I' r I ll'ir nnnnnn trr i iron iikiipka 'Ji lULMDCru) IT 11U ARE NEWLY WEDDED -.sing nuiuuui ivo, u,iuu.iiH wag fJjr-l mado to hftVe hjm de "I children. 'ported to Alaska, but this failed merican Shipper arrived this morning with t 125 hen Sinclair established that he t.f the wrecked Vestris. The Berlin brought in;va a citisen of Newfoundland nti .i r.J . 1 ! i r i.. mt T nil tne onipper severely cnuuizeu apiuiu t. a. . .? f ..i .... cap mi U4- lav m seniiiiiK out an ouo. muy svau-u uuii, uu which made the descent into lifeboats a terror. i ,i,t h of the Gulf Stream is credited with the sur-i 'nose who spent hours immersed in the Atlantic lore being picked up. JV-rlin survivors were less severe in their cnti- I .n the whoje praised the actions of tho capUiin .use of the disaster is not learned, the only the-that the cargo shifted in the severe battering t ooivod in the storm of Saturday and Sunday, or A started and gradually grew worse. Church with a beautiful Irish j j linen table cover, and Alex Rarbe. i noble grand of the Oddfellows, l made the presentation to Mr. Phil lips of a handsome cut glass water set. The recipient responded a large gathering i suitably and other sieaker who iliim-e and social eve-l"t evening In the H .ill by the Oddfellows "i I-"litres in honor of A. R. Phillips and I' Ren Church, who fi murrled.- i ran, noble KnH of Lodge, presented Mr. added words of tribute to the oji-ularity of the honored guests Included James Irvine, district deputy grand master of the Oddfellows; Mrs. .1. W. McKinley. dis-trlct deputy grand president or the Rehekahs; Ex-Mayor S. M. ,ewtoh, J. W. McKinley. Rev. A. Wilson and Mrs. Thomas Priest NOTICE OF CONVENTION Delegates and Alternates to a Liberal Nominating ' invention will meet in the Moose Hall on Thursday rvr,nlng, November 15, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose f nominating a candidate to contest the Skccnn uderal riding at the next Dominion election. H DEKAL DISTRICT LIBERAL ASSOCIATION With decision in the case will i iJose a fight which Sinclair hu.v staged for several months against attempts made by the United States government to have him re j turned to Alaska. An endeavor, tnere(prc could not ue deported to th IJnfted States. The next m ve . ... ii It It i"lJA rro 4-iiiivi il nil nuiliurilirn w rt have been lost n tne snip s ooais nau oeen suie ii-riv emnuneu. or oeen luuuuiuu uuiuic tuu amp to institute extradition proi-eed- I Ings on the basis of the jail break ing charge. After various delays, the case was finally heard yesterday. All the evidence was in the form of depositions from the United States. City Solicitor E. F. Jones appeared on txshalf of the United States government in the hearing with W. 0. Fulton acting for Sinclair. It is exacted that Judge Young will hand down his decision very soon. LIBERALS ARE VOTED POWN IN BRITAIN LONDON, Nov. 11. The Liber al amendment, to the address in I A -- II . J .a repiy 10 ine spree n irom tne throne declaring that the Franco- Rrillsh Nnval compromise endangered tho prospects of peace in Europe and the good relations with the United States, was defeated in the House of Commons (ate Tuesday, by a vote of 82C to ICS. Premier Raldwin yesterday told the house that the Anglo-French naval compromise was, "nothing but an honest, straight-forward attempt to get out of the' dead lock which occured rit Geneva and which avbb threatening the cause of disarmament." Direct intimation that com promise was dead was made by the Premier when he called at tention to the fact that he had fieorge moving the oral amendment. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill -yone read the Classified Ada. Z LARGE CABARET ji j :U ltX. advrtl tor it. Special Dinner Thursday and , u find, locate the owner. Saturdays Ii banolne etrry Saturday ntfht W tcvcr yu neei1" advertUe for It from o to 12. Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private li;T THK tl,ASSIIIEI II AWT. Parties A Northern' and Central British Columbia's "Newspaper Phone 437 j . PRINCE RUPERT, H. C WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS e- WKblK Ot LINER fn a Thin A Il rtminw Trnnr nrr wwt i.nrtMim nr.ri irr.u 1 t ail . . v. U I i o.n nf i -i m m wa av at v mm , -a m i r (ei ihc jiuftuieu unit missing from Wrecked Steamer Vestris Captain and Wireless Man Lost A XT-.... v..-!, 1 rnll ..f t.t inilin illllTL J & t. ilLII 1 III l UIIU III llAllt'l ll'lll Some Jtlainc Captain Carey; Steward Duncan Is Hero of Tragedy Y YORK, Nov. 14. When the passengers and re being taken from the sinking steamer Vestris ..as an absence of confusion. The rule of women lien first was followed, according to passengers i.ci c According to Steward Duncan, after all the were gone he and the captain only remained. : ut (I to jump, the captain replied: "Hell, no; you l hese were his last words. Duncan jumped and the captain again. i Steward Alfred Duncan is described by passen-' hero of the traced v. He cave each nassenirer . A t 1 1 1 EXTRADITION ! CASE HEARD Judge Young Reserve Decision in Matter of Returning Chaiies Sinclair to Alaska After three-hour hearing v -terday aftonioon, Judge F. Mi-15. Young, sitting m an cxtnaiiiion .-ommissioner, reserved his lit-: i -' !ion in the case of Charles Sin-' ciair, woom unuea Males auinori- aving tne snip ana tnon jumpeu overooaru anuities ara Meking to extradite u. in lifeboat to lifeboat ordering persons from the j'AiMkato face charges of ja,w ,i units to those havinrr more room. Almost 100 : ummT from Ju- m frnm nno hnnt tn nnntW. CapUta fWuin Carey f!rV ' 8eu' wh ,,,! WM srviK v! a term V III At W W V KWMW rW 4 a '" Otratdf Michael O'Loughfin were lost. u as the senior captain of the Holt line and was in- last voyage on the Vestris previous to taking I of the crack ship Voltaire. O'Loughlin was 29 ire and from County Wexford, Ireland. THE PRINCE AS A "LATHER ROY" This unusual-looking person above is none other than II. R, II. "the Prince of Wales in the coatime of a ' lather Imy," which he wore :t board the "M ilda" when he assisted in initiating his brother, Duke of Gloucester, in the .strange "Crossing the Line" ceremony. WILL CHOOSE HIGH PRICES NEW LEADER: HALIBUT AGAIN i I. bera Executive lo .Meet Kexl Hiirh prices we Month to Selrt-l llwid ifor halibut at the iately after the Victoria bye-election, it was staled. It is not planned to choose a frtaaftnt leader until the convention has been arranged in the next year or two. ' local Fiati Ex- i change this morning when a total VANrnirvMU Vi.v u ThJof 97.bO0 Mounds was sold. Two ehoice of a Liberal leader to dlr-1 American vessels received 19.8c ect the opposition intiyltiea next and 7c and l.9o and 7c for 82,- session will be made.early in De-000 iwunds while six Canadian cember, it was i ml i rabid fester- boats disposed of 35,600 poumls day by the members of toe B. C. 1st 17.7c Und 6c to 18.9c and 7c. Liberal Association executive. ! The fishing season, closing to- The executive will meet immed- morrow, all these lioats will now tie up for the winter. The day's sales were lows: ' Amtricnir j. a.i t.. nit... j. and Cc. lused the past tense in referring tot , u Seattle, 45,000 pounds, ! Fisheries. 19.c slid 7c. fol- Atltrt Tatoo4ni n.ooo jiounds, Cana- 4 .ilia n Fish & Cold StoUW Co., PREMIER TOLM1U i . ij0Dc and 7c, t la liviiiaruarijj virmniA Tnv. 14 a I indisposition whichniforced Premier Tolmie tn cancel a ). Oiinadian Tokla; QeOods Fisheries, 17.9c nd 6c. ,a. ' week end trip to Ksrnloop. lCanadJan VUbv & 'j SUm,Ke which L-uuncu nnni vuiicem t to his colleagues, not because i , " " ''n , f .inna t.nf it (.4.1 Eric Roy, 5.000 iwunds, Catwd rni-dwt s an indleatlon Fish Cold Storage Co., 18c Zero. 1,000 pounds, and Nuba, I it. His statement was in reply ' ' ,, r,w ' I i.ooo pounds. Canadian fv'& to a speech by David Lloyd A ... , , 4U.. ... fold Ktoruuv fo.. 18.9c ami 7fc .,!.. it.. , , . . llU JOIIIICll HIC i."VI llllll'lll, T i ouicini Mi)- cape Spear, wxi pounds, uootn 4 . -r 4 Fi.Hlieries. 18.7c and (ii. BOATS Thrilling Experience for Young Lady School Teacher Drifting all Night in Chatham Sound Miss Betty MacMillan, young school teacher, who pent the holiday week-end in the city visiting with riends, had a rather harrowing experience while return-ng to her pedagogical duties at Oona River on Sunday .wt. It was early that afternoon when the young lady em-arked by gasboat on her return to Porcher Island. Engine trouble develop when the small vessel was off Holland Rock and the man in charge was unable to start the motpr again. It was then that the vessel started drifting .nto the open waters of Chatham Sound before a southeast breeze. Over the rough sea, the boat continued to co seawards before the elements. During the night the wind changed to the west, and, in the vicinity of Dundas Island, the boat started coming landwards again. At Hodgson Reef an anchorage was effected and the man went off ni a dinghy, with one oar and a broken board, in search of assistance. Meantime, no less than four other boats which :iad passed huC failed to respond to frantic distress sig-uals. Finally, Monday afternoon, 21 hours after leaving Prince Rupert, tk - man was able, from the smaller boat, to attract Li- attrition of the local pleasure" cruiser "Va-iLiero, returning from a hunt- to' Swamp Island .vith Alex McRao in charge. Eventually, the disabled gasboat, with the young lady still on board, was taken in tow and the couple were brought back to Prince Rupert, little worse of an experience which quite easily might have been attended with much more disastrous results. WHEAT CROP i MUCH GRAIN IS OF COUNTRY' COMING TO PORT OTTAWA. Nov. It. Canada's! Eighty Cars Arrive Within Twen- I A., t II ll'lll I. - Til ... ...u . f. : i,.i .,, ij-iuur nuurcs tun ui- i iciiiv ' via ilace.i at wheat crop for is .,, .... to Fill Two Roats Coming-600.61:1,000 bushels, in a crop re port issued by the Dominion bu-! m W .A I . . rcau ot siaitsiirs. imi year s ; Movement UnvaniDiil nf of or grain rn i n fpAn from total for the Dominion was 410,- 024.000 bushels. THE GOVERNMENT OF' NEW ZEALAND BEATEN WELLINGTON. N. Z., Nov. I t. (Vancouver Province Cable) The Government suffered heavy reverses in the elections today. Final atandinff is Government 28. ' Vi o prairies to Prince Rupert con tinues to be heavy. Yesterday 22' carloads arrived and this mor ning, 58. Eight hundred cars are reported today to be on the way here. There will be pleo4jr,.of grain here to load tho first two ships of the season Yaye Maru and as Rockool both of whfch will arrive within the next week. Roth will taxe full cargoes to United Party 26, Labor 20, Inde-lthe United Kingdom or Contin pendents S. lent EMBARRASSING MOMENTS -Jm '"w ST. . "- 3 t-' ' O - . .