tm PAQ2 F0U3 Tug. 'b&TLT '5jrs BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMar, plaster lHlf?IItS VJEUL- MAGGIE 1 I " (ZZilTI -,-.qo. w v.v.- lif' I pwCAN! I'M HALFW S ' . j DADOV- HtHE ir VOlijnm illr?f!tt INSIST I wTIo,rT O P J TROUCH W.TH T AN- T . NjUNtBtR TWO- MAM a V LB. I MS.H KNOW Vv,,, I . I CANT CO OUT V ' I AL om THIS nTHE r eA MOU FINISH THIS AMI") ,"-. Wall Board r-'lNyMttl rr . v " i i r j i 'v-'vli t mm i-rr- Til Oc r- ensures a lifetime of sntfs-faction when used for walls and ceilings; fits true and stands firm during the life of the building. Wont WARP CIIUMRLE CRACK IHJUN or WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones HC and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of ( Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughing Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 310 Ilox 467 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot, wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorn. Barred Rocks. R.I.' Reds, Wyandottes. Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorca, Bid Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Prices. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Radiola. we wish to draw your attention to the Bad Ma No. 16. It la another of the up-to-date, last six months modal a six tube rereiver. Price, leas Radlotrona MJ6t Price, with Radiotrons .. 1 1144 Price, complete with RaAto-trons and 100. A Loud-aptaker 1.3.7 r. tv. c iiAMii ru Riclut)ve Wholesale Dealer for Radlolaa Office: SIR With M. tlni SIS rrlm-e Huert. F1.C. IjINDSAY'SJ Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributitifr. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize. In Piano and Furnltun? M.ivlnu. MOUNTIE HEAD TO BE WEDDED M'PTI.IL or INsPM'TOK -MM KM M. II PtKR l MHW .M.NK.H J. chhi T4MMiirr A vetoing of coiiilderabie inleree: witt lake place at 8 o'clock tonight at be home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ryan. :e SUth Avenue West, when Miss Ag- .es Jean Cblltna of Vancouver will be mited, to naxriac to Inspector James M- Tupper. officer commanding of the .Morthern British Columbia detachment jf the Royal Canadian Mounted Police fhe ceremony, which will be a quiet one ith only a few Immediate friends In attendance, will be performed by Rev. J R. Prlzell. pastor of First Presbyterian Chureb and the couple wlU be attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. PoBow-lug the wedding a supper will be nerved. Inspector Topper, who la a son of the late Sir Charles Hlbbert Tupper ol Ysweowv and a grandaoa of the late Sii Charles Tupper. one of the Fathers jf .Confederation and a former premier of Canada, arrived In tbe city only a .'ew months ago. He Joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Wood , Maintain. Saskatchewan, and has seen erlce wKh the lor re at Her- .. : !iand. where be was officer com i..; .i well as at Begins and Va .r..: i! also served with the cavaln. .:. :k r, , Wax. The couple Will take up re;i.v- : the Llpaett house on ! 'i West. FINE CONCERT LAST EVENING! UITSTIIOLMK THEATRE rUHtTf D TO IHIOItft AMI HM EIlv r ri It-FK.MA( K 1IVI NEW OUGANIZATION HE.VUP Eten Mare AmMUoms fragr.iin ri:riin-.i for Xeat Month Basil y one of tbe ftneai kind that has ever been city was tbe reclts; glvi (n the Weatholme i .est p eently organ laerl -n the Plret Horr.-i ni h-. .: 1 tendance w.- - time of turned .. V I.lllll il . the on hr--:.i ! ment l: i ,.- ..-.(I lnstrtUTK l ' . , Menta ivi . viu- the ore:i- : i -.vr :. ... of Prof n Aiii.'r . i'. the huiu.. -a.:;i si.-1 whom great credit la due lor the fine I showing, after some ten weeks' practice Outstanding items on the program were tbe descriptive piece "Hunting" In Which many farmyard novelties were mteMMsjdHiera . J) j. cornet dust, by R. Clreenfleld and Dave Ross, the selection of Irish Airs in which : wse a vMnlincello solo t .iue Back to Erin" by A. 1. Lancaster, violin solo by Miss Bemlce Rosa "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms' and cornet solo "The Last Rose of Bummer'' by R. Greenfield; the Oriental patrol 'Desert fSarsvan" of which the audience demanded a repltitlon. and the en- treacte Loin du Bal" In which the conductor txk some Interesting liber ties with tbe tempo and fully demon strated hut capabilities as a dirrctar Tbe Irish Airs was followed lth nn encore "Our Students" march shile "Met ropolitan" march was played as an -i. -core to tbe "Hunting Scene.'' .il other musabera were handled with similar ex cellence and all were well received. Much appreclu'ed dlvriwlons from the orchestral program cre the vocal Milih by Mrs. H C. Prsser and Miss Emily Davles. bo ti of whom were in exT'.N-i)! voice. Mrs. Praear sans "Olory of the Sea" and ''May Corning." rivlrut Moruiag" from Orelg'a "Peer Qynt" as ss an encore. Miss Davles gans TThe I Valley of Laughter'' autl'The SSI- ax jb... sbt. jm.. !Bt fJ"Tt"JSl Taf M' W ' i" RovfimnctlMltf lte Members of the orifhera. whi already pisnntng for another recital or oven more ambltloua nature In about a oath's time, are as follows: Piano-Mrs J 8 Black Cornets Dave Rom and KODrrt Orrcnflrld Trombone have Emlmai) Basa W. H. Derry Saxophones- R. A. Rood J. R Mpr- rKoii mid .lnie Sturxenn. C'litrior.ets Wrlulu DaM. and Arthur if,-. BTL lfr Beale. Violin cellos A. J. Lancaster and Miss Lucy Gain. First violin-- Misa Marjorle Lancaster, Miss Benilce Hess, M!.-s Swana Olafaon. Miss Kathleen Bulger. Miss W. Muwtal-lem. MK Molly Lawrence. Mrv William Millar, Friu-.k Cameron. Jock Campbell and Dr R E. Byotfsen. S-(-c.; rt Viilins- G. V. WUkliumn. J. B. Mackay. Prank Porlune and A Words. Drums Goorge Ocrie, Jr. and WIU F. Brcwne. In spite of the large turn-out. tbe collection amounted to only tXUM which will just about pay expenses. Contributions averaged only Uc pet person and there were many who enjoyed the program but took the opportunity to pay very lightly or not at all Handling the collection were Ernest On-win. William Brass. C. h. Youncmaa and Wtlllsm Ranee. The full program was a follows: O Canada 1 Mar;h. "JollUlcaUon"T lAacher) 2 O-.frature. -Luetptel". .iKeler Nil 3 Song. "The Glory of the Sea- "( W. Sanderson) Mrs. Praear. i -cn inicic, i-om au Mar . . icuiieti 5 Selection. "Irian Alra (an.) (Aacber) (5 -Song The Valley of Laughter" Sandean Miss I. Davles 7-March. High Pride" 3---Ptrcl Oriental. "Deser c : avail" .i' ii : k m. in H. :ner i (Laurenu PATTULLO TO GIVE ADDRESS . II I -l'i. iK UKsl)t vrMM. i.ll-.l. , i at t oi u:.i. tmi oiiim.s H 11 1 lr i1:' m. ;::.-: ,.f W . .e'r , .-x ' ' ' lie P; n.. t in, -'I . . .. t. o in- to the ii .. .. . i i' . a .....(' ' '' ' I:i...2ay --. . .' h.. - :. arr.:.,u H i;)-: ' : . : An- . .at..,.. ..: a u.K- - . pjbl... .l.vt.:. . d..iu a- tii.- ' '.a' ' .'. i.cln. !. : ' '.' p.ift :n ' - . .:. to ... :it-' :. uehalf of ;l.t- 1.1.0- :.- -ii t probable hut M 4 i...w w. daj;. yseu , the party forces here and IB View of unary to be i h: la .hu jesr. there will doubtless be a i-.-.d deal j'. interest m tbe laeiitini; Wednesday. ' ' IIOTtl AKK1V At H. Central. J. Proser and P. Olllia. government read: Ell Verreau, Mayo: A. B. Ttowne. Brittle: 8 a McLaughlin. Teeaato: Mm k Stherk and Mlsj May McDonnell. Haynpurt: Mrs. Pauila and datagh-teis and D Christopher. Hayoport; R. P. Harries. Rose Lake: 1 Davy. W. P Taylor W McKay and O. Bnrdal, CN R. Ha t oy H. A McLennan. CNR : P. Toyer. i:y. Mrs John Stougaard. Peteraburg, Ala.ska: R. O Cuiiiliiiham. Port Es-sIiikuiii: Paul Brudine. W. P. 'Treaton and H. Sprat t. Terrace; O S wanton. Exstew; T O McMauamon. Ttle;reph Point; J. O. Peterson. Shames. I'rliiee Riiiert .lames Jack. Joseph 8 Hogers and Mi and Mm. A. L Weaver, city; A. D. M Bride, H. T Frrdcrickson. J. Christie, A. ljiiinliiR. A Johnston. C P. Wllkwei and P W Howe. Vancouver; H T. Mat-ion. San Diego. PRINCE GEORGE 0ie recewtly arrived from vt"llr'rf fi opened a machler ieair sr.op her in premises on Third Avenue formerly occupied by Nash 4 Hurradlne. Charles A Pyne" for the third time nil enme flrxt ansona dlitrtpt n..n.u of his comimny m the province fori ti e umoiuil of insurance buaim-M ob- 1 a Hid L B Wsmer r.f Smlthers. president of the Associstcd Board, of Tt4e of j Central Britten MwMi tM aeoepted tan InvrteUen to addreee the local Bossa lot Trade at luncheon next Wednesday ' The OasttlsV occurred here fast week of Mrs. William Holworih Sue was 47 years of aft and U survived by s widower MM eight children The funeral took place from Cominught Hill Lutheran CburclL SMITH EKS ! eaperienced conaulerable 11 mculty last week In handling a rush jt surface water In the spell of soft All culverts bad been froaen josM durUss the winter and. as a result. I there wee sev-... floods with cellars receiving the Iu places, the 1 water reachr.i h. of four feet. TTk unrn la nov. p llv clear of snow. I A 1 clean ore, giving 'value e1e per ton. has beet ibioken mt. - Victory mine oc auai 1W . i which Is being tnHomt ,.. I. J. O'Brien ol r ljju i Owmi; u a Uty, the insnecto. of BiiiitK tpe!.: i- iniornied the vil hale .it - . crs that it mhal refund ail m ... . tlved on accoUBt Of ;!-);.-r-le . he IS lax sale Sfveiiirru pi 1 tnd are involved NeiiUt 111 rt.;, . tbe sale follow .-.i i!e auct::. '.' bo cause of tbe at x-wp I C'OIUSC: .... are reorgaielna ;idei Hi . of P M Dock-. .f Tfik , .. campaign o; tkeeim ruling . . provkacuu i .. . '. a Thr.' a ' .meeting las. v.i K w.' h W.' : U.:i.:ia, Brltlsi. t oltl!lll4i party. U: -i F H Tavlor :,.svt three resale. , .p . t: thu cob- -lie QV.wUini ue on Hi ....laray. the Hu-a iiuuve ..: cl . .. .. and ...! -e. Mr .iixl M' B.mi;a a . cl . i. . W :. :.,n. 'rt M.i- Li.n d J M..--.H1 A.lall, .: ' IX". l, ! !!.!. a, ;y-:-ii. ' m.t-' " ;ie m.Ij... inn to Sm Llier. ..a.f. itevi . tlll'lSJv be a!.- I. i .K. .' II. n : Au-t.ji OO iK'llol.:! .-. 1)1 . dH J I - CM n:. al l. Iioiti.- Si i :id (ante I iruljlli. ol Ha I ...I1!. W ::. rui llv .1- p" .li'.-nU. . -o. b. lu. : M ' 11. - px.ll 'la ottntry. soestt a a lew lew day dayo In I Smrthess during last Be at I that . eoiisiaeiwbie nsinteg activity n r v -""T Ttuer Rev rather A. VaUleras. OM.I ol Smlibers is boMins apsctsl services In the Catholic Chureb at Prince Oeerge. A. A. MacDonaM of Oak; O. Wl of Beaton and IX Sanall el Morleetewn have been smong Use business visitors In Smlthors this week. R 1. Jaitnack cf Topic y and P. Simons of Quick were also lie re Mrs. John QosW of Houston Is iMI ing for a week In Smllksn ss the guest of Mia N p. Uoran Uev- Pather Chart lea. OM.I. visitor in Health st week TERRACE M. DockrHl Of Twrrace. ennservatlve . "-rw Mwiwaini election end W. DrianSn of Vaneouver. H-Tinciaj orgaamer Of me eenserv atlve ' Rnrtf arrived leaam tha mtsrisv rti eat week and bees soena several daeal rn the viatnua a . . . v.u I -ww w aclo i - i , Kn Prhtay r.eamg with tbe MnmW e trt" local i ru.n illna Mr Duukrill vimho at U.k on his way down and on naluMav v .... ... i-a , mM - j j afsdaa. l i " - - - m lehsrtcn , and other mors ' distant pwrits m his ewnatltueney. Mr. Drin- nm reun.d to the latertor on Bstur - ' . Robert He-vH -turned , a..r day alter pendisw several days I.. ... Prince Rupert. D W Shore and T. Cavansgh were EHte Ca V anted For Sale DAILY For Rerl 2c per word in WANTBI) WANTCD TO KXCMANOl POOR roomed bungalow in South Vancouver for one of alsBlIar value at Sornl Cove Apply S. Swafcury. No. 1 Sub post office. Prince Rupert 73 W ANTKD - PUB ITU RX OP ALL DBS- criptkna. Highest prleae paid. Spot cash. Ptooae O. Dawes. Black lie . WAlCTETJ- A SfUrXHsfR OR LATBRK Phone Blue 170. 73 FOK SAI.B aaia. o up umavy cwttv n gal. Atwater-Ment ignition, comnletei S h p Callle 60 00. Baldrldge No. a. clutch MO 00. Pord MaalfoML iu. a a 34 Schuta field glaas M&aM. left ban propel lara 14 and It. L MAHOwrr. Aayoa B.C. 78 FOR SAUt. OAS BOAT TASA Length 415; beam 10 ft. 16 BP Atlas 4 cycle engine; price tlSOO This boat would make excellen packer. Apply Pujlmoto. AUIn Ave - Weetelr Cow Bay tf irrrtNo toos ai ao pcr MrTrnio from bred-to-lay tnoronghbrede; BaC Leghorn sad Barred Rork. lOP lock The Royal Par and Poultry Ranch, Pacific. BO. S! 'JLO NfrWweAPMaB MAY M DSBD VH-stead of building pa see or to lay beneath carpets o tlM floor. Oet special price on laree ouaatUlUes Bally n MOSKBATS. -HOW- BODKIlia OBOBRF for summer and fall del' very, finest deck Bmskaeta The Royal Pur as;' Poultry Ranch. Pactflr. BC. f 1 POB SALE OORietT O.tPORO RANGE two solid oak library tables and window blinds. Pncne Blue 703. "H POB SALC -HOOM SCOW, 19 BT 40. Miltable for eutptag or nabkng Ap-" nra M Bsuiv Bews. 73 POB SALB -as-4o b p OAS engins. Pbone 1 418 moral nga. IS DB08TJALLY WtlTOH CAB- Apply Pulten. Dalrt J. tf LOST lOOLD BBOOCH LOST AT BALYATTOll Army esnsag-t on PrMhvy night. Ptedsr Iwturn to Dally Revs OAVe. " . Dta. who cam Mtw but rmB from petrolt has torn pletea). anotidituiw for jruyipurahaee of JL Oahba botsa at ifltsuDf am -rwwwmnmtT considerable ImprovemenU to more ade quately take care of tbe summer vial tors to the Raluan Lake district. Maa Butt of Winnipeg, who hlle here last fall purchased the rar-v W. Donald, on the bench northwest o! town, has returned to Terrace and taken possession of the property. Bh. Is arranging to have onusiderable more clearing dune ou the land C. A. Oarrlck. representative of the Dcmlnkiti Rubber Co was s bus'ne visitor here during the week. Mr. and Mrs P Aiken returned to past two months In Manitoba and Ontario. j wuir t , ,.. rwr. visor of Provincial scalers, was here on !p,id condoctln, eaamlnntlon, f r I licensee mim a n.mK.r , , ' , . . . .. A an uaaiurTmon uaanjovwia; tlva turek-hwitlJnVnnST S,.i..JF a pros n MrrWaLl 1- MTr Jt . . Hiiin. eonai convener, was rendered . . . i "o reiiw snmenta were servl durtnc i the rfttmoen. ' s 1 a rsrid or ..m .... -(. m - .j- n I r i ttu i,1t,T ,roB ''rtnee Rupert on Thursd.iy "r n w nouinson ,if Prince Rnert. wh.i lnat summer ptirrhHwii the At;. . j . ranca in me 1 Seine Valley Mr. IKOotneon arrived on Saturday and will be followed soon by Mrs n .hu.soi, and clnldien. , NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertiiemcnt taken for lets than SOc m ST " ViM' J, Ml FOK KENT POR RENT MODERN POUR-ROOMED . . house convenient . to Seal Cove and ' Dry Dock. Phone Oreen 283 75 POR RENT PURN1SUBD APART-ments, four rooms and bath. Water paid. Phone 647. tf POR RKNT -PUBMtBHKD HOU8EXEXP-ing rooms by the day, week or month Phone Red 807. tf POB. RENT ROOMS WITH OR WITat-out board. Central loeatiem Phone Btwe 153 BBNT. - PUIOaSHaD HOUBB- keeplng rooms Apply Mussaltem Orocery. FOUR ROOMED HOUSB POB RKNT: hot and cold water. Phone Bed 335 AUCTIONEERS. rHIXCE El PERT .tlTTKW MART FwB?trI HtByeFll Purnlttn of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged Crating and packing done. Oooda sold on Commission G. J. DAWES, laWWwJw,s n ootervnaxi scales scalcs. meat slice rs. chcew ru'tera and cabinet. tn' chorijv-r. egre ntllN rash ref-iatera and peanut butior mills. Expert repairs and adjuaunenta. Service cintrsrts Revs, sswd or rebuilt machines (say terms or cash discount. TUB M-AUKa fUMW 1.7 D. MA ranters at.. W. VaaesMsvet B.C. FUIWITURB AND RAWOKS TRBPTIRPtELO BLITBSl BEDROOM Stilted Dining Suite. Kitchen Tables. Bangea. 1 Usalsiim and Llnoirusa Ruga Carpett. Blinds. Curtain Rod. Boatanore Collsprlngi and Matlitssea. Blanket. Cretonnes Window Curtata goods We have sUil a few maU left st the old price. A. MA PREMIE. PTRNITIBP. PImhm Tts. CHIMNEY SWEBP H. J. JCTMKBIIR fleneral Manay Man Purnaees and Sureee Cleaned and Repaired. Chisanies Swept OMsetery Ptou Cawed Por. Phone Red ttt Prtnae Rttpavl. BjO. EXCHANGE NEtt: AN SBTOND IfAJflt FtIllt('Ht boogtit and sold and eiebanfwd Player Piano ana) Cash Reguners tm KM Third Ave CHIHOPKACTlCr DR. R. E. EYfliiWON rklmpraeter ess Third Avenue. TeVvnone (or appointment nam la Blue 8A Rev de nee phone Black MS. Evenlnk calls made sa arranged Make your appointment I1HNCR ltUPKUT TIDES 4- MOMIMY. MABdl N H!h 4 20 am. SIS ft. 17 :18 P-OV 17.1 " Low jo ja ajR. tJ " SS 01 aa- . IV. m taftl BY. . HlKh 181 pja. IBS -4J f. ii M p m. " wrvt;nT. Mturii tat ."'ah -. IS ajn. IBS ft 18 " Low 4 aifllll pm. ISA i, 1 ' 1 w 1:18 am. 104 " 14:40 p m. rrrintv. MtWll SS Mlh O IS ajn. 180 ft. jw Rlah t, ,. S3 34 p m 3:01 am 19 01 pm TI llll IV. MAIM II 10:31 am 21 St pm 4 It am 10 50 p.m. 178 " 10 7 " 5 8 " IBS ft 13 " 0 7 " S3" Article, Lot and Found.Ac STEAMSHIP MOYBIENTS far Vaneeurrr Tuesday -as Csm-Friday sa Prm.f. Ssturdsy u. v. ' ss. Prln. March II ) March 2a. . t frem Vaaeeater Sunday es cam.. Wednesday l -Satuniay w. v.: Saturday- as Prv March II an I' March 21- l - March 31 w I rwr Pert aimessn and Sum Knr- suntrsy -as cam. nn . .,1 Irani Pert eieiasso anil w im-Tueaday es. Csni.- . - Iwr Anyet tad lert-Sunday ss Cam . ; ;, Wednesday u Pr .:. IVwes Antet snd sirn - Tiieaasy - sa. can., in:; ' IS I Prklay as Prlnre nr,r ' 11 lor ((wren l'harMie March ias Pr-". X March 14- ns it 11 tvwen Queen rharhiiev- Prna J. March ss-his rat AUka March II-s. Pr. Match Il-es P ; March 31 P th'ka March IS as Pr March SB. ss P- MAIL SCHEDUiE MtHI II Per the East Mondays. Wednr-1- 9..t Km the ravl .sd Toaadays. Thiirxiii due 31 To Veneeetee Tuesdays I IX I Pfidsya 0.PJI Peb as m.-- i ' -Trains. Monday Baturdaye . . 10 V) rrojn Vaeewerrr Bun date Wadneediys IS Saturdsys CPS- Mrch II ?! ' . . Tv Train. Sundays 1 i-.'- tv p Ta Aayot," Alice Arm. -lessri . rrentlfr r '" ssmhvye 9? Wedandaya art f Tm Aayxv AHre rm wes Itemler 6 'l Mts Tn Rlrrr Pin"- 1 Sundays Itlrer raw: To AUM Palafs- Mareh 11. SI nd t PreHi thrka PelBl- Mh. SJ. atoieh is ' ;; T QweeH CharWI l"""'1 ' "'" . ( March 10 and a M....I r-'ij rten ffneen rhri.t March 8 and i i iii' Orabam A AUin Ave U AWB. A 8tb 8t flth Avo. r Uton :r:5 Mb Ave. .nomi'K - Bherbr. ve llth Ave. 11th A- Conrai Mth Ave. Hay I Bth Ave. M Cotton K' Ii H tth Ave at Oreen St 1 1 1 Sth AW. At UeBfloe pros. Oovt. BuUding Prov. Oovt. Wharf MilW o Tap Wharf . . i p.iii I" ..... I l Smf St Ml i 1 1NM Pwlton St , Il snr Ave. at 6th st Bundsys One coiie ' pm collection. C.N.R. TRAINS rer fhe ISil Mondays , Wednesdny at 1140 am Prom the EeM Tuesday . Thursil - It ISO p m