,irtay, March 26, 1923 SPECIALS ,I V.U CLIPPERS Reg. $1.26. Special price $1.00 l-AUST MALT Reg. $1.25. Special price $1.00 01; V.TSON'S TONIC ALU AND STOUT-Rcg.. 7Sc. 'tUftW a ;. ....... NEW'MIX TOOTH PASTE AND I1RU81I-Reg. 75c. Special WH I M nOTTLES Reg. 75c. Special prki IwrumANl FACiriC '1 . t. SEE OUK WINDOWS of COATS rat tvn Pioneer Drtttjrisls far LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN ."Or? THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES P.oOO Special :: Offering COATS FOR CHILDREN uliir value up to $18.00. Special price $8.7."5 COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES il.u value Up to $25.00. Social price ll..v your choice of these splendid garments while they tur they will nut last long at these prices. B. C. Fur Company Third .Avenue P.ANAD1AN National Q7jc Largcfl Kailway Sylcm in America .STEAMSHIP AND from I'RINfT. Kl'I'tRT for i inttrmedlste polnu. each KIKIIIKtN and AMIIX. wli MKWAIIT each -W'IKIA1 ' NORTH aai I II 1 PAHaBN'iKR THUS- I. MOMIAY. MIIltV snd i:Oltlie. EIMTO. HINII' ' ales tHKM M I A i aiio.4l.tt allnsl Kpfr- TRAIN SERVICE VANTOlVF.lt. VIPTOa;IA. RSATTLK. 1 HI Kl) snd KI NIIAY at 11 p.m. w:inIAV. 4 p.m. 10 p.m iiaui or ri: IhLamis. portoigJitiy l lli; I'KIMr. KirKKT sAIIHUAV si I1M am for l'HIN(.K Mi. all polnu Baateru Oaaado. United ri ttill- llNa. r V4..nr ' er Fixvlan 'beue: ! sIm for er mi hlameai thihh pkiso hiwht tnmt t in tii'KET orrirr. m Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert K. i. Itlkun. Urunirll Juneau, and kga Mareh al. April II. l. nin.mer. Viiiwla ami sealllr tprll t. IS. tl. PRIM I .! KOVAI. I .r It.iledalr. M Belli IWH. 'Xan JhI!. Nama, . Alert Itay. . .....phrll Mm and " lrtvl XZuvl from- '" ) lor an KieaniKiuii i n v ,, i' mill UK i l.rner.il Agent, i ill Hit Mrret and Ird Wruiif. Prlm-e Riieii. B.F. rr rnone si To Every Woman - in enifer for now i.l..s in home decoration -new color H.reh. new color achemca l.,r l.aby h ml.iuation for the aun in tho house- fil Brush-1 m, now color beauty evcrywhew ' k' LiKHuer cornea aa a household blessniK- Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 City Meat Market d An-nue (SKLVIfi HKOS.) MBAT. FISH. vk;ktahles Phune 705 "NOIWWJI AN P RODIH B ALL iilNDS OF . at low prices, and imm.'il''' delivery and absolutely '..n.!-All articlea are of 'luallty fresh. All Sweaters, Mackinaws Wind Breakers IIKDUCIJI) 15 PER ( ENT HI IIIIHItS. sites 0 and 7. regular V-- ;o - - Shoe Snlc Continues. Every pair THOR JOHNSON 8.f Local and Personal Dentist. Or ' J. R Qom v Phone 68S Skating dally, 2 to 4 ind 8 to 10. tl Get tbe Big 4 babtt. of a Taxi, pbonc 4 When thlnaina V 'mifelliim. and ijiircattlng. Skinner. Phone lack MS. lie i , r.n" Mrs. 84 Mm. H. 0. Parker announces her Bprlng Opening of Hat. CoaU. Dresses, etc., on TeUsday and Wednesday of this week. Or. H. L. Alexander returned to the city on tbe Camosun last night from Victoria where he was called to attend the funeral of his mother, whose death occurred recently. Orand concert by the Sunday School children In First Presbyterian' Church on Friday, March 30. at tl p.in. prompt. Admission, adults 80c, children 38c. Everybody welcome 78 Owing to a derailment near McBrldc and rock slides In the Bulkley Canyon, the train due from the East at 3:30 .yesterday afternoon, did not arrive un til 12:30 midnight last night. A special meeting of the city council has been called for tonight for the purpose of considering plans and specifications for the new Alvaaoff theatre to be erected on Third Avenue. J. C. Rolston. Vancouver broker who Is Interested with M. R. Jamleaon and others in the Portland Canal Mining Co., was a passenger aboard the Camo sun last evening going through Stewart. Prlnceas Mary yesterday afternoon following a brief trip to Ketchikan on official duties. John E. Stark, well known plonee THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. O. Ames, 25 Bt George Street, Chatham, Out, writes: "Last winter my three bojt had terrible eolds and a cough that hong on so long that it began to worry me. "I went to my druggist aad be asked me if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup prizes. . "I told him I had not, bat that I would, and I must say that .sft.r they bad finished the third bottle they were entirely rid of the conga. 4 'I will never be without a bottle ef Dr. Wood's' on hand." , Price 33c. a bottle, large family sire 60c; put op only byTh T. Mllbura Co T.fmit Toronto. Oat Elks' Whist Tournament tonight at 8 IS. Open to tbe public. $8.00 in cash E. I. Oregg. ass.atant district forester, saUed Saturday night for Skldegate. Queen Charlotte Islands, on official duties. We are Headquarters for shoe repairing, frftd thriii to us for value, wet Ice ' and satisfaction. M-K.UIhur's Shoe Store. tf In the second round of the Canadian legion handicap billiard tournament, Jock Talt defeated Jack May by a score of 200 to 190 at the end of the week. Royal Purple Anniversary Dance. March 0 at 9 p.m. In Elks' Home, Helgcrson Block. Drawing of prices. Smaller Orchestra. Admission 11.00. Everybody welcome. 76 R. L. Boomer of Winnipeg, Inspector of staff of the Canadian National Rail ways, who if on an . Inspection trip, arrived from tbe Best on last utghVx train and wlU rtturn to the Interior tomorrow. The barometer indicates stormy weather In the offing, the glass drop ping from 29.62 to 29.38 between 8 ajn. aad noon today. Around the north end of Vancouver Island there are strong easterly winds and galea today. Frank Cole, who formerly had the mall trucking contract here, has re turned to the city after having spent 4-li a orfnta amiin1 YFmatMfwMw aw 4tfvtft.inir ' UIO ft" SM VUSSU WHVWH we I fa"" vv-D as far south as Portland. Mr. Cole plans leaving for down the coast soon to engage in prospecting. During the past forty-eight hours, some fifty carloads of grsln have arrived from the prairies for the Alberts Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway offices this moinlng reported 176 cars on the territory west of Jasper Park bound here. A. D. Watt, divisional master mechanic for tbe Canadian National Railways, arrived from Prince George on last night's train in company with J. Ctegg a ad J. Salmon of Winnipeg. Lieut. Alice B. .Kenny, formerly with mechanical Inspectors, who are here on the Salvation Army here aad now official duties. They wUl return Bast ' located at Petersburg, Alaska, arrived tomorrow. to in the city from the north on tbe Prin cess Mary yesterday afternoon. Ward Smith, head of the Revenue Mining Co. which is doing extensive Norman L Freeman, local rcpresenta- Mini Catherine O'Neill arrived in the development work at Khutae Inlet, tlve f the Internatlonl Fisheries Cam- city on the Camosun last night from down the coast from here, arrived in mission, returned to the city on the victoria and wUl pay a visit to her i the city from Vancouver on the Caino- brother and sister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. 'sun taat evening and will proceed by H. L. Alexander, Waldron Apartments. The Provincial Government announ ces that Saturday, April 7. which k the the same steamer tomorrow night to , Khutae Inlet. Clay Porter, bead of the Porter-Idaho prospector of Alice Arm. was a pasaen- day following Oood Friday, will be a Mine, and W. C. Blanton. a director of ger aboard the Camosun last night re- j holiday for all civil servants. This the same company, were passengers turning north sfter having apent the; means that all government oOVces will aboard tbe Camosun last night return- winter on Vancouver Island other parts of the south. and in be closed that day. uiuny mum appciiro picture i n tnree momaj in new wwiniiiww gt amm yet matcnaimnq. i now engaged r. nergin, icr num. wno nas siarcea a,wnere nis ismuy is aiienaing scnovi. movement in the B.C. l.tlstiirs for was a passenger aboard the Camosun i lie purchase of the Alaks Panhandle, last night returning north. Mr. Kergln la an Ontario boy who re- I presenta the northern const'tutney of) Harry Smith, pioneer merchant of Pberaon has aung here at various events Atlln The Paper says came from St. Catherines Whlat League Cup-prte Moose Hall. April It. Mr. addressed tbe Brltsli Calvmabla Ch?m- Urion steamer Camosun. Capt. James Flndlay. arrived In port at 5:30 yester Kergin Stewart and low located ln Alice Arm. Wis a passenger aboard the Camosun last night returning north from a trip Oeorge A. Clothier, formerly resident , to the United States where be was engineer here for tbe provincial depart- called on account Of the lAnaas of rata' ment of minctv av.d rcw engineer r-r Ulves. 'T .. ''.'(' lift i tlie southwestern . district of the prj vines with headquarter, ln Nanalmo distribution Oflve and Ohhce'., Ipl JI3. j , Prince Rupert Olrla' Drill Team Ip-inre April 87. The badminton matsii bjltsreen teams the Priitoe Rupert , IladMlnton Club btr of Mines In VaucouVeIaat Fridav land 8t. Andrew's Cathedral Club will night. The seme orgm tiattyrt' will I itaice place on Monday evening at 8 o" addtvssed on Prldoy nlfht of Mja week uy isr n i. panics, now iniqcv '(cji glnecr her clock at St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall Admission 36c. Proceeds, by permission o; the Prince Rupert Badminton Club, will go to the Cathedral organ fund. Tt day afternoon from the south and. The spring schedule of Canadian Na after discharging a rather heavy freight tional Coast Steamships becomes eec crgo here as well as lnaduig cons'd r- .tlve this week. Steamer Prince Oeorge, able, sailed at 11 o'clock last night for arriving from Vancouver. Powell River Aoyox. Stewart and other northern, and Ocean Falls at 10J0 ajn. W points of call whence she will be back here tomorrow afternoon on her return south. Passengers aboard the Camosun Included Dr. H. L. Alexander. A. Langlols. Ward Smith. A. Johnson, A D UcBrlde. C. Willl.ims. W. Smith. days, will sail at 4 pas. far Anyox aad Ketchikan, returning hare at 8 pja Thursdays and sailing at II pjn. for the south. The Prince Rupert will arrive st 10.30 s.m. Saturday from the south snd ssll st 10 pjn. for Stewart Mr. Christie. H. T. Fredertckson. Mrs. M. returning here at B p.m. Sunday to sal Carden. Miss K. O'Neill Miss Bradbury south at 11 p.m. Mrs. Bradbury and Mrs. Thompson fot Prince Rupert: D M Evans. Clay Porter. W. C. Blanton. P. B. Reel. W. Essel-tnent. A. Henderson. William Knox, J. Endonen and J. C Rolston for Stewart; T. W. Falconer. H Fowler, H Smith and J E Stark for Alice Arm: W. P. Parker fcr Anyox: Mr. Tskamoto and P. Fotheringham for Arrandale, AIIO OF THANKS. Captnln J Petersen, on brhulf of the (amlly ol the late Jnmrs Leask. desires to o r. vc to their many friends, sln-'rr ili.irKs for the kind expressions of ympthy received in their recent berravrment. A N NOUNCUM KNTS United Church Easter Bale of Work. April 3 Queen Mary Chapter annual OaffodU Bay. Easter Monday. April 8. Anglican Church Easter Sale April 10. Catholic Women's League spring sale of work April 13. Aboard Mr Bryant'a powerboat Harla. s party consisting of O. A. Bryant. Ben Ferguson. Aid. P. H. Unas and P. C. Miller, the last mentioned three of whom are leaders of various Doy Scout troups ln the city, made a trip yesterday afternoon to Shawatlana Lake U inspect possible site, tor the permanent boys' summer camp which, at the instigation of the Rotary Club, It is proposed to establish. A report will be submitted st a meeting of the camp committee which will be held on Wed nesday. Hurry Fowler, csptstn of the ferryboat Await, which piles between Anyox and Alice Arm. wss a paasenf' returning north' aboard the Camosun last evening after having spent n eoupli- of month" around Vancouver. H. F. Kerglu, UU engineer of the Awake and Mr. Fowler'i partner In the ownership of the vessel will be returning north on Wednesday of this week after having attended th session of the legislature In Victoria The Awake, which haa been tied up for the winter, will resume service on April 1. Mr. Fowler annomKs., With a total paaserujar Hat of thirty- two persons, seven ol whom disembarked here. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. Arthur Slater, was In port from 1:41 to 3:30 yesterday afternoon. !Tha foltowtnir nssseneara lft th vmw! Ladles' St Andrew's Auxiliary Sociaty ht. L freeman of Prince Rupert: f1.1, "! nd Pr" ' ILleut Alice B. Kenny of Petersburg: ' i V1 '.''"i loft 11 'U- ,w, Jjohn B. Tingley, Mayo miner; 8U Ver- ..rfcoyal Society Oeorge WMat mf,r,iant: Albert Towns. Seattle salesman: Mrs. Anna It. Btou-gnnri, Ketchikan aad Mlea Dertha Love, Stewart wsitresa. Paningers going through to Vancouver Included John i Pf-.ntih'irg. a merchant of Carmacks. Y.T These sailing tram here for Vancouver uu the Princess Mary were M. N. Krllv. H C EKden and B. Nordenatrom. The Mary will t ll here on hcrneaand ; final voyage this season on the 6kag- way route norihbound oh Saturday of thlh wtek She will be replaced In . 'i ii Hi. I'lUicOcw Alice. "Phoose this famou urist ird GimiSern It'a fun travelling Tourist Third Cabin on Cunartl and Anchor-Donalilson Canadian Service liners. There's so much doing every minute. You dance, play bridge, indulge in all kinds of decksporta, make entertaining friends and, ingeneral,enjoytheparty. Rates are low as lovr as 1181.50 for the round trip. There are weekly Bailings all summer fromMontrcal and Quebec to Plymouth. Cherbourg anil Lonuon uy the Aurania, Ascania, Aiaunia and Ausoniu ... to Bclf as t,Livcrpool and Glasgow by the Athenia, Leti-tia,Andania and Antonia. Cabin Out mni Third Clou vxprn-modal ion on 0km lincrt u ttaUenL CANADIAN i 4lSti a flying instructor in England, after a campaign of acUve S. A. MePherson Is planning to put Mrvlcc at u,. front ln lhe coVn, ot on a song recital In one of the local mnicn ne trougnt down ftt one cnurcnes eany aiier ssier. ssr. k- oerman machine but to far haa not had an opportunity The launch Delia C. Is ln port with to be heard to best advantage. ,11 has the bedy of William Thompson, a Van- a large and varied repertoire and doubt- couver logger, who was killed when a less there wUl be a large number of tree fell upon' him In a camp at people wish to hear htm. Masaett. Ell Verreau. well known pioneer' musber of the Kkmdvke and now en -1 gaged ln business a Mayo, anlved In' the city from the north on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon and proceeded by thla morning's train for a holiday visit to bis former home nesr Quebec city. Returning west in about three months' tbne. Mr. Verreau wUl visit the Ttnunlns. Ontario, mining jfleld n-; route. In the course of his sermon last night. Rev. J. R. Frieell. pastor of First Presbyterian Church, espressed disapproval of tbe idea of Sunday concerts. . There baa been quite a debate on tbe same subject in Vancouver lately and Rev. C A. Williams, pastor of Wesley United Church, one of tbe most lm-: portent churches in the southern city, 1 has come out strongly ln favor of Sun- ; ilay recitals providing they are of a proper type. i "I bear your son has taken up a profession, Mr. O 'Casey." remarked the visitor to the house. "Me has Indsde." rejoined the boat. "He's phwat they call a 'cross -examiner'." i This was too much for the stranger. "And phwat's a ' cross -exsmlner?" he asked. Plr a minute or two O'Oaaey waa at a loss, but eventually he pulled himself together. : "Sure. It'a a fellow who asks you questions, an' you answer the questions an' then he questions the answers." he returned easily -Lethbiidfe Herald. I Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert There will be many cuttes lu police Not Yet Ready n it 1 J p JVAKIfsTfl. Though we expect to announce the prhe-wiiuifci-H for the last week on Saturday n xt. we may not. Letters are constantly coming in and ao if we may quote a famous phrase we must "wait and see." PACIFIC MILK 328 DRAKE STHECT Vancouver. 1LC. SYNOPSIS OF LftND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreeenred. surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over IS ysara ef age. and by alna on declaring Intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, aid improvement for agricultural turpoeee rull Information concerning rru atlona regardlag pre-emptions la given In Bulletin No. 1, Land Series. "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of ifbloh Can t. obtained free of charge y addressing the Department ot LanJa. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Oov. eminent Agent Records will be srranud covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over 1.000 board feet oer aere west of the Coast Range and i.06e f.st per acre east of thai Hangs. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of ths Land Recording Division. In which the land applied for la altuated. and are made on printed form., oopl.s of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years snd Improvsments mads to value of tit per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at Isast five aerea, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information sss the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt PURCHASE Applications are recetvsd for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlaiberland, for agricultural purpose., minimum pries for first-class (arable) land la 15 psr acrs, and seoond-elsss (freeing) land I ISO per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands is given In Bulletin Na 10, Land Series. "Purchass and Lias, of Crown Landa." Mill factory, or Industrial sitae oo Umber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or Isassd. ths conditions Including payment ot stump., HOMESITE LEASES Unsurv.y.d arsaa, not exceeding SO acres, may be leased as bomssitea, conditional upon a dwelling being ereeted In the first ysar. Utle being obtainable after rssldence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has be.n surveyed i v LEASES rorgraxlag aad Industrial pur- pesee1arsufaotsxsssdiag aeeTareasBio 04t aerea 'V w a. iMitti 'TiiBl leassftisor ens p. eomnanv. 4tw QRAZIIIQ Und.r ths Oraalng Aot tbe Frw-Uce le divided Into gTaxIng dlstrteU and the range admlnletered under a Oraslng Commissioner. Annual raxing p.rmlt. are Issued based oa aumb.rs ranged, priority being given U esubllahed owners. Stock-ownera aaay form ssolatlona for raaa-e manaaem.nt Frsa, or partly free, permits are available for set Usee, eaupere and travelers, a te tee. A SERVICE ind LINES Sm jour heal steamship n. or writs; THE tl N.KI STEAM Mill' ';. ',vL.I,TK"' (L-lt Hustings street. W.. VANCOLVfcB. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Nailing fruit; I'rtm-e KiiiiMl. For VANCOIVKR. VICTORIA, fluteilale. Alert liny. eli. Iiiewlsv. 5 ('.Hi. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. KwutoM Ita). Alert Ihi). rtr Saturday, SJII. For PORT S'MPMON, NAA9 RIVEU fllVl.H. tl.H . ARM. ANVOV STLWART. Wale lland, Handay. p.m. ItS ind tvrnoe K M. SMITIT. Agent. l-rn.. - Mm ii Through tlrkets sold to VlitolU and Seattle, mil Ustgute rhrrked lliroti(h to de.tlnatlun. court tomorrow morning to demand tbe attention of Magistrate Alfred Cans. lag north foltowtng a business mission " ' on "Mult ch,rge to Vancouver and Seattle. There have I T. W. Falconer, well known Alloa Arm been rumors of Premier acquiring For- i ccl Clayton, son of Charles Clayton In the current lasve of Toronto Sat- merrhsnt. after having spent the past ter-Idabo but. evidently, nothing defln-'SMl nephew OI rjr i b Clayton, is Prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevroet Light Delivery Chassis $o:u.oo 1-1 y. Ton Truck Chassis $800.00 Roadster $808.00 Roadster Delivery $808.00 Touring $808.01) Coupe $!:! .00 Conch $0.11.00 Sedan $10.10.00 Cabriolet $10:$0.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Bumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard equipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On other models $30.00 extra. Spare Tire and Tube, $19.00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Chiffon and Service Weights in Gunmctal, Black, Atmosphere, Nude, Evenglow, Mer-idu, Flesh, etc. From $1.75 to $2.50 The Hone ftr Satisfaction H.S. Wallace Coitd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Pultun. COAL Prices DOWN t Pembina Peerletw Egg $12.00 Pvmhiha Waahed-Ntr8$l J.25 Alberta Sootlce Efg 112.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue