Save Money r,in rhfpt way to buy the Dj.iv New is t0 subscribe by th The cost la 5.oo and your Is delivered to your address f ,, evening. Jut figure OUt th .,.,! ,iwt to you for this dally -1,... for twelve monthjl Will., No. 72. m iP. 4 FLYING ROUTE TO KETCHIKAN mil'Os, TO lTAIII.IMI llfcfll 1 VIII . HEKKI.Y I LIMIT TO ANI IIIO.M SEATTLE HIKAN. March 26 The Ketchi-Miurcial Club li.w received a :rm the NtrihweaUrn Air .it on kly r und trip 'wren Seattle und Kftchlkan. (l trip pa 'iiger fare to or out way $90. Piget Sound concern la aaktnf. . IMO the XelstUkan people irfrtcirHa for th opan- The plane propoaed to b' lx or atven passenger and : pouaas mill and eapraaa ,i mtraet a) id if th.- buatoea :c prepared to put on larger . I definite I' The ter- vemmant l prepared l: pay jt of s laiirtiiiK field ana a i)v eeial of makinii It ha ,red. S.O.S. PICKED UPFROMSHIP; liliMMI lllMK.tlt IN TKMHLK Oil' II: us. ,. .VI, Porter Idaho BOMONTOH. Mare ! pine the ball through the basket 5B limes out of a total of SO tr'ea. Miss Margaret MacSurney. one of the star players In the Orada basketball team, established a new record st the Mc-Dougall high school gymnasium Her feat betters her previous high mark of 7 out of 5 throws, which stood as a world'a Noord and was shared with a girl in the southern tales Altar dropping 33 through the basket Ut a steady fashion, but put all the rest In to establish the record. IIIW 1 OAKT l'MAIII.V I AIOIIT , .'.'.". nr I Tn ,n Tvr,.ooN ANTIIEA BEATS UtANCISCO, March M An j all from the British Huar . "ived here Suuday relayed frum I si, . motorahlp Silver uu ai Caygeon. 1.500 pound. Canadian Flab ti Cold Storage Co 21c and 7.5c. Atli. 3.000 pound. Booth .Fisheries :I lc and 7 5c. 4 IIL4OU0 MUK Hlltf.. ....... hasketiiall ruciH 51 Ol'T Of TIMES ROMANCE OF 4- LOCAL SOCCERISTS A team from the British steamer An- h. h u nf,. lox gram cam-. 1. Ulanda. The wisasr one. ."r" loc.i ,v.n In a football enma aast out ol Shangh. l d. lu 1U ,,;un1. 1 .pure ud Calcutta and ""' There but a und from Hong Bong with pa- , and freight It I thought sneismau ' bean caught In i hiiia cot. typh - TRAIN STRUCK A LOADED BUS f't )I.I.IIIKII HITII Ml NH'll'tL I All IN WKHT V.NCm'M:it ANI Nl Ml tKH INJl MONARCHS WIN CHAMPIONSHIP NEW GAME RESERVE NORTH OF McBRIDE VICTORIA, March 36.- The government ha. created s Urge game rtmt creek. SO miles long and fif teen miles wide lying 1 milea north of McBrlde VANCOUVlit UXCllAN(MJ vvi'HT VANOOWIR. March 38.- Mm. Art.u ' wr, ni of Wast Vsnoouver wa asri-,B)iyvllw "! injured and three others received BlR Miurl " mjnrlea and a number of otliers Corlt provinre m Saturday evening when tn' oeoiui R,Tcr 'witind municipal fsrry bus collided alw.ler Hi.' w.stbound Pacific Orcat Bast- 0,aBtonr ' n at Pourtaan Street crossing, rjiwwir 1 side of the bus wss crushed but Qmd. ' '''! ieu upright. Orwuilview j Independence Ir.d'.:.n Kootenay Klorcncr. L. and 1 Ukevle lucky J Marmot M"'-Premier ("" Bid .43 .08 S .50 .39 M .08 .31 M .57 Vj .10 08 S .30 .11 OS ana .81 .45 .56 M 55W '4 10 350 ' .45 JU .40 .40 .05 0 .88 .58 .31 .00 .33 18 2.85 M IMMIGRANTS MEET ON SIEAMKIt ON WAY TO CANADA AND CUT JOI1 As MAIl-Itltll t'OI TLE WINNIPEO. March 36 While match making la not one of the dut'c.i ol Ui Canadian National Railway coloniza tion depprtii.cut in the ordinary cuur-c of event, the extra-crdinmy fomctin.. happen. Jewel Tsc'ulggerl and Mui ..i Kern (same to Can.iju from Oer.nmiy a few day B',-o. separately or ulmur; separately. They were very good irlei.ds by the time the Whte Star liner Celtic ducked at Halifax. It saddened them to think of parting. But th: Immigrant seclal arrived In Wlnnipc;. and part they must, to face the new world a two Individuals. Now the Canadian National officer, sr ready tj be of acrvlce. put two and two together, saw hsw things stood, and sugfcevted another little question In ad dition. There was an opening, on a farm near Maidstone. Saak.. for a youn;, marrted couple Josef grinned and Maria brushed and they went out shop ping Her. Father Joseph Rledlnger. Use) tba knot at St. Joseph 'a Church and now Mr. and Mrs. Tschlggerl are on tbclr way to Maidstone together. DEADLOCK IN . SOCCER GAME M-OllfclJM ItllAlV AT EVEHTON 111X11 W1IKN III iii:hm 1KI.O MKT MIKI IiKI K UVKIinHIL, Marrh .. There to Mill a rieaxllmk In the seaftl-fiMl nf the English I not hall AwM-lalhan rns aettra as s reaiill f the game pMyeet st the Lvertiw grnaiMl here IrMlay. Neither Me mwhI with lle rroolt that antber gamr It imx--aary tr ileilde hlrh team ftlxtH meet lllaekburn ltrr In I he final at Wemble). MANY ATTEND LEASK FUNERAL T KIT KK IOH MAN Hill DILII IIKIIB I.AHT tVlKK VtM-IXHJMI O AKhTLItll.W The funeral took place yesterday st 3 p.m. frrm the 0 ha pel of the BC tin dertakars. Hsv. J. R. Prtaall officiating ol James Uaak who died here laa week. A goodly number were pre Mt the hvmiu aung oeing imma Kindly Light"' and "What s Friend with W. Vaughan Dsvlea st the organ The pall-bearer were It. Hanna. Cap. tain J. Petersen, j. M. Mormon, Kins. J. Lsraen and B. Anderson. viewer were sent By captain met n Mias Ida Raru?v, Mr. and Mrs Olennle, Mr. and Mra. A. Ooodlad of Vancouver. Jaoobson, and IMMIGRATION INCREASING ILEUIN I'Elt 'KT IIIUIIEK LAST l lfctML Hi t It TH AN t OK PltE-VIOI S PBHIOII OTTAWA. March 38 Immigration to Canada for the fiscal year ending Feb ruary 88 ahowed an Increase of 11 per cant avar the previous year, the total number admitted to the country being NEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT LINE OPENS ALASKA TO SEATTLE - -.-Miw.ii iir.Ain nun Rufu" , SEATTLE, , , - . March .MK 38. g, Tti-, The Alaska Alaska J TO l IN iitur IIAML Al.Hll.llllAi vi'HTiiiliW T .50 mw Steamship Company ateamer Ssnts IIIK1I.ANU BuvcnmiUh . Anna haa beeu sold to the Washington .Ur. .. ut u,,ni.cli am ' Aluki Trananortatluit Company and - '.v i Ljnnu, vwncauver. h".ii .w 'I he v, ..... .. .,.. ih. iii- widhinc U1I be the nucleus for a new pniwcn ifuuvvi a8 tji sa i . is v vt i --- - - - i i.m ....... w.w.w.v . . - . .r mid frelsht line between Seattl '""" racuic riortnwTi. who nn un-i. - - "'"'i......hlp when they last night as- Aid A. J i V ,iiiniinf """, r r uth C.ll- "d Southw-tern Alaak.n porU. t t W I w.ll be h.,lly nnderatood that another ship ' .h Portland team ..van goal, on ' " to thf clty ..-,,. The total score for the two- fornlu 'V as Ln.-lrc" v .rranlv ': ''J a. U 0uL to J. : v'' PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper PRINClE RUPKRT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1023 JACK DliMi'SEV AND HIS WIFE who were married u ltvt years ;ik- Since his murriutrv the former chafn)ion has said lo have his punch and has finally stated ihut he i. out of the game for good. Stocks Again Moved Upward When General Motors and New York Central Touched New High Points This Morning YOKK, March 2b. The upward movement in stocks NEW continued today bringing a great many securities higher than they have ever old before. General Motors immii ed $7J0 a aharc to a new hiijh price of 31SrVwf0, thisrpr.eptit. Injr gain of BwrnlTan,.jB hlilion dolrarinMhrsjRrWjtirtr quoted value of the corporation outstnndinjj stock In icsa than four weeks. Railroad share under the leadernhip of the New York Central which was sellins at $175 for the first time in its history, joined the broad upward movement of all securities. ENGLISH WOMEN AFTER RIGHTS; DKMANII ON IIOMl' THAT TIIEV UK AI.I.OM El TO tlt.IN TIIEI1E AS WELL AS MEN LCsNDON. March 38. Orcat Britain's Ittle "sex war" haa bean Intensified. The senate of London university ha appointed a to Inquire into be banning or women studenU at five jf the chief Louden hospitals, and this action la regarded aa the first shot of a tight to secure for woman the right A3 train in these institutions. Man atudems are bitterly opposed to a-omen medical students on the grounds hat It is undesirable for the two sexes to mingle in the study of medicine, that women prevent maja from concentrating on their studios and that they interfere with athletics. The women retort tbst more import- PITTSBURG IS IN THE FINALS NATIONAL il.EAOl E (XOSKH SERIES SATIKOAV ANII NOW KNTEU PLAYOll TORONTO. March 34.-Saturday the National League aeries oioeed and now the winner are entering on their play-utfe. Pittsburg won the third playoff position In the American section by a margin of two point over Dotrolt. Score a follow: Montreal 8, Toronto 4. N Y Ranger 3. Pittsburg 4. Ottawa 0. Cniiadtena 4. Boston 2, Detroit 7. PLANE LANDS IN IRELAND m;i;M make hiikt leu or ILK1IIT At UOSS ATLANTIC OCEAN TOOAY III IILIN, Marrh S8. The Urrman Junker transatlantic' plane Itremeti, on the first leg ol her flight arrow the Atlantic, arrlted at IUlnitel airdrome Me today from lleflln. The plaur rarrled lUrwi von lluenefHd. CaiUln llermsaa Kehl and a nice hank- named piplller. TWO NEW YANK HALIBUT BOATS WILT iiV . e: p-und. I li.f .arso waa brought In by tbSfflea-I -tfh. a fish buying boat, from trol-! tn In the vicinity of Myen Chuck. Nells :n, John Knyttra buying j .at aa cxj.ect.d to reach here with I .11. rc king saI.i.oii. Atlantic & Pacific Company hruugh M. A Buasanich bought 400 jirur.ds ivcm Individual troller.s pay-(U und 13 ce'it. No particular reason was In evidence lor .'.it- for the 3.030 p:ur.d5 on the exchange. Th bKl.l.h surttd in lively and each buyer bouved It a few cents. The only cx-,;lB-ntlon offered by Berg was "I want--d the fUh." -I'll say you wanted the fish." returned Davis of the New England, and BusMiuch and Bailey of the Palace Flab Company, and Jaca Meloca of the San Juan all agreed that Berg wanted The fish. UOIITINO IIAVM AUK temp. 30. to the flshlns urc.und and the other , smooth. OVEIt S.VVS l)tll'EY Jack D-mpay. in denying rum are that be would fight Tunney in September, said "My fighting 4 days axe over and no one know 4 it better tban myself. IVEATIIEU nt.rouT. Prince BtWfert Part cloudy, calm: temperature. 38. Terrace Clear, calm: temp. 38. Boat wood--Clear, calm. temp. 34. Alyansh Cloudy calm. temp. 33. Alice Arm Clear, calm, temp 38. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. temp. 88. Stewart -Part cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Hay sport- Clear, calm. temp. 40. Port Simpson -Clear, calm. temp. 38. HajMlton Clear, calm. temp. 33. SmltheraClear. calm. temp. 33. Fr-rs la'te near. calm. temp. 37. T'l'Rraph Creek Cloudy, calm, temp 38 Atlln- Cloudy, calm, temp 30. W' tenor Cloudy, south wind Carmacks Cloudy, calm, temp Stewart River Clear. 10 below. Dawson Clear, calm. 5 below. WIKELESH KEI'OIIT. a a.m. DIOBT ISLAND. Cloudy, calm . . .1... .ni, v.r ..ifh rniinaiin nuiiMn trtn harnmetrr 30.53: temperature, as reniac 10 auppon ni-ipiia mv in...., .... n In thi ban " Lady Balfour added that she herself waa declining to contribute to the Royal hospital fund, this year. he Hoyal bring mie of the hospital to close Its doors to woman student. 18. bar- anoe ahould be placed In their academic j OOLIIMiK ANI PIKUCE AKE LATEST omcter. 38 83: temperature : than in their athietlc qtuvrttleatlona. and. j MEMIitUN ot I'lsiilMi 1 1.EKT TO smooth; 11 50 p m spoke steamer Prince n supporting her sJitsra. Lady France .MAKE t ALL IIKI1E iJohn. arriving Massett. aouthbound: 8 Bslfourdeclares: It I. outrageous that; Ipin apoke tug Pacific Monarch, arrlv- hoanltaU ahould try to prevent women 1 Two brand new American nauoui mg aaaaaeu wun .s wJi., rt ..if.ra Wnmen should hrmts are In orrt t(;dy. on being In I DEAD TRBK POINT. Cloudy calm. rmH enroute from Piwei Sound for' BULL HARBOR Cloudy, strong east here first trip to the bank.s I wind: barometer. 38 38: temperature. 45; The Ccolldge. which la In port with a rough; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Roche-an Initial catch at 32.000 pounds. Is He. Vancouver for San Pranclaoo. 115 owned bv Al A';len and B Molver. She mile south of Cape Plattery: 6 p.m. i. .if the ineh,i tvoe. 63 bv 15 by 'snake steamer Aleutian. Seattle for 71 j feet, and Is equipped with a 90 hp. Ketchikan. 109 miles from Ketchikan: nnimrtxr emriiv with reversible mar. nm. anoke steamer Alameda, Anacor- Boston Grill Lutae Upstair Dining H.U, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and Iwst for the least Prion 457 i Price Five (u ENORMOUS ADVANCES STANDARD STOCKS AT NEW YORK Highest Price in Years Paid for Halibut Today One Small Vessel (Jot 23.1c for Catch This Morning and Canadians Paid 21 Cents on the Exchange This Morning H h.UKST price in years were paid for halibut on the Prince Knpi-rt Fish KxchunKe today. A recent scarcity of fresh h.iHIiut, together with a viiforouit Easter season demand, are , My the aetuatiiik fat-torn in causing the bidden to offer as a J '..U' and Uc for American fish and 21.1c and 8c for Cana-Nimr of the boats that have been landing catches here lately '.mi sharing big profits per man on account of the bumper .Mowing are the boats receiving record bids at Prince Ru pert today: AMEKICAN Atlantic. 30400 pounds. Pacific PUb- erie. 20.Sc and Be Liberty. 35.000 pounds. Royal Plan Co.. 20 8c and Sc. Cujlldge. 33.000 pounds. Atlln Plah-tnev 21. Be and Sc. VUilor. 3300 pounds, Royal Ptoh Co.. JJ 1c and Be. CANAIHAN Marguerite. 3.000 pound. Booth 21 and 7.5c Aiken. 7.000 poundi. Canadian Plah As Cold Storage Co.. 31.1c and 8c HIGH PRICES PROFITABLE DAY FOR SALMON POLICE COURT lei.t-tl,rre nit raid ut Ketchikan TOTAL Of SHHI COLLECTED IN HNES bv Denier lor One Lot A utan-i t srM t,,uu Tills MOItMMJ KETCHIKAr.. March 28. There wa I ! vely bidding among the local exchange ; Plnr totalling S430 were collected in at the week-end resulting in the high- I city police court this morning si a re-(st price paid this ea3n for 3,000 1 ult of the hearing by Maglatrate Mo-,Auids of ting salmon. Berg wsa the j Ulymont r.f aevea eases In all of whloD j it.,,in: bidder at 23.05 and 14 cento of guilty were entarsfj, tbe ass- "lcn being over in Mas than fifteen mil utts. Alexander Qooch of the Pioneer a com, for keeping Intoxicating liquor a place other man pmste guesf room, waa nnea saoo. wnn ins opsraa 31 two m.jnths' Imp'UtonnMOt, It being Is second offen-e L uls Rcss of the Port Clement Club, for permitting John Bedstrom to have llqutr fri his restaurant, was sa- essed 150 with the option of thirty. days in )atl. Jonas BJostrom. Char lea Pricks -n. and Oscar Olssn, all for con urnlng liquor in the Port dement Club, ware each fined 550 with tbe choice of thirty days. John Hedstiam. for having liquor In the same plac. waa similarly fined. The seventh case was a charge of In decent exposure against James Kilby who was fined Sio with tn option ox even days' imprisonment. CLOSE MATCH FOR ALLAN CUP MONTREAL VH'TOIUA HEAT MANITOBA INIVtKHITV TWO TO NO-INO IN OPENIM1 GAME OTTAWA, March 38. Tbe Montreal Vlctcrla defeated Manitoba University two to nU Saturday night In tbe first ,f a two out of three aerie for the Allan Cup. Both goals wars scored in the last period with long shots, th trst dribbling psat goalie Puttee's 4tet and the second being from near centre of ihe lee ' and hasmdiag over. There was little to choose between the teams. The first two forward Unas were evenly matched with the ooUagt-ins' rear guards a shade more STOCK EXCHANGE FORMED SEATTLE OKNEKAI. It. P.. CLAHK OE VANt'OIJ- til IS ONE Ol' IIOAUO Ol' OOVEIINOHH VANCOUVSR. March 38 The Seattle Stock Exchange, which will deal largely In British Columbls and Eastern mining stock, waa orgsnlred In tbe Puget Sound city Saturday Oeneral R. P. Clark Is a member of the board of gover-nors and John P Karunan of Seattle 1 president. o.. . Kiw m Pint Hnun iurn for Keiehlkan. 303 miles from Ta-; at 10 o'clock at the United Church the winter. ,ooma: 8:48 p.m. spoke steamer cardena. I The Pierce, owned and aklppered by north of Seymour Narrows, southbound; Cant N. M. Nelson, formerly of the 8 pm. spoke tug Eureka, t 43 feet long with beam of Blunder Bay. bound for Seattle; pm 7' . fen and I powered with a 40 h.p. spoke motorshlp Norco, Ketchikan for B lli'der seml-diel engine. The ves- Vancouver. 300 mile from Vancouver. ! waa built in Tacoma during the NOON winter and l here en route to the DIOBY ISLAND -Part cloudy, calm; fmhlng grounds. , , ..Usrcmatsr. 8838: temperature. 53: sea H-rtdt4cAi Wia 1830 noon 'P0"' m,r VAM OlAEIl-VLtN TPrlnce John. ertterU.g SkldegaU Inlet, ll fUJ lnt)l,llil DAD THBI POINT - Overraat calm; VANCOUVER, iufh 38,Nlnlan Hugh barometer 3053, temperature. 45; aea Bain, a resident of Vancouver for nearly smooth. SO yearn mid prominent of late year BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, easterly In the salmon cannery bualnea. died. gale: barometer. 39.08; temperature. 47; Saturday, aged 74 aea rough. LOCAL BUYER WAS MARRIED A. L. WEAVER OP THIS t'lTY T.IK KM METLAKATLA OlKL Itllt IIKIHE A wedding took place Ssturdsy night parsonage. Rev. a. wuson orasnuing. fthen A. L. Weaver, fur buyer tor Wll- St Palth. leaving Ham Ooldbloomt aft skipper of th Mr M. Cnrden and small son. Ray-! P. 8. Bonney. logging superintendent m. nl arrived In the city horn Van- for the Pacific Mill at Ocean Pall anil . .. ..,.,. .n..M.. ,4l...t, r..,Hr 1,A udt'l-,1 H:,t- . . .eouver on me iramofun ntsi iuhiu. . luunn "mum ...... - M Alvaaoff is expe-ted here tin It'iirden 1 . M.ter of Mi J P. M Han-' urrtay night hy the Prln.-e John (r week in connection with the work onjnah wife of the chief ot the city de-; Sandaplt. Queen Charlotte UUnib, on Mc new tlM-.itrc "U Third Ave. It.H'.'nuiit ot the pruvlucial pol'ce. iiimpaiiy busUic fur buying launch Ttying opur. was united in marriage to Miss Owen Clifton of Metlakstla. Mr Stella Thompson acted as bridesmaid and Prank BalauUn aah, groomsman. t , , if k Pcllcwing th wedding there was s b.ndu.t,y the Uyk ELECTION TIME IS DISCUSSED IN SOUTH VICTORIA. March 3 - August, 1W9, la the lateit d.i'e at which the provincial elec lion miy be held but their la Uttta ihiinte that the date ot the big OOll-tlcal even' will be de'ayed that loaf. Lute luinuiri or early autumn seems to I be the nu-M likely time fur tilt tat. J3