PAGE TWO Whilll 1- The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Jlupert Bally News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Edi.or SUIISCHllTI0N RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For leader period, paid in advance, per month By rajl 4M1 parts of ortun (WiHfrf)imKVAmif, JMLin advance f.r rtK&$Mfr,:VSf. ,',,.,.l.n. yj?? ffirifoUjr months for . . .Y?.'. . V:!. . . ."A :rr-:7 Bymaii to all other parti of BWtlin Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year By mall to all other countries, per year Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local JieaAtrs. per iertioR, par line Classified Advertising, pec Insertion, per word . Legal , Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract ffcates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PRHE OF HAI.IRI T It is (lit'l'iriilt for ':h rnien to unih i'-'.i';il thi- aai market. Tiu-y t-ai'.nor ur..l. v wi.; -onii-t itm - t! r; uaMv i' -t- I'M not sure allien restaurant it wt a- i-i'Uali'v PORRIDGE $5.00 .60 $1.00 $0.00 7 r.i $1.40 $2.S0 .25 o .15 Monday. March 26, 1928 FORTUNE FOR SEAT On Saturday the sum of :i5.Mti was paid for a seat in the New York Stock Exchange entitling the owner to do business there. The huge price is the result of the increase in business of late enabling more money to be made by the brokers than ever before. Most of us. if we had the price of a seat, would not want to engage in business. I: stems a 1,.t nf money to pay but doubtless the results arc sati.-i'.'tc'.urv nr the scat wmilii tint be miM. NKtii.u; f:ce charged j If it is correct thai the whit- of the Hollinjrer mine were i guilty of which c.u-ei the ii at h o! niei. u ho wen-! working underground and nii..i n il tl.- !ies t hunlieil- 'nore, it is time some action was taken to prevent ie.-:irrem e of such an act. Also it is highiy desiralile efficient apparatus he Kept ii i the neighborhood of a lug m'.tw l- ii-i-d in r. s'u unp. -li u iti ! there he need. Life uhileivro;i:.i is had rtumirh without '!. addition of careless management and Ja. k ot r-ciie ;;,iur.iMv j CENOTAPH FI ND Once more we draw attcitii-n to the fact that the Cenotaph rund is now open and that miIim : iit;iin :,, j arc solicited from everyone. While it would he hetter for peo; !e to make their riona'ion-voluntarily, it undoubtedly will lie neiia' tor -.inem;. to under take the work of making the i o!e, : .un-. ir -tNi.u t.r results ar to be obtained. This cenotaph is otic way we can show onr appreciation of the sacrifices made by those who went nvei-e,i. I Imili! Ie it will appeal to everyone as a worthv ohut. Cover the bottom of a saucepan with water, add the biscuits, broken up. Doll and stir until the mixture thickens. Salt and serve with milk or cream. Ready in two minutes. MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS th. :n it.-- p maml. I( aler ay t lu-y nv iI'I ralm-r do liu.-liie.-.-. whi n il.c mar ket is hijrh than whrn it lun;"- aial "! runr-i- thi- lihrrnior niv of the Mimu mind. .Inst now '!ir I . tit t; -vasun is ili.iinvr to : (.'lose and thr ilt-mat'd huld la ci Im ai.othri wtn-k. IU'SINESS IN CANADA The husini'ss of Canada i. -'' .oil' I'Xpai'd:'" A:, ad ert is,r ment published on another pinre i- i ntri c.-t . it that i' shov.. M.nn-(if the tiilsiiif-s heinjr limn- li" tin- inji.ti;. The advertisement mention -ral -..' iaN doii'i- hui neaa. They are that guotU nm n to the Miiality reiir-M-nted They must be properly packed and delivered pn .mi'tly. Thi. - true in all lines of business whether with people at home or abroad. The advantages of export business are set forth as tending to lower prices and stabilize employment, both most desirable enda. Maaa production ia come to stay and only those firm that manufacture in quantities Can expect to compete. It ia (particularly noticeable .that the accompanying map gives a steamship line from Prince Rupert to the Orient, something for which we have been planning and hopinir and which seems in a fair way to being accomplished. At present only occasional grain me the route. r Prince Rupert people In a year Was II plied in a heap it would make Mount Man in the Moon rM,",d ,ook tpw It i YOU may not slwars see the noiat Lsomt3aaiiBs5ssa-- irtf but tmn you sit on a tack you have A LADY who was purchasing meat'pre-.iy good evidence It Is there. hi a Prince Rupert shep waai asked M , sbe would have round atrak Trie reply WOMW neve r rrlthtd nrm 1Mrge was that the shape of '.he steak wn but the time they keep you waiting Immaterial aa lonif as tt was tender aad -- )uhr i HAPPtNBM stays hide and seek with " a good many people because they fall IN Prince Rup?rt Just now sccording u, uo)c for it at borne, to a local business man there l noth- ln lo:u! lr. Die inormne snd in the afterrom the ruh fll o!I a !!t . THK old i.riir shepherd wa likely to "nn to rrime because of his association !;! crooks but the youne lady watting on customers and keeping them wiuni! wa BUNKS "How's your wife coming aokrti tf the spaghetti orilercfl w.mtd nU' ' lt!l driving?" king 'We r.ewr -p,U:e it .is thr ' ' lt" w,'1 'he's beginning to lesrn nulv ;- better '. ur tlie brnkes thsn to ' ulcphon. pole, fenres and IP all the uselew advice given to tl.uia- to sttp the car" For healthful hot cereal, try 1'. WHAT I MIGHT HAVE BEEN .i t v Nt-n ( : ;. '.ci ::: nn r.i''.c 'her du:i;t:cd . "i ' l.i .!.: ' .' CtC :i x : Minil.iv As Told to Harold C llurr By OTIS SKINNER T HAVE not the llghtet Idea. I, 1 do lean to-vard the opinion, how- ever, that I never would have amount-1 M tO'nsAhloe;if it had not been tor: th' atawe. i I'm very grateful to the, theatre; (for-eonvmg tn my rescue. I'm tut. i i. ! ' "ITobauly today I would bate been u trulgr on a high xtmil, with mall i Hilary ami a large family. I begun to earn nit lltlng after leaving M-lraol a clerk In u Hartford insuraiue of fire rv liailli. too. "The painful truth Is. "I'm not an tn-ttunnLiu .erua at. all. I'm really frightfully leey The only thing that will make me Work Is the spur of neces-1 tlty. So I'm quite sure of one thing I I would have mad a compine failure of business. i "I have, perforce, been my own bus!-! nes manager. And In my early struggles on the stage t bad no money wherewith to purchase plays, t even did my own press work at Intervals. That led alter a while to the Joys of author-hip 1 wrote a book of my days In ' .he theatre Called TootMghU .and " "Hut such Itternrt ability a I pw- I rame by through Inheritance and naf by lay own effort. My rather we j inlnMer of the lioepel aud he wrote hi own sermon, while uiy mother hA i :4ft of narrative, anil m aewlhsr .1.1 .i vei brilliant writer. j. . d mother would .PIv tf I had follow - . -ps or in aome 'i; But. unlike iii-:. any great in the mln-He did i. : . t black :i- ' "Vllo .1 iit ill oi-iinilli . I wntl Mtu Hi- a hnlt .iir ii. oic li ii i- rotigk . ink .i mi l i r.u- kill riie men ; in I irim-iniM'r. i.ini in at- -i i i -r ti in mr I'LiiriiT Tii.ii iniiilneed ; nut hi i Ui mifi I :i i! in iv ! T . '.!::,- 1 b-j i:f n .. !" r I I ttllK l TIIEXTKK m- tern tVidni'sd.i) .mil Thurrlv. Ij.m, .;! .: Telve allies O',:' C n,. d P. i hr lit-s.ew. rrtday and Saturday Douglaa Fairbanks in The Oiucho." Metro Ooldwyn News. FAIRBANKS AS THE GAUCHO IN EPIC OF SOUTHS usurper, who piiU price upon hi A beautirul girl of the ahrlhe whose dealing as a child brought fame to the place, stir, strange emotions In the outlaw The Jealous mountain girl betrays him to the commandant who ha plsesd his garrison in the rlty by the tsaurper orders, a treacherous Oaucho llrutrnsnt. d laminae the band on a alc message, arid' th. outlaw is cap-Hired' Witnessing his cure st the alirtne from the touch of a plague trirken beggar the mountain girl Un derstands the 'girl of the miracle" for i the first time, and too late tries to 'prive-t the arrest She ride off to :h:i"n tlie Onurho band to the rescue. I From hi. cell the Osurho chief see. In- .hriiie gill and her protector, the good padre under srreat He digs hi way out snd Join his oncoming riders Outnumbered by the dictator's troop , the Oaucho stampede a vast herd of OTl! KINr.K "Probably I nniild liae heen a drudgr on ;i IihiI would haunt remote .torer.Kmus- on the company s tinie pLiycojH in hand, yelling myself hoarse, going through ssjii.-alng aoMMa. Those budding histrionic feata wra nbt delivered oefore an audl-enoa. apell-bound or otheiwlae. It was a big wuwboua and I waa careful to clang toe Iran doors shut behind me. "lb tMa dmy I do net know whether they were aound proof or not. I'm inclined to think the contrary that certain strkog noises were Heard coming from behind the bales and be boxes But at least I was never caught at re- heana4. "No. I would not have been contented ! to remain a dage slave on S3S a week. I would have been a sour and dissatisfied one. rm afraid "la amy eitrewtr taath Mmsethlng seft Mlrrlag arnl reaaenilng amund Inside of ae nut II rMsaH) It burt. Kterbe4) must rind a rnt. Mine wa through the stage door." Tewtorrnvi Man Pk-kfcird I Copyright by Public Ledger) steers and gains the city aa the soldiers are routed. Th shrine girl and priest an released mm the scaffold. The dictator and commsndsnte are taken by the Oaucbos, and the outlaw rides away 1th the girl or his choice. : - :LEARN MODERN ?l COMMANDMENTS TEN' HKITTKN IIY KtHBI AH till TO ' srtYBMftrrL MtUHitia: are " i Bcrae tune ago. Rabbi Jerome M. Lawn of Beth brael Temple. New York City waa quoted in the New York World as prescribing the following ten coaamaimmsnu tor successful sb sua laws arww www i. m Mes marriage s Sdggjaf . Continue the sweet courtehlp of love A. ....... which you started when you j mil jviu ov Dustr Remember you are bath hitman, not erfect. hence liable to err Confide in each ether Keep no secrets from each other. j When you are In the wron. admit It, 'klas and mk up. i Accompany your husband or wife whenever you are aaked to do sc. even moment's notice. We all have our whims and notions to do things sud denly at time. i Bncouragt your husband, lionise him tfiitotuduf a day when Oaachos bold and he win strive to live up to your cde the boundless pais pas and the estimate of htm. law of might made right. Douglaa Fab--; Never forgn tbx Seventh Command. sank comas tottls -rh-hls .thMmng near ment: do not congmlt adultery. If you United Artist production, the Oaucho. ao, u u but the beginning of your which la to show here Prlday and Bat- future un happiness. urd ! Live within your means Do not Iml- A more colorful romance than thta Bouth American story, with it majestic wenery. 1U tense rivalries and oon-quests. could scarcely be conceived Again. Fairbanks actor-producer, brings tat your neighbors, relative or friends. Respect the parents of your wife or husband: vour home lift will be the happier for it Belong to your House of Ood: both to hi world audience a screen narrative jof -you; be active tn lt. Ood wlU bijaa destined to rank with the epics of all! you for lt um There they are! Something to stick The star haa the role of a bandit jm your ha- mid keep! In line with chief, the leader of a horde of Oaucho jutls. the ..i.noimcetnent that Esther riders, who cros the mountains and Ralston wilt i-c seen tomorrow in her .ireupy a atately shrine city whose n.test Paramount starring vehicle "Ton wealth la the prey of the cruel uaurper j Modern Commandments" should . be of of th country A madcap mountain uneiest Esther join the chorus and lass, thrilled by the notoriety of theli,,,, the bright light Dtcaiogae. Osurho chief. Joins htm en route New! . ... of the outlaw's presence reachc the ! KTHfEI tin liir rn IIT IP 1 HLLTL llllLtO UUI 13 STORY OF BOOTLEGGERS I'lenly of tel in In CH-tttre of Hum liunncr and Offlrefs at the Law Those who like plenty of excitement and fast action, eteeMltl eat "Twelve Miles out" at im Westbntm this com Ing mid-week it to story of boot- legv'.ng snd hi- acking and kidnapping Jerry Pay i the daredevil motorcycle rider of a Whin of Death eon cession on an amusement pier and I in lore with Daisy and is u-terly disillusioned when he fii.t sht i, the mistress of Red Mc Cue. n notorious bootlegger. MrCur not only takes the girl but hrsts Jerry up ind Jerry, hardened and cynical, becomes a hijacker, prying as peclslly on MrCxie'a trade. Jerry's speed boat, with a load of liquor on bt.nrd. la chased to ahors by a coast guard boat. Jerry parks hi rasea in the purlor of toe cultured and tlriuoua Jane, who lives In a lonely house on the Bound. Jane's fiance, the windbag attjruey. Burton, la present but la unable to protect her Jane's frvant 1 killed and Jerry takes Jane and Burton to sea in order that they cannot bear witness against his complicity in the murder. On the voyage Jane becomes disillusioned with Burton and falls in love with Jerry. They are boarded by what Jerry takes to be oaat guard officers, Jerry refusing to fight for fear Jane get fcur. The commander of the coast guard proves to be Red aicCue and Jerry bas to exercise all hi ingenuity to prevent the bootlegger from attacking Jane. He dares McCue to a drinking ihat:b and when that gentleman la under the table. geU ott an BOB call, adljcks McCue men Into their quarters knocks down the helmsman and lakes the wheel. Jane stands by his lde. holding his revolver. McCue recovers and comae on deck. Be tries to get the revolver from Jane, but Jerry jumps on bis hack as he crabs for It As the two men roll ;ver the gun explodes Jerry rise to his feet as a revenue cutter pulls aionf-tde and the officers come aboard. He explain the situation. Jane confirming ais statement ate Cue la dead. Jerry Is sentenced to a year's lmprta-- nment, but Jane promises to wart (at aim. "NO PLACE TO GO" IS A SPIRITED COMEDY fhrftn In w Yarn and Ewe In Neath Men IsUimI AMfctst Ceterfal ar-rnuadrng A spirited story with plenty of com-rdy. a fine cast and a director who Knows the values of laughs, combine to .uake "No Place to Oo." Pint National's l eer picture, to he seen hate tonight, one it the most entertaining that could be f xlred. Merwyn teftoy directed. Thla is toe first picture directed by lettae. but R prerea that he la a really laished megaphone sport, both because of hi Uchhical knowledge and hi understanding of human essotlona, es-psalally In the realms of c gaudy. He U '.he younaeet director in the movies. The story, which was adapted from "laies of Rom ace," tt a comedy drama Which starts in Mew York City aad travel to the Bouth Baa telaada. where adventures ertth supposed eanaihala ate ?ta treated with exnerlenoe In thai aaaa palaeee of itt city. . Ja'li P jwl s'QflftSjaasbss S)gBB9 Bbsst'i drama, and plentiful humor I provided. Henry Hobart produced this film for Pint National Pictures. NOT1CH TO CONTRACTORS Bsalad Iwndera. emtoned Teiuiar far ahincllng Provincial OoVenuneat Wharr WarehoUM." will be received by the udntnedup to noon of Tuesday, Specification, oantraet and Pom of Tender may be obUlned at the office of the District Engineer. Court House Prlnoe Rupert. The successful tenderer will be called on to deposit with the Honourable the Minister of Publl. . rks. an accepted cheque equal to ten l - r-nt ilo) of the total amount of his tc ider. Tenders will not be considered un. made out on the forms supplied, signed with the actual signature of the tenderer, and cnesoaea in the envelopes fwrnlsbed. The lowest or acy tender not necessarily accepted. O C. MACKAY. I TO District Xnglneer NOTICE IN THE MATHER of an application for the kerne of a Provisional omiflcate of Title for Lot aixteen (161. Block mteen (111. Town of Stewart. Map SlaA. Satisfactory preor of the las of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It la my intention to lattM. after the expire tloa Of one month fr-wn the Meat nuHJ 1 ncauon 1 cat Ion hereof, nereor, a a Pro ProvMonal visional Car Certificate eate of Title la dated the Mth c the name C Ttlfl- "iv. "u numnerea tiai.'TreVX08' H. P ktACLCOD, 9 Registrar of Title. IN PRORATE IN THE M'PREMR rill'RT Of IIUITIHII COl.tMlllA In the Matter of the Administration Act. nrtd In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph T,:Ttim RITISHCOLU M,, MBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows! Plucer Gold, $78,018,618; LnnV Oolii Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, $ 00.0742; Copper,. $209,9C7,OCa Zinc, 5o,r. 1 2,&f,77 Cokfo 81,509,1.1 (Struct ral.tMaterlal and Miscellaneous Minerala. r,o.i7r. to; its mineral production to tl e end of 192G show an AGGREGATE VALIE OF $08108,470. 1'HODUCTION VOR VEAU END NO DKCRMllKIt, 1U20. $ti7.lKH.st2 The Mininjc Laws of this Province art more liberal and the fees lower th.,,, any other Province in the Dominion, or uny co ony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security r , jruaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, toother with Mining lloporta aad Mups, may he ), ! , addressing THE HONORAHI.E THE MINISTElt OF MINW. VICTORIA. niUTISII COLUMBIA. N.D. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties unon which , work has been done are described Sn some one f the Annual Reports nf the Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such report Tii able without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Virtori. . Mr o, the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Iluiltling, Vancouver, arp reeommend-il sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are publish'-il sepur.v. available on application. Montreal :: Importers OUR WHOLE STOCK MUST HE !)IS!OSF!) in .i ENGLISH (iAHAUI)INB UAIMOAI Imported from the Ix'st makara. Ui 20. and up all g-oinjr at half pricr. HUNNINO SIIOR8 FOR lHIN(i VKII Damlnlon .Ma We ' MenN Running Shoea, regular $1.7fi. Now Boys' Running Shoex, regular 11.50. Nou YouthV Running Shoe, regular $! 25. NH.. ChiMren'n Running Shoea. regular 1.2". N Montreal Importers Telephone I Hue 418 Third Avenue J. II. Mill. ' 1 For Best Results i all your baking IN PROBATE in Tin: at piiKMK cm itf ill' iinimii rOM'MIHA In the Matter of the Administration In theHtatter of the ablate of Benedict Bteffan Johnaoh. Dtceased, IntesUte. TAKt NOTICE that bl urikr of Ml Honor P. Mcli Young, the Mnd day of March. 1B2. I wa appointed administrator of the estate of Benedict Steffen Johnson, deceased, and all parties having claim against the aald estate are hereby required to furnlah same prp- Krly verified to me on or before the th day of April, l9g, and all parti Indebted to the estate - required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. use Robin Wood flour POSITIVE MONEY HACK (JUAHANTEB IN EVKK. , K William Christ un. Dm eased. In- TAKI NOT1 CI that by order of His Honor P McB. Young, the Mth day of March. 1MB. I waa sppotnted Admlnl-trstor of the estate of Joseph William Chrutlan. deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are hereby required to furnlah same, properly verified to me on or before the 14th day of April. 1938 and all partlea Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 14th day of March. iwe. City Meat Market (SELVKi 1110 K Third Ave. m ,6J KJOT 1'ISK -ORONSAKER c.Jirror NOKKEIX)ST FET.MVSOST PRIMULA (JAMMBLOST riSKEROLLKR l'LATRROI) MULTER 0- lttt kl. vnrer. RIHlK'' V Hurllir nmlirinjri lc