Waltz Vocal Friday. July 27, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Victor Local and Personal 4 a Tux I Phone 4. 1(1; 4 Taxi. tf Dentist. Dr. J. ft. Oote Phone 6tt8. Football tonight at 8 .45. Regiment vs. Oithsphonte Grand Terminal. bcfSJoom. French Drlp ut mellow Free This C-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-n-o-p-l-e MS' To pur customers and patron ftew telephone number 211 and 212. Bush's Vocal California Humming Birds 21477 Orocerteria. 175 Just Like A Melody Out of the Sky Vocal Gene Austin Fox Trot George OUcn and III Music RMI Ra Health follows JUWDBIASttoTl 1 iwfottowmjcioiuijr m b irlawur IT0MMH WMt Vocal Vocal Warlnfi's Petinsylraiilans Cooper I.awtey I'lione Grit n 211 or Mack 283 21454 21452 raul Whltcman and 21214 III Orchestra Gene Austin 21UI Dolores Del" Klo 4053 Get Out and Get Under the Moon Tot Trot Nat. Sbllixct and the Victor Orchestra Sweet Sue Just You Laugh! Clown, Laugh! 21433 ft W. C ASP1NALL CIIIKOl'UACTOU 21303 21390 AUo the latest Red Seal records by famous Vlcl&r Arlhts if ezm . x Now is odak- lime ii I. II KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS v Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready G p.m. same day Mies TLM Jfic Pioneer Drttartels THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. ' TELEPHONES 8?, 200 Canadian National CTht Largefl Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE 8iiinw fr,,m ruiscK mintr for vakcoi vi:u vutihcm. skattlr. MONDAYS, Till UXIYS. 4 00 p.m.. SATI UllAYH. 600 pin. "r ANVOX mid STMVAHT. MONIIWS. HJIIIAYH, 4.00 pjn. MAMSETT INI.KT. MUMIAYH, 4 00 pm. rat MU TII tl EES CHAIII.OTTK 1M.ANIh. fortnightly. Tot KKAIIWAV, IVCIINLMI A VS. 4 00 pm. IMMSE.NflER TRAINS l.ltWE PUIM l Mtll'KKT hAII.Y EXCEPT 8UM1AY at HJ0a.m. Inr PRINCE flEOIME. EliMONTON. WINNIPMi, nil points Iftslrrii Canada. United htates. AdENCY AM. Ol'MN HTBAMHIIIP LINES. C'TY TICKET OrilCI!, Bt TIIIHIl lir PRINCE RUPERT.' Phone ISO 6 nnJ 7 lixclinnire Block, Prince Kupcrt, H.C Dr. Dickey, Bye, Ber, Noso and Tbfoat Office Hotel Prince nupert. Hours, 10 to 8 pjn. Evenings by appointment. 18$ D. A. a. no, manual training In structor of the city schools, arrlvsd on toe Prince Gtorge thia afternoon from Vancouver. Miss Noble, who baa been visiting with her sister Mrs. D. J. Matfcewm, Is booked to sail for Vancouver on the Princess Royal today. Now tbtn folks) What about tb dcuble load of box cuttings Tbe kM die like to handle It Can you boat it at MJO per load? Hyue transfer! Pbone 580, tf Mr. and Mrs. W. I. William ai daughters, who have been spending the past two week in the city and vicinity will sail tomorrow evening by thai Prince Rupert on their return to Tan couvsr. E. 8. Kline of Seattle. Grand Com mander of tbe Seattle Oommandery of the Knlgbta Templars, and B. Bister and Dr. O. H. Mlae arrived from the east on yesterday's train from a natio nal convention In Detroit and oonUn ued south on the Prince Charts. CNJt. teVmer Prince Rupert. dept. D. Donald, arrived on time at 1030 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o clock this afternoon for Anyos and Stewart, returning here at S o'clock to morrow afternoon aud sailing south st fl PXQ. Tbeir many friend are welcoming back Colonel and Mrs. J.W. Nlcholls and family to the city. Arriving on the Prince George thia fcrenopn. Col. Miction looked remarkably well and would to have made a fine recovery from his recent serious Illness. They returning from a trtp that took them to Eniilund and Europe, for which point they Wt early In the hm. II Bill' II II II 1111 2 FRUIT is arriving in good condition and prices arc reasonable. This week we have Pears and Plums at Special prices. Bartlett Pears, large baskets, per basket 00 Sweet Plums, per basket .. 70f Black Currants, per basket.. lOf Per crate '2j:Vi Sliced Pineapple. 2a, 2 tins U3f Sunmaid Raislna, Seedless, 2 lb nr. Dried Prunes, 6O-70s, per lb. 100 Chipso Soap Flakes, 2 pkga We expect the first shipment of Fresh Corn on Cob to arrive Wednesday. Order early to avoid Uoyal Anne Chorritta. lanre tin per tin U5c oowan s instant uocoa y Ier tin 23? Fib-bars, Fresh Stock, per lb. ."c Irish Linen Note Pads, liuled, 2 for . I5f WIJKK-KM) SPKCIAL ON CANDY Jelly Iteans, per lb. . . Fruit Drops, jr lb i!5f All kinds Fresh Fruits arriving every boat, including: Cherries (when in shipping condition) Plums, Pears, Peaches, Apricots, Grapes, New Apples, Cantaloupes, Cnsabas, Honey Dews nnd Water melons. Local Raspberries. Remo Strawberries. We another shipment this week, Vl1! J'ilM10 r'P this eason s crop. . We MndJi) a. full. 4lnou)f' Fresh Ireen Vevetabloa nnd our prices are right. Watts' Grocery Phone 55 Phone 56 Shop Here and Snvc Money Just try Kellogg's Corn Flakesthese hot days. With milk or cream and a bit of fruit. . . . You'll enjoy that flavor and refreshing crispness for any meal and you'll feel cooler all day long! George Blaek, MP., for the Yukon. was s paMester going north from Van couver on the Princes Louise this morning. R. Brian PUffe of Hartford. Connect icut, delivered a pleailng address be fore the Prince Rupert notary Cluu at luncheon yesterday, his conversational remarks being punctuated with many witticisms. George Rorle, president ot tt chrt. occupied the chair. A distinguished passenger on the Princess Louise this morning taking the round trip to Ketchikan. Juneau and Skngway was Hlpollt Ollwlc, vice-president of tbe Polish Senate from Warsaw. Poland. XIr. Ollwlc has represented his country In important diplomatic positions in the United States. v.m;u miiici: Clearing streams Mr. and Mrs. R. T. J. Iloee returned on the Prince George this morning fro.-r. a holiday trip south. Miss Nina Reld and Miss A. Barnett were passengers on the Prince Charlr-for Vancouver yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Willlama wUl be at home from 3 to 8.30 on Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Way. Fifth Avenut East: The steamer Prlneess Louise. In port tills morning, hsd a capacity list of ll passengers and 334 ton freight ol which 40 tons was tor delivery here. Passengers from the Frtnesss Lotus disembarking at Prince Rupert this morning were Miss II arris, Mrs. Robin CORN FLAKES UL. Kellogg's are the original corn r flakes! No imitations have ever equaled their wonderful goodness. Serve for lunch, dinner or break-faxt. Never tough-thick but extra crisp. So easy to digest, they really help you to feel cool. Delicious with milk or cream fruits or honey added. Order at hotels, restaurants. On dining-cars. Sold by grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Always oven-frefhf Mr. and Ml. James Mastln and child arrived back oa the Prince George this forenoon from a vacation trip south. Take notice that E. D. Judson, Limited. whow address is Terrsce. B. C win apply lor a licence to use the "waters of Lakeise Klver near Terrace, "Clearing Streams" purpose nanviy. clearing and improving the atream for the drlvlnr. booming, or rafting of logs. Tne points on the atream between which it is proposed to clear are from that point st which Lskelse River leaves Lakelso Lake, to the mouth of the 1AM1S River. c z u z it The estimated mllenge between the said points is ten (101 miles more or less The term proposed for the license is 31 year. This notice was posted on the around on the 10th day of July, 1028. a copy of this notice and an dd11. waier Act" win tie iiiea in the office of the Water Recorder' at . Prince .Ru perfc B. O. . i QWecUons! to, the .apcllcntlbn ,tnv be filed with the said Water Recorder or wltfi the Comptroller of ' Water Rights, parliament Buildings. Vlctorte. B.C.. i wiuun inirty days arter tne first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. ADnllrsnt. By E. D. Judson, Agent. The petition for approval of undertaking and an application for approval son, Mrs. Deacon, and W. M. Tyson. The CUM. steamer Prince Charles la scheduled to call at Englewood on its southern Journey this week to take on a party ot workmen from the plant there. Pioneer Association Picnic to Tre- mayne Day, Dlgby Island, on Sunday. July 39. 'Boat leaves Armour's float at 1 o'clock one trip only. Everybody wel come. 1 177 J. B. Watson, president of the Wuod- Dine Mining uompany. wnose noimnns adjoin the Premier Mine at Stewart is a passenger on the Prince Goo rye i;o1mk through from the south. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. E. wtutni gwrsuuii mrrcto ana do irve ueorgeson, srrirea in pan ai i :av mis (morning from the south, sailing soon tnerealter to mane ner calls in tne Maas River. The vessel Is due back here. during the night to ssll at 7 a.m. tomorrow on her return to Vancouver and way points. MISS LAMI1 AITOINTKli The appointment of Lamb, of Port Simpson Miss PhyUls to Seal Cove in the oMlce of the Board of Investiga- School stsft has been made by the tlon at a date to be fixed and any In- school board. Miss Lsmb has a aplen-terewtod person may f Ue an objection 'did Tecord both at Port Simpson and thereto in the office of the Comptroller i , . . .. or of the Water Recorder of the DIs- r"11001' Sh U the tUuKh,r ' trict. tat Lsmb, Skeena River cannery maAager. Better Ijidy Assistant Dentistry PLATES j that give you n natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of tho face. Dr. Maguire Over Ormes Phone 525 Washes nnd Dries Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minute Washed,. Blued, Rinsed and Drj6dW ti Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardwaiib Phone 3 , &B-5S- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED.! Sailings from Prince Rupert, tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swani.m Hay. Ilutedale. Alert Hay, etc Tursdav, S p.m. for VANCOUVER. VICTOR! I, Ilutedale. Alert IWy. etc.. Snturday, 1 a.m. lor PORT SIMPSON and NAAS Hi V lit POINTS, Friday, lor ALICE ARM. ANYOX. SlEWAlti, WALES ISLAM), PORT SIMPSON, Sunday, 1 p.m. 133 tni Avenue. tf. M. SMITH. A tent. Prince Rupert. ILO. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Srsttle. and baggage checked thrnush to drstlnatlur .1