s MORROW’ S on TIDES— 24, i Time 0 19.6 feet 43 17.0 feet 64 feet 40 7.0 feet LT 1952 ibe! "aT AND FOUNDATIONS of Kitim witer at i nt is LO begin por d, marked by c ¢ ) Lose Lives ring Rescue rom Liner aboard ied tocgay to swim were emp hers fehoat nen & LWICDORL id at ah cruiser surtboats Brit t Ard eMues irde Waa the in the Wave ¢ boat terday R yi ones f the tk iy ove to v0 7 Batters } Fishboats Unto Rocks boats 1 of ‘ i about $20, om tie} w Bay last the rock by a night a upon bor wale the Norma W Annie Wells, Port Louis owned th, Port Simpson wned by Fred Port Simpson age & Towing | Co refloat the Damage are tide timated Greek Plane Crash Kills 13 CP)... The U.S, Air need last night that a Greek twin- nsport collided on killing 1% persons © in western Korea n-engined C-47 was an Piane piloted by a lenic Greek Air Force one vas one survivor the C-47, a crew — A a a NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBI4’8 NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"Fiince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL. XLI, No. 300 B.C.'s Newest City Looms the proposed A at begin to show uy iring aluminum ing rosses, is the site where | Al 2 Yt B.C. city will thousands mushroom out ¢ of employees at Alcan’'s future PRINCE RUPERT , BL, of the wilderness, housing the smelter. To the right, circle marks the site of the ancient and still existing Indian Village of Kitimat, LIFE FOR THE SMELTER at Alcan timat s A on i powerhouse is planned to generate an estimate via powerhouse cavern is being prepared e wt he le brings up the concrete from the floor” of on the shores of Minette Bay rom Kemano Bay, where an i 1,640,000 horsepower. Here for cementing. An elevator the cavern, 80 feet below = Gi Council heed Bylaw Establishing : ares for Passenger Carriers in —— yw establishi maxi art pT pe witt he r aft A i I " { carrier wa peravire 4 the t and Hie i ad apt a @ ervice hich wo ( i mutside the law rhis was brought the a i ) oO alde 1! City ¢ rk Bill Long following the applica- Mr. Knutson to clarify certain tion of H. I Kt utson to operate changes in his application to the 4 city shoppers’ service here Public Utilities Commission from rhe amendment alters the by- the application made to city w to exclude “limousine ser- council vice, but service and scheduled Ald, Mike Krueger said he had hoppers’ service” from estab supported the application on the lished maximum fares. Before terms offered by Mr. Knutson to his, the airport limousine was the council, Ald. Krueger re- operating above the maximum called that the application in- fares. cluded that a station Ww agon | Meanwhile, the city will ask Would operated to ci ollect 12-DAY REPRIEVE GRANTED vine win MAN CONVICTED OF MURDER VANCOUVER « Viat 24, won a 12-day reprieve whe he crown informed M stice J. M. Coady that the 1 1 i in time for Viatkin’s Jan. 8 execu- eg date was cl ed to Jan. 20. ‘The Court of Appeal last week refused to interiere wth a jury verdict that Viatkin murdered Joseph Hyland in an east end cafe last June 14 by clubbing him over the head with a whisky bottle Aldermen Endorse Motion City courttil last night « ndors ed a motion of protest age ainst proposed incre ased charges to the | municipality by the Royé ul Cana dian Mounted Police, one alder- man calling it “a sly and slippery method” to put RCMP costs onto the municipalities RCMP have requested that the city’s share of police costs be raised from $1,400 to $2,000 per man. It has also proposed in- crease Lary detachment from 14 to 18 Subject was introduced to the meeting by a letter from asking this council to endorse a of manpower on tn Trail “Protesting RCMP Pay Hike similar protest of its own, Alderman George Casey said: “Tt take this action of RCMP as a sly and Slippery method of heaving a greater bur- den of cost on the municipalities. “The government first offered us policing at greatly reduced! costs. Now they want more. “Meanwhile the RCMP is con-| centrating its efforts in cracking down on the city. The Gestapo never ex- ercised more authority than the RCMP.” s aa Council was unanimous in its endorsation of the protest at small amusements in| shoppers from outlying parts of the city and that fares would be} 50 cents one way and 75 cents return, With a maximum personal | baggage limit of 30 pounds Mr. Knutson’s application the PUC, of which the city re- ceived a copy, proposed fares of 50 cents each way per passenger and baggage limit of 25 pounds, Protests to the application were read to council members from Arrow Bug Lines and 99 Taxi, who hold such a proposed service would infringe on present 'established service City was advised these pro- ; tests would be presented at the | | Puc hearing of the cd | | Jan. 6. ‘Road Bylaw To Be Prepared | A construction bylaw will be | prepared by city clerk Bill Long for the purpose of cutting a new street from Eleventh Avenue to Sherbrook Avenue on local im- provement basis. Ald. George Casey moved this j action, a petition by Sherbrook Avenue residents Ald. Ray McLean and Ald. Mike Krueger opposed the mo-) jtion on the grounds that such a} street would only serve 12 resi- dents on Sherbrook Avenue at a cost to the city of $15,000. Holdup Suspect to} following presentation of, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 ~ 50,000 Cigarets Stolen In Overnight Raid Here Police Warn Stores Against Robberies Fifty-thousand cigare stolen overnight by thieve city businesses. ts and $9 in cash were s who raided two separate The. cigarets are missing from Kelly, Douglas i & Co. Ltd., First Avenue taken when drawers of a ‘out at Philpott, Evitt | West. Entry into the wholesaie} jfirm’s premises was made by| \forcing a door, RCMP said this | morning At ‘the lumber com-)| |pany’s building, a window was! broken to gain admission Police spread a warning to ali city Merchants and store own- ers to take extra precautions over the holiday season against break-ins and robberies The. cigarets were valued at $1,000 by police, who said the robberies followed a similar pat-| tern as those taking place over the last month It was the second robbery in less than 10 days for Philpott Evitt. In the first instance also, @ small amount of cash was stolen Other recent robberies include Simpson's store, where laken; Empress Hotel, $300 in cash was removed. and| at Bob Parker's Garage, where} the cash register and a small 4mount of money was taken. The Simpson store robbery yas one of the biggest here in| Hiesent years, years B.C. To Try VICTORIA (CP) Attorney- General Robert Bonner said to- day Henry Seguin will be tried in British Columbia courts on n attempted murder charge be- fore being returned to Ontario, where he faces a charge of mur- der Earlier at Williams RCMP Inspector J. H. Spanton said Seguin probably would be returned to Ontario first Seguin is recovering in hos- pital at Williams Lake from a gunshet wound in the chest suffered when he was felled by an RCMP posse last week. His capture and charge of at- tempted murder followed the wounding of Leonard Hillier, manager of the Williams Lake branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce RCMP said Seguin, Lake, alias Beur- Co, Ltd, a safe) @coniaining more than $3,200 was) where | jit wi West, and the money was cash register were cleaned 900 Second Avenue! ‘Herring Price Offer Rejected VANCOUVER (CP)—| An operators’ ultimatum) that their “final” price! offer be accepted or there) will be no herring fishing) in British Columbia this, - | year was rejected Mon-| day night by the fisher-| men’s union. The United Fishermen and Al- | lied Workers Union, in rejecting | the offer only a few hours after it = put forward, announced 1 continue to press for ar- | bitration in the dispute. | The dispute over prices to be | paid fishermen has kept. the | herring fleet in port sinee mid- | October, normal start of the ‘season which usually runs to | March The Fisheries Association had |told fishermen that if they did jmot aceept the final offer by Dec. 30 there would be no her- ring operations this season. The ultimatum came as gov- ernment officials, including Fisheries Minister Ralph Chet- wynd, discussed the possibility of arbitration, requested by the union but turned down by the operators. Marine Shot After Setting Bomb in Tavern NEW YORK (P)—Three young | servicemen—one of whom police | said wanted to “show these spies | something”—discharged a phos-| ern early today. The action touched off events which brought death to one of them and injuries to 14 others. dry, is wanted’on a,charge of Thirteen of the injured were) murder in the Aug. 18 slaying|in the tavern. ef Leonard Hurd at Maxville,| A few minutes later, and eight | Ont RCMP said Seguin was identi- fied by fingerprints which were sent to the central fingerprint | bureau at Ottawa Hillier was wounded in the jhip early last Tuesday in an jabortive attempt to rob the bank. The gunman was sur- prised by two other bank em- ployees as he held Hillier at gunpoint. The bandit fled into the bad- lands north of Williams Lake but was tracked down by foot- |prints in fresh snow and shot in the chest in the exchange of gunfire with the RCMP posse. | The _ WEATHERMAN Synopsis An active Pacific storm lies ‘across the northern B.C. coast. |Gales over 50 miles per hour are |reported in exposed. waters. Forecast | North Coast Region: Gale warning continued. Rain today jand Wednesday. Little change lin temperature. Winds south- east 40 in exposed areas. Low | tonight and high Wednesday at Says blocks away, police shot and fatally wounded one of the} servicemen, identified as Marine! Sgt. James Eugene mott, 19. UN Agency Buys Barley respondent in Korea said in a dispatch from’ Seoul today that Canadian barley will be used as a food supplement to help over-| come the rice shortage in Korea. | He said he had learned the United Nations Korea Recon- struction Agency has purchased about $2,500,000 worth of Cana- dian barley to reach Korea in about six weeks time. Altogether three shiploads, or about 1,500,000 bushels of Cana- | dian grain, are covered in the ; deal, said Boss. The Daily News in an exclu- sive story yesterday carried an announcement by A. R. Mills, superintendent of the grain elevator here, that barley would be shipped from here to Korea, beginning next Tues- day. | The UN agency in New York |may negotiate for further ship- Port Hardy, Sandspit and pineal homo of Canadian barley if the | Rupert, 38 and 45 rice scarcity continues. phorus bomb in a crowded vay~ McDer- | Bill Boss, Canadian Press cor-| Sainte: Taki To Hospital oot Se By LARRY STANW Five miles past the city limits of Prince Rupert and a few hundred yards off the highway sprawls a cluster of buildings where dwells a colony of- two distinct types of people—those trying to get well, and those try- ing as hard, or harder, to help them. This place is Miller Bay In- dian Hospital, where | 170-odd patients are waiting and resting while taking the “cure” for tuberculosis. All year round they also wait |for something else: Christmas. For most of these patients, rang- ing in ages from 1 to 60, this day jis more important than any | other—except the day they leave jthe hospital cured—two, three, | maybe six years after they enter. Christmas has been made an | especially happy occasion for | them by the annual visit of a | group of young city men, the |Kinsmen Club, with Santa Claus Tonight, the Kinsmen, with Santa, will visit Miller Bay again, on the same mission which has brought fun, laughter and cheers: for several years, But to fulfill all their expec- tations, another Santa Claus bounces in Christmas morning with individual gifts and. me sages for everyone. Santa in his red and parka, with his long, beard, his merry: laughter and cheerful words, is the climax to what they have — waiting for. In ipreparation for this big day, all wards have undergone.a remarkable change. Christmas bells and decorations in a variety of color—all of them made'by the patients themselves—adorn the various rooms, Where. the patients are too small to do their own decorating, staff nurses take over. More than half of. the Patients are in their teens, but several wards are iilied” with and gifts for all. } Some 50 patients are in the: '15-18 age group, about a two-! third majority being girls. There jis prétty Ivy Hall of Kitimat who excells in drawing and painting, jand d7-year-old Cooper Wil- jliams of Kitwancool, who also) has developed a new love in. |painting and handiwork while. itaking the “cure.” Young Wiiliams started oil’ | junder tutorship of Mrs. John’! | Stirn, wife of former Civic Centre secretary-manager here. | Since then he has completed | | several oils, one in particular is an outstanding copy from a | small print of a picture of Christ. His most recent accomplishment | is a scale model of the huge church at Greenville, which he has never seen. | “I built it for my friend. His: painting in Miller Bay last spring | youngsters from ages 1 to 6 Started Painting Last Spring :home is in Greenville and his ‘church is the biggest /north,” said Williams qui | It Was constructed according to verbal description, with foyer, mural windows and a bell in the tower which up a tolling movement by mi of a contrivance of string= ¢ and | weights. Other outstanding craftsmen among the patients are led by Eli Bell and Arthur J |both formely fishermen of*Mas- | set. sae Bell is @ true artist ime ‘wood carving, and ep laeters en ‘pride a full scale mod | typical. west coast seinebeat, complete with brail and..net table. Other items included sev- eral delicately carved r= 'pird totem poles in tra pal color. ' Patients May Leave Beds Soori= Bell has taken the cure since 1946. He has a good chance of getting out soon, And so has Adams, whe has been almost continuously hos- pitalized for the last 10 years, entering Coqualeetza Hospital at Sardis in 1942, then transferred here. Adams is highly skilled heathercraft and produces with remarkable speed and great tal- ent items.ranging from belts to wallets and intricately carved ladies’ handbags. When he leaves the hospital, Adams hopes to set up a regular | hand-manufacturing business in this line! But of all who await this time of year and the climax of Christ- mas, Mrs. Marjorle Rathbone’s in} youngsters are the most enthu- siastic . Mrs. Rathbone is the teacher —regular school classes are held in the hospital each day—and her students range from 1 to 8. There is Beatrice of Port Simpson, she’s in Grade 3; Donald Prince, in Grade 2, from Fort St. James, to name but a few. Such as these will particu larly affected and imp = \the Kinsmen nena ae visit ‘eight and the whirlwind tour of-Santa Christmas morning. Not Se gift parcel will be opened. aintil he comes! ‘ Not only does this event bring much joy and laughter to of often lonely kids, but givus them a lift on the road to re- covery, tin tine teat es ae ” ‘aa 5 ' + fe A « « all LI AP GMO Me A Si age: