eee While sacha: often petty,/of the elevator employees will for luck @ To : procedure ini @ Drug habits started within a _ - ? 2 dealt with reach his office daily, the water | have to be laid off. eens ases of pensioners moving be- the prison Deas ee ae eee, ws | System, roads, sewers gre the} wr. Mills stated there was torm atters tween Alberta and @ Widespread sex perversion.| daily in the city’s works and ene : P ae denartment: heated utilities with which the works|enough potential business to Hy in (@c $e Further exten { provit @ Inmates controlling sec-| engineering Ceparts fe department is mainly concern-| Keep not only the present ¢leva- <* . OSpi a ere ay ¢ a farie northward ior of the prison by Donald C. Stewart, superin- oa. tor busy but another slevator of ip the 65! ‘ el w ce “ @ Al "foul system that con- gry of works. a : And most important of these| at least 2,000,000-bushel capac- ; : increasingly 1 viets can foul at will is May seem a trivial part)i; the water system which, ac- ity as well. : Dr vate, Semi- Private Rates nrtad ‘ northern develop @ Constant fear of an epi-jof an engineering department's! .ording to two consulting en-! ¥ t a VANCOUVER oat the day ‘ demic from extreme insanita-/| functions, but there are always) 9; , _|_ The subject o how “much 'she Was ed arrive in nen ¥5\gineers’ reports, must be re-/ ) tion st . lent hin ‘ s and nearly always ha ‘ grain business Prince Rupert, Vancouver, the freighter Maple- private and’ Mr. Ma ler. Hospital rey : 7 tion, pests and rodents complaints and nearly always pnewed within a short time or Prince resentatives from all B.C. wil Th ern line dividing’ @ Vicious inmate-directed|“chronie beefers,” and someone) prince Rupert may be face sa oie ~ a ee ee oe re so aaa storm
°°'™ just south of Beirut Har-
vember. If the ike public ward rates, however Howeve! we both felt the! .ouiseville, Que., are successful] neer’s certificate and this com- a quarter downstream. At the | elevator here 16 Se ted én bor today with about 100 passen-
ted hospitals tO\ 4+. set by BCHIS and the hos- matter to be ts "thane and provincia; police officers are ing spring is scheduled to write| power house, an 18-inch main) a permanent basis. The value of | ®% shone.
1952 level, it, .itare receive payment on this thing for the people of those immediately withdrawn from the/his intermediate engineer's th S| From shore, it appeared the
ified us before aoe ste _ reas themselves to decide.” town exams. provides the supply of the city’s) this move was confirmed by E.
Champolion was breaking up
but a spokesman for her owners
in Paris said she was not, al-
though she had a vertical crack
down the middle.
Police Use
Hoses to Stop
Sega oS . water T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena,
This 18-inch line travels along} who advised he had “good rea-
the creek shore, follows the/