wrrp Specials! . UNADIANl - xrALIrik Local l A fifty cofit package of Klenzo Shaving Creaiiuwd ai ul a fifty eeit package of Gillette Razor Blades lM't.h for 60c With each $1.00 box. of LaCJaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 184 Xmas seals and ','Jiiriven free.' i vly AVt f, blXltl M. mJIL HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 -Jr - - JACKPINK AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 i)-.uble teail $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICKS. DOWN ! '( nibina PeerftJas Egg . ; .'-$12,00 i Vn1iia Waabed WuttC ..... . . .... .:.'.. . '$1125 AlU'rta taoUettLtf'gelSgg '. S12J50 . -..infrta SootlW'Eg . . v '. . .' $1200 ilerUf Lump $18.00 Also all oUief danec of wal. r fnno and Vurnimr tlovtag. Exprsw mni Ummaje t t v ttnd Niffht "Servke 139 Second Arenur : Canadian National Hie Largeil Kailway Sylcrn in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE fnwi l-HINO. IHTKKT (r VANC'OI'VI'.K. VII'TOKU (Oil sl.ATTU:. THrilMttVh and MMiAV.i. at II p.m. l ;WAHT. MHINMtAVH. IS p.m. ' MMC mm KIIWHIKAN, HltAVt. 4 JMn. I NOHf II td MIL'TII HIWS IIAHUlTTi: IMLAMI.4, lort iHfliU. I'AWHKMIKK TRAINH I.KAVK rHINCK Ul':KT MIV limhl NDiVM IIJSB.ni. fr I'KINf'l! OtOllUC IDMOMON niNMIfMi, litttatu Kantrrii vnoda, Dutlfd htatn. AHCNOV iU. T AN STtAMSIIIf LINtJi. B. C. Coast Steamship Services Nai mas rrnm rnnrp iiinfii v ""O" " I 1 Krtiiiksa. Mmusrll anil tfcajwa; Niwmilwrjp, Jtrrnnbrr I. IS, S9. ia.ps In iiiiruuvM', Ylrtria IM Srallle v. 4, IS. Irrllwr 5. 19. rniNriiNs KOTAt f Ilirt4r1lf. IWIa m Narao; Alert Hay, Full Information from 'fiHi iof an rtleainitip lAnra. W. .. OlM'lltKII. rnrral lnl. rnr nf 4l.lt wtrrfl anil Sl Aniir. ITIni ll"Hrt. II r I OnIon steamships limited ii t fl..!-' ....... Irllii HuiMTt. "illt'l ' MIIIIKV irfllll .... - 1 '' 4JiXHlvr )ntuR, -lHMtTa.v. a.St pin. v ! I""" ..,.. I I Hwanwin llaj, llulrdalr, Alrrt .. . llayiiHd' Inr VANfmrvr.lt. VirniIUA. Mule ilalr. Alrrt btt). etc, ITIday nilrtnltlit. AI.UK AKM. AN VOX. M1BMAKI. IIAIi IM.AML J-'i nmnin. N AAM ItlM'lt. Huiidiir. Ilhi. .. . .. ad Av,u,. ' K. . MI Til. Ajenu "? "uh . , rttUlrketa wild m Vlrtwrla ano wmw. - ' 'I'tniltli 10 (IrHlluatlont City Meat Market (SRLVIG HKOS.) 3rvJ Avenue Phone 765 MEAT FISH., VEGOTAIU.ES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE at low prices, mid immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fMsh. 1 ..kcalij ou 'hanks. $2. Funeral Notices $1.": . fungal i :FUw4r 10'd name. Personal News In Brief ftft ;WWWH!i6i6i MrTr-Ccorge "-George M !' ' The iolowing is the scale - c-,mr -nmoeior reacting A He Arm wer orriv.u in itices 50c. per Atu?lieac Ca'tbadraJ JBazaan Ke- 'vember 22. Jteitrt,aet United Bazaar. JSevscaber 9. aale of i'oifc. DeceaaW 4 nd II. III A. - ' 1 7 1 Obarch SL Aedrewa Day Aeeitiafc i Uaa.ce, Moo MaM. Nevinalier M. St AgoWr's UnMed Church Baaaar Decern ber . i Mr. and Mr. Nick Rutilovieh and daughter, Miss Z. SutHovichj city on the (utala yesterday frem '1 V. W. S Henry, well known' automobile dealer, who haa Marriage and EniaaranMt oeen. 0,1 ." eu trip south, ar announcements 12. r'ii in ihu ..it., it ifim.lt.her4 ...... ... ... ,,., uuu, vaiicoureri on the Prince Rmwn tht. I . A.fMa iiiui 11" Mcllmoyle arrived1! ' J- M. Hockin returned fio ;the, on the Catala yester- city on the Prince Rupert ih Joe Greer returned to the city 00 ihe Gatala -yesterday Jrom a uuaineas trip o 'Stewart and Olof Hanson ipeturned to the kity on yesterday afternoon's jirain from a business trip to lientist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. ,hone C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, C86 Capt. I). Donald, arrived on tlmJ D- McD Hunter relumed to the ZL?n """r wiauiiig W,- mg and (uulmg south at 11 n.m. -t - - ""i WW wworitauad payment grggg at ust wirbt'a oouocil meting. jend of this week. He exoects to return north in about ten days' time. , AN'NOISS'CQMDNTS Women' of Mooecheart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, first Friday bf every month. . . ., ' ' . 1 I i I. V 'Ntfiiwr tv ;T"' Social ,ic rathoJtc HaM Ktwi- I During the month of October. ! fTL iccordin report presented A trt .u Mi Ct-Twi.T f "ty ,Udl1tr Ht la"t council meet- W .flw A . covering the iir bv tfa year up to Sept SO was pre. 70C -,Jon( , , , ' ' " , ' ll kIW VIVJ jwrewiir W"Wd over for two The average Hall heating system daily consumption passenger aktard the CataJs y-' BriB the Stewart proJ-terday goiag tbrufc to Vaneou- "' Howard Campbell ver wier tie wftl attend prorin- rri, L . nty trom the nrlh cial Co-rv. - u. on th Ctttla to attead the Ub- eral federal nominating convention on Thursday night. Formerly of this city, Mr. Campbell is now in buiness in Stewart. Passengers disembarking H. C Eraser ' insDeetor nf schools, jurnedio dhe citv on. yeterday afternoon's train from a brief ,trJ,p to "ihe interior en official dixies. Pather ,0hamagie 0. M. I. of Anyox and Father Ler.ay Q. M. L of Stewart arrived from the north was 5V2 gallons at a cost of ?1.36. fD at?la ywterday -and will jjva.u a ween in me CJiy. Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Newell arrived in -the city on the Catala yesterday VJroiri Stewart, Mra. Newe-11 bjyig here to enter the Prince Rupert General Hosnital for treatmehi. James H.. Thompson Bailed ye- terday af(erooon on the Catala here-for Vancouver where he wtH at m yesieraay inciuaea k,. waasft, umbia Conservative Association W. Robertson, Miss McCutcheon, ,-t the end of the week. He wiW T. G. Fiahet, Father Chamag.ne, alao jriait .go.veriimenUl head. H. E. GoUam, J. Sloan, R. Jk'Hlairters at yictofia rbUe fn then FOR THUltSi)AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 0VM5, 1G, 17, JIF "BwU a Jiffy." Per pkg )f I 'iiAft See Ma. f. Per tin 1K ( 0N--iuaker. Per tin 1 fif SWANSIK3WN CARS JUK Her pkg. SHf Kf)vWrttEE'S COCOA d oLivica-iabhr. jars MCi-'J 2 fi BROOMS Made In R- C. by the ;Min. Bhfh ...... vrf,...,.ia SfiBDUHS RAtmm H Ua. lilt SAGO-Perlb. . . . . TAPiOCAe4letVebf.i, :V. .' "'1 .7 CAKHS-4 lb. 'Sif FELS NAPT1IA SOAP 6 bars Itlf PKl'iTS AND VEGE-TAHi.FS IN COMPLETE AS60RTMU.NT Choice Celery, t etks. u.r California Lettiae, 2 heads jrr Grapefruit, huge, Ariaona. Grapefruit, California, 'fc'fl t for ....2.V New ( lieatnata, Per lb iWf Choice Table l'eara, Per do. ...,r0f Tokay Gepem,p- lb. ZUf 'ppiegrea,!.',irAr Mf Cocoanuta, large. Fach 'Ttp Sweet Spuds, per lb. lOr PASTRY ,loiIBv-Vlld Ro. 1 Os. SackS. ,)Tj. Mt JKLLY POWt&Nabob. 4fr BKEK1ST l,ijNI$V- 54b. jails' .7. RED PLUMS Nabob. 2Mb. tins BH8T JAP RICF- lbs. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Per tin 11 FIG BARS Fresh sock, whole wheat. Perib liSf I1HGAL TABLE SALT AlU'Ll3f!ntlhiRea fniy. 7 lbs .50 SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE Per tin ' V2t "QUALITY RIGHT - PRICES RIGHT." Phone 55 Watts' Grocery Phone 56 morning rrom a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. E. R. Cox of Haul ten, who has been on a trip south, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Jlupert this morning and proceeded io the Ulterior by train. J. C. Brady M. P. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he will attend and will make a brief yisit! R' w Slnclair of Inverness meetings of the provincial Con- m the city before proceeding to anury arrived ah ithe ity on!Bervative Association which will 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf tne interior. Lyesteruay afternoon's train for a brief business ivisit. be held at the end of this week. C. H. Orme sailed yesterday f . 1 t . 1 j . . 1 flunnwu on me uai.".ia ior v&n- : at 10.30 thi . niormnir from Vn- on yesterday afternoon's Icouver where he will attend meet JJutler 45c 11, Milk $5.25 case, couver, Pov.ell River and Ocan tra,n frtra a two weeks' .bustaeM ' of the British Columbia Con ail Jrands at MUNRO HKOS. tf. Falls and will sail at 10 o'dock idi U Mtbexe and intermediate . , , r toiKht for Stewart, returning WM. . tJty acuwnts for the two weeks here at 8 o'clock servative Aaaotriation which are to be held at the end of the week. D. .Cameron, fisheries overseer for the oaotral division, sailed yesterday afternoon on tHe Catala for Vancouver whefe he will spend the winter. Mrs. Cameron and family are already in the south. Jack McNeil of Telkwa, who has been on a trip south in connection with the sale to the Lord Melchett interests of his Telkwa Collieries, arrived from Vancou ver on the Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded to the interior by train. Passengers sailing yesterday afternoon on the Catala for the south included: J. V. Smith, D. S. Cameron, James H. Thompson, C. II. Orme. George M. Shamon, I from northern poinU on the Cata- tend meetings of the BritUh Col- Uoseph E. Fooke and J. C. Brady M. P., for 'Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. C. P.. Grothe, for Bate- dale. rurvit, j. t: Devlin, John Bodrjjouth. Aid. PrudAomme inquired at and J. Mcltae, from Any ox, and, r- last night's co;ui.:il meeting Victor Qnihlstal, Howard Camp- Max Heilbrgner, spokesman on -here was act ooma stitute gof-" joen. sir. aim Mrs. w. u JNeweii. uenajirjf t delegation frotn- tb - ratagbe . tailaioruJiiga8 L. House, deorge Heaps, Fred Boarti of Trade, requested the tanks in the city. He fettTthe Major, Mrs. Mcllmoyle, Mr. and city council last night or a jrrant tanks .constituted fire hazari. Mrs. N. Sutilovith, Miss Z. Suti- of flOO to assist In .defraying ex- CHy Solicitor E. F. Jones replied lovich, Joseph Greer, Father Le- penses incurred by the board in! that the putting in ol gas ianks ray, D. Perm. W. Paijuette and publicity ahd entertainment Jn was not permitted on city streets William Goodehild, from Stewart referring iae matter to the fin-jbut they, were allowed to be In- ance comrrijltee, Mayor MaMordie j stalled on private property pro- Fiaal recoaaiderstion and adop-aseured the- delegation that the Lviding the regulations of the fire tion was given at last night's I request' 1 would have the earnest marshal were lived up to. council meeting to a local im- consideration of the council. prowemeat construction bylaw providing for the laying of a con- street. Fred Lama has returned to the caste aidewulk on the south side.c'ty after Unending several weeks of Third Avenue abutting seven at the Duthie mine, near Smithers lota immediately east of the Dyh-1 where he h beep engaged in the bavn & Hanson lane corner, (installation of the new boilers Mayor McMordie reported that it in connection with the electrifi-had been impossible to obtain a cation of the mill. He reports jietition from property owners great interest in the upepr coun- Prioce Rupert Players' Club concerned to provide for the try in the, Duthie mine, which presents "The Saving Grace" at lidewulk lieing continued further has been intensified by the rec-the Cjipitoj Theatre, December' 10 east on Hie same side of the ent new strike, and large buying of shares 3ft the Smithers distric t EWART LYNE (Pianist. Capitol Tbaatre) Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. 100 )"" M-:lt ac-a during "tb ptt thlrtv yean, Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 ' i .ii L i i I ! "rWATTS' GROCERY , w VI -TONE Free Demonstration on Vl-Tone on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 'Vi-Tone, Vlb. tin per . .. . iVi-Tone, per 1-lb. tin ' Vi-Tone. per B-lb. tin ' Malkin's Beat Coffee, 2 lU. Malkin's Beet Tea. 2 lbs. . . . : Special Ground Coffee j 8 lbs I Economy Tea. per lb 8 lbs i THIS WEEK ONLY ! Mussallem'. i 4(lf . .05r JMl.Ol) $utr $1.40 $1.55 Allsthbe,.aefr?iigrctd trim grain this -season muni Join the grain- trimmers Union. Meeting Thurs day night, Western Room?. M. Huntley, Secretary. It Ladies' KID GLOVES Various styles, new pl- 1 ors, and smartest cuff effects, finest quality kid with novel stitching. In sizes for all. Jabour Bros. Sport Over Hose . 1-A'h - ii curr inlsh mate, finest quality pure wool cashmere . For Badcetball Badminton And All Sports. 3rd Ave. & Kulton5t Phone 9 WHAT IS IT thai keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 649 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and .deliver to all parts of the .city. j For that Suit j AVe have fine fall fnd Winter Suitings and Over-! coatings on hand. Come in j ody jgyl let takef ynur I measure. Cutting, workmanship, .style, . all guaranteed' I Best materials and reason ! able prices. Lin?, the Tailor Phone 649 Or. Alexander rilONG 878 IlEKKF.R BLOCK DENTS! S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East Phone 83 .Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS . llent barg: i.usy Terms If desired