PAGE SIX Victoria Scene of Yuletide Festival "Who does not love the very name of "Chrlst-nuiB". asfes Dickens hi "The rhristmas Carol" knowing well enough thai there Is no such person, and .ttiat if there were hU punishment would probably be nothing less horrible than that which proved so .elective in the case of the unpleasant Mr. Scrqoge. And where, one may ask, is the proper Christmas spirit more truly observable and more thoroughly enjoyed than in England. Back in the dim middle ages Christmas was an English Institution and Jt came down the centuries losing nothing of Its charm although customs of celebration changed a little now and their as time went by. But Christmas remained English and is to-day as Kngllsh as ever wherever English people are fathered. I Outs de the British Isles there la no place so English as Victoria. The climate Is English, better still its scenery is English, and best of all, its people are English. Great holly bushes "with red berries dight" grow In profusion, and English Ivy Shrouds the walls of mansion and cottage what better sett ng for English revels ? Victoria is this year going to celebrate Christmas In rieht good Christmas fashion. Old customs. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alito have facilities for accepting Wheat order. on Winnipeg Stork Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. TRAPPERS (Jet every cent your FURS are worth. Ship them bring them to BOYD YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. or LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. old carols, old music a Christmas festival that will pull at the heart-strings of English people no matter how many years or generations they have been away from "Home". The celebration will last from Christmas to "Twelfth Nlghi" and will ceeter around the Empress Hotel a one of the musical and historical festivals that have been organised by the Canadian Pacific Bail way. Among the features of the Festival will be a presentation of "The Cheater Mysteries" a natlrUjr play that had its first performance at Cheater Abbey, Christmas, 1328. Just COO years ago, when Edward III was on the throne, and about tweflty-five years .before the battle of Creasy. Christmas customs down through the ages to the time of Dickens will be observed In the costumes of thJr period and there will be a Christmas play baaed on Mr. Pickwick's famous Christmas .Frolic at "Dlnaley Dell Farm". The celebration will wind up with a fancy drees ball, and as Victoria Is Canada's most popular winter resort the event will be attended by people from all parts of this country and the western States. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. i TEKRACE home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 1 ! '- r Hunter, returned to her lterae-' Dan Clocker returned on Thurs-,at the Ikele Jtutchery at the tday after spending the past three nd of the week. " 1 months on the prairies. j ' i L. E. Magna n of Dierwood, ! Mrs., A. McLeod spent a few Minn., m a visitor hurt, at he ,days this past weak whh her week-end. Foster, in ' '' son Smithers. j 1 I W. II. Cayanagh of Knlum : Miss Mayme Dobb of Prince Lake was in town at the end of ' Rupert .former teacher in the pub- tbe week. - " He schools here arrived on Snt.- jurday to spend the week-end at; the home of air. and Mra. Harry' King. i Mrs. Pearl Grant and children 'returned Saturday after spending 'a few days in Prince Rupert Fred Nash returned from Haz- el ton an Saturday where he has ; spent the paat week on survey work. A t nf llarmawnrth'a t'nirilr- George, Little left on Saturday on a short business trip to Kit-wonga. , . . :i ! . Mra. Aird ami daughter, Jlrs. j 'Batnea and Mra. , fym , Jkm MsKiillitLnitnr-Srere hl on Saturday from Pacific. Thos. McMeekin of Prince Rupert was a business visitor here on Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Jtaven, whe has ' spent the past two weeks at Uic DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kip pers TI'IIK DAINTIEST BHEAKI ASr MHMI.' .Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince itnpert. R.C. PACIFIC Mrs. Taper and daughter Pacific were recent visitors Terrace. Mrs. Pat O'Brien apent an enjoyable week end-with her sister Mrs. W. E. Gardar at Pacific. ! Father Godfrey said mass for the benefit Of local Catholics last week. His visit was much pedla in eight volumes, has been aPPr-ted i loaned by the Canadian Legion Library committee to the High School until such time as a set of reference works can be ob-jtained for use in the schools.' The trustees of the Pacific school, Mrs. W.' AJjd, Jlra. .Thog. McCubbin and Mrs. Pavid Disher are collecting for a chldren' Christmas tree. TERRACELODGE CELEBRATES TERRACE, Nov. 13. The local T f r t 1.1. i ...1 Hi ,a - THE DAILY HEWS of in SCHOOL BOOKS : ARE DISCUSSED Terrace Parent Teachers Kndoroe Prince Hupert Propotval to Jlav'c'Government Ait i. j. u. r. juuue cvisuriiLcu Lite . . X Mb, TERRACE. Nov. 13. At a well attendetl meeting of the Parent Teachers 'Association, presided ov- I. O. O. F. Anniversary Proves er by Mra. S. J. Moore; It w Enjoyable Event With decided to endorse the jto-oposal Ueliekahs ax Guestn . uf the PHtice Rupert Triues rid Lnbor CdUntil to ask theGoverh 1 . -t . i. . .. A nieni to .nanuie anu aistriuute ll schoolr text - - SIlt llf.aa t n r a ' . Hi Jg l - SATISFACTION CUAEAVTUD A: - P, s S - , wv-Zl. - 'TV Hs5:3:3:-sE3s:3g3s:3:-::3a Blue Tile Conpoleum Cold Sral Bug No. 319 it .hown here A "T attractive rflct in Cersuitc TiUa; two tons of irregular blue tilts lAtod hariuoniomljr with the neat white tilrt. Guaranteed Every genuine Coiijoleum Gold Seal 11 u is made with tbe "Mul-tiebte" longer-wearing surface, and guaranteed to jour satisfaction by the Cold Seal , . . Jook for this Gold Seal and avoid ditap-pointing substitutes. ID 4BRJGIITEN YOUR HOME books and also. few. c hfl hires ns sixth anniversary of their inceb- ,l,,ul B,.?c' ' possible JU&muae tn-iiiie pookb. ., , . i i i tion on Friday evening. last by I holding a very enjoyable aeciitl A committee composed, of Miss evening in their club rooms. Their l)avH- "ev. 'Wm. Allan and Gwyire gueats included their sister Re- Dovej-was pnointl to feport on bekahs and a large numbet ef the feasibility of drIvInk-ifce'alUl-: ; other .friends, .about SO persons. Vr"1 to sfihooj during bad vfeath-being in attendance. Whist was er' 1 'enjoyed in the early part of the Other pou!b.!e objectives for evening, priaes going to Mr.'. S. the ene-gAus of the .society were N. Kirkaldy and Jaroen Lever, the 'htaUIishnient of a gymna- . while Miss JJetty Anderson anil sium, reference library, school 2. Sherwood received consols- llirli : nnd enlargement of tho tions. Duringq repartition of grunuds. lit ws decided 4o pro-supperr nsiraaBrelecton were vide -M good Owl of .j-ufurejice rendered bf Dr.Rrummett, Ir. bonks ifr Ine Jiigh wuuiNlbrnry and Mrs. Dyson and Miss: lteid. ut tui wirly ,date.anil a Cfrr,munity A number of short addresses were Christinas Txcc i planned. Miss also given. A sumptuous supjier Held of .Die Jligh School staff was served, after which dancing gave u plaiio solo. was enjoyed to music furnished by - 1 1 1 ! LMcLaren'B orchestra. I v . . n. . ' - - Capt. Neit McLean; is due In. port PROVED IT ' tomowow Tiom Y;anouver va the Wife When we were married Queen Charlotte Islands and will I thought you were n 'brave man. sail Saturday night at JO .o'clock Tf 1. . I O- .K.I . .1 . 1T.. tA,. south m..,.,Vi n'kt over 4VtA the jiunuaiui Fiii (no ft K"(i(i innny ou nerii;eiurii more people. laame route. lit new- charm in the Kitchen AttractiveueM in the housekeeper "work-room" is important... bright cheerful atmosphere tend to make her diitteH seem lighter, una what better and more inexpensive way to introduce new charm than the new Congoleuiu Cold Seal Hug patterns . . . The w iMulticote" longer-wearing jiutteru in easily cleaned . . . dirt, epillcd things or foreign matter of any kind rannot Main the watef ' Iiroof surface . . . a dimple miniver with u damp mop and tbe icautiful pattern is instantly freh and clean. Genuine Cougoleum Cold Seal Rug are nuqirisingly low in coat . . onlj $6.65 for a 9 x 6 rug . . . guaranteed by the Gold Seal to jour 'Saliafsctloa or jour money back." OTGOL NOW AT LITTLE EXPENSE CONGOLEl'M CANADA LIMITED, MOYIREAU CANADA Hi Mew v ctic allele Vlctof Radio Master's Voice trademark is a worM wide uli--mjn HIS of trade. V4CtorprfcJuctsre known in every pa't (if the globe, - have been for more tlin a quarter con tury. Nothing in their field ever equallcJ Victor pio ducn. they lead tbe world in performance. Every New Victor RaJio is a perfected radio, far advanced fndeatan. A.C. tube operation, unglc concrol, lighted dial, vdvethke tone and volume, ' snart tasteful cabinet. . Here is featund the popular Lowboy rondel, a cabinet desigrwd specially for autbosiaed Victor Radio Dealers, and offered by them to you, with the New Victor Radio, Victor Loud Speaker, full set of eiftht tubes, and "plu in" d for only Victor Talking Machine Company orCanada.Lbnlted 32.50 THE XfiV VICTOR RADIO Bl'EAKBR dty ewfajsJ in a ( . , h ipsowi uxxlmt cititnft. '. W leave it lo you to fude , tk 'ictwr ciiiuciilioti llur ,' ,' j . tli tone of thi suiter will 'it. ' frlmtc all who hear it. ' ;' fefen)9.lcj r ujh- iouh ' Votdr 7We M.irfcl R.iJ.u. iJttnul unit' fJIfnti of iht RtJi t'rtifutnci Ltborntrnti Inc.