CCC Pulp Millers Down G&As 44-38 * ~ To Tie With Mansons For 2nd Spot Prince Rupert Rod and Gun|opening shots were Mayor Har-| of 1 We ; ” ne Clu trap-shooting range was/old Whalen, Gordon Reade. 9; tructior < _ cce SENIOR cially opened yesterday with) pervisor of fisheries: Gam, ae Sale | ang a Gorden & Anderson—Flaten 7 a fi round volley which gave| Warden Ed Martin: curr Wall MUNItiog e Hebb 8, Holkestad 13 ‘( way to the first annual turkey/er, assistant game warden. and 1, Gardiner, Curri heot Corp. F. L. (Dieki Cawdel) FO 1 Total-—38 raking their stations for the: RCMP ¢ ccCC — Marshall 5, Thompson ee en ee ee Corp. Cawdell made a perfe: HANDY ( ) ' ah ne 8 Ratchford D 4 ;Seore, breaking all five pigeon he f S. Scherk Car s n 4 Hockey Scores and Mayor Whalen, with three! HOME SER Me wi B 2, G. Dumas. T SATURDAY to his credit, came s d : Painting and Deeon ‘4 1 WHL saa ° Winners of the turkey sho } New festminster 2, Calgary > » . . INTER “A” : : . ; with 25 participating, were Hao re Esquires —Christoff 11, For- SRCOTER & PRReONe : old Them, seoring nine out General Contre . Jeffreys, Martin 4, Sedg }| Saskatoon 9, Edmonton 4 10, and shoot-master Bill Wow Bulldins p . ee FS ' t — ; whose score of seven out of ? Ret ¥ oo es *- es tied with that of Al Manse t) a 4 on 6, MONWeA! ¢ a. or loat o sh x : prance & Pasne—Tait Cie Detroit 1. New York 1 a rl ee lost - in a su *.O. Box 16 Phone J » Christensen 4, Nicke OSHL Cen-death shoot-off . Ford 6, Kristmanson Kelowna 3 The first official shoot toot ; M 6 Sheppard 2 Woe K Penticton % place after a month of ‘ “a J the Rod and Gun Club membx With a a in clearfng the range (Blevent) INTER “B" , rr ” Ave), and hbulldin the YOUR UT 1 8 Matsuo 4 ‘ : ‘ ee pst In charge of the work wer . | ‘ . ® Mack: PTE. T. W, G. NELSON (lef f Montreal, the WHL Bill Woods and George Rob R ? ‘ t be dead, came fron ome im Me Ai w Westminster 2, Seattle 3 son " " —e mole Ou 408 fi Sports Shop—Chrom Pa his comrades of the Ist Bat Princess Patri oe ‘ Future plans in ee a he 10. P. Parnell 4 I Infantry when they ved in Seattle, W en for women and fur a \ 4 ip Ridley 18. Anton fron ‘e j Korea. Nelson wa ve = * as a regular men hoot ey Si "\ iF TH FST N T TI N 1D : ae Lindsay has become the/iwo weeks, Shells and elay pig¢ ga soe ¥ Reed a . * player in Detroit histery to eons are available at the rane ce 5 © 200 goais in National Hoc- 4) shoots are under supervi => aes ‘nodal GENERAL CONTRACTORS Psychologically Bad key Leagué competition caecum ee : Sa LONDON A nursery sehool | He made it Sunday night as P.O, Box 1381 Prince Rupert ere imposed a ban on t¢ ins he ampaging Red Wings! f hen some of the 80 ; ar [. D- P t ed the tailend New York and as leensed » at school with t t Ry ef 5-2 ers We are sworn tg COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC ywhoys and Indians you the most res _ r said it was phy- By GAYLE TALBOT Sedemar CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE le ly bad for kiddies to = : sly wa ‘ ate ers ree. We on a jget the feel of toys that looked SYDNEY, Australia (AP A had a comfortable feeling ; quired by code q much like the rea) thing Just . eke a cot yuld get along without him k | . o = - > that their you a ee va Kae » of the best in mas We heard mort 1a ore { aterial nk Sedgman them say sae jacently that thelr Bac P an + ofessions nem Say ny na , most ceonomieal |, ne two fine juniors, Ken Rosewal! rey are Lewis Hoa ' be cay F R t k one run keepin ave cop FOF KRacetrac ars. ea , Me 174 But recently they've awakened | VICTORIA ®—British Colum- FA FAULTY FURNACE : it sail a) to the fact that Ken and Lewis) 2 My tine ln ise EGAN MAKE YOUR — ! a ! ra perating in 19% : t hat S¢ rt The . Royal Portage Parks Ltd. pro- FUEL BILLS SOAR ‘ee YOUR Plumb) n permi a ca “ poses to build a track ahd ex- ; ‘ob a ielals to leave ey were Seixas ang Mibition buildings on S30 acres | Let Us Overhaul Your is OUR J the January Sony Trabenk Wad to beat | ‘the '® suburban Saanich. Ratepayers Furnace Now oO splashed t challenge round at Adelaide De- | “PPreved the. plan in a referen- . so you'll be ready when at oe sare LOH) Of mber 29-31, the United States @U™, 2.188 votes to 1,982 the southeasters roar. ‘ pag Tennis Shock d rest fairly easy The Aus The project stil requires ap- Smith & Fk , vat eason Au at eee ; heride reir proval of the Saanich aunieipal fan : ificlals had not taker : 1 sense of loss over Sedg. “OUCH Th Sh tM { | ” | man ‘ A, M. Taylor Spittal, Victoria om ee e a LIMITED ss Sedgman himself is plenty mad /'"Surance broker and a ¢om- LIMITED P.O. Box 274 ig t eg ers over the leak @ the taxation | pany director, said Royal Portage 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 office. He's seen his lawyer and Wil start negotiations imme- . said he understands the guilt liately to buy an existing racing In Mixe Loo party cam be fined up to roughly | franchise or, failing this, ask the $560 and put Away fora yea provincial government to. grant fi ° There is no dout ident @ franchise ; an Win Turke § has placed Aussie tennis off B. C. now has two tracks in op- iis In an embarrassiz posi- eration: Lansdowne and Exhibi- - Some were lu sky, ome were om we at Vancouver it d 3} good in the mixed five-pin be 5 MN AES a e 0 i er i le ue la ee r ke f were rewat A cs ° ; ; y each for their éff GRANTHAM / t Reduce cost of heating and eliminote hn anes E CCIrIC instolli ' : a drafts, by installing £ t , Li ' PLA =— Electrical Contractors STORM WINDOWS - NO A League—Joy Bradley o : Broadway Cafe with lar We are equipped to make up all types of wi ° ° Dunbar of Pushove with 793 * ' ‘ Here is an opportunity to budget the Pebbles Dickens and Jim Thomp ond sash, to any required dimensions. expense of new kitchen cupboards, repairs son of Fashion Footwear, hidden ; . T ¥ to the roof, sidewa!k or fence or any other work "7 Setter Ryninen NEW CONSTRUCTION ote . . . . LeOERU € Ly ynama your home requires. According to your equity in your of Thom Sheet Metal with ¢74 home you can berrow up to $2000.00. Tom Naka of Bo hoo! with th CALL 909 FOR ESTIMATES 638; Betty Wade Hil Shoe | Store and Buster Hill of rold ® Don't Wait To Modernize Your home - SEE US TODAY ! J eee eee Greer & Bridden Lt » ‘ Other high scores: ‘ 4 ' . F “A” League ha Dunbar 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 Phone 909 215—Ist Ave, West PO a N y) p e r p { of Pushover dies’ higt —— J A> ie sal s ti @ NO Down Payment _ Lasy Payments endier seapny, Shumesind e Headpinners W I high P single; Shenton’s with 1,378, team ~ Up to IA Months to Pay high ingieé, anc hit Foot e wear with 3,853 hree¢ B” League Anderson of Hi Ya Fo S ee? Jerry's With 279, ladic hieh : : single Frank Moore of Booth Listen Lo this £2. with 283, men’s high single: Jer " ‘= oi we're going inerry ryhre {or ORDER FOOTHILLS ry's with 1,128 team high single Here we are again and this time, oa You wil/get Fes and Northern Glass with 3,069 tell you how you can get real value when pa your coa/ » (SOOTLESS) = eee SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD in your building © On time ! oO A L A” League—Miller Bay 4, Or- pair projects, phans 0; Shetiton’s 4, Ocean View 0; Pushovers 4, Penguin Hobby | We have adequate winter 0; Fashion 4, Canada Life 0; | Do You Know oer rye * 9 Ts ” i stocks on hand of ‘imine ae " ing Grade Plywot : “B” League Northern Glass 4,| That SYLVAPLY 5/16 sonore alae shea Daily News 0 (default): Jersey | is 5.9 times as rigid 4s horizonte um diogor Farms ¢, Wi-Jackers 0; Harold's ing and 37 per cent more rigid than 09 ‘eer; ane Chien: & sheathing. And it holds nails better. Bulgers 0 (default): Thom Sheet YLVAPLY is strong Metal 3, Hill’s Shoe 1; Conrad 3 Wh ound for pound, S ; : 's : f it doesn’t shrink o Jerry's 1, sean than steel. What's epee ides 1,000 ft. STA) NGS | rovidae ’ “A” League Broadway 12,| 1,000 sq, ft. of SYLVAPLY p Headpinners 11, Fashion 11,| coverage. Cook’s 10, 99 Taxi 9, Pushovers | OOF DECKING 9, Penguin 8, Ocean View 6, Shen- | +o: tons 6, Miller Bay 6, Orphans 6,| So, why not use SYLVAPLY for such building uses as CONCRETE oes” Se ee Canada Life 4. | EXTERIOR and INTERIOR FINISH, SUB-FLOORS, BUILT-INS on mertiien fieas th en more uses than we can mention Pools ay J be : . 3 = f Vt j . ‘ ts at Metal 11, Harold's 10, Booth 9,| You'll want to know too that you ean buy SYLVAPLY in 2’ by 4’ shee Hill’s 8, Daily News 8, Jerry’s 7, | 7 7 Acme 7, Conrad 5, Hi-Jackers 4,| Bulgers 1. | e g ( Albert & McCaffery Island City e Ltd. PLUMBERS se ; : : i a 0 ; or 1es or etter uys For all your Plumbing ul ers upp ies ul and Heating Needs 20 In Builders Supplies” ||», ee ae one Blue 84 ; 6 WHERE SERVICE TO YOU IS A PLEASURE TO US | Cor. McBride and Fifth Ave. ee ho * ha Rt am CN A eS iat I aOR cao SE ae Bee oe alae A se Monday, be — Prince Rupert Daiiy News ember 22 1952 RCMP Corporal Makes Perfect Score py At Opening of Rod & Gun Club Range