I l I Friday, July 27, 1928 THE DAlLi NEWS PACE FIVE niAMIMON OENE TUNNEY POUNDS DECISIVE VICTORY OUT OF TOM HEENEY IN WOHLD-S TITLE ROUT (continued from page tout) Y advi rtisement is not pul-cl or displayed by the f j"i Control Board or by '.a Government of UrltUh ( olnmbia 'No Question ;u-f llic lowest prices j in our history. j A IX WOOL IN'MHO SBKGE .. Serge, rt-K $6", pow $.",7 .. Swire, n-R. $00, now .! ST0 Serge, rvn. $50, now t SIO ! ' i fine Worsteds, Super ; nid, Foxhound Tweed i Irish or rVotrh Tweed, Ail fincht quality mail- at ttBtnrii-hiiitfly re- 'I price. "me in today and let u your measure.' Hest nianship and fit guar- (i. Ling the Tailor Second Ave. I'honc C ID ' 'i t forget our steam ing and cleaning er-Suit eulle ' for and ''ifd to any part of the PHONE US' TODAY Bathing Suits with Skirts l or Hoy. (Jirl and Children 11 UK JERSEY WOOL Ufiriilur $2.f0 lit Montreal Importers J. II. Miller, Proprietor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, COAL Your choicn ' I-DSON CASSIDY . YKL-UNt.TON TELKWA Ilulkley Hny and Grain. ft '" n' i U.il.in Hood Flour. Phone 58 Wnce Rupert Feed Co. complained to Eddie Forbes that Tun-aey thumbed Heeney but Forbes shut ihim up quickly. .He said the bout wm OK. and there were no foul touches as fur m he cculd see. Ninth Round -Tern, was still blinking. He sent a loping right to ear and trierS tried to wrestle. Tunney shook tlx! challenger with a two fluted attaeK to ribs and body. Tom then slid a right : iip.-Tcut to chin and Heeney landed tert to face. Tunney then drove a heavy hard right to the face cutting a gash over the challenger1 right optic. Hcem y'K face wan a crimson smear a Tunney landed blow after blow on the face of the game Anzac. A Heeney i '.re in. Tunney lowered hla attack and iftuve hard rlglu to b:dy at bell Tenth Rjund- Tunney ctepped Into the challenger with a right and left. I unney carried the fight and. closing In. :m 'lora't left eye and Tunney dropped u lead again driving a atlff left to the I'Gdy. Tunney wat fighting cooly and cautiously but giving Heeney a boxing lisac n. The challenger could not cope with the maiter boxer and hla attempt! to land were foollah. Tunney backed away making Heeney look like an im. teur. Tunney then opened an attack 1: real earnest and battered the badly beaten Heeney all over the ring. Turn . hanging on the rope. A rlht to ; the jaw Kent Heeney to tbe fKor on hiH bark as bell rang. Hceney's handlers rushed out and Carried him to bis 'irner. TUNNEY WIN.H Klevi nth Round -Tunney. the master, hrowing out. bided his time and peek-d away at the challenger. Heeney made an effort to land on Tunney and hen shot a terrific right to the heart. Hteney was cut on hla feet and hardly to stand. Tbe champion bjr. cautiously and Tom came out of his corner and lashed out with a right. Tunney was battering Heeney' face to a pulp and Heeney did not realize what waa going n as the marine battered him all over the ring. The crowd gave 'lunnsy a great ovation as the referee siopped the fight. Heeney made no complaint and eemed to agree with the refer. Heeney's handlers worked furiously la order to get him into shape to shake the hand of hla conqueror Heeney warmly congratulated Tunney, he champion. The crowd gave Tunney n tremendous hand as he left the ring. Tunney finally showed the fans of his . n home town that he was tbe real thing. The tame of tbe round was 2 minute S3 seconds. Heeney earned an even break on the first round but tram that tune on there waa never any doubt as to the probable outcome. Tunney slashed and bettered the challenger to ribbons and Referee Forbes did the proper thing In stopping the one sided slaughter I wa a corklngly good fight. It proved -u-clusiveiy t Tunney would remain king of the heavies for some time to come. It also fulfilled the prediction that Tunney would win by a kiw k-ut SPORT CHAT Regiment and Terminal meet anin tonlgbt In the City football league If 1 otball result could be foretcld on a proportional bnsls the score in the game should be 120 In favor of Ter minals as they won over the Thutles - and tiny in turn defeated the sol diers 8-3. Fortunately, the deiuhiful uncertainty of football prevent n uch conclusion The Terminals have u wholesome respect for the players in jtven. the' Dominion Day result it aull fresh la their minds; and equally so Regiment players are determined to hw that detest by the Boots was not u true representation of tbe quality ! their game. Baptle will be bark in the half-back line and will be a tower of strength there. Tinker Is to play cen tre forward, a position In which he baa often shewed to advantage. With Lamb, and Ross In front of Corbett or Brand there should be no easy openings for Dltkens and his fellow forward The Regiment committee U still worried about Ita forward line and wil! Iilny Wilson Inside right and F H "Atkinson outalde. Other positions have not been finally filled though Kelsey will, of course, be right half back. ! . For tonight's match with Terminal in the City Football League. Regiment will field the following team: Brand Inosa. Lambe: Kelaey, Baptle. Bye; O.Hod- gkliMon. Wilson. Tinker. Davie. Norr- rir.gton: reserves Redpath, A. llodgkin son. Nelson. Underwood. The Grand Terminal team will consist of the following: B. Qurvlch: 8klnner iui decree Howe: O. HUI. Harrison and etraehan: Dlekena. Bardett. A. Macdon- ald. P. Cnenoskl and 8. Currle. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert 4uly 27. 191 The advance of the Allied troops on a lane acale In the Mam continue and a whole' German army group la In dan ger of capture. Notice, for a ewera! strike have been posted at the Seal Oove sawmill. A party of thirty men on the steamer n.... nim.rt imin south from Anyox i would indicate that the alleged strike aettlement at the smelter town haa not matertallned. j ResulU of the High School Entrace jexamlnatteiw give the name of twenty su auccesstul candidates locally. Phone '534 WE DO Whether or not you are tlirectly interested in The News Campaign you should read the story below, many of the questions numerous people .are asking themselves regarding this unusual prize giving event. The Dally .News has Inaugurated a ni'.st stupendous "Everybody Win Something" automobile and cash gift distribution. tiilta approximating 14,000, Including 2 ihwidsome automobiles .ana l&n of cash (containing as -high .&00), are ' to be distributed among the men and unn .In , Prince .Rupert .od surrounding territory. SOMETHING 'DIFFERENT This la to be a memorable event. It u to.be unlfke anything -ever before attempted here. It la to be a "Friend Making Campaign." In addition to the two automobiles and the aaah prices The Daily Hews la making it possible for every man. woman, boy and girt who takes part In this distribution to be a prize winner. "Everybody Wins" is the slogan. And everybody DOES WIN. That every one participating in toil campaign may know in advance that "Everybody Wins." The Dally News ba set aside a sum of money to be paid in commission. This is over and above tbe . prlres. Did you ever hear of anything more fair? No. and no one else ever did. WHY WE DO IT? Now. why does The Daily News put up 4j000 in gilts T Why does Tbe Dally Newt guarantee every person who la active in this campaign valuable eonatd-(ration for his and her effort? There are two reasons: Mrs t This to a FRIEND MARINO OAMPAION. Second Only by conducting a FAIR AND LIBERAL campaign, fid with GIFTS OF VALUE FOR EVERY ONE who partlejpataa, will it be possible for The Dally 'Newt to accomplish its aim. And what U The Dally Newa' aunr I low can The Daily News afford to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE WITHOUT ONE CENT OF EXPENSE TO ANY ONE more than M.000T HERE'S THE "HOW" In this campaign The Dally Newt hopes to seeure more subserlbera to enlarge its already large last, to secure renewals and to make It easy for those who may be delinquent In their subscriptions to pay up. In this campaign Tbe Dally News hopes to add to its great family of friends. This will be acoompUaned not alone by the addition of new subscribers and by tke renewal of old subsclpuons but the manner In which this campaign is coaducted will, when It Is over, be a living advertisement for The Daily News. That is tbe aim. Of cour". this rsrcpalgn will not pay The Dally News immediately In dollars snd cents. It would be unreasonable to eipect that. Then why, you may ask, do you put up so much money when you know In advance that you can not get It back from the subscription re-aired? And the answer GET MORE THAN MONEY There are things more valuable to a newspaper than money. Subscriptions are more valuable. Subscription give a newspaper prestige, power and enhance the value of Ita advertising column. The Dally Newt It taking Its own medicine. It 1 advertising. It at spending money to create tubserlpUona. spending money to add to Its Advertising patronage and to create a greater good will. It win not pay the Dally Newt In dellart today. But the r fleets of this campaign, the subvert bets who will be gained, tbe friends who will be made will be of lasting and Inestimable benefit. The Daily News to simply In vetting Jn Ita future. In the future of Prince Rupert and this entire territory. Frankly, la the end, It wUl profit The Dally News. CIRCULATION NECCESSARY Ctr.-:uution in absolutely necessary to ,A iw A-sp-per. JJiU It always It an ex-ifiHe. No ntwspaper ever made money p it ftubaertpUon list. Your Dally costs the publishers more each tfmnth to produce It and deliver It to you ihn you pay. . Jfiver. if by tbe spending of $4,000 nowrhe Daily Newt will Increase Its. subscription list to the point where more advertisers will use Its column at a higher rate, to reach a greater number of people, then, in tbe years to ccae thl 14,000 wUl be returned time and -'dii! to The Dully News. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION It I simply a business proposition and sound from every standpoint. No out losses, not eves The Dally Newa. This paper will not realize the benefits igl'casb in on tbem. however, at soon as do our readers who carry on with ut la tttU great Kiu distribution. Then, too in order to insure an equitable distribution of all tbe price two separate duiricts bare ion made with special prizes set aalde tor each district. This assures that partietpaatt living farthest from The Dally Newa oil Ice will receive gift of automoMlee aad easft as weli as participants living In Prince Rupert. It puts all. Irrespective of place or residence, on even terms. ITS FAIR AND SQUARE Tne Dally News' plan for this great gift distribution Is absolutely fair and ssruarr Friends and reads rt of this pa-fer are to determine to whom tbe gift are to go. Free votes are an Important factor. All ..ver this territory In Prince Ru-ptft and adjoining territory. Tbe Dally Newa already has hundred of friend real friend They stand ready to help. Bvory person who would share In ttiis great gift giving will find the ground well. broken for him aod, tar her. Tbe way a made easy. COSTS YOU NOTHING Tbe Dally News bears the expense. There is not one cent for you to spend. Your time la your own. You can win by simply devoting a part of your apart time. It will be eaay, you will Dad to be the recipient of a Daily News' gift. Now. at the outset, there are some things to be made dear. Because there have been "subscription contests" held In the past The Dally News wants to make everything clear, to know that you really do understand that The Dally Newt' plan to different. AU eardt are laid right on the table. Everything Is fair, square sad above hoard. EVERYBODY WINS SOMETHING In some -contests" there have been contra stats who have really worked for nothing. One or two big prtsea bave been cHea and these went to the Bret and sjmomI highest coofc bantsell others were left to boM Mie aak. In Tbe DaUy News gilt distribution "Everybody Wis Something." Yon win either one Of tbe two big cart, tbe purse of (M0 r one of tbe two purges of 1100 each, or you win tbe CASH commission. Kveiyone wins either a oar or cash. In tbia campaign you can. In your pars bbnt, ears more in tbe next tew week then tbe, average family man earns In whole year. You can earn mors than Uv average man saves in many .years. You absolutely Increase your earning -power and do It Is your spare tllftc. YOU CAN NOT LOSE You ota bot Iom. If you comply wtth tbe swsg rules of the campaign you will ' be paau lm svery minute of your time Every active non-gift winner Is given an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE that he or the will be paid for his or her time one-tenth of every subscription. Is yours If you fall to land one-of the 'big. gifts. That, In itttelf, is a 'good bues pro-position. We all have spare moments after -work that we can turn Into cash. There is one thing, however, that is certain. There is absolutely no way you can secure one of these gifts either car or cash except by votes. There are but two waya .you can get vote. One it by collecting tbe free vote coupons which appear in each Issue of The Dally News. Tie other la by securing new subscriptions or renewals YOU CAN'T BUY VOTES No vote will be sold. There Is absolutely no way you can seeure votes except for coupons or subscriptions. .You are not to spend one cent yourself. You are to get your friends to save coupons and seeure new subscriptions and renewals. Coupons and subscriptions will win, and these two alone. If there Is any one who imagines he or she can enter and carry away a big gift by spending money, he or she Is advised' now to stay out. Unless you want to compete In the same fair and aquxxw manner tit whfeh Tbe Daily Newt Is putting on this gift distribution, .save your energy for some other plan. ALL ON EVEN TERMS Nothing but straightforward, honest, fair methods will be tolerated. If you areWn earnest. If you will devote an hour a day of your spare time to this wcrk. If you are ready to compete on even terms wtth every one else and If you want to assure yourself of some real mgaey or a big car then you want to participate In this distribution of prizes. MORE VOTES AT START In order to absolutely eliminate any possible chance of any one "buying" his or her way to victory, The Daily Newa Is giving more votes at the start than at tbe'imhb. Up to and Including August 20. tbe maximum schedule of votes U in effect. As tbe campaign progresses the votiag power of both coupons and subscriptions diminish until finally they are worth less than ball their present value Tbe Final week is of the least concern, for votes then count so little. Tbe first weeks are the weeks that count, the weeks when coupon and subscription count tbe most. "Tbe early bird c-atcbes tbe worm." It Is advisable to start, early. It pay to be able to make up your mind quickly. Vote are greater and easier to xet at the START EARLY IT PAYS You can get more coupons and more subscription at tbe start 'than you can a ben many candidates are out after them. At the start the -whole .field la yours. .What you get early you get easily. And the early coupons and subscriptions count up faster the votes are bigger. Tbe first weeks are the best Uake up your mind NOW. Enter NOW. Everybody wins. YOU WIN. You cant help but win. The more you do the more you get of course. iBut every body wins something. The more candidates the easier It Is for you to secure a big car or one of tbe big cash awards. How It that do you ask? It Is like this It there are only two candidate running fer tbe office of Mayor of Prince 'Rupert, the winning candidate must have more than half of all it he votes eatt In order to win. But If there are Sve candidates seeking election, the winning candidate seeking 'election need only bave more votes than any of the other four. In other words, .victory comes to the winner with far leas votes when five are running than Nomination HIank in The Prince Rupert J)aily News "Everybody Wins" Campaign Good f or 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and cast G.0OO vote for MIm, Mr. and Mrs aa a candidate In The Prince Rupert Dally News "Everybody Wns Prize Distribution. O - ... ,1 . i Til,.. JUldroil '? .Tv. II. .1 .,..! -.-Viv.4v- Phone ....... Note Only one nomination blank will ;be credited to ench candidate nominated. IT 7 11 It answers when two are running. Yet the total votes cast In each instance may be tbe same. VOTES ALONE WINS 'Remember this, too: The biggest prizes, as big as they are, have nothing to do with the number of votes required to win them. 'Only so many vote will be cast. It mfrte no difference whether the total votes cast are 100,000 or one million, the big cars go to the readers breach district with the most votes. -All he or she . has to do is to have more votes than any other candidate In his or her district. Because the gift list Is so extraordinary, so big. It to probable some one will imagine that it will take an awful lot of votes to win. No one knows bow many votes will be required. No one can tell. With a reasonable list of candidates In this campaign just a few good subscriptions can win tbe biggest gift. -When this campaign Is over every one-will be surprised at the small number of votes required to be the recipient of these big gift. Then tfaose without courage will my: "Why, If I only bad known bow few votes It took. I could have done that.' Then It will be too late. PROFITABLE "ENJOYABLE -Electioneering" in The Doll News' campaign will be most enjoyable as well as profitable work. And It WILL PAY YOU BIO. Decide now. Mske up your mind to enter, win. Earn rial money. Earn more money In the next 'few weeks than you ever earned before In tike time. Eater. Oet In. You win. Everbody wins. You .can not lose. Cut out or tear out tbe noaittiatkm blank In this issue of Tb Daily News. Write your name, your address and. If you have a telephone, jour telephone number. Mall or bring your nam lns--tlon to The Dally tNewt campaign oil lee. That la the first step. That starts you off with 5.000 votes. Nominations may be made by any one l9T any one. A romlnaUan to a nomsn-a'.lon. A friend can nominate you. Veil can nominate a friend, or yourself. But only one nomination counts tor each entry. No one 1 barred, lien, women, boys and girU are all cHlbie. Make the Mrt. Left Ool .This campaign will not be a long drawn out affair of several months' du. t'on. It xtc)ls cn-r 1 period of only a few week. It doss Sept. 14. 19 Jo. Think of is.i 'g 1 Just a fear short week. g-t ifcst wt-:: I ordinarily ltqi monVi,. yst, even yean of aeif-te -.Isl and sxv'ng to ;;j r and these arc given to yj tot yo tr spare time and a 'title lnten,- I helping l1e Dally Wfw. enlarge Its ubserlptton list. INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE In order to give everyone who partlci-i.e. in this bg c... . . 'i;ii "u greatest possible assistance and to properly handle the circulation to that caUi now subscriber will get bis paper promptly, and to avoid confusion. Tie Dally Mews has secured the services of a Circulation Campaign Manager. He 1 thoroughly experienced In this line of work. He will, give his entire time and attention to those who desire to take part in that gift distribution. If there to anytning you want to know about this campatan, anything you do not understand, call and see him, or telephone him. Tbe Dally News campaign office vrltl be open from S am. to 8 pjn. each day. You will alwaya find the Circulation Campaign Manager here. Put him to work for you. lie will be glad to help. Telephone him if you wish. Telephone 634. If you prefer, a representative of The Dally News will call and explain Just how to go about winning tbe gift of your choice. It you request It. Phone 534 i m ., 1