vi: 5r .11 i i RADIO PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK Friday U PA-Land O'Heaith, KIIQ KOMO, KGW, .KGO. 6.00 p.m. Wrigley Tranwron-littetital Program. KHQ. KOMO, TvGW. KGO. KFI. 8.00 p.m. General Indepen- .l.iK.1. .. s dents, KIIQ. KOMO, KGW, KGO;,"1 !K1'0, KFI. 8.30 p.m.- -Half Hour with Max i 11 100 f(D-IDy SPORT CHAT Dolin and Chas. H. Gabriel, jr.,!' " KHQ. KGO, KFI. j Those Interested in indoor bast- 9.00 n.m. Correct Time. KHQ.j. ' k ... ji. ",r n iiam ran rasiiuyw w waw Vr.n tr Kfn ittrmn Wednesday ! Q . Mu.,i,. 'vim P's and it was decided to 7.30 p.m.--ieIlow Cb Gnyt-KTJMO, KGW, KGO. v form an executive to take, charge je, V0, KFL j looe p m.JuThe Trocaderan iofitbig .Hport The 'officers are:. vvn virftw SSi In,lK0-M0- KF1 10 00 to ,100' 'President, Mr. E.G. Drown; Vice ' ' ' ' ' ,Mu li.oo to 1Z.VU.' KPT 'president. Mh Perrin; Secretary. outstanding first diviiiwi billiard tinn nn.-Ti.m.i'rw TTnn o-...-j.. Mr. Youhir. A rMirpspntaliiviHflule " me ' '.w ! ww w . aiurudv - - HrutA rttnm (Iiamo a at.. w- J Your present car is worth more to you today than it was worth a month ago, and at least $100 more than it will be worth in another month or so. On that basis, buying your new car now is like finding money. It means you can have the pleasure arid comfort of a new car at once, and save real money by doing so. Plainly, then, you can't afford to wait. OUTSTANDING BILLIARD f ftMMlTTFF OF iLU ur MATCH IS FURNISHED Grand Terminals Are Leading First Division by Long Margin Now tmttn vow irnn Tnn r . ii . j , . HKKieuaie wore ior umi iotrna KFI. "! "u M. M. MeIchUn (G) portents that widespread public w r, wtllUcroft () ui ui tirr itldivn uru inri 1 . 1 1 1 1 . j cjui is vi oiruinTTI lCIup!TJ njlW Rev. Iewis is the second minister , back gathered more credence am' stricken at the same church two ong close followers of the rinc successive Sundays, last Sunday when the former heavyweight Rev. A. M. O'Donnell dying in the champion entered training recen-vestry. tly t a New York gymnasium. make MONTREAL, MONTREAL, No Nov. Ttr More (People i Buy Hudsori-EsselGarF Than Any Other Six 1 Ta . t a, a M i ne ogutaiKHflt icsflerinip of the bnwex Super-Six it a nutter 6t acMtl vkal fact ti the outritht iwur of what people want. On that batfilt Rm tt nncu in nmt time posnwn a roe world c larecst selling 1st. HUDSON and ehab- Herr, for the first time, real car kxury, with briHiant performihee ihi fine apfx-araorc, were prefcatrd at let than f 1,200. V Emcx alone combine these qualities. They retuk from original detign, with a hatu at rrmarkaHy eagineered in every detail at itt Super-Six motor! ' k it that characteristic which dirTeremiatet Efx from any but cortly cart. It it that which accoumt forit tmooth, effortleis eae in every phase of performance. Hudion't two great factor! of performance supremacy are exclutivc inveno'onj and can be tharrd by no other maker. The Teleatrd Super-Six principle converts to useful power, energy that in other typet it lout in vibration. i i , ' And Hudton't companion invention to the Super-Six principle, upon which patents have been granted, addt a further step in efficiency by actually converting hitherto waited heat into ueful power. The nrw Hudson motor gives the tnap and performance of the high compression type without sacrifice of flexibility and smoothness. KTiaTttr arm ;-i.i'iM The Only Super-Sixes Local Agents: Prince Rupert Auto Company Second Avenue - . - J?hone275 attaurad 8 Ml 199 BAA tl Western Lumber Companies. Coneral McRae says that this dis- poses of his entire interests in a Canadian lumber enterprises. REACTION IN STOCK MARKET Martinson and B. M. almpson, while second prites, pounds of COUNCIL PROBE DEPARTMENT C. P. Balagno (Grand, Terrain-1 ali). defeated Alex Murray (Cfc4iatllart, Brown and Dibb to Inve. dfan Legion) by 260 to 140 in an; tlrale Work of Einrlneerinir Section ' j n.7u..i . ' W P.m.--L,uary strww nour, 'ment endinir 1216 to 3G4 for the1 rolIowinR tne pasMnK ol a j.uu p.ia-jaw mq wnji, m Kn. KOMO. KGW. KGO. KPO, the executive. Three teams aie:n--.i t jmnllnn t.rAn.M l. AM Tfnt. 11.00 p.m. The KGW, KPO. Jhurwlay Trocaderans, 70 p.m. Strd Symphony KRf) n 00 ou our, KIIQ. KOMO, P(GW. KGO, II to 12.00 mm KGff LIKE HOODOO St 00 fum. Cerrect Time, Kim, KOMI). KGW. KGO. KPO. 9.3f p.m. Maxwell House Program. KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO. KPO, KFI . 10.00 p.m. The Trocaderans, KFI. KPO. 11.00 p.m. The Trocaderans, KPO. ,W, J. tafeon T) Gel. MeMftrtie (CL) 8 7W) 260, be named. He also refused to 2 440 220 1 iRO 2T0 1 30 250 J. Hamilton (GT) ... 718 289 i a , rs aj iat withdraw a previous resolution which he had submitted celling for the resignation of the city demsndwlll bring' Jack Demp- Ben Self (GT) 1 50 250 engineer. AM A rUITDm l fef retirement and Dr. J. A. West (CL) . . 1 47 247; I 111! A I .ill IK! .!i into the rinv pin Mt. J- Airew (CL) .... 2 419 210 ----c. - . . . ' p. J WaAVA&WAA orous assertions by the one-time Manassa Mauler that his fighting VANCOUVER. Nov. 1.T Stric-'days are over, day by day the ken witfa a heart attack when pre- evidence piles up that Dempsey paring to take part in a Sunday i&oon will don the glove and morning service, at the Cbownibattle again for the fame and wail bVTj iiuilii, uiniii i w r to, m. tut, iihk liar ail nUI K I K XTIl 89 years of age an associate pas- htm. These constantly recurring ,j TT . ; i .ii.i ,.n4. -r r Alex JN1 D. Bnswn Gi S 718 2891 Outside Commission Aid. Prudhvmme urged that u (G)' '.'.'.'.'.'.11 co tside of the council F. Steew 219 w. H. ppointed. Having img (GT) ....8 7S1 S40St,?ht !" ,M,a' dt Kiui ne rnuuiu name one mrminr of the commission, the council, G.' P. Tlier CL) ! ! ! 2 4 IS 219 !he "?50?d' 'nd the ity en"lnw Andrews (CD array (CL) Deealeir (.G) ... 2 82 191 1 140 140 I WIXIARD STANDINGS ' (Second Division) C T Grand Terminals 8 -298 899 CoW Setage 2 1889 945 Grotto 8 2049 888 ! (Individual Averages) M. M. McUctilM (G) 8 90 200 Jfaa BtKr (.GT) .. W. H. Jan (GT) . J. lUlhuon (CS) ... J. Mjr (CS) a Btfitte (CS) 13. QfeH (CS) . . . ifc. L. Voangiwo (GT) Vr!. a.i j-iVik the third. Aid. Oollart was not in favor of Koinjr outlde the council. "I 1 186 185 think we have enough brains te deal with the znattejr. If Aid. Prudhomme was not satisfied, he could then press the' matter innner. Aid. Rudderham thotiVlit that members of the council ahouldT be I the first to make an intefttigation. I Aid. Prudhomme felt tjhat there was evident justlflcatten for an outsid.e Investigation. Ir the ! !1 council Stlf fGT) 8 W2 191 did not realite this, he dM DOt th,nlt th,r 8 PUeh 1 Afl OAfl 7 aa vestigation. Ofl the ewer bylaw I 5 fWt f from $23,000 to liO.OOO. t taatf tn ti aV. ,J.I !. A n lacOeftold (G) . 8 M8 189 ... . , , .".7 . 1 ! trjn,., ; e i i P,nx an maerenaeni eommission. .W. fMley (CS) 2 St4 187 Council Competent hJ- Beealey G) 8 548 181 Mayor McMordie belfeted that W. Mitchell (GT) .... 8 S8 178 the council was well qUaliHed . Howe (G) 8 AG 100 te deal with the question attd tap- XI. Kraase CS) 1 184 184 able of giving an honest Mifnlon. ;Bert Morgan G) 1 101 101 M'RAE SELLS TWO MILLIONS LUMBER COS 14. -General was learned In today has re- Keterrtng to , tne sewer con struction, Aid. Brow a pointed out that tbe city engineer could riot te blamed at leaoi for an 6ter expenditure of 7;000 on the pipe which he had not been responsible for. , Aid. Prudhomme replied that, when the extra expenditure for the pipe had been decided upon, the dty engineer had given assurance that there was sufficient money to take rare of it After, 'further discussion, the motion was carried with Aid. f, tfcitui, fr rruanomme voting againsi. it L.n: tiJI-L t. 4,- r.o mayor named the committee lo conslst tf Aid. Collar Aid. Dibb!" and Aid. Drown, tmne ef whom tiare members of the T Board of works. r Aid. Prudhomme declined to comply with a sugre'fttlon by the mayor that Ms resolutlon.callifg fur the city engineer's-resignation be withdrawn pending 'the" out Icome of the investigation. .NEW YORK, Nov. !4.-The Bull'GEESE AND DUCKS jmarKei ran inu a norm vi sei-jMsiir yosterdy and early gttins of '1 to G cut down r wiped out jt Toast a docaw high priced ! specialties which broke at $4 to 1 820 er share. Hoiling wa checked around ARE SECURED BY LOCAL HUNTERS Kight gvvse and numerous duels &mon. o,ht fo,ard by!' 2?1" 5 '.L '3. . - I'laui . u. mien on T""" rwr n ii" "t"- r', ,.,,.-,.. . . ... . , W8.80 to a new Mgh of $107.72. u"""0 "P TIT-n . -a nn winter Harbor aboard (he i iirtuoiiai iOB oromi av ftu ier ' nrint, tf.- 7itT , . c i. 1 mro. WritW Aero it $ia ft "rt1Stt V"Fe V)& Tewnf . - - t i icnrna, t jit1 marty left Saturday morning and MOOSE WHIST returned home last night j A party of six, headed by Alex in the weekly khoclc-out whist flnnle, visited Porcher tsland unfl ifturnament for members of the bagged six fine bucks. They left aioow; nub left rngni, nrst pri.,at noftn Baturday on the Zatiardl zes. ehifkena, were won ny retumea home last nisrht on the l Salvage n a Princess. Many other hunting parties cm coffee, went to Ole Slegnvlg and, tire holidrfy week-end -met with Gail Lundqulst. gooa success. PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 Wednesday. N,m!ltlW H 52 ews and Views In The World of Sport MM . RADIO REPORT IS CONSIDERED 'Ity Ciruncil Defers for Another Two Weeks Decision Recti-fying Disturbance Here em vi uuiiuen nau rvun nis ne-port upon the matter which discounted the theory that the muni cipal light and telephone system KWmTfpo KFI iKK- . PW fr smelter Hill,; The flret division 8tndnK toaid seconded by Aid. Greer, May- ' a' ""LU ? T ?JS Z t Trdeinl 800 P-n-IWteo! K- KGW' one from the Concentrator andldate is a. follows: or McXIordie. at last nlghf. coun- f be 1T?V KTrT TroCaden,n8',KOiO. KGO. KPO. KFI. one Tr0rn the StorTwo of these! PI Til Av !cfl meeting, appointed a special and p. KM " KGW, KGO, Kl-I. onn n rnrr-t Tim KHO ... . ...n.i j .r ,, ., am oi ate a trouble findinjr set, the city i ieainc win si a ire an exhibition 1 " "i" iemmaiB .. o oooo ji iuum ivikiuwuk u iiu. vwt- .. . - KOMO, KGW. KGO. KPO. WlfhL lt . . f. t Gretto . 3 3202 10C7 lart. Aid. Brown and Aid. Dlbb f.u.ndl "iBht8 mwtlnif .00 p.m.-Earle C. Airthony wfl, , tWs .Canadian Legion . . 2 205 1083 to investigate allegation , laia on U.e UUie lor aothr Program, KGO, KPO. KFI. i rfb L.. ! !? against the city engineering de-, th wJrt r,fl Mr. .Aft nm. Golden Leirends. i... a a u.ikmm ference Terence in in Prince rnnce Rupert Kupert. 6.00 iMfr.jMHirlinit Tran-con- K KOMO Knw ? UCTTr ?' I " , IL 1 " . a,V n ' jl "1 .."T 17. " ; KGW , KGO. KFI. , KGW KOMO 10.00 tn 11.00. KPO.Uj1j ' o i.i . - ' ruiriiiv. x lMiKiiu iui i 'Little's report ifteluded a com- . JL it.. ' A . . 4 . a tm o.r i.s l.'4 .r iflHuwiuon inim we leaerai r- S WW 250 mission outside the council should , mwPn "I"""1 'J1 whh it was admitted .that th ity was doing all 1n it power to rec tlfy the situation as far as it coneernetL i Aid. liudderham felt that, in the city to contribute to the iur-ehase of the nwiehtae. The report was then laid oh the table for further consideration. WRECKED HV CVCLONE BBNUOS AYRHBt Not. 14. Eighteen bodieo have been found late last night in the ruins of the Villa Maria which was wrecked by a cyclone TVemtay evening. Forty Were fcerloorty injured and persona were being extrteatvd from the debris. Casualties were expected te reach a much higher total. Advertise in The Newt. PAIN in BLADDER ITmplj l.arf by SANTAL MIDY br ur to rrt the tlrnoiMt 1a Tort -rMlli r: phoo. ttdle-uiepi, , !. , KINCOLITH WON AT BASKETBML Kincollth xn ihegf wan Kume IUST luj;), lw, 1..4 '. . T6c . 24 to n ..... After 3. J. Little. superintHid-rUh its., i- a ...111. I. . a . .4 . J 1 . , ; . ' 1 1'IMCE OF WHEAT -t Vancouver -T!-to hold , i. r. : v stead ef the dty Uwlf UiyiRK 5ST" 't"WIu, tc pri.i d i, it. the trouble finding machine, the meb ich butuini twtUllnm Jealers themnelw cold Well at .ord to do it price nf wheat today ls J j NOTICE i 4w liqaMctur Notice u hli-.key ,jp.eitiaD , MsavaHs at the i .n with it .ifuti be mtMur lot' .1 ; lerfxVca of b - i-iiu. viwu nan vi .hc uajiriivii c moquirr aimi u : 4 It f K ui at KdMilsJ Km ttm Jin ur. 4 bj rvdr. ithor.'f vice station here. He beliered ptnt mcm that the dertiH of uliHttes ySndi'1''"; was aoHtg an iMMBieu reciiiy P"e mm 1 1 ii .. a I WaWf tit OtT othf S. V. Retth. - s vurv tt proaident of the rarpu Prince Hoftert IVado A woe iat ton, mm taeu called npm to peak, felt that ?,0tt ": " there were still disturbance uki. bji s: which the city might clean un. -gajf, ur , The Radio Association was not Rf r nm: .in u frumwvu tu nHin hit: Miairr of lno ;testfng set thorgh H members iu n pnpw-r might be able to asefat In pas k a mmmti of some of the expenditure. wr uk. nvr Aid. Brown felt that aurely 2tZJr.:r' i there were enougn raam rans in ina ft miini. 5 . C C i ! - - -'1 a i m. UC5S, feerv iri n ):'' woods MA)ft '' -.- tt nireoC tr Kaluan t Ttf W or txlii d at tetfaboo kel-rire t pa- t :n tttvtT tvaxptBl b tl t'r ' T IB trt tUuDhj w or tu mif. ' anayoay. tml . . s oajr -r to th win :T "f s tb eaue m br i t E , witM r tutu'c sc- c Bra By i r(T tatto sod 4 I i;h fl euaip. NilrMd M ! !. .1 -tMumltif th pvui' lkf tb TB1H v . f rrl. or elthr k. m fitMoui or any t ttte (nern)iiU f ' Ma or Mitt truii 1 ISMS irV i uodft Ui powers Ml: totnk rtrn,,' OHbaroaWm t' l:i tattlf t-ehorffr ' ' collect, tue tor ti te Iprrv tfioa dbutur) tther ttmmt)t ttMie tharra uii or par hlt to ha aat to the Cetn;io lnetdntU twwrra. DATES th lt ' 38 tteym : f VBc":v B Solicitor toi ' A; c t a "throat-easy says "Buckinihamt are a true inspiration, most delightful and throat ciy." EmQiano RcnauJ, composer and one of the trtalesl piano virtuoso of Canada. IV . al . (EMtUASO mnaw tWi