# 2 Prince Rupert Daily News day, De 46 independent ad Member < Published by “he J. P. MAGOR, Preside Subscripti Rates By carrie:r—-ber weer rn t2 By mail Per ih r r, $6.0) @uthorizec as cor Make Decisions in Morning a the bustle and | Mas season, one reacti bustle and business of mes Christ- ; per year, $1 Post OMce Departmen ion shared by not alw: ays possible to | - Child 5 olife of | Mesus iiding of g of Prince Ruper Rupen bia Circulations i News ‘Limitea PERRY, Vice President 0.00 wg ee t repair this witl ood night's sleep, a few hints by | students of the subject are worth noting, | : } It is definite stablished, for one, that a half- | 4 ] + tayht Qn nol e re nours OT sleep al nignt, and | has Dee | ed t many people who claim tney | sleep on] few hours at night are such nap- snatcne} It 30 true t relaxed rest, without ctual slee < ost as ef fe ctive as sleep in restor- ivy Che Efficie perts recommend that, in a time | of much activit mport decisions should be , made in the morning, bec evenin @ fatigue im- “They threw palm leaves down to make a green carpet for Him” nairs judgment. They also caution against standing | 4 chiza’s Life of Jesus is one of the last books written by the late Pulton i ; . Ou < or af suce jumes as The Greatest Story Ever ye for lone periods as this is the most tiring of all The Greatest Book Ever Written. ete, This presentation of Mr. Ours : Braet ee 1 boek has been specially iljust 1ewapaper publication by the well- normal positions. Walking more relaxing than know! t, Neil O'Keesf standing, ine further advise executives to work CHAPTER X arguing about? Who would sit °,¢ , . . } ; + . . The . > ved ¢ > tor ne< Gs SUS | as at with their feet on the desk a chair and to permit The people loved the stories Dearest to Jemma! That was what : S , i Jesus told them. They loved Him ®@ch one wanted: to sit nearest their staff to do likewise. Experiments prove that |more than anybody else in the t@ Jesus this red ices fat While the suggesti than done, they warn against defined by Dear Inge as tronble befores itgfalls due.” case of a pa teh h asylum, “I’m I have to get told him It is tne opportunity sorry. back to my seriously, ¢ is ‘ Clalyjen, that the goed. business: for himself and his firm. One man (°° ‘* is] and took a interviewer néss requires @ngy absence,’ smoothest e¢kcis@efor a vacation: that anyone has whe every weet d t¥@d an went fishing dreamed up yet, but . ' The analysts calculate vhich n ered complete leist eight *hour work at s a day ¢ taken [or sieeping, eating, 8G days of 24 he mathematicians their « séason, it doasitot, the Pait most i wil aygage tt netwithstanding. z ame a hat national and international fame for ability ud - ministration of the External Af- fairs department dow ‘ which most peop stand, flights of meaningless diplomat fantasy, His jaunty bo boyish grin, and tousled-looking |} r have con tributed to thi f ever importance is his knack of turn- ing a neat phrase withor zoing of Last week poke to the Common Mike,” as he affectionately and abroad of-a neat phi few guffaw i! mentary Press open-mouthed h ment from the Opposition, and a bit of*resentment from old-line die- hard Liberals. For Hon, Mr. Pear- son picked up a famous quota- tien of the late Rt. Hon. W. L Mackenzie King, paraphrased it, and applied it to the Kremlin It Was back in 1942—June 7th to be exact—that the late Prime Minister was faced with a hostile Hduse of Commons on the con- scription issue, and the necessity | of putting government policy in a few words that could bear scrutiny from whatever view- paint his crities wanted to take Itewas then that he said: If in reference to the very difficult question of service over- seas anyone Can conceive of a policy which is better calculated to» serve the national interest than the one the government has formulated, and which is, cléarly and ‘consisely expressed im: the words, ‘Not necessarily ecanscription, but conscription if nepessary,, I shall be the first | to advoeate its acceptance.” Mr. Pearson picked up these | now-famous words and used) i home ome turning that evoked a the Parlia- Gall lery, some t¢ nil ie and produces better work. ose worrying drove him into an I'll have to leave you now, worrying,” “lm away businessman who ‘to relax several times‘a day is doing | of freque ntly which is plausible enough that, of ake up a year, 1,930 hours m ité time on ie basis of five days’ commuting to and from work, and drésepyg, arid 1 undressing. This is equal to nours each, or nearly if do not ale mie at es into account the Christmas actual percentage is lower. e occasion is worth it, fatigue to have won both | 3 thent‘in this way; “Soviet policy | world. The rulers of the country When Jesus opened the door . : : saw how the people loved Him ang saw: what (a quarrel wa: sometimes easier said and how they brought Him their going on, He was sad. He took worrving. Worry was i a eee _ iy pa a bow! of water and a towel aha oe : eS : heared h | panes wane — ° One by one He washed the feet tne interest paid on nake Jesus king. They wm re 80 of ach of the 12. That was to One doctor recalls the |%3™¢ "at they decided to get show them how wrong it was rid of Jesus It was the to want That « rs mes is to be greater than oth- Jesus is the Son of God. He truly God as well as truly man, but He washed the feet of His friends The person who sus W does most to help others i Ke the nearest to the Son of God takes ne Mary and J ph had when He was it Thousands at the gates Passover time but the patient once behind in it.” Then Jesus t down at a long table. All the 12, sat with Hin ’ their Last Supper to gether Jesus told them they vacation f Jecus and the denkev to mal would ne ver eat together again ad : breen @aroetfor Him avitith His friends turned pale. Why did my busi- aie hee Sr isw this have to be the Last Supper phowt & & if the CCP Health Insurance tte at LEELA ONC CCCMOE ONCE Lr ALL of the trade union organi- petition really sweeps across the es 1 ia Ry . pa zations have thrown = thely yuntry, as I feel aure it will, it ; eeeieain sae weight. into the move f @ true nay well become the greatest, ee EN early National Health Insu 1953 election asset of the LIB- ance. It assured of organi ERAL and not the CCP parts V4) ’ hy ipport by women m m F the people of Canada tru « 1 (| | ()\IP | l\| MIS organizations and ineed fi th present Pr Minister, ab j powerful church group rtels H pen hi ‘ — ‘ MJ In my opinion, no {| al ampaign If re 7 , an ‘ } party in Canada H long t ected, we | rails will set up (| SF \S() able to stand owt directly He: al insurance ) against tac drive for an ad the “next parita euate national health eare plat people would take CCF, unfortunate a Rock fount. then INCOLN, England CP..A lo LY ocilal worker, Mackenzie King if ball field has turned out wrote it in back In 1919. It Ktr nd for its elub no secret that Hon. Paul Martin Wast : ear the field wa has a bill all written, at lea with poe yielding in broad outline, and waits or GO for fund \"NO-DUNK”’ Pen! wi) SU ed “SNORKEL” ——— ab a = Dock Mount LONDOA DRY GIN CANADIAN RYE WHISKY tones wet Pate te — Brand new invention that fills pen ” with siphon action~fills faster, easier, r iM deaner, tuller. Sheaffer's “SNORKEL” will amaze you. ja COME t™ TODAY! 1651 SMORKEL” yoursttf ‘ McRAEBROS.LTD. Sentinel Tw* LIM! TE Ee ee hes } ALBERTA DISTILLERS T} ¢ T aver Soa aa not published or d Ch ntrol Board or by the ( sOVErRINOR, al ne pement & ee drt pr . Every year it was the same. Presents to buy and nei ae. “pesos 9% ne CIQLY 3 | Ne oh cash at low ebb. Running up bills... then | got smart, I started a special Christmas aceount* at the Royal Bank, adding something each pay day... and leaving it there. This year I’m all ready for Christmas, with cash to pay for all the things that mean so much at this season of the year,” % You can have eash next Christmas, too, Decide now to open a special Christmas account early in 1953, It pays to do your Christmas saving early, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch 4. Branches also in Terrace E. TAYLOR, Manager and Smithers.