& Prince Rupert Daily News , Twelve Percent of Britain’s Gross Three Branches UPSIDE-DOWN TALK oO wspapers are today be- [ | L JHANNESI Ct [ ink and the paper pro- t coe" Income Earmarked For Defence ollaborate any for finally es 108 N {1K (AP).—President , ie shical er By EDWIN 8S. JOHNSON production of weapons and equip- meetings in Paris will be an ay oe - ca “¥ aa res i f , me ‘ an Press Staff Writer ment ng superceded by new nounced in a government White |, ones of the government to 7 LONDON ©-—With more than and better types Paper next February. But under ai te : a ‘plas tn oun: . “ 1,200,000 men and women under The latest reduction, Mr, the current program Britain go % n ss nun of security ) wu) SHER A my O'KEEFE SRSSSRCREEREECR AREER Eee backed up by a civilian Churchill explained, in no way eventually will be able to muster: , a cote 0 o ar a ae, J » > of some 1,500,000 on arma- ny weakening of the a peacetime strength of 22 divis- {0 5) Parone, Cmprowe ® i s When You Want -~ Ha af production, Britain faces coun resolve to defend itself ions for policing services abroad * ~” : . a 1 , (OMAN on the g, , * THE REST , oo @ the new year gir as never or fulfil its oblgations to the and duty at home, a considerable che Girecsve-—r * Ree mere ' 7 ‘N a a THE BEST, ai \f an? = before in her peacetime history, North Atlantic Treaty Organi- proportion armored Attorney-General James 3 a mt ROBERT KEITH + 4 HOE. Pcrunts Peobuctan || 5 You Go Where wa hi #) 7. In an effort to forestall the /2atior Western Europe is also assured macns Ea eben ee anys hgh stg a ¥ , NF \ ) = possibility of war, Britons have he made it known of a mighty bulwark of defence Sonavae heeancer Wis y (Rep TODAY to WEDNESDAY " : > +a ac deeply it oeeee re-/th mmediate hope of in the British Navy ” we oe feccins SHOW STARTS 7:00 PM 1 Get sources and steeled themselves down the strengtt re . oe oo enaLe Sure iT ¢ TE Ss x, : You Car 3 . Se ccatinneh GaGMAMM ich’ thay [tecthans aaeen ~- Ss ro . = ADVANCED AIRCRAFT e in the new] LAST COMPLETE SHOW - 8:15A FAMOUS PLAYERS THES ’ # THE REST! @ face 1953 with a low conviction |so, instead of setting an example’ 1 the air Britain has given | Congre a s ° = that they and their allies finally to the Western continental pow- SUPe!-pmority to production of Wiley Truman ad gw Y y a ire strong enough to deal ers, he ight bring aboy, “me More advanced types of al ninistration naer a sery 2 FEATURES ¥ ‘ gw ®ny attack that might be launch-/an almost complete collapse of ‘raft, many still on the secret wive the UN f : wm ed against them NATO list. And operating h the ex ‘ yefore Pre TODAY T ‘ Pri itebes dtinenh : panding RAF are fully-trained . : = From 42 Gauge to 66 Gauge ‘ . Prime Minister Chu il Ye- HUGE ARMS OUTLAY Spalted Pari dnd Canadia,, |ident-elect Eisenhowe naug- | WEDNESDAY * cent é added fillip to the i , eo ee pee | ; pa DY is atiat sh head Duriy he fiscal year ending squadrons tion Jan. 20 George Raft, Virginia Mayo PAI ‘RE ’ . ai z- oS See xt. April 30, Britain ts com-! -- - - IN AUL HENREID ; B-nt r kK merc itted to an same oye”: . sisi ns “wr or ; = GC = “ ce Na ated diaen Deviteln’s ne y $3.769,920,000, distributed ¥ 4 4 4 RED LIGHT” So Youn So 5 KAYSCE @ huge budget « armarked for ce e Sne SEIree FOr vraes as Tol-' % Sea sons Gri . lings i g a lows rm $1,460,200,000; navy, 4 a : M4 = | $1,000.440.004 ir force, $1,309,- ¥ AND a a @ ORIGINAL PROGRAM 280,000 ; (he Complete Show sical, & . 41 plans. drawn up + : ean societal ) . 4 : Each Night at 7.30 pam . . OEE RATE CCRT a on iginal plan hey in Ths i 8 af pr xi nately ds. if / SA er “ A Famons Players Theatre 2 WALLA Cc E S an he open for your con- & ee ‘ , on wot so pe , he ASN, 5 % - : . . t ‘ pie : 2 oe “¥ . ross ar al ir me in ia high- + 31] our patror md friends “ * as — she) Mo : } ng program of some $13,-/e: i defence otlay ' : 4 2 veriene Chit F ; ’ n ght Monday, Dec @ 600,000,000. This was subsequent ) European mem- y¥ 4 FR OM a « A NOVEL PRACTICAL fe a0. % ry 23 7 ly stretched to cover a period ber of the Western treaty set-up a 2 Z ‘ hed» ( y wenr hecause of the n i ficat ¢ lans + ; . . ¢ oe ‘ a wy because f th Any m ficatic f plans FA TY Lt PPE a * ve CHRISTMAS GIFT e ee = 1 ; financial plight agreed ut the recent NATO ? “& * gw). Effective next year the gove 5a ee ales a ’ ie mneisisciieas iol GOOD ANY TUAE ANY. s } CLOTH RT CEev eeeee a? z x iu cue te oc egee j ct = a has decided to peg defence M Wh Sh WHERE IN CANADA pr % @ production at an annual exper ot AT FAMOUS PLAYERS £2 G = = aa * - > 3 Dept. Store = e of about $1,680,000,00 an 0 Ss K ATI iN G THEATRES z al er the prime minister said ~ e = . not to safeguard ‘ : REREkSUSRBE Ox eu SERS See 5 solvency but to hall oun ess 5S IER RAREL KL CSSA ; = : DECEMBER 23 - JANUARY 4 j 4 Judged Insane CURLING RINK CF aes _MANCHESTER (Reuter A (Seal Cove) 9-year i footman wh ran 7” rf k a ma ne-gun last Date Day lte 4 PM Tte 10 PM mitt wounds t! Count Dec. 23—Tuesday—Public School ane jungel High School i : i tw f hex Dec. 24—Wednesday-—Public School and inger High School " ’ itl 1 ve ijudged in Dec, 25—Thursday—( Christmas Day.1 ath ’ Dec. 26—Friday—-Pubiic School a your Adul ‘ , ihe ; t erea tl ery Dec. 27—Saturday—High Schox Aduits 7 3 ai nstani ' " Dec. 28-—Sunday— (Open House . . , ao Dec. 29-—Monday—Pul Sct ‘ High & : Dec. 30-—Tuesday—Public Sch High Schoc \ sf : Dec. 31—Wednesday.—Public School and younger High Schoo , Lads Jan. 1—Thursday— ‘(New Year's Day—Open House wady owe Jan. 2—-Friday—Pubilic School and younger Aduits ) 3 una ? x in hen Jan. 3—Saturday—High School Adults i There will t — at the CART é ‘ a out lan btn pen, House ; a sige be g : _ at me SAPTTOL THEATRE Manta ‘ VeshGRY 2G Chas ra 3 c selling Gilt Tick : der-bu wh ADMISSION—Public School and younger le aed eae aa — = ere m me Ut ten ipy ed th ene High Schoot te Adults We Sage sshastiink Biull ry a News Classifi f | : minecinominncaemenaeeaed ; = ‘ piel cecal uae. ianeienil | ndustrial Ban anada ie , ; . . f : ve . : anagas mo: hoped peer — Profits R pRtake A rorits Anise ‘ iy OTTAW { Theu 3 a t Canac ) Ba 00 in the fi 1h ‘ , ¥ iu © pe { IDB B iim ( c , S908 ( pares WitNn $666,000 in t r 44 xp men : warm note of cheer. this " ' 3 1 € i IT ur ng ore ‘% Hiday season.serve Luchy Lager 4) e ; : ? h $67,000,000, with the % Beer. Your friends, your guests, ? f : n go o fi d oi ee ill appreciate your choice. " he al industrie A “Lucky”? is the choice of men* D ul f : , hemo retivitic t ran to who know beer best... mw i i ne egan w. Th un of loan nts dropped to $8,900 . { 000 fro 12,300,000 in the pr vious yea t nu of pplications f loan and stments dec i to lili f 2 mn 1951 I 128 in 1950 FASILY IDENTIPIFD PETERBOROUG!? Ont. « Le portly f 5 iw ag c t K . nse \ f we yootin t A a th 901 0 - #3 a Ai PICK OF THE MARKET ' 1949 Plymouth Sedan —Smart gray, reconditioned motor, f} good tires. Real family car | Only $1435 f 1950 Ford Fordor--New paint, §) radio, heater, overdrive. Try J} it, you'll buy it at $1845 8) ' 1951 Pontiae Four Door—Nic« e a | come home or ristmas ' throughout. Hurry at $2065 Truck Department | ° The light trucks are moving §} ee ‘ er though miles fast—only one let ...and this is the magic of Christmas — that even thoug 1946 Dodge Panel — Would! ake ¢ ideal h ting ; F i 0 eee | and continents may separate us from our dear ones, in our hearts i H | eavy Dut a } bas wih Zo _. we all come home for Christmas. : * / a assis— i New motor this year, read, | - ; to work $675 | if > : Bob Parker Lid. | a4 | d. | The Flouse of Seagram nasomncititas ¥ a “The home of friendly j 1¢ | ouse O cat } 4 « This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board _ Service’a) ‘ ie or by the Government of British Columbia Phone 93 | . . , . British Columbia. i LECT CNenaaee S| This advertisement is not published or d splayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britis