fa PAGE TWO; THE DAILY NEWS Monday, Septemhe r in. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBL Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert j Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES v City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advanr e $5.00 For les-ser period, paid in advance, per month .50 By nail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly ptciod $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mall to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year . ... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per Inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each Insertion per agate line 15 DAILY EDITION Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations The balls box will be ope to P-ss- j tm ilmstbs this last week will be to the besot has. and wtt be ab strusely scevst. No one hat the candl- themsetves wtt be aMe to even how they stead tjstfl the box ti spent d far the final count in the si me of the JsMfes. That assures atisiwtu tatrhess to every einetstte. as h bahsge tbe rarapslga to an end under the gwattsl secrecy. WIN OR LOE THIS WEEK Theee ia every tease, to betteve that It will take fisitiat sad consistent effort en the part of say candidate this period to wsm. Any tsaWflite who beUevee he or she baa snvthing "cinched" U most lltely to awake at the end of tbe earn pssga with a hump and wonder hew ft an haprran CKerconftdeoce right ow Is ahsiost certain to be aeeompanled asstaJBle thaee la tvoShiMiv bki i urnce ortN daily department Is now to all Intent and puraoM through. No suasuiUdiiaa or votes are being se- eepted at headquarters this week. The msrar will be ot tirlquariei as usual to issue supplies, gfte Information and cheek amounts wtth candidatea Every candidate is expected to call at hrndquaitaw either on Tuesday or be fore eight o'clock Wednesday Bight and each must have his or her account vert fled before that hour. SKIDEGATE Mm. O. M. Ustatfre of Anyox has returned to Anyox after apeadlag the horktays at their oettsge. Bayvlew, at SkUsgate. u. omauns oi von raements was a visitor here tor a few days, making his first trip to Skid gate Inlet. The run ef pinks has been very poor this seasen both cm the east aad test coast and very few chums have shown up so far. There is some com pensation in a report that there la beg run of springe at Hippo Island. Cent. O. Newberry. Oapt. E. E. Wlg-fln and Charles Miller ot Queen Charlotte City spent the week end with friends her. The weather, continues dry and hot and the water supply is stesdlly decreasing on tbe islands. 98 86' Monday, September 10, 1928 Lid of Secrecy Is Clapped Down on Daily News Campaign With Sealing of Box Saturday i Committee of Judges Assembled at Royal Bank Saturday for Closing Locking and Sealing of Ballot Box At noon Saturday four of the five members of the Advisory Board of Judges, who will have supervision of the final count in The Prince Rupert Daily News Automobile and Subscription Campaign, gathered at the Royal Bank of Canada, and there they locked and sealed the ballot box, in which candidates and their friends are to deposit thir final Collections and votes during the entire last week of the campaign. The four judges who officiated at the sealing of the ballot lx were CoL S. P. McMordie, Mayer; C. H. Orrae; J. W. Scott and L G. Caldtr. Mr. Calder is manager of theRoyal Bank of Canada tB Um aaiirsjns ef F. E. Robertson, who" MtettttttH m a tudtt in place of Mr.' iiUKAL( Robertson wo tu on tbe onpjnal Hat! of ftHin. The rem suing Judge, H. B. p Irectiitsr. was aaaMe to attend ttee MmI locking and sesala; of the ballot W. j. Kta-kpatrtck of Prtace Rsjpert dates Starts the regular haws of thejwas a visitor here last weet-eaa. BeyaJ Beak of Osaias (10 m te 31 psa. each day) a ad am Frlasy eveatns; vt. J. aieooasell returned at the the hank win reopen at 7 sun. and re. b,totn the week from the opea until the ctostBg hour of 3 amTteers rwr. brlngtBg borne with Iher a number of nvteee hi chicken eggs snd honey. la betag takes here by Fred Smith of Prince Rupert. A. Ratenhouse of HaHUsty. Alta., was a visiter here early ta the week. I A. 1. Ohrzon of Prtaae Racert was a basin viater here a Tueedsy. C. H. Tears, hstahery aaaager. re turned oa Wednesday bom a trip to the Interior. James Oratty and Paul Brodin of Kafcim Lake were la towa Thwnday sad Friday. The Pair Judges arrived from the .twOTt , Ihtsnor on "Thursday hi the hlgg'st prlres win be won er lost this week. If eaesMeVatea fall ta work or If they sane then- deter or saafMirsti la their a tty. they caa eipeet surety to fieri Mi somewbew beatdss In first ptaee and many petvaea not ever make the prise Bert Walters, teller ta the local bank left oa Wednesday to spend his vacation la Vaacvowrer. His pit their week at the Terraee Pair. A. C. Small ot Prince George wsa a visitor here during the week. Mr sad Mrs. Geo. Dover returned on Wednesday after stteoding" the Sailthers Fall and Telkwa Barbecue. Mrs. M. Preecliea tad children of Ouoombe arrteed from the interior on Wednesday oa a visit to her par ent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bedore. Mrs. R. U MIntosh left on Thurs day for Prtace Rupert to extend bos ptteHty to vMtfng clergy during the ordination or Bishop-Elect a. A. Rlx. She tu accompanied down by Miss ufaee Bedore. Ulss otadys Kenney has returned to her home here and has taken a post tton in the A. T. Sandal store. Wm. Donald, who for a number of years worked with the Kenney Bros firm has taken a position with Mr, Sundal. MINES IN DISTRICT OBTAIN LABOR HERE Liitaj ihui orrire of Fmptojment serrlcelon , Canada Reeelrlnr Iteenl.-ir rW.iM..r V Tor .Men The local branch of the Employment Berries of Canada la receivlne: regular orders from operating mines In the district for labor of various kinds. At the end of the week, fourteen men were sent from here to 8tewart to be1 employed by the Premier Ootd Mining Co. In Its operation! at the mouth of the Marmot River. Six men were also sent to the Silver Cup mine at New lUtelton. LataBfaaaawVsaVawsBBasT jfMssBuswstssjMauj BJrV1SBrM atF"v v rBssssifasBWSBfwws TERRACE FAIR WAS SUCCESS LARGER DKM.AV OF EXHIBITS AM) MORE IIIEXD THAN EVER IN THE PAST , FAVORABLE COMMENTS" EXPECTED THAT FINANCIAL RE" URNS HILL COVER ALL EXPENSE. TERRACE. Sep. 10. Under Idea! weatfaer eondltioas and with a record attendance the Terrace Fall Hair .seas held on Friday and was uwsoumadly a great nwnu. With a mueh lnoraxtJ prise Mat. Uk number of exhibit was larger than ever before, ttala being especially noticeable In the livestock eecttoo and in tbe fancy work anc': cblktrras section. It was necessary tate year to utilise tfce lar; downstairs nail as v eil as the upstairs of tne O.W.V.A. "hall, vegetables, field crops and tehool work beta placed below stairs. Ia tne Bret took. sestsun many more entries were made than la previous years. The feetare of this taction wa tne exhibits of pigs put In by tbe members of tbe boys' and girls- clubs. Ten ptft ?e shown ail baring been fed and eerei for by the children, and there were many flae animals among Possibly tbe flower section was the most disappointing of tbe whole e hlhltton. there being fewer entries than in previous years, due no doubt to the Ions; speU of hot dry weather. Many beautitul Moan however, were In en dence and added much to the attractiveness of tbe haH. In the poultry and rabbit sectioiw tne exhibits were not numerous ana were by no means representative of tbe importance of the haduatry In the district. EXCELLENT WOMENJJ WORK In the women section tbe displays were numerous and of a very high us of work. All sections of boti- fancy work and cooking were strongly contested. Much beautiful work sss displayed. Mrs. Pitta, the Judge remarking that It had never been her prtrBege in years of similar work to pass judgment on better rooking or finer work then that on eahlbition here. The efforts of tbe ladles were quite the equal of that found In the large crttes, she said. The fruit section as usual attracted attetiHea. aakd while the oolor- U. Boer and P. A. Lowan. mln- hac of the fruit was not so sbhm aa It tag men of tfck were visitors here ' will be hi a few weey Ume. the num-eaMy In the week. eeous eihittu U iplsiUM muni, clean. fruit as usual did much to advertise the poMtMrUes of the district Vegetate aad roots ware among the strong feature of the eahlbrtlon there being a wonderful display of .good BtarketeMe produce of all description The ceSeetJea of vsgetablta attracted much attention aad also were effective sdveitavreMots both for growers aad the oHrtrtet. WORK OF SCHOOLS The school display was distinguished by much very fine work oa the part of the pupils and rsfjseved much ereetit on both teacher aad children. In the awaMrea'a seettea of cooking and fancy work, darnlag. patching, etc.. much Interest waa dSaptayed aad mweb stever talent shown. Presumably Terrace wtB always have fine cooks and needle workers. Other features of the sxhibltior. which attracted much attention were the display of Chinook ruga from the Women Institute of the Department of Agriculture. These were seat out for eihlbrtton purposes la tbe hope of reviving Interest in old time rug iking. A display of canned vege table of every conceivable description was pat on saatbtttsa by Mrs. W. W. Hlapesley aad waa much admired as waa also an exhibit ef hand colored ahotography put m by W C Sparkes TEl' WAH f-EKVMl During the afternoon the Women's tastltate served tee, in the Blue Room downstair and steady patronage was extended an afternoon. A karae crowd te In attendance at the dance at which music waa furnished by J. Mc Laren's orchestra. A. Holaawood acted aa floor manager and tbe catering was handled by the Women's Institute. No statement regarding the financial results H yet available but It la expected that wtth some premised atone- Bona stiB to come In. the fair wilt be a flnaaoial success. There wee a considerable increase In tbe amount ot prtrc money offered this year but this would no doubt be offset by the larger gate receipt, dance receipt sad tbe generous ssalsience from the Women's Institute. SURPRISE PARTY ON . SATURDAY EVENING A surprise party was held Satuaday evening at the home ot Mr. and I Mis. i ..... ii ' iony uusanaicn. Ninth Avenue Kaet. . flfor their son Mite Busannlch onjjths, ii' .... . occasion of his return from the freaks.. The evening was spent In games, music and dancing, the hostesses being Mrs Louie Martin aad Mrs. Prank Pita- gerald. Some thirty guests were present, all of whom enjoyed the oc casion to the full. Refreshments were served at midnight aad the party broke up In the small hours. HTAN'UIXfl lllft "GIlOl'Mi" "Walter, this coffee la like mud." "Yesslr . around this morning, sir." WEEK MONDAY Rex tba wild Beaatf,-O0tHUH Rtt Nawa. AT THEATRE bone In "Wild T06BD.V3UAKD WEDHKWJAT Ti M wta-a tnaHtl at TsJte 1U and the World Is Oomady "K Blondes Allowed.- Oojnads: the see." remAT' AND aATORDAT -rmiU ard Kellys to Pars!.- CICHiili "Pretty Baby." Jieseje fcxue . COHENS AND KELLYS IN PARIS' REACHES-EXTREMES OF MIRTH If life was male lor laughter, whoever attends the Westbobne Theatre while "The Colvris and Kellys In Pane," tbe Bath .-raal-WUUam Beaudlne production, ta the feature, will live a complete Ufa dur.ng the run of the picture, says a r viewer. "The Cohans and Kellys in Paris" Is life jammed wra wholesome human touches of pathos and comedy. It la a beautiful painting from tbe delicate brush of the ?reat artist. William BemasVBe, director of "Little Annie aoooey." -gawrows- and "Hold That tt at pe of the all-star east it farce oostedy. but It ia relatione between the Irtihssan and the Jew teM with an eye always on the comic paoalbtmies ot tbe tale. RED RIDERS OF CANADA THRILLING AND ROMANTIC Tales of uhtmu: uable hardship overcome and daring feet acecmpiiebed have filtered out of tbe barren North! for a half cent'.iry to add to tbe glory and fame of that heroic body of ad-j venturers, tbe Royal North West Mounted Police, arovfed whom has been woven , tbe dxamattl screen story. "Bed Riders cf Canada." here this week with Patsy' Ruth Miller and Charles Byer In the I Lading rests, 1 Almost too thrilling and romantic to believe la the story of this band of red-coated giants 'whose organisation was called into beifig to provide law and or-. oer in the wild Saskatchewan, that vast and once thinly settled section fi pratfie land being West aad Nirth of the Oanaolan province of Manitoba. j KING OF WILD HORSES 1 BE SEEN THIS WEEK; Rex. tbe King -.f Wild Horses. Is coming to the Wentholme m "Wild' Beauty." a spectacular enthralling story of the West, fas raring a band of wild hones and thrilling horse race. A great ass of toe film was shot tbe beautiful sainted country of rfeaona. in the neifhbortiood of Red Knolls Many scones of daszUng perfection appear in the picture which is also highly dramatic. j BeaMes Rex there are two other horses j f itcsssltng beauty. They are lady.' the feminine lead, and Marquis, aiiso i.fce Kills, the villein. There Is a stal 1 lion fight In the film which is a clas&K Ten Years Ago' SKITEMllKK !, 1918 It is expected that between five and even hundred lota will be offered at the city tax sale which will be hid an October 2. The city council, on motion of Aid. Prtcps trick, seconded by AM. Rochester, set this day for tbe ale at Ma meeting last evening. Uo. Blanche MrtXwakt. ninth Avenue hast. la advised from Ottaws that her son. Lieut. Wilfrid C. McDonald. has been, seriously Injured at tbe front. He received gunshot wounds in the I rm and left knee. I Mies Allen is now leading In the ccntcat for the Queen of the Carnival at the Prinoe Rupert Exhibition. Maw Weatman is second and Miss Ptorrte 'ones of Any ox, third. tNREASOYtHLE I "What cud you quit down at the Ooid-Ptstad atoeurrUss for? I thought you -l thossght ee, too. till I'd there a week. I was supposed to be ; secretary to tbe vice-president, but be j was no vice-president at all. Why. the i poor nut only took two hours and a half for lunch and sometimes he'd stick around tall 4 in the afternoon. I couldn't work for a saan like that John's TeWvrapri Journal. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and telling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We aUo have facilities for accepting Wheat order oa Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Hupert, IIC, For Tk Benefit of Visitors To Exhibition We are hoklinj? A SPECIAL SALE Ladies' dnd Children's Coats, Dresses, Underwear, Shoes, Rubber Footwear, Hats, etc. ' We also have a fine range of Ladies' and Children's Raincoats and Hats in all colors and our Drygoods Department is right up-to-date. We are selling out our'line of Boys' Clothing and you can secure Suits as low as 55.95 and 9.95 A libera! discount is being given in every department, and you are cordially invited to come in and see them for yourselves. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 615 Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7lh St. No After Lunch Drowsinpcc Light and Nourishing; Cool and Satisfying Tasty and Healthful TRISCUXT- ADelicious Shredded Wheat Cracker MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS - VISITORS WEtfQjrE Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Arrrved of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ouraelve. every pair guar;: Mack- from the finest pure thread silk, rei: mock I'aKhioned double tolea, Uwa and heels to 10. In xbade of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand. (in-. Silver. I'earl Chumparne, Black, Woodlenl i. Pair ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PHODl'CE' at low pricej, and Immediate delivery Olwerrel All article are of superior quality nJ fresh. HEALTH F0LLW5 cmtsfticnccaMHTl rmsm on fSVUMMKiStSOr TM rauowmsctunj: ifcSf rn t lXAw L. Bassu ktm HivUKlt Ma: iMa IL'71 Cm 0k Vtsvut am soil kaiUbta Bi uitiiu"0 95c Fraser & Payr. e Universal Trading Co. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operatinr O.T.!'. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Bnuinrerft. .VarhinUts, ftoilermakcns KlackKBiitht; frflrrs maker. Foundeni. Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTBIC ANI ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant it equipped to handle all kinds of MAItlNE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. I' HONES 43 and 385 City Meat Market (SELV1G I1KOS.) Jn! Aenue ' l'hont K MEAT FISH, VEGETABLES and GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Does your boy's work at sih faverably with his clasamates? n Many backward children owe i! "' to Chiropractic. Call or write f ; " : W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 211 Phones Black 2 6 and 7 Exchange Block. Open Evening "CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN THE WEATIIEK! A Size for Every Ve A Hundred Uses for Every Sle 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY BijTTBR Quicker ciieave" N Utorature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED Northern rartric rrelght imlldlnr. Bill Station htrrrt V.WCOlVtlt, II. C. Ilranrh )fn- llliwriMi llicut HUMiS, U-C-