rWOP! RTX ASK DOCTOR About Washday Family Doctors know that a washtub is the barrier to a woman's health and happiness. Why endure this strain on strength and vitality. Try the laundry way. Just gather the soiled clothes telephone u and washday is over. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS CMtertiaic earners mtmi OMSK! MttCJ IK MHASUOf namumiKotuo 1 (STSMaOt (Mas SUD A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produce a Rigger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR C Exchange Mock Green 211 Spring Hats emers Costumes Latest Frocks MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 C&ih price tickets. McBride. Street store Dow dosed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St, Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST SEA MONSTERS ARE DISCUSSED PROFESSOR OOWANLOCll THINKS sea serpent is ovhumi ok KINO or THE IIKUIIINOS HALIFAX. US., March 36- Referring to a story riaarrthlriT thr nrlTTTittirrn of Lunenburg "old' self with a monster , that boarded his ablp on the Bank mom 20 odd yean ago. Professor J. A. Oowanlock. fisheries expert and professor of biology at Dalhousle University, declares that the yarn may not be so "tall" as some would think The story told of a huge monster with f head like a borne on a five foot neck that hauled ttlf over the side of the schooner showing only a part of Its great length, and was shot by terrified men on board, afterward sliding back and disappearing Into the sea. "As s matter of fact," said Professor Oowanloch. "his description of the sea rpent closely accords with descrip tions of what Is in many ways the most remarkable of all known fish, the Oar Flab' or 'King of the Herrings,' whose scientific ' name is 'Regalescu Otasne.' This as ton lulling beast har been captured at widely separate1 points, from New Zealand to the moat northern Scandinavian coasts, with, for example, some fifty records for Northern European waters One specimen which came ashore at Bermuda was 21 feet kmg. while another 26 feet Ion? had been recorded. "In spite of It great length tbr King of the Herrings Is only a foot hlfth and la so compressed laterally ths It's thickness Is less than four Inches "The frroup to which the King of th IS Chiropractic a Fake? MONDAY HEALTH TALK No. 8 by It. E. EYOLFSON. D.C, 1'h.C. We constantly hear the ex nreraions, "Chiropractic is the biggest fake that was ever pulled off." "They even have medica! men within their ranks," etc. I am therefore placing before you the opinions of a few prominent medical men, to show that there are two sides to the question. The drugless healer is one of the best things that hat come into the life of the present." Chaa. Mayo, M.D.. Rochester, Minn. "Chiropractic meets human needs to a far greater extent than any other pathy. It would be difficult to tell exactly what percentage of cures are possible by spinal adjustments; the percent age is so large, however, that ! the necessity of the employment! of all other measures pales into insignificance." Alfred Walton, M.D.. Philadelphia, Pa. 'I have been astonished by the good results obtained from Chiropractic." F. A. Hall, M.D., Indianapolis, Ind. "A patient whom I did nut treat, but know very well, had diagnosis by good meii in tht City of Portland for tuberculosis of the bowel and was sent home to die. He took up with a cult and write me that he is absolutely well, having gained 30 pounds or more." Richard Cabat. M.I)., Chief Medical Staff. Massachusetts General Hospital. "Under spinal adjustments, acute diseases are cut short and abated, and chronic diseases re cover which have been believed j to be incurable." A. A. Gregory. I M.D. "I practise Chiropractic con- Ktantly." R. Cr Ellsworth, M.D., Astoria, Ore. Some of you may still be skeptical about the efficiency of Chiropractic in the treatment of dis-eaae. But, the forerunners of the modern steam engine, flying machine, telegraph and radio have had their quota of "can't be done," "they're crazy,' and look at them today. Enquiry re your health problem lis Molk-ited. R.E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR C2.1 Third Avenue Weal I'hones Office: Hluc 85. Residence: lllack 252. Bitter Enemies "Fniit-a-tives" the Fori of Constipation NEW MIU,S. N. B "I can honestly say 'Frult-a-tlves' are the best Internal regulator I have ever titcd. Otherrernediet, and I have tried many, cause pain and griping, but 'Frult-a-tlves always act easily and effectively. I most sincerely recommend them." Mr. S. MacNair. Made from the Intensified Juices of fresh fruits combined with tonics, "Frult-a-tires" Is a natural medicine. Itstrengthens the system to act naturally without the continuous use of laxatives 25c and 50c a box. Herrings belongs, are denizen of the ocean depths adapted for life in those quiet wsters. Only occasionally are they by some unusual disturbance, cast up to the surface." SPORT CHAT With the big return bout settled for Wednesday night of next week. Dido Ourvirh of Prince Rupert snd Jimmy dcDona'd of Vancouver are now In real training for ibc event. Starting last evening. Ourvtch will work out nightly in the Orand Terminal Cluo where the preliminary boys are also working. McDonald has taken up his training quarters in the Km press Club. More than usual Interest Is beuig .a ken in the city billiard champrfnsh!p rames which are .now in progreat. Bill 'song's flashy victory over Jimmy Ham-'ton latt Friday evening has boosted bis stock as s favorite to retain the trier t:Ue which he already holds, lis and Fred Pyle are already (a the second rcund. The match on Tuesday night between Mayor McMordle and Deo Brown promises to be the most interesting of the remaining first round senior games. Babe Ruth, who has enjoyed unusual success In picking pennant winners in past years, handicaps toe MM big league races as follows: National Cardinals, Pirates. OUnta. t ubs, tteas. Braves. Roblas. PfnUiea American Yankees. Athletics, Sena tors, Tigers. Indiana. White Sox, tied Sox, Browne. Sweden receives SSjOOO foreign tour ists every year of whom one-elgbth are Americans, who make an average so journ of 13 days and leave behind them M.000.000 MORTGAGE SALE OF SHIP tt nirr fKi uaii) TAKE NOTICC that under snd by virtue of s eertaln Snip's Mortgage dated '.he 4th day of February. AJ) 1H7. which will be produced at the time of sale, there win be offered for sale by Public Auction by Smith A. Ntckeraon. Sheriff, at g o'clock In the afternoon on MONDAY. MABCH M. AJ. Its, at bis Office in the Court House, in the City of Prince Bupert. Province of British Columbia, the gasoline screw fishing vessel named "CHIEF 8KUOAID." together with her boats, gear and appurtenances. Terms of ssle: Cash. For further particulars in connection with the sale spply to the Montreal Ft nan r Crrnpsnv. Limited 1104. Stand -trd Bank BuUdlns Vancouver. B.C . or to Pstnnre Si Fulton. Scatt Block Prnre Rupert. Solicitor for the Mort-g&tt iJATEn a Prlnc- Rumr' B C. thl StU dsv of March AD 19M 71 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Braid's Best Coffee, per lb. . . (Kc Braid's Best Tea, in tins, per lb. TOC Sugar, 10 lbs. for 7oC Hour, all brands, 49 lb. sack Sjiil-V. Wild Rose Flour. 10 lb. sack ."."c Fancy Mixed Biscuits, special. 3 lbs. for J).c Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per tin Or Aylmer Crushed Pineapple, 2VS, per tin "."Jo Nabob Red Plums, 2 ',', per tin iir,f Kmpreiw Jnm, 4 lb. tin ,"0 Your rhfiicfi nt Prima Kul Plum. C reengage. Gooseberry or l-oganoerry. Malkin's Strawberry Jam, 2 lb. tin :wc Seedless Raisins. 4 lb. ikir. sue cial this week 50c Instant Postum. la r ire tin . . ."Wlf- Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. I.'f swtrt s Premium Bacon, average 4Vi lbs. apiece, ner lb. . . 4!it Circle "S" Picnic Ham. per lb. IKIo r.ggs, fresh Extras, 3 dos. $1.1.' Uy.tft,8tfap. 6's, pkg. Is Mantirs Hmr. nkir. XL. a i rm v K5C Sunkist) Oranges, your last chance dozen $1.00 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. phone 108 K - THE DAILY, NEWS Mond.iv, Market Prices Prices current are as follows: L.utu Pure 2ot Compound Wc Mill BC. Fresh pullets B.C. Freeh firsts 40v BC Fresh extras i5c Local new laid 50r nn Smoked kippers. U Kippered aalatua. lb 3sv Smoked Mack cad. lb 20. Finnan baddies, lb - 25 MHATs Fowl. No. 1. lb. ..' 3Sc and 40r Roasting cnlokan, lb 4 Ham. sliced, first grsde 50. Ham, whole, first grsde is Ham. picnic, lb. 22 .,c Cottage roils, lb. 8(, mcimi. bmca. sliced ac Bacon, side 44c to 35c ork. art salt 86c Ayrshire baeen. lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c veal, lota tOc Veal, l eg 86 Pork, ehenldtr 38c Pork, loin i. 40c Pork, leg 3ec Beef, pot roast 15c to 20c Beef, boiling I3lc to 18c Beef, steak 30c to 45c Beef, roast, prune rib 32c Lamb. Chops 60c Lamb, shoulder SSx Mutton, leg tOt lamb, leg 48c Mutton, cheps 40c Mutton shoulder 80. uiTTrrt BrookfleM. Shamrock snd Woodland .lb SOe BCD.. lb. SOc Capitol, lad grade, lb 4r Praser Valley, lb sOr New Zealand. In bulk 4c prints SOr Alberta Creamery Cameaabect cheese. 8 oa. pkg 86 Kraft Umberger. fc's Sac Oaurto sol ids age New Zealand solids SOr Stilton, lb. vk Krsft 45c Nerargsan Ooat fie Napoleon Umbers 70c Roquefort 7a Swifts' Brook field, lb 4&- Oergeaeola. lb 76. MeLarmls Cream, jars ... 46c and Bet BroekileM Swiss cheese. lb. pkg SOc Brook field Canadian cheese. lb. pkg Oruyere Oetwen Loaf. lb. Jack. in. Oaauaeteat. lb. M'O.tit White, per 100 Yethrw. per 10 it.mii Flour. Ws, Ho. 1 BWM wheat Pastry flour, ,10'a Pastry flour. M's tlXJtTAIitXS Beets. lbs. for Beets, sack Carrots, 8 lbs. for Carrots, sack . . A r 4V 76c SOc Sec 2.7i . - 28: UX Potatoes. 8 lbs. .i 26c Sack ; U. Parsley, bunch lOc Cauliflower. B.C.. bead 40 California head lettuce tor Oarllc. unported. per lb 44X Leeks, bunch I0r California celery bead 10c 16c Spinach, local 2 lbs 36c Texas New Cabbage, lb 10c Spanish onions, per lb 10c Cooking onions. 4 lbs. for Sec New green onions, per bunch ec TIMBER SALE XS957 17.20 t75 tt.76 .. 66c tax TIMBER SALE X673I There will be offered for sale bv Pub lic Auction at the office of District For ester, prince Rupert, B.C.. at noon on swam ttth. 1S2S. Licence ZSTSl. Oat. the i I lay. Muwell Inlet. CR. 3. to cut T4JM0 feet baard measure of Bpruo ueoar. nemioca snd Balsam sawlogs. Provided anyone unable to attend the Auction In person may submit s sealed tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid -Three years will be allowed for removal of this timber. Further part, ulars of Chief Forester. Vtctorts. or DlA.ricl Forester. Prince Ru pert, Besled Tender will be received by mic winner 01 Lands at victor is. B.C., not later than noun an the 9nil itmw nt April. 1S3, for the purchase of Licence XM67. to cut 5B6 lineal feet of Cedar poles and piling on an area alt- uaiea on un 24. KumdU Slough. Queen Charlotte Island lnd District. Two i3) yean will be allowed for re-moral of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. or District Forester. Prince Bupert. B.C. MINERAL ACT (Form F. ITHTII If ATE OP IMI'HOVK.MKNTH NUTICK Prtnoess Pat. Ix)t 4 MS; Pilot, Lot 4S07: B-AJ . Lot 4308; Observer, Lot 4388. Mineral Claims, situste In the AUln Min ing DivkUon of Cassiar District Where kseated: On Munro Mountain about four miles rrom t:ie town of AUln. TAKE NOTICE that we. James Stokes i,nd L!L rt"'' rrr Miner's Certificate No. 8OO-6O0fll. intend, slsty days from the date hereof, t , spply to the Mining Recorder for s OrtrfTcate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a w.vwm ui ine aoove ciaim. AUd further tat nntlm tht artlnn under aoctlmi M must be commenced before the imuc f such Certificate of improvemenia Dsted this Sth dy of March. A D 1928 If McN FRASER. A.SUt in- . , 1 Man II. J. Trlhev. K.C. Becomes Director of Victor Company H. J. Trlhey, K.C, well-known Montreal Attorney played Important part in re-orjJanUatlon of Company In which he now holds Directorship. Announcement is made from the offices of Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited, Moot real, of the election of Mr. II. J. Trihey, K.C., as a director of the Company. Mr. Trihey is also a director of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank sad of Canada Foundries and Forging, Ltd. Mr. Trihey, who is also the Victor Company's Counsel, began his association with the talking machine industry in 1921, when he was retained as counsel for Berliner Gcaaiophoae Co., Ltd., at a time when that company's affairs were in a disorganised aUte. He took an active part in the reorganisation which ultimately resulted in the formation of Victor Talldag Machine Company of Canada Limited. Mr. Triher at, consequently eminently fitted for hi new and important post in this well-known Canadian organisation. Mr. Trihey tuts the vacancy ia the Directorate created by the resignation of Mr. B. Gardner, who recently left for 'Japan to organise and become Managing Director of Victor Tslkine Machine Company of Japaa Limited. Leeks. 2 for lie California radishes lc Turnips. 6 lbs for 16c per sack Mj00. Brussels Sprouts, per lb tec . Hothouse Rhubarb, lb .. IRUIt Oranges. Valencia, doaan. Lemoni. Sunkist. dosen . . Imperial Valley Orapefrult Florida grapefruit, each . Bananas. 3 lb 16e 40e to lino 40c aud SOr! . . .3 for 26c 1 16r 6e attracted honey, lb 26: Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. for Sac Raisins, bulk, per lb lie sveet Pout es. lbs. for 3ac "alifomu layer figs, per brick 90c Callfornu Dainty Dates, package .'el low New tons "C" grade Fancy SUtra fancy Wlnesaps. "C" grade Fancy Bxtrs Fancy .. Mr HJ0 6375 . too 63 JO 63 7 MOO Navel oranges 40c to IIXoJ IIHHII MUITS sown and orange peal Soc ;itroo peel 60s Slack cooking figs. 2 lb 36c White figs. 2 lb He urranta. 3 lbs. 3sc Apples 36 Peaches, peeled He Apricots', lb 3c Prunes. 30-100. 4-Iks 36c lb. box iijo Prunes, 60-70, lb 10c Prunes. SO-40 15c 40-60. 3 lbs 26c 26 lb. box ag.76 Sveporeted peari. halves, lb 33c 6 lb. box SMo NWS Almonds, shelled Valenctas tec Braxtu ate Walnuta. broken shelled 69c Walnuts, shelled halves etc tbnoods Peanuts gov Msnehurlan walnuts 26e California walnuts 40c No. 1 mixed nuts Sae New filberts 3Sa ir.iu 10S Ike. Wheat. No. 6 je ot $a.7 Bran ttvBO Shorts '. Ifl.10 Middlings IM0 arlej ts.76 Poultry mash mjo Special eggmasb agJO Oyster shell $ J jo Scratch food J0 Beef scrap t.00 Oround oil cake HM Baby chick feed HM Fine oat chops . . , gtAe Crushed oata , uoj Fine barley chop 32 .90 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 444444444 FOR 9 ALB FRUIT AND CHICKS Ranch. 20 acres vstlon, 100. house slid , 4 teres UAMBr outtl wVkttUMmh Ter Rae BitM. awEuJafHsBssf wmmwssc 73 FOB SALE OHTHOPIIOKIO ORAMO-phone with 21 records. Also Singer machine in good condition. Spot cash Phone Red 248. 7j POK BALE SOME GOOD BUYS IN trolling boats, packers and acinars Bee Field. Northern Exchange. Cow Bay og HOUSE TO RENT (MODERN) FUR- ::.'.ivi tut r.jk -riioue Red '.'ia. it WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. No Place to 1eO A comedy-romance of Broadway ant the Sumi, . LLOYD HUGHES, MARY ASTOR, It ALL AM ( K! 1 1 , PROUTY. RUSS POWELL, MYftTLR STKDvi w VIRGINIA LEE C0RR1N and others COMEDY "TIB THAT BULL" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 35c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" on Prince Rupert. B.C. ers - THE DAINTIIfcT BRKAKKAST pooh. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ! Id Chiropractic - wkV I wish to Miinouin" to th. Prince Rupert that I have ip in the Wallace l.lmk. i rn'i Fulton. My xy.stem of ruriujf acute ;i di)eaie! in ultra-modt rn fails! I wish ese. i.iliy to p with those K'ole who an? nut ! so-called incurable di"oruVr!. Without oblitfation oil yni! in and allow tnv to explain n you. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131 Canadian National . ' r Steamships - . , Co. L mited Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating. (..T.P. 20.000 Ton Hi.allnf Dry Dotk EnuineerH, MachlnlstH, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Putdrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. BLI1CTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 331 SALE of DRESSES A fortunute purchase of Ladies' Dresses at reni n prices. All new styles and popular fabrics. British Spun Silks, FlAUWepes. Upepe Back Satin ' de Chines, etc.. nut turn HrpMHHa alike. 36 Ilrlljih jpjir?jpilk lJrissel;''tielloped stylos, lofiK si 10 Crepc-dc-Chine Afternoon and Evenlnjt Frocks . 15 Italian Flat Crepe DrcsM. nd Crepe Back Sstin- fi Jnp Spun Silk Dresses 4 Black Duchesne Satin Dresses, sixes from 86 to t FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trndlnu Va. !).!'' Si. --