V iliicicliiy. NNmbet'l4, 196 THE DAILY NEW3 " PAGE 8SVE& Fashion Fancies CLAS9F1E DAD VERTS ID THIS IS THE lAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD M t fit' FOR THE COLLEGE GIRL tvr college sports wear, there be no wiser choice than a ted trotk. Or those ensemble - cimiSfifUR of blouse, skirt waller are equally useful. I i he illustration is on of or a ailk and wool mix-v. it includes a blouse that can worn over the skirt, or tucked in the waistband. The sweat-'.hat (roeii with it is of match-: material, and ia in the cardi- niaterlal. 't KroMgralD ribbon banding c t t-lt hat Is repeated in the " ,ri(? of the blouse. PRINCE RUPERT TIDE i Wednesday, November 14 2.36 a.m. 195 ft 14.16 p.m. 21.7 ft 8.22 a.m. 8.1 ft 20.88 p.m. S.5 ft Thurwlny, November 18 ''i 3.U a-m. 18.9 ft . 14.48 p.m. 21.2 ft 8.M a.m. 8.7 ft 21J4 p.m. 4.0 ft Friday. Novmlr 16 ii ... .1.52 a.m. 1&3 ft 15.22 p.m. 203 ft 9.3.1 a.m. 9.5 ft 22.13 p.m. 4.8. ft. RED'S I i Transfer I I Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20 i. NiRht Phone: Red 317. Coal! Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. i.naimo-Welllngton Mine-Run. He-won Hard Soollws Lump, l-'-amii Hard Sdotlesa E. Tclkwa Lump. Of the above there'Is ONE 'har j iiartieularly suited to your hentintt equipment We shall be glad to ndvlso you. Albert & McCaffery Llmiied I'hones 116 and 117 Man in fie Moon w There are men no constituted that they will not believe the Bible bat can shallow anything h stump orator tries to put down his neck. An optimist is nan who faito to order meat wlfen he goes bunting. Some people live in cold countries And some reside in hot But for those who live beyonl their means No sympathy f ve got. The Girt Yes, it's a nice hop chest, but ifs rather larger that I intended to buy. The Salesman This will 1 Just the tiling for you, miss. Yoi will have lots of time to fill it. TERRIFIC GEE ON ATLANTIC PLYMOUTH. Nov. 14. The steamer Mauretania arrived yesterday after a tempestuous voyage. In a terrific gale on Saturday with a wind near 100 miles an hour a tidal wave boarded the ship and some 20 passengers and crew were braised bat no serlows injuries. FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano and bench, latest style, used very little. White ivory bedroom mt and other household articles. Apply i4Fifth Avenue W. corner Em-tnerson Place. Phone Black 291. 272 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot or. Third-Avenue opposite First Street,-$2, 100 -Easy terms. liox 137 Dally JVwa Office. r0K SALE Lot 74, Block 1, Sec-tfe 2. $280.06. Phone Green 269 VOUNI). rOUMD Yoeng dog, hurt; part Alrdklei all blade with brow a tag Phone Black 327. 2fiS LOCAL Staff Sergeant Alex MeNeiil. provincial police, ia on a trip to Stewart on official business and will return to the city. tomorrow evening. C. P. R. steamer Princess Alice. Cant. Thomas Cliff, bound from Vancouver to fijeagway, is due in port tomorrow morning. South-hound the vessel will touch here next Monday afternoon. E.MBARRASING MOMBNTS i. r'risiKt?r ifVrm miriTn osssssss I tn v 'v im iatfiUUi.oXaHL, uruTisH British aJLiuiei Columbia FISHING) rcsHmo s: ; ! announce announces the me ofteninsr oftenina? of or the the of the following described mwenoea foreahore: xormnore: I ijj.,-- 'JbV-x - -STT t T ,SB) ISM . gST I i WANTED ""Pert Salvage & Towin W ANTE D Work by the day by!1''1""5 A : CO. J. 1(1. icn:ui&;uvvuiiiaii. M'1J chic Ul Daily News Office. 271 FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month: Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Thirty three room J Uayw on the hours 1 p.m. till f hotel, partly furnished. Apply F-m- "Sundays and Hrifekya, U J. C. McLennan. tf.m. till 8 p.m. ,,, 7 " " 5C1 Phone 5C1 FOR RENT Furnished heated . room. Apply 339 Fifth Ave. W.l or phone Blue 505. 280 1 imivimsELF TAXI For Mire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 383 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. Porm No. 18 iSeetlan 89) LAND ACT. NOTICK W INTENTION TO APrl.Y FOR t.VASr. Ol r'OKLMIOKK In trw t"Mtt Land iteoordlng restrict, and situate, fronting on part of Lot tS. Italia 8. Ccast District. Telegraph P ajl. TASK NOTICE that the British Columbia naUaac & Packlat C lAd of Vancou. Bl. btfeupatiob FUhtaK anal Packing, mt4s to lAply for a leaw of the lolloMnt described fomntt-e: Commendag at a puat planted about twenty batai EuUlimurrt torn ibt aotl)at cerate el Mid tot 34; thence won. ton enaua; taonee nortair)y, the aonorai run of the shore fnrallal'to lite, fifteen chalua; thence ent. to mean high water mark, ten chiitnt. more or Mas; tbeuee aatbeterty, foUowtnt mean higb water mark to point of commencement, containing fifteen acres, m or or lea BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING Se 1 PACKUtO CO.. LTD. ' Br Jamea Hrory Buahnell. Agestt. Da tad Ausuat 14. 1B28 MS Porsi Nu.. IS BciKa set LAND ACT. NoricKorrv Jn p,,, Mathe., jmatlca, Latin, Greek, History,; ; t&.'XdnFtoSLJSS Iwllvldual tuition.; Range 4 Coast District, Lowe inlet. Particular attention to those lear- TAKE WOrKaK that the British Ool- i .- rij. l t . . umhia FUhiM Sc Packing ,C Lad, of n'n LnKilsh. Terms on mter-Vanrouer. 'BC.. occupation Pishing and i view. racking., mteeda to apply rer a lease; ot tn following tfeeerlDed foreshore: soutbrjt oorner of said hot 2; -tbenc ic.'th two rhafha; thence west forty -ha ins. more ar less, to an Interne. mith the wet boundary jf Lot 2 nroducsel sottth; thence north aeten ! ilr.. SBere tar leaa. to the southwest rntr M Lot 1: thence easterly, follow- the mesn ntgh water msrr o the i pom; of comBancement. and contain- i mg el Ightecn aaras more or lent by Jm Hi-nry &mhne!) Agent ! Dated August as U28 2o Safe for iClIILDRENS Coughs srfS' ri -i r r -i .kiriik,jiiai SALVAGE AND TOWING ... . Agents for .Eisthope , Engines, .oolidge Prapfllerand., Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Snlt T.-lVea Psrrv 9anrli U'jkalr CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. KOWE'S SHEET METAL ' WORKS (Established 1900) The furnace you have been looking for has just arrived. COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER i Phone 310. Rax 1C7. Ie 227 Second Ave. ! THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Undei new management. Clean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Dalberg ' " TUITION Candidates prepared for alt University and Professional entrance P. McKenna. B. A- T. C D. Care of Box WW, Daily New, Office SHOE REPAIRING i nmc criiTiii. ..w.o omwn, oId Gansraith shop on Second Avenue and is now busv MAKING AND REPAIRING SHOES The beat leather, the finest workmanship, and over 30 years experience awaits your orders. -S a-.: .- I U 3 I1SJLCM J 1 I LOUIS SCHIBIG CHIROPRACTIC DR. W..C. ASPINALL, Chiropractor and Electro Thera peutist. Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Phone Green 211 or Black 283. j DR. R. E. EYOLFSON Aided by hia new ANALYTE gets quicker and better results. Clds, Lumbago, Neuritis, Stomach troubles, Rheumatism, Headaches, Sciatica and Catarrh, .as well as tire majority Women's .lilments such as Insomnia and NervoudnesH. Consultation Free Phones Office. Blue 85 Res Red 889 II A I It D It E S S I N G New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY' B8AUTY SHOPPE Also Finger Waving, etc. Phone 655 Form No. 18 i Section 80) LAND ACT. Minn: or intkstiov to apply iu lX.St; Ol IOKKMIIOIIK Ir tne Skeena Land Reeornnc b- tnct, and situate, fronting ou Lot 127. Range i. uoust unmet, invernea Pas-sse. TAKE NOTICE that the Brltuh Columbia fishing & Packing C Ltd.. of Vancouver. BC., occupation Fishing and Packing, Intends to apply for a lease of ths followlrr described forwthore: Commenetiig t a post planted at the northeast ooaaet of. said Lot 127: then west, twenty chains, more or less, to) an intersection with the west ooun-dsry of Lot B7 produced north: thence following said production of the wev boundary of Lot 127 south to mean nig1' water mark: thenee easterly following the mean high water mark to point c , ceatuneneement. and containing ten : acme, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FIBHINQ Jt PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry ausnn)'.. Agent . Dated August 25. tKn. 2e Form No. is I Section Mi LAND ACT. NOTIfr; III' INTKXTIOV TO APP1.Y FON) LKASE OF lOKIIIOKE In the Skeena Lano rceeoralna Dl : trict. situate and fronting on Lot 11 : Rnnge S. Coast District. OxtaJl mref . i TAKE NOTTCC that the British Columbia Fathlnz Packing C. Ltd. ! Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Flsblnt anfl ; racking, intends to apply for a leare Cummenclns at a ooat Dlanted at the northwest corner of said Lot 11: thence i west, ten chains: thence south fort; , chains, mere or lew, to an intersection with the south boundary of Lot tl produced west: thenre test. toUowuic ;aald pr.durtton of the south boundary : of Lot 11. alx calna. mare or leas, u , mean high water mark; thence northerly ; following the meaa high water mark to 'point of commencement, and con talk ing inirty acres, store or leaa. BRITISH COLOMBIA PtSHINQ ft PAOKINQ CO.. LTD "" ' ", W-'mmm " ?W 5nn,l A ii.nn. i By Jsmsa Henry Buahnell. Agent C.N.R. TRAINS for the Kant Dally except Sunday at 1130 am. trimi tlie ItokC Dally sjte-pt Wednesday at 330 p.m Porm No. IS (Sfcctior. 80) LAND ACT. NiTirr. or intention to .trri.v for i.Ktsfc or ftticixioKi; In the Skeena Land Recording Dla-tMct. Wtotee and fronting on Lot of the British Co'umbla PlshinR Ac Pack ing Co'i Cannerv Bite, Towiulte of Port SMCngton. Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE i:.at the Brltlan Columbia rhlnK & Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fishing and Packing Intend to apply for a leaxe of the following decrib;cl foreshore: Commencing at a pjit planted at the northeast corner of the aaid Cannery site: tkettae northerly, following the prcductlon of the easterly boondary of the B.C. "Idling At Packing Co.'g property. lx hundred feet; thence westerly, a, right angles to the said easterly boundary, rovr hundred and fifty feet, more or leas, to an Intersection with the westerly boundary of the B.C. Fishing Jt Packing Oo.'s property produced northerly; thence wutherly, following aid westerly ooundary produced alx hundred feet, more or less, to mean high r mark; thence easterly, following the mean high water mark to point of commencement, and containing als acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA PI8HINO ft PACKING CO . LTD . By James Henry BushneU. After) t. Dated AUVUSt 27. 1B9B 2Gfl g Repeat Girders The beat evidence of satisfactory service is the number of companies who, after using one Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Enjpne. have sent us repeat orders. Fairbankt-Morse Diesel Engines are noted for their reliability, economy and long life. Two stroke simplicity with air-' less injection of fad. No valvn to grind; no complicated valve rockers to keep in adjustment. Uses low grades of fuel oil. Excellent tnanotuvering qualities on light loads and slow speeds. Fafrbankt-Mant Marin Dlntl tntinrt art mad In wnant tiitt from 2$ to m u.r. 0?u CANADIAN Fairianlis -Morse COM VKHVJimiUd Si. John, Quelle. Mmiml, Oilaa.' T6rpMo,U'WMf,Wiiurs. RtSHM. Calfrr. Eattn. Vuwnuver. Vtcierls iti m" . " i uatea ufuat is. :se see 7 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I ( Twt OJKt OP ACOA, ( TELL HIM ( -m mimc.pi rr T ' M fTJTV"" 1 .1 IT" 11 ' ' "! I HEWl-JHttTOSee HSRHEl-b I I ( T HoPE HE HEART rRlEMO OiNlTY aTiMiS5 Tl-r LOOK A.T HIM Vtt? Lr mrvoics caelum1- i I rRcQi eVvtoicE J NOoiEi-b BUM TO GET OUT qo -xhvnk j tilA nw1 J wantto IwV stairs szP of THIS- QcJoo.Kieoi'b Nf r oovyN c & rmn 1 CiTXM-r )) .: I HE WANiT-b TO 5 HOUSE fLs t GOT RIO P W ' i aL ia a ll'C IfMdWVOU CO ( "THIt. GRAPE I TQu- bCCYoOH '- 1 f"7 Z Tl ' 1 1 1 I aWi i RIGHT AHBAD FRU.,T. l PAROoM-MR-JICcTl OH-0bVOO J I OOMT I fl f 0AM-BRING MB, mutmak& (f ' " ' llCWOK' M rourc bntrvr? cam't sea ( If $1 Th om&i Soueo- IJmJ t (-- iTTTh-thatt,alo t !ZiJ IfP K-iri '