lanrunocl t LONG the trade routes over the Seven Seas, leading to more than 100 different countries, go Canadian products. Other' peonies often peoples of straifge language and different customs have shown their preference for Canadian commodities. This to the extent of a billion and a quarter dollars a year. They buy from us on the liasis of right quality and right price. But greater export trade opportunities await Canada from across the Seven Seas. JtU. Year by year Canada is exporting; more manufactured goods. In n quarter of a century our export of manufactured goods has increased seven fold. That part of our cxxrt trade now amounts to $700,000,000 annually, or about a quarter of our total factory output. While Canadian manufactured goods have gained a foothold in some of the world's greatest markets, stilt the volume we export is small when compared with what these same markets import. Let us take a number of Canadian manufactured commodities, sokl mostly in 23 countries, eight of which are in the Empire, Let us phjce-tUeCaiiaUjaii oxiiori. of these countries against the imports of these countries, and demonstrate the field for greater Canadian business: The possibilities for greater Canadian exports t Amount , What 23 Canada , countries exports to Manufactured Commodity import these u countries Rolling Mill Products $378,436,000 $2,143,621 Tubes and Pipe (Iron) 75,606,000 1,919,014 Machinery (not agricultural).. 435,605,000 4,298,667 Farm Machinery 72,314,000 15,430,149 Automobiles 259,118,000 26,379,152 Rubber Boots and Shoes 9,918,000 5,568,261 Rubber Tires 97,900,000 15,291,224 Musical Instruments 64,955,000 1,286,000 Printing Paper 215,977,000 116,920,699 Lumber and Timber 626,375,000 62,065,596 Sujyar, Refined 167,254,000 11,175,806 Meats, prepared, preserved or canned 337,469,000 22,052,290 Milk, Condensed 52,968,000 4,286,244 Butter 333,304,000 3.0S3.801 Cheese 131,334,000 24,853,503 Fish, dried, smoked, salted or preserved 170,228,000 20,937,106 Flour of Wheat 173,943,000 51,223,271 Tliwe are th latest statistic available. The 23 countries are: United Kingdom, Australia, British India, British South Afngu ..BrItWh Straits SetttaneHto, British West India TbTonk, Irish Free1 Sfate, NW Zealand, Argentina, Bellamy Braxil, Chile, China, Cuba, Ciecho-Slovakia, Dutch East ladles, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, United States. The accompanying figures tell something of the possibilities for sixteen Canadian manufactured commodities already in the export field. They also show what Canada has accomplished in twenty-three countries a creditable performance for nine.million people scattered over half a continent. But we can accomplish greater things if we go after them in our straight-forward Canadian manner. Every Canadian manufacturer should keep a map of the world hung up in his office a silent reminder that Canada cannot live to herself. rLtf We help you get the facts about new markets The Department of Trade and Commerce has a fully organised and experienced Commercial Intelligence Service working solely to help Canadian exporters. Under the direction of this Service are2t trained Trade Commissioners, strategically located In different parts of the world. Each of theee Trade Commissioners is acquainted with the demands and requirements of the people in hit territory. Trade Commissioners are ready to conduct preliminary surveys regarding the marketability of any Canadian product. They will put the Canadian exporter into touch with reliable representatives, or introduce his travellers to trade houses. They constantly aid Canadians in maintaining business mkL, In entering foreign trade the Canadian manufacturer must be prepared to: 1. Give a standard of quality. 2. Make the articles required by the importer. 3. Pack in the manner the importer desires. 4. Deliver promptly. 5. Maintain contract tncs. : The advantages of export trade tb hK manufacturer are: 1. Keeps plants in full ,, operation. 2. firings about; a lowering of production cost n t home ? JjOwggjjrices -to home consumer. 4. Stabilizes contacts. These services cost the Canadian exporter nothing. Hundreds of Canadian firms have built up substantial export accounts which can be traced directly to the efforts of the Trade Commissioners. If you are a Canadian manufacturer or producer you cannot afford to overlook export opportunities. The Com mercial Intelligence Journal, published weekly, bv the Department, will give you ideas on foreign demand. W rite us today bout your products and your capacity to participate In export trade. The information in possession of the Commercial Intelligence Service is at the ditposal of every Canadian exporter. .,7 V- EPARTA4ENT of TRADE and (jOMMERCl ames Malcolm, Minister OTTAWA R C. T. O'Hara, Deputy Minister