EDS Transfer Fifteen years experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Oar price, weights and measures are right So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 291. Night Phone: Red 317. LingtheTailor Phone 619 Ctothes Cleaning Price List Kke taJa is worth Vtep- Ladfea or GenUogaen'g Saita ateaaa pressed 75f Owreaa tt 75c Trawan 33? SHrta 3Tt Boys' Suita 50 SUITS. Dry Classed and stem pressed $2.00 Owtcsats $2.00 Tram i era 75? Sttri 75c Boys Salts $1.00 Alao Ladies' Fancy work at rcotaaaMe ratoa- We call for aad deliver to aS parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 6S7. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. lifWATSSSI BV 1 ALB or STOUT B ttilds Up Yctir Health sn.HtKwUUaf.tM. DIFFERENCES UNITED CHURCH, OBJECTION AT I (M M'lL TAKEN TO , N'l MUCK MOBf RETT KN TO YYINNI-INTKEAMMi M HCR OF PAIR TTl. COM PU 1 N I Nti Of LOW 0FICIl j W.i WIKMPSO. Sept IB. Uualetakable . la the United Church to aajarriTala Saturday night 150 Britten har- in the cumber of permanent paM officials waa manifested at a meet ' hag of the Oeneral Council of Uie Chun to laalw beet Friday, The resolution that Ber Charles 11 IWsflcort. active In the eerrtce of the Churen In Rortbern Saekatchewaa aa superintended of mtartfmi fee marie western secretary of the maintenance and extension board met with oopoai- tloB and the discussion waa wm tinned until adjonrrjnen-. and will be con- :mued later D0UKH0B0RS to TO PAY FINE FIVE Hl'NDBEU DOUJIBM AE( AOAIVT THEM FIHt CO VI EMIT Of MAHKBTKO ACT TRAIL. Sept. 10. A fine of aMO and eaata to be paid within test daji and If not then paid to be leried their goads and chattel wm it handed down afmlna: the Christian Oraununltr of Cclrena: Brotaerbood by Magistrate Blnna. who , aonrted the Doubhobcn two wekej ago ol an infractuB of the Fiodute Marketing Act. SUBMARINE VICTIMS i BURIED AT PORTSMOUTH FULL NAVAL CEREMONY! PORTSMOCTH Sept. 10- WMh fan naval cereaaony the bodies of 41 offle- r. .n m. of the c.hmirtn. LaS which waa sunk by Kuatlan in 1a Baltle In Jwne tSM wore boned the naval cemaaarr hare. TK. hus. were hroneht hawe Wra- 1 neaday night on the enuaar Champion. The veaael lecatTed tham at Beval - .F Sathonla to which oort the ware wane- Dortest tram Bumian waters on a mer- -K.nt.. - - -. MAD SCRAMBLE FOR STOCKS CONTINUESi" NEW t'oRK S-pt 10 The 2-2- atad aitniblr for etodu continued ua abated Saturday Nearly two eoore -j turn were eseratea to new nesyaw-ow gatna rannlag from am? to eaght del- lam. a.abare. Heary prom takaf wa nterrupted by a rane rviag taa mar ket an irregular appearance MOMIAV, EFT 1 High 11.W aaa. 17.7 ttJ MJM pja. gaa - . Low 4.44 Rt. 4 j list 17 i TVBftDAVt, F.PT. II Barb l I 3SCT (MB. 30.7 " I Lew M aam. 3.7 " I MSB pa 73 " Wr.IlNIDAV. ET It High !!. 19 ft. Low si II J0 pan. TlllRl,VnEFT U High MSB. U.17 pja. 30. Low 70S 3.7 ltJl 43 I'lllDAV, SEPT. II High 3 a.m. 31.4 ft 13 50 pm 31.1 tt Low "tt am. 27 30 08 pm. 4 .0 " SATi nOAY. PEIT. 15 HUH 103 am. 313 tt. MM pm. 31J " L-'iW e 17 am SI " 30 44 p m 3 " HARVESTERS . DISAPPOINTED' WUnriPlM Sept. 18 With fnrtlMr wiuii reamed her from different provinces, ail complaining of not Bwt- Unf premised wages aad lack of steady work One of them triad to pmntdf harvesters who ware waiting for rall- rone) ticket to plowed to Vtrdan. Jfan- rtoba. not to leave Winnipeg beceuar they would aoon come walking back, It waa announced hare today that there were S47 banialm in the group tent to Oreat Britain from here Wad- neaday. Some railway officials ea- tbe fear that there wffll or KB arveaters here clunorlri be fed. aheltered aad sent home. CONSOLIDATED MAY BE EXTENDING HOLDINGS .BEAR RIYER YALLEY VICTORIA. Sept. 10-At the office of the Bear Biter V slier mines Saturday F. C XUott. aatieaary-tiaaaum said ho had nothing to aay about the report on the marten that Oooeolknued Mining waa msrlng an offer for prop- crtkre of ihia oomnany which adtotn CVnaoBdatds Oeorge Copper aad Bofus Argecta, CANADIAN NATIONAL COAST STEAMSHIPS . FALL SCHEDULE With the arriTal of the 98 " Prince Buprrt from Vancouver Wedneaday, SPtcmbr 12- tte ra scbadule will be etfecUre The bag boata win arrtee "m '' " """' Saturday at lOJO aJ- Vancoutwr eacn H 8uad' UM PA Bfwaxt WidnisSiy 10O0 patu for Anyoa and Ketchikan Saturday 4 DO pa. Mote - " camnaw m for Wewart aad Anymt. Itftctt " . lortmgnuy semee nu w if ( ' letored ria Queen Cbartotte Islaada. boatl0r t,e CHU start Mr snU Mrs Henry mlliag from Prtnae Rapert tortaMhtly ! - manur. Mr. and Mm. W. H lor Vaaeourer calltng all lalaod PnU en route. Pull particulsrs from City Ticket Office Phone 300 M4 GOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF I LADIES' FUR COATS Waald rou ua a fur coat? Aad tmtdd ' vou Uka to art it at oar third Baa than the regular cost? Of ottrae you voald 1 Who wouldnf The thing to do. then, j M to nan OotdMoom's the old retlable ! OoMMaom a baring a aale of fun before be teavea for lew York. Me goes neat weak ta arrange far ha purchaen of raw turn aad aatu he leavee. every article ta ha aaare a b- lag eftseed at real eale prleee one-OUrd below the ordlnarr once. A-Vr bn twenty yearn at buatnesa' in rnnce aupen. uotawtoom pw" hlmealf on the number of ha eatanad customers ne ynarantom evasy anscsr be valls to be aa iipmetuled and " . give mtlsf act 'on with a ateary back guarantee And no one can do much better than that! Bo awe Onldbioam this week about that fur coat, before be laavae for the; leaet. W. OOUmLOOM The PVasteer rar Dealer AdTt tm l'T.LI -ill q :i - ii About aa uaestea a word aa aay. everyday circulation, a ' sn 1 -prof melon al. TIMBER SALE X10S88 Sealed Tendem wUl be recelvwd by the niatrtrt Forester. Prince Rupert, not later than noon on the Mnd day of September 1038 for the purchase of Licence X10S88. Kumdls S-mth Mi"f Inlet. QCJ. to cjt 4T00 :;iial fee, of Cedar Potee and Piling. Two (21 years will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Fur-eater Victoria BC or thf Dwtrtcl For-eater. Prince R iper' B.c MRS. LEEK LAID TO REST SUNDAY LAKtiC tOMOIKE ATTEMI Wl- SIIBS IN 1MH.HAN IAIHE-HtttL AMI rtMXOrtEfl COR-TPt.C T CEC!EKY One of tbr largeat wmcfmnse of ths: haa attended a funeral In anu.v s day wat prsaent at St. Aaakww'f Angllcaa Cathedral at 4 o'otock yMterday artcrnoon to pay last raaf urn to (!f memory of Mr. Martha Lawk, laaianiwl pioneer woman of tale Mf. Ike serr:oe waa conducted by 3laaap Own A. Blx who lOsiiad m-tingty a ti worth of the Jim ill. whose damue waa generally mourned in st oomwaur.-T. and alao spoke tseltng worda of comlart :jr the family which :ad been so cWply bereared. Mtm ar- jrie Laacat tr presided at the pipe or- an for the hymna. The obaaqirfi took place under tae map I r li of the LaaUas' Oraoat Baareo- . eat I m Mi -.ion aad the Pythian Sla-ra la both of which organ ftloeia aa-1 land bad oen aa active aismhar fori many ywan The laulm at the grave- tide waa in chart of tbt Ladies' Orange asnivalsnt Association with Mm. S V Cox aarrying out tbc ntuabatae rttaa lafuil the caabet waa luaaiad to Ua Baft ssstbsg pbvse. aaaay :cwed the earteai to Pnlrrlew Pallbeam ware J. D. alien. Louis Arron. W O Oakley. O. W. Johnatooe. p. M. timer aad 8. M. Miatea. The eaabat waa banked with a great number yi fkxaJ trtbotea. Among taoae Bdiag flu sen were the foDowtog: The faaulf. Mr. aad Mm. N. Ourrlch. Mr aad Mm. Mm Bremnsr. 8 M. Maw-ton. Mr. aad Mrs H. B. Eastman. Mr. and Mm. 1. O. AOen. Mr. and Mm. 3 Po and Madat I Vancourer). Mr. and Mrs Alea llcWn aad Moaa. Aid. and Mrs O. W. Buddittiam. Mr. and Mm. . Oarton. Mm. J Boss aad family. Mr. and Mm W. H Mtmtaomary and family Mr. and Mrs R. M. Clark and family. Mr. and Mm. B. W Oamernn, Mr. aad Mm. 1 A. McBae. Mr. and Mrs i. T McrmnaM. Mr. aad Mm. Walter Jhaw Mr and Mm. W. O. Oakley. Mr. aad Mr J. C. Brady and family. Mr. and Mrs ft Kbbard and family. Maat S. Utaneran, Mr. aad Mm. J. A. Anderson. Mr aad Mrs. P. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs A. C CAirWtlaosen. Telephone OMb. Mr aad Mrs i. B. Stevena. Mr. and M tL L. Pierce and family Oooclsell. Mr. and Mrs. 8 A Nlckeraoa. watt. Hitf aad atar)one lanrewtaT n.,n. aavstt. Mr and Mm. A. J. lanraater AHhiar aad Bert. Mr. and Mrs Jamea hunilT. Mr. aad Mm. J. Munro. Mr. and . annurMTL Mr aaul Mm. Ihomaa Bowtavr. Mr. aad Mrs William McBae and ReRuTf. Orange Lodg. Mr .;d Mj W. B. Defining. Mr and Mm Bod Mum sea, far. aad Mn. o. S Ou- tick. Mr ano Mm. P. i McOoratlek.l jst and Mm. Oacrar W. Johnstone and family Mr aad Mn. S V Cox and Baae. ur and Mm. Ralph Morui. Mr. and Mrs F I Wermlg. Mr. and Mrs John B Murray. Mr. and Mm. C. J Bvevena. Mr. and Mm. W. OtlchrWt. Sanara Houston and CufTfct. Ladles Orange Benevolent Association. Mm. J W Baley. Mr 1; Ur. aad htm. V. Baatmnn. Mr. and Mrs A T. Parkin. Mr and Mrs B. A McLeod. PytBhta Saiters. Mr and Mm. T M BWUoW aaa aaugntsr. sar. m Mrs Crneat Large and family Mate Annie Qalby. Mr. ana atn nruor ww. Prlact .Rupert Lodg " 83 I O' Mr Ud Mm. Annaetey. Mr and Mrs H uji u, and Mrs. L. Stytaa. Mim 'ifarv aim Mam Helen Sim. Mr. and M , i prlncw Rupert Pioneers ,,., ur aad Mrs J L Mcln- in.h .r.rt ur and Mrs. R I. Hudson DENIES CHARGE ENGLISH PAPERit . , . . ' I TOMOTrrOK. Swpt. 8 Complete and eatevortoal denial of charge made by, the Catholic HetmM of Lend on. England that Brttleh mtoers wart being used for rrlk. braaktag la Canada aad that one of theh" Btaaber was thottgM to Tt committee sarletoe or though toj . been murdwred rblad to' . , . k. DavM ivM -iiai ..fwspeper Prlda iiii-i- Kirkwood OiDtaati Labor member x the Britwh teooee I . l 8 ihncrlba tor the Duly Rewa. V anted For Sal DAILY I or Ri nt 22c per word in WANTED MAID WAKTKD FOR OKHBRAL Phone Bed 7. tt tf AUTO BKPAIBZD 4J0ICJCLT and cheaply. tea J. Martin aia WOMAN COOK poaiuon camp coak. Apply Box W Dally WARTBD rTIBNlBHZD PLAT OB bouse, four or ftwe rooms, for ten montha. Phone Oreea t2. 213 M.-M,-,, mn,. .warrrs) uoa. Botel or boarding bouse: ten yean experience Capable of taking fun charge. First class references. F W. D. Oeneral delivery. Stewart. B. C. 31 FOK SALE OU) IffWBPAKRS MAT SB USSU Ot-rtead of bmidlng paper or to lay beneath carpeti on the Qoar Oat special pilot oa large quantities Dally FOR SALB LAUltCH OWBH. Bssthope asatee. aD I in good nrBBtag con- Apply PaUen. Dally Rewa. tf - SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS TaeanC reaerved. rarvye4 Crows leads away be are-empted by Brttleh eaafeeta over la yeara af age. and by aliens on declaring tetentlea U avoaea Brttkah subjects, ocwdl-ttenal upee reatdeare. oerpaUan. ind unata lament tor acrleattursj wirpeaea. Poll laferrasUoa ooaoeralnc w jatloaa racardlag ara-aneptlaaa la given In Bulletin No 1. Land Seriea, "Haw te Pre-empt Land." eaalee of tihion can be obtained free of eAarge IT addreeelaa the Deyartmeat of Lands. Victoria. B.C. or t any Oav-erament Aaeat. Records win be granted coiiet anly land awHaMe for adHcaluiral parpeeee. aad whloh U not amber laal La, oarrytnc over tM board feet per a ere wast of the Coast Range and 140 feet per aore east of tbal Rang a. A ppll cations far tre-ernptloni are ta be address to the Land CeeJ-raUtloner af '-ai Land Recordlai 01 vtetea. In which the land applied for la situated, and are made oa printed ferma. eonlee of which aaa be ob - tAlned from the Land Commission sc. Pre-emptione must be occupied tor five yeara and Improvements made to valve of HO per aore. tndaeUitg clearing and cultivating at leaat five area, before a Crown Oraat can be received Per more detailed Infertaatiea lee the Bulletin "How te Pre-empt PURCHASE Applications are reoalved tor pur chase of vacant aad unreserved Crewa landa. not being UajberlaBa. far agricultural purposes, mlalmum ertoe far tlrat-elaae (arable) land la It per aore. and teoand-alaas (graa Ing) land 11.10 per aara. Pwrtker Information regaralng purrhaae or lease ef Crown lands is gives In Dalletln No. It. Land Series. Purchase and Lease of Crown Landa." UUL factory, or Industrial iltee oa Umber land, not exceeding it acre. may be purchased or leaaed. the eon-dltlona Including payment of 4tumpage. , HOMESITE LEASES Uaeurvayed areea. not eieeedtsg It aeraa.UfjAy be leased aa h oca sites. ' eondlUcnal upon a dwelling being , erestad fh the flrtt year, title being i obtainable after residence and tra- ) prevament aondltlona are faifUled tana hat been earreyea LEASES raxing and Industrial iw- poeea areas not exceeding 111 ecree may be leaaed by oae Pro er 4 g, ORAZIHO Under the Oraalng Act tbt Prov btee U dlnded Into graxlcg dlitrloU V" " comTiiaawn.T Tnnual grwatna: permits are taaued baaed aa Bambara ranged, prleiity being given t aetablUhad owaera Btock-ewaera ntay form ass clstlns tor range ma&&4acairal rrse. or partly free, permlU are anilahle fae settlera, anjwpen and travetka-a. m ta tea - ad. By George McMang BRINGING UP FATHER (THE tLEVATOR CbNTT J II vJ 1-- txrrjjriTiUP ir5-QV 1 II i . .,, . .. . - I RONKiiN' AM HCj bOR.S. ! 1 1 MOUNnMN Lunw r.w-- 1 fV 4. i -rS H HAPPfeMEO- , ' MOWLlrf ABOUT?!- HE. HTO lcT:t(LANO Mt l3 OVtM ICAsUE. 1 II. TvV jf II v . . 1 i VMLK OP PUCHT M6.R6.30 CUMB OUK . (-. i 1 1 i b;h. u i . u . -i a Will i Of 'bTHS- 0 i .i i.i . stm t NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance.. No AdverLuement taken for lets than 50c FOR Rill UnNARTR WJkMnC' ltirn : V'l'lJVlTI In ..... I A OOOD AS!.' ' FOR SALE AT A BABOAIN LIOHT Ur- horse rire yeara old. with saddle Apply Monro Brae. tf FOR HBNT BOXBD AND BOOM sSa A MONTH Phone Oreea OPT. 317 j FOB BSNT TBBBC housekeeping roocoe. ! ua. Sit Arhcj, ano aarn-ai none Bed-the Oateni. . t lie. Puro;, .., I LAND i T. no m t or IN li x , I , ... (Hit . I I 4. 1 .i la sautber . and (ltttate 4 aide ol Sfcee:.. i TAKB NOw , of Pacific B i TBIRTT-THBBB ROOM HOTBL FOR M apply lcr rr.: ParUj ftimmhed. Apply t. r S5Jmt"i. McLennan. lis tuuxat jm - -. . Cfk Utfti. tR JaBMl CLAPPSHTOM HOOSS. ft!t Rlath Arentw East Bent iwaaoaaMe .j Apply CTty Treaaurer. CHy Waa. tf I c.r 1 OR BalTtV-plAMOsX PLATER-PUliOS. I Phenmjmpai and Sewing Maeaiae. , , -Walkert Mtiatc Svare. I the lavue .': j Title foi I, FOR BBWT PORMaWBD PODB etghty-thrw 47. T. . 'lands haTini - FOB RXKT FOUR ROOM APABT , my intent. , mgnt. hot water heated Apply Smith parstloo o: . At llsfl.it Ltat '. panticstior. h.- "Icate of Title t ittame of J ' p Kew arvwn-raom heated mo- ' OerWlrate of r - darn he use Poll binaaaat. Ctoee It Seatember lv! FOR I Bad 130 RSKT the day.week. or Phone mm SALVAGE AND TOWING ; lrfnce Rupert Salvage & Towf ng " h - Ce. Ltd. " 8 j HA HllMlAIa IN OAS BOtTS ' l!': . .Agent, for saathaf i Bagiaea. OaoUdge b c a w l Propelleia. ad Turtube OB ipHav of Menta af aM (WvtHieei fee rharter jP00 ' Salt Lakm Perry eervtoe wtak day oo'i" the hours I pa. till pm. atwday ; Pour Hundred aad Baiidtya. u am. tts a aaa. iDatrtct Bn-.. Sftl AUCTIONESRS. PRiNcr. rcfert aictiom jmrt rVderal Rlork Furniture of all kind bMsghv aM dae. 0. J. DAWES. fuar I fa DANCING n MyrAMVY c.tMrnnj. Teaeher of Ct.lml Daneinf Cnied Mav M uoaat u'..-. . OH1II Wk. nf i B C. rt July ;3l "NAVICABLF v v sue-R sl.a. W ATI I.' H 1 TBCTION A f K si II Porter Irtn ted barely . 1 t! . .1 it II ! H - t AND TAES MI. ptrattcn at data of the - - Rottot fvT-f !- - 4 Umtted :: H - -Worts aaM Act. a !-- H Ottawa, for ippr plan, end st.d : the d ahsrr Dated at v-this Cth day ' Hi porttr iDAm UhTTTCD LAN I ' v r NOTICE trT INH i l.iX 11 TO PI B -I la Rbaga c IcordlPg Dtstrv- . : .!IU.t. .tMU! ! ; -. aetwnaa land. Coniawac Ul the noHhraat - wast 10 thairi ' thence dbtt Tt' chain and c i or leas. Dated Augix- Roofing and Specialities .Mineral ur,liy.hin!;lr! Shin? Mineral Surfa.:ed Roll Roofing ym, llnlMlne- PaDCr Everjet Elastic I PlaMlc ElaMJputn Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pit- V A !t .4 Albert &McCafW Umitfa I t.i--.a i, and MatBxBaVaaaV Operatic. Toe Daaclng. Oreclan. Rue-! tnt urse k atan. Bgwptaaa. eta TAKB poncr i I Alao Phwaaml Culture ! "f?n5L -Y.1- r. O. IVn 4wt. Fher Bterk SI i.aJE 'o . TUITION a. r. tviUJiMs Vlwiaa t of tVe4ie4 Theatre rAU. CLtM TOR VIOLIN TITTION Studio. 3U Pbarth Areaat Beat Pupils now bung carolled For tenia -Phone Blue 44 CHIROPRACTIC DR. U, C. KTOLr0 tblrepraciar SM Third Attaue. TalephuM (a. app statin nt aaw to Blue So. neaHence phone Btatk HI. Acute aad Ohraaie Dtaordert tueeeat-fully treated. EMabhsbed 1M4 L-VNI) ACT NOTirr or intention to apply TO I LRC IItNi; LINO i cordlre Datrtct of Pranee Rutert. aad I situate aooul t miiea i roan um bmm of 'he Khutew River, i TAKE ttOTfCC THAT Alexander Stuart ' MarcuMocb of Vancouver. B C . occupation Broker, intends to apply for per-m union ta purrhaae the following oe-rriDed land Ootnmrncing at a post planted near the southwest cornei of Lit 304: thence west 30 chains, thence) south 40 chains, thence eaat 40 chain thence north 40 rhsiiia thence west 30 chain, and con-n D'lia- 1) acre more or le I D.'rt AuguM 30 938. 3M