1 . October 18, 1028 Man in the Moon ', hi- kinil of weather that nc wonder and then won-n--morfc. A J w w V ill iy was jworn In but In- is mostly sworn at. n' unities lie and many ' an- equally gifted. .a n't cutctTrSU by making - as if you were the bitf "Ml s alkinur up Third 'Avenue i u ancient man, I all bent and groken up i i- a coat of tan. i 1 Mm why he wandered i, us . HiKh liv so did he jrrew? n to me tie did unfold Low I- lioth strange and true. V? waited many a day :.-it office to see, mow aai'btnt and old, hardly knew 'twas me. I)W in' old site in my Walks uie the excavation 1 puSH I sigh. Ten Years Ago in i'rltice Kupnrt October 18. 1918 Mini' Uupert General thin morning reported hs trooi tjifiawtta, the- t'm of the maladj be Znnanla, Amram Sar l'-t r Buchau Jr. . "iigreirational meeting u t Baptist Church, a was instructed to in W. W. Wright with .st that he recensiadefi f nut inn ,9 Palter wMch tendisre Mr. Vfrigft i-reed W tret with the l the coniMrevraUoa. Stevens, driver. Willie .! ) liiuoty Gilchrist had I'si-ape from serious in-'i.oriiing when Sol Mus-ili livery ear weBt over .1- at the corner of -mii' and Hays Cove Thi Old and The New .; new baby at Tom- , " h IttUft hov'a mother e - :iim. ' turn the old one InT" ti r asketl eagerly. IMcmure Alone M' Andrew, who owned .!'. one day purchased a ; '1.1c you'll ride your rtereke?" suggted iir-:in' on usin' It f&r i-i'plied Andy, vou mean?" I !l the time I'm a rd' II ln a-thlnkln' o' the n, savin' by leavln' my ' Imme." ii 'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" I 1 Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman 5X Ont. "I think JtfdU E. 1 1 Vfgctable Compound is wonderful. 1 nave had six children of which (our are living and my young est is a bonnie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have 14 ffl taken your medi cine before each oi them was bom and have certainly re aW, SWga'jajeVel ceived great benefit friends to take it as !i rhrvVili rwuiva the auma CLASS1FI High Hlifh i. fine day they'll build i i there. - an explanation. Low t w that Federal block iii-fore I die. i my huir jrrows greyer Hfht I)W . Utah High Lo w , Hltfh Low , Hfffh Ijav ED ADVER 20.02 p.m. 16.7 ft. 1.29 a.m. 7.9 ft. 1 13.54 p.m. 11.8 ft. Tuesday. October 23. 1 ' 9.35 a.m. 16.9 ft. 21.10 p.tn, 17.8 ft Low 2.38 a.m. 7.7 ft. 15.14 p.m. 10.7 ft. Wednesday, October 21.' 10.22 ajn. 184 ft. 22.20 p.m. 18,3 ft. 3.39 a.m. 7.0 ft 1G.21 p.m 9.1 ft Thursday, October 25 11.02 a.m. 19.3 ft 23. 12 p.m. 19.3 ft. 4. .13 a.m. 6.2 ft. 17.12 p.m. 7.2 ft Friday, October 26 11.41 a.m. ft. S.22 a.m. 5.5 ft. 17.57 p.m. .:? ft. Shake, Stranger! The caller was young and quite charming. "If you like." said the young man. at the desk. "I'll have your rujim U'.4tlt tori t. fha MMtor "T I "Xe." she answerl. positively. mDn Bupfr. BC th of "I'll read It alound to him. Ioctobw. aj itsa. prefer to have the editor sub- nstttea W me poem. jm THE IMILY NEWS PAGE SEVEh . JJ8 x.m, THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT -i a' 5- 9 J. IMdNCR HUPKltT TIDES Thursday, October 18 4.09 a.m. 18.1 ft 15.4G n.m. Ufi fl ft ORS am 7 223 p.m. 5.5 ft. Friday, October 19 4.C4 a.m. 17.0 ft. 1(5.21 p.m. 18. ft. 10.IU a.m. 10.0 ft. 23.18 p.m. 6.5 ft Saturday, October 20 C.52 a.m. 10.1 ft 17.06 p.m. 17.8 ft. 11.20 a.m. 11.1 ft. Sunday, October 21. ' 7.18 a.m. 15.6 j(t- 18.28 p.m. ICS ft. 04G a.m 7.4 ft. 12i'G p.m. 11.8 ft. Monday, October 22 8 27 a m. 18 0 ft I01 RKNT fr'urnlshed nous ' " - . OR SAm Unprecedented val ues t used . Trucks 1326 I Fisher Fast flight 1' ton! I IBM Til. E1.IA Tl'n. W UI.I A W-V LJ MQJ-'1.1 IIIHBIj iWEEK END SPECIAU Speed Wagon; 1 ton Mi nam federal Illock. mee; l jatriot and otners east tyarsu arraace Send for complete particulari. Hayes- Anderswfr Motor t).. Limited, sl25f. Granville Street. Vanceu ver, u. w. f 1 I r. GOVERNMENT I.iiUOR ACT j : I -Tfi'. OTitB of api ijcutiox ion iiki:k ' Lit Tft . NOTICK a aTKRKBV OIVK that on! It -ftn day of November. r898. the un-ratgned Intends tu apply to tbe Liquor ! ntrol Board fcr a licence In respect i premlara being part of tbe building ' iown as Queen's Hotel. Uaaaett, oraham laad. situate at Massett. Oraham .nd, upon tbe lands described as Urt ; 'V.,tiSnMf '.(aaattt Towaslte, prince - Bupert - Land tedatratlon District. LJJBS? .!; British Columbia, for tfeej sale of er it the slass or by the ootn bottle for consumption on the premises. POR7KR SInokh. I'LL CIT DOGAN AN FIND T ' OUT WHV VE tSkl'T COlKl' TO VOTE FORME'. HffiM ' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus t SAVE TOUR ) rv I 1 H If , OOMT KMOW HOW I llf NOW FER A InfMfji JU 'Jfe Q "W II L "4 BY COULY-TrlERE., I iMAQOlE- c'iSIw (TV Y 13 MANAGE TO KEEP OUT I UlTTl-e PEACE. W "1 ABEEiV i .1 rJO PLACE ON EARTr . . - : rv-.;" - : ,.-,! ,'- - I K , I -g- , ,.. I . " '' ' ' " 1 1 .j . . . 11 11 mi 11 , - " m 1 -- - VJ HAT'S THATSOO SAV-OINTT? DO VOU MEAN TO TBUUMt-QO c,AV7 DOCA.N( AN' H 8. TOLD fOVJ HE WOOLOrSlT VOTfcj FOR M? t "O 1926 tv Int'l FtATuet TISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR REAL ESTATE FOR RALE- - Lot on Third Avenue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Cox 1A1 Daily Xews Office. WANTED Two level bujldlnjr lots, in Sections five or six be twcen Fourth and Seventl Aenue. Write giving prici and terms to Eox 147, Dail? News Office. 24' FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 2i 22, 23, tyock 7, Section I fronting on M&ttride Stree Price $1,000.00; $400 cash; bal ante $200 yearly at 7 per cen Ap.'lv owner, W. Arnett, Dau phin, Man. 24 F"K SALE-St sen roomed mod M-n house on Fifth Avenu West, at corner Emmerso Place. $8,CO0.OO. Small cas paymont with balance month I like reaL Fhone Black 291. 24 i" FOR RENT Keeping roi.ms uy ine aay, wee. or month. I'hone lied 607. t F0U UENT,!oU8e m Borde Street, rhoue Mack 512 aft 6 o'clock. ' t FOR It K NT Six loomed Hous 1730 Atlin Avenue, Section T'lmni' l'.lue 435. FOR RENT Furnished or. un furnished seven room house Atlin Avenue. Phone Blue 275 24' FOR RF.N'T Pianos, Playei Piano. Phonographs and Sew ing Machines. Walker's Musi Store t FOR RENT Heated room, fm nisheil. in private residence Five minutes jrom City Ha1 ' Those Blua 5C5. 24 KS-Ofrtlftcatr of ntl No 144SS6-I t t ot (. Rlorl f. SuMKMIon of U 5O0, Hailflt 6, Cost DIUrict. Ms JIB". WHTKKAS nroo; of !om o ftl bov Ot'fllk-r'- of' T!ili iul in th r.m ,1 OHA.IL.GS OOHDUN. hu been file in thi office, ncti : hasvby given Uw I ihIl. at the exulratton of one raont' from tbe dte of the first' puMletlo hereof, iww n prtvlskinal Oertlflcmte c Title In lieu of the a;d lost Certifies t ur.lesl in the mr.ntlme vslld objection be urts to me in writing. rvA Mil mt tKa. T .Sukln rf f 1 H F. maclbod Registtariau i IT- , z.. Sanvies. In4j AGENTS WANTED CALENDAR Salesman : You can make a success handling our line as our samples are specially designed to suit every class oi business, calendar season commences shorty. Reply at once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Eox 148 Daily News. A'ANTED Side line salesman to sell on commission, Counter Sales Books and Business Forms in northern British Columbia from Prince Rupert to Prince George. State line carried, and how frequently territory covered. Splendid oppor- j tunity. 247 FOR SALE OR SALE Winchester Rifle, fine condition, 30 tal. long range. Cost $06. What offers? , Phone Red 409. 246 3R SALE Bedroom furniture.! Phone Black 714. 247 1 1R SALE 46 h.p. Universal mnrititt oncrltin with tfliir4'tnm ' gear. Apply Dr. Irge. Port , Simpson. B.C. 249 , OR SAEor charter Work and Tow Boat Ogopogo." Atlas H D. Engine. Cheap. Cruiser, 'Vera S. Fry" Atlas H. D. Engine. Sfeej ffWjSuitable for THE SHAMROCK ROOMS hunting or survey parties. M. 8th Street and Second Avenue M. StepkoRS, tf Under new management Cleat dated this ut day of October 19M. 1'rlnce Kupcrt Auction .Mart, I .aa v t i .w IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Tpwlng " Co. Ltd, .BARGAINS IN GAS IIOATS 'Agents for Easthop . Engine, Coolidge Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on the hours 1 p.m. till J p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 1) s.m. till 8 p.m. 561 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP II J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves ( leaned am Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. ( RQWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS (Established 1909) Furnaces, Pipes, Tanks. Eavc trough Down Pis. Special attention to out-of-towi trler8- Phone 310. Box 4G7 sirt rrlxi m rut 1aiiK1a Kit sWklrAirilni 11151V uvaa m v ws v iivueiitviHi rooms Mrs. John Dalberg IN BEDS J As a sDecial indncement to an ounce ray commencement in the Retail Furniture business. I am offering thirty only, 2 in. Contin U0U8 Post Bed8 ith 90 coiJ "P'j0 Nnn.fiu'jeV ttnrhmnt nnn all. fait niattress, guaranteed, Complete for $28.00 Higher grade Mattresses such a,s Excelda, Getmorerest. and the .... , . .... . famous Nacnman Spring-filled Mattreas. also in stock Barry- . more Carpets r and Ranges. tj Easy term. terms arrniKiosl. arrangwd. Get Get mv my nW. prices. GEO. J. DAWES WELL-DID VOU QT DO CAN'S PROMISE to vcrrm. foroo? 0h ? cll I I I AJi L- ss' stsn HBT ;., l4i(.eIsnuBBBr 1 BBsuune-Vallsi ut RENT, LO 1 1 1 1 1 Jlili " MDU .ftlu.u tll. r.rt.1 Bi .lain fifttU rMfH4. iv. n Untarlo. ST & H'M'f'Ml CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASPINALU Chiropractor ad Electro Tbera- peutitt. Exchange1 Blok i All 'Diseases (Succ4sfulfe Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 28.!. CHIROPRACTOR DR. R. E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue The right adjustment at the fight time produces the best re sults. Our new ANALYTE indi eates tbe right adjustment. Phone Blue 85 Iteaidence Phone, Black 252 Form No. IS i Section 88) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR. LEASE OF f OHEhllOKE In tne Skeens Land Recording D FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. 1U.. Form No. it (Section fid) LAND ACT. NOTH'fc OF INTENTION TO AI'I'LV FOII LHSH) or rOKKSIIOI'.B In ike 8te Uno eoMlng DU-Irtut. nltiute. lild ilnntlnf on Lot 11, r..nge 8. CoMt DDiVrlct. Qxutl River. TAKQ OTXrS,thtt tbe Ornish Columbia Fishing tc Fsefclng C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Flailing and-Peking, intends to apply for s lesse ir ttae ftllowlng described foreshore :- Csmmenctng t t post slanted at the northwest corner of said Lot 11: thence west, ten chains: tfeeooe south forty chains, more or lew, to an intersection with the south botnOarj of Lot 11 ?rortuced west: thence east. foUowtng 'ld prod urt ion of the south boundary f Lot 11, sis e.alns, more or less, to mean high water mark; tbenoe northerly, 'allowing the mean high water mark to nlr.t of commenoenient. and pontalr-r.s thirty acres, nKre or less. BEJTISH COCUUBIA PI SHI HO St PACKINC1 CO., LTD. By .tames Henry Bushnell. Agent. Dated August 2ft '928 SWt Form No. IS 48ectlon 88) LAND ACT. hag the moan high water mark to the 1 point el eommsoosmerit, and contain tag eiajneen acres, more or isas. BRITIBH COLtTkUUA FlSHUKl FACKINO CO.. LTD. Br JSmot Henry Imahnell Agec.. Dated August 28, IBM. 206 Form No. 18 (Ceettoi; B8) LAND ACT. NOTIPE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOIl I.B.VSE OF FOHESIIOKG trie, and situate, fronting on Lot 127,! Ranfe 8, Coast District, Inverness . Mmrf! ()l INTKNTIOX TO APPLY ICU 'Take notice out the Bmuh cw- WH.k ombla Fishing & Packing C Ltd., of! ,'ancowwr, BC, occupation Fishing and in the Skeeoa Land BeooMutf Pia-ackins;. intends to apply for a lease , trlet. sltuatt aod froatlng on Lot S, ! the foUowtng described foreshore: ; Bsnge 4 Coast rttstrkrt. Lew Inlet. Commencing at a post planted at the1 TAKE NOTlttE that the sMUril Ool-3rt beast corner of said Lot 127: tbenoe uaihia Phlns Fseslsj O. Ltd.. uf vest, twenty chnina. more or leas, to ; Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fishing and n Interaction with the west ooun- Packing, Intends to avply lor a Mas iry uf Lot 137 produced north: thence f "- :i --'-if dseerthetl toroihora:--Uowtng said production jot the wet oommiclnir at s post planted at tbe aundary of Lot 137 south to mean hlff' isuUieaet conker tf saM Lot 1: thence ater mark: thence easterly, followlna suduj, two cnalns: (hence west forty .ie mean high water mark to point cz chains, mow sr lass, to an' mteisce, immencement, and conulnlng ten j tlon with the writ boundary jf Lot 2 :res. more or less. .produced south: thence north seven BRITISH COLL VI HI A PWHlrKJ ft chains, mere' or leas, to the southwest PACKTNO CO.. LTD. 1 corner of Lot 8; thenee essteril. follow- Bv James Henry butibi., Agent, Dated August 26. 1828. 268 1 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Auction Fale Jf Very Exclusive English Walnut Furniture Instructed by the owner, who is lea-.ig town. I will sell by At'CTlON on . HI ItHllAV, Ort. 18, and FRIDAY, Oct. 9. at the hour of 220 pin., at "THE MANSE" Fourth Avenue ,East heloUowlng ar:icles of furniture, con- istlhg of: Oerhard Helntman Piano (Walnut). Oarhard Helntzman Cabinet Qraroo-ihcr.e and records. Ottoman seat In ' ' ne fjual ty moqir t, ito3 to rr. itca. 'replace seat, beautiful bridge .amp. ..r:c standard lamp, row and blue sort, ar " mirror ' walnut aeo - Jnoehrt, 7?23 . 'room uite in walnut. t room set wlS large : ided gian, abine;. mohair rugs, Wilton Fugs biok and books, rattan .halrt. Qak davk and chair. BxS Asmln- Her rug, 2 fernery In walnut, walnuv :val tablt. walnut O.droojn suite, Hooer, electric plate, dlnr.et service, linoleum. ry. r hn?n byarskln rug. bls. In the Skeeoa Land Heoordraf 'Da-vhct. situate and fronting on Lot of fhe British Columbia Ftahmg A Packing Co's Cannery Site. Tewnatte of Port Satlnaton. Skeena Rreer. TAKE j TICK u . the BrlUih Columbia Flahlng & Peeking C. Ltd., of Vsneourer. BC.. oseuuatlon Flahlng and Packing, Intends to apply for a lease ' t .V,. ilMMkul rn.v. i " ' "-v v.. m2n .V nt 'OSSc&Sii ,--;' "Z''.!" .""",1! ! Mt: thence northerly, following the I "r.Z. STtZZ ; -C. ,JJ 'KZ j rtJ, SSStSl-1 iZfS t " fjj ? ld,lf??,I7 T "tl2li It ?"XTiJ?nL STne wt 1 VLPJJ, J '"I fgf J2?'V3SS2S? KSt , TZ. ,T T i .m mimiiiiKniu Krtiniaa ' ' nunaTeo leet. more or less, w mean nign ,.., "Stx m eeiient -rterT- fonowiaj I rVrlZ 5!l'- n high water mark. to point of tabses. aitcnen uiensua. oil painuogsi. vloua to For further pertioumn nhono G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer. Black 120. . Hr. cmnwcmTit, tvnd eonUtnlng six ier, BBtTIaVH COLUMBIA F1SH1KO PACRWO CO.. LTD. By Jaasee Henry BuahneU. Agent Dated Aucuet Tl, vna 886 BOT I FiC BO HIM Q ME WONT" BR OUT OF THE HOSPITAO.IN TIME TO VOTE FOR AKf ONE! lilt,,,, ,