' ' ;i' SaVltmV- S?S55i r M' t Vis M.1 AW&Jste k ?W . A. SI IEAFFER PEN CO. OF CANADA, nvnYi ! FRONT ST. WfcSI, iui-."" S3Jt ;i This handsomest of pen merchandise saves money The pknomenel success of the W. A. ShcefTer Pen Company has Utn in ood measure due to this remarkable desk equipment. The Lifetime desk fountain-pen set! It is a Sheaffer ratchet-lock sockets, free of all origination. The universal foldin prin .rips, allow pens to release instantly without ink splutter. Always .in PW Speedily save their cost by eliminating lost motion and trouble. With pens guaranteed for a lifetime, this most beautiful desk equipment now becomes a desk necessity. Ii.UM Uul. F.Ui S.U. HI JO OtW.l'-"5 At Utttr Uort tHerywhert ited tot i ; KING ufcOJiGE Oi'LNb UKEAT TVNE BRIDGE . oiciurss taken at the opening ceremony of tfce new bridge which spans the Riv- . . .A . .1 1T.U...A1. ft.. , . . ... ' . -. . -iv, rou mhi nwiw. tne lower view wee uxen alter the briOgvrWej, c r ,::t 8 Dan with a dense crowd of iwani the King tad Qneen in the royal carriage on U Gateshead aide of the bridt through to Udaohn, Paris Palambo, G. R. . .tila yester- Williams, A. A. Lantz, H. C. Nor- t Iove, Noel, ley, Mrs. James Dewar and D. L. Wi'inon. C. L. j Thompson, from Anyox. -i-s-n, J. Fagan1 from Stewart.1 The city council last nieht on U1JO pened : , long ton for the sptoly of TOO tons of NanaimoMlUtton, coal to the dry dock power puint. : George Haldane an Indian waa !t:t, Master G. recommendation of the utilities ! fined $15 and $3.50 costs or seven ri on, Florence committee, accepted the tender of days imprisonment in the police in Cross, Albert Albert k McCaffery of $7 per court yesterday for drunkenness. Jf) Ltf ) .LFirA S) TIIE DAILY NEWS HALIBUT BOAT SAFELY RAISED, Cayjeon Datk in Port After Iking Submerged for Four Months ' TIip woli-inovfn local halibut boil Cayxeon, whieh sunk four monthi ago ct Uutelal following an explosion was successfully .lulvaed by an outfit of the Prince Ruwrt Saivage and Towing Co. last week and was grought to ort ai the week-end by the Salvage Princess. Owned at the time of the accident by Dominie Mara and John Wick of this city, the Caygen is now in the hands of the underwriters and is being of-i'ered for sale by the Prince Rup ert Salvage and Towing Co. The engine of the vessel is reported to be in' good shape and the hull quite sound, although the pilothouse and focsle head were blown off. DEBATE WAS INTERESTING llaptifat Church Preside Club Decide Hakers More Valuable Than Rankers Te principal feature of the program at the regular weekly meeting Saturday night of the Fireside Club of First Baptict Church was an amusing and inter esting debate on the subject, "Resolved That Bankers Are of More Value to the Community Than Bakers." The affirmative id: was aken by Miss Catherine Mussal em and W. Fraser, and the neg-slfyft by Jme3 Underwood and StjafiaWsie Derry. Popular vote intcewting arguments were ifeM for either side. Local and Personal The meeting of the Eagles will be held tonight instead of tomor row nigb.t. ,,. Charles Lake, pionc'eV prospector fit Stewart, who has been on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver, is a .passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north. Louis Astori, who has been spending a two weeks' holiday in the south, returned home from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club took place in the Com modore Cafe today with President L. V. Waugh in the chair. The case of Reg Rudland, char ged with supplying liquor to Indians, as well as that of George Haldane, Indian, charged with drunkenness, has been adojurned until this afternoon in city police court. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to make an inspection of the lighthouse tender Newington which has been undergoing extensive renovation at the local dry dock. "Development of Children's Music" is the subject being taken up this afternoon by the Ladies' Music Club at Its regular by-monthly meeting in the Japanese Mission Hall. Miss E. G. Lenox M. I). ..nd Miss L. M. Halliwell are in charge of the program. J. Blackaller of the C. N. E. car barge and tow boat depart- IMnf m A llav Grift t f ,rA ,J L'1" of Uoy underwriters, f& favor of the bakers. one Many ri!aA ln lka u f , v..... 'e d- 41.. the pi.. Prince nlltnA,i. Rupert ihi. this or morning. They are here to nuke an inspec- item, on the program ln-ltion of w fo i.i ta piar o solo by Miss Rnoda 'la r. sa Aim ma n v..u.i iBiinnii n.i... LattWand a vocal solo by Mi . . t. MS"a2Kx1 vl CCOmn,Wl f dry dock here. 1 . Miajf 4Hftc M?Kinley. The meey, "ir we'l attended, and ReV. I W. F. Price presided. FISHERMEN ASK AID OF CITY COUNCIL IN regulations providing for the use of Canadian harbors by American fishing vessels. The Fishermen's Association sought the enderaation Union freighter Chilliwack, Capt. W. W. Mounce, arrived in port at 11 o'clock last night after making calls at Alice Arm, the Naas River and Port Simpson and will be here until tomorrow load-; DACCIMP DCCniHTIflM nK xerrace couonwooa logs ai rAOJlMU KliOULUllUIl the dry dock for delivery to the i Laminated Materials mill at New The' city council last night re-j Westminster and fertilizer at the f erred to the fisheries committee a plant of the Rupert Marine Pro-resolution from the Northern Biit-j ducts Ltd., also for delivery to ish Columbia Salmon Fishermen's Kew Westminster. Association asking that the gov-! ernment enforce more strictly the I of the council for the resolution, which was passed at the con-APPRECIATES Petition of the Association in the! city h)st week. - . FxplHniujt the resolution. Aid. Rudderham stated that numerous complaints had been made aa to American salmon trollera using Canadian prt as fishing bases and fishing within the three-mile limit. It wa to' have the regular tions in this connection more strictly enforced and a patrol instituted that the resolution was presented. The Letter Box ADVERTISING Editor. Daily News-Just to show our appreciation of your classified advertising, "Lost and Found" columns, 1 wish to say the article lot was returned two days after it was advertised, (In only two inter tions) and the result is most gratifying, as it was a gift 1 would not have let remain lost1 if possible to find by any means, I .ml ...1.11. mv a.l iA find fthnw The matter was referred to the coiumna lng even advert,inr are fisheries committee of the council for report. When your r Chita has POU 1 1 P Rubbed on throat and chest, ,the effect of Vicks in reliev ing spasmodic croup is two fold! (1) Its medicated va pors, released by body heat, reach air passages direct; (2) At the same time it stimulates the skin, thus helping the inhaled vapors ease the difficult breathing. i ways fat once 'aVAPO R ub Oyer & Million Jars Useoycam not overlooked but looked over, pretty well. Yours very truly. "BOX 757" T. 0. i WINTER SCHEDULE ! C. N. STEAMSHIPS i AND RAILWAY ! Change In schedule on coast steamships Is effective week commencing Monday. Nov. 19th. After that date the S. S. Prince Rupert will arrive from the south each ' WednesdiijaHO(l.. sail for Stewart and Anyox 10 am. m night, returning 6 a.m Frldav. ami sail for Vancouver each Friday 9 a.m. The trl-weekly service on railway Is also effective same date, trains leaving Prince Rupert each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for the east, and arriving each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday the same hours as at present. Full particulars from City Ticket Offi.-e, Phone 2f0. 270 (o which they were entitled, Mr. ! . . i. 1 I I ianio siacea inai reiurnea men were being actually discriminated against. VV. Wilson told of applying for a job about two weeks ago. He had been tolH to go to work on Monday, but - n Monday. Tuesday rnd Wednesday, when he had! come all prepared, he had been denied by the foreman. Then he had taken the matter up with the mayor and one of the members of ,he Board of Works before he had been able to go to work. Even then the foreman had done his utmost to make him quit. And 'his was only a repetition of what had occurred in previous years. "Far be it from me to pose as a hero," concluded Mr. Wilson, "but t do think I should be given a fair deal." Mr. Unkles did not think it was right to make a nursery in Canada for European nationals to the detriment of Canadians, particularly returned men. Referring the matter to the Board of Works, Mayor McMordie stated that it was not the desire of the city to discriminate against any citizen, particularly a re turned man. Advertise in Th" News. Canadian service ClnistmasSailiiigs ritn.M MONTiti:i. To niaicuH. IMfi ami Mtrrtxml Aadsnla No. 33 . t1molh, f'hrrlMMtrf, Ixinduii Aseaaia Uvt.K IHOM IIM.IIAV To I'hHHMilh, IUrr. Ijundnn Alaunla . . Dc. 3 Tucnl .. Dc. 10 To IMft. I.IvWmwI, (IhlsRoW Utltl D. H IHOM ST. JOHN In ltrirvt. l.hrriMMil, (lliiwtow Utltla Dec. 13 AIk weekly Mlllnss from New York and Boaton to BUTOpMD Moi"-y Ovclirs. DmfU and TTillu' The ues : lowest ra cs. Pull Inform-t:on front li.tuj agent or Company'! Ofrirex, 033 HftxllnR St. W , Vsnrnuvfr. nc PAGE FIV EMBARRASSING MOMENTS SQUARE DEAL FOR VETERANS Delegation Appears Before City Council and Protects Against Discrimination CONNECT ATLIN AND GRAHAM AVENUES BY WAY YANARSDOL ST. On recommendation of the Board of Works, the city council decided last night to brir.tr in .a local improvement initiative bylww providing for the construction of .1 mnrarfpm rnoitwnv rnanmetina Claiming that not only were re- AtH anH r.rham An.... in turned men not given the prefer- Westview by way of Vanarsdol ence to which they were entitled street the cost of the work w when seeking work from the city.' Mtimated at $7,500. but that they were being actually) Speaklnj? to the recoramenda-disenminated against and were tioB( Ald. w. j. Grecr chairman met with inchiliiy when they ap- f the Board of Workgi statetl that plied for jobs, a delegation con.Seven,eenth stre;t the only con. listing of M. M. Lamb, W. Wilson nect,on at the further end of tne ind J. Unkles appeared before tww in aTenuee now, wai a .he city council last night to pro- geroug condltion aDd MBthlnir test at the treatment they claimed ,t' wou,d have t be doRe about returned men were receiving at The p , of th Iloard of the hands of the municipal public Works wa, that only foot works department. be n futre alIowed 0n Seven-Mr. Lamb stated that the Ca- te(.nth street and that the new nadian had been Ugion possib.y road b(J t ,n to uVt are remiss in having not brought the vehjcuiar trafflc matter forward sooner. However,. when a citizen of long standing. a taxpayer and one who had raised) Dr. R. G. Large of Port Slmp- is a visit"r in the ci a family here had found it necej-! sary to complain, the matter could "e LMnf .f1 8OJ08 toJ he Gyro Railways, be allowed to slide no longer. In- 'UD at ua T- stead of receiving the preference Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty years yeu have been getting good treatment from Goldbloom. And Gold-bloom is in the market for every kind of fur. For a square deal bring your FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable house MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We arc prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. Our ten years experience on the floor of the Rru&iels Stock Exchange is at ypur service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-well Si Co. Ltd., Vancouver B. C. Morning nnd afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Cnpito Theatre Rullding Phone Blue 428 P.O. box 66 COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also RulUey liny nnd Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co.