Monday, September 10, 1928. Specials ! 110 wsssswa. sswsw warn vm svva ft r Specials ! Vacuum Battles 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modess 50c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment . . PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Vsfei aVJbts Jfie Pioneer Druoffsts THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?c200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand Kippers THE DAINT1KST BHKAKr AK'I rOOH. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Store G-' L1! Prince Rupert. U.C Canadian National Q7ic Largefl ailway SyJlcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TUALX SERVICE i Milling from ri'.INCi: KITMtT fur AM Ol VHTItHIl and HKATTI.E. TIHKMllVM and M MtAYS. u II p.m. for KTKW.tKT. WKIINKHDAYH. W p.m. Tor AN VOX and KKT HIKAX, S.tTt RIUYH, 4 a.m. for NOUTH and KOI Til iVY.V.S rHAMlOTIF. IhUMk, mtHigWIy. r.iii;foi:u trains lbavc rmfE hcikt DAILY EXCEPT SIMIAY at ILSSa-n. for QBtHiflE, EltMONTON. MlNNlrEO, all potitu Bast ('sua da. ratted stale. Alir.NCY .41.1. OfCAN rtTfclMNIIIf LI.NfvS. CITT TICKET OKH r.. Ms TIIIHI" Ml. I KIM r Bl PtltT. fhone tt (canadiahJ Vacific B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings fvom Prince Rupert To KflrhlWan, Wraniell, and lkagv.ay Aufusl J. g, IB. IS, IT, 10, ft, SI. To Vsncoutrr, Vlrlurla and Mrnttle August 1, 1. 8. II, IS, Is, St, U. PKICI8 KOVAL for llutrdale. Eet Hells llls. Orran Fail. Namu. Akrt tin. Campbrll llltrr and ancmum every IrMay. in p.m. Agency lor all Meanthli Lines, full information from IV. t. ORCIUkli. tienrral Agent. Cnrnrr of 4th 8lir and Srd Avrnue. Prhic Rupert. B.C. Than SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED balling irom Print Itupert. lur YICIOKIA, Swanwii Hay, liutedal. Alrrt llay. etc Tuesday, 3 p.m. lur AM'o; -. -r.. tlCTOKIA. ituirdsi. Alert ltv. etc.. Ht unlay. 7 a.m. lor I'OKT MMI'sON and V. Kit i n i'ul.vrs, IrkU). lor ALICE AIMI. AN'YU.V. rlTEWAKi. H'AI.KB I ULAN' It, I'OKT CIMI'.sO.N. Sunday, 8 p.m. US tnd Aienue. ir. M. SMITH, Agent. I'rlrw llur-m. II.C. Through ticket wild to Victoria ,Md hrallle, and baggage checked Ihruuth to dxtlnatlur I'HKK VOTING LOUI'ON Good for 5 Votes In (he Daily Ncwh "Kveryhody Wins" (Irand Irle Campaign I hereby cast 5 FREE VOTES to the credit of MIsh, Mr. or Mrs. Address This coupon. NEATLY CLIPPED OUT. name and tnd address to the will of the candidate filled In, and mailed or delivered ired rnmpnlirn Demirlmaiit of the Prince Rupert Dally Nei News, count as 5 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to cast thene coupons for our favorite candidate, and you are not restricted in any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send them In they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver In flat packnRe. NOTE This coupon must be plm-cd in the sealed ballot box, In The Royal Hank of Cunada. on or before the cltwiiiK hour of tho campaign 0 o'clock Friday niifht. Advertisrin-"The Daily News" , j Local and Personal 4 a Tux I I'lione 4. itlj 4 Tail. U Dentttt. Or. J.. H. Qytb. , Phone B8S .t' L'- " t.-t, l -I CbUvpractor.f O. O. McKay. Phone 134. "hi Miaa liarjorie A. Lanoaater, 831 30m- mlt Avenue. Ttacher of piano. Phone Stack 333. 214 B. L. Uclntoab arrlTad In tb city on yaatarday afternoon train from hair annular noma at Terrace. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Meeker will aall on the Catala tomorrow afternoon on a holiday trip to Vancouver and other polnte In the aouth. . D. D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board arrived In the city from Smith- era on yesterday faternoon'i train, being in charge of tho Bulkby Valley dlatrict exhibit for the local Fair &lra. Matbelaon. lady luperintendent of the Baaelton Hospital, arrived in the city from the Interior on Saturday afternoon 'a train and tailed on the steamer Prince Oeorge later in the Fvanlng for a trip to Vancouver. In charge of tfa Prince Oeorae dis trict exhibit for the local Pair J. O. Wilson and William Lockyer arrived In the city from the interior on yea- tarday afterncotVa train and are now busy mounting the display in the Exhibition Ball. Ura. William Hoc an. widow of the Iptt "Father" Hogan. pioneer mlaston-ry of this district, was among the visitors in the city for the conaeoration yeatarday of Bisbop o. a. But. hav ing arrived from the interior on 8at- uroay aitemoen'a train. Be, and Mr. J. 8. Brarfleid of Aanx, who have been on a holldav trip to Winnipeg, rsaohed the city on Saturday afternoon'a train to attood Um ccnseoratlon yesterday of Bishop O. A. Bix and aaUed last night on the Oatala for the Smelter town. Mrs. Steuben, araduata of Anariau OoUage of Perntanent Waving, at in town tor a llaalvad time and can give absolutely the latest method in permanent waving whloh la beneficial to .ne naur and acaln. rather than detrl- mefaal under the old time methods All hair tested. Average heads lloAO. All lnfcrmatloa . aUdlr furnlalkad. Phone Oreen S03 for appointment. 116 . James Lever. Tom Lever and Bin aanuar arrived Us the city from Tr race on yeetfrdav sfterikoon'a train being In chare of the exhibits from the Bonier farm at SClsumxalum tor the Prtaee Rupert Bsmlbttton. Mrs. T. w Bohlar. who uauaU brum the esmibit baa bam III la the local hospital for some time. Her daughter. Mrs. W. W. ocnan of Telkwa, also arrived from the interior yesterday. rraneis Stone. Sen-rear -old bob of Be, and Mrs. Oliver Thorn of Klnco- lith. arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train after bavlnc asset the past year on the farm of his gnndnareata in Manitoba. He pro- wad north last nltfet on the Oatala with us father who was hare at tb. week-end for the oonsscrsUon of Bishop O. K. Bis. District olergvatw arriving In the city from ;he Interior on Saturday afternoons train to attend the oocse-oretton yesterday of Bishop O. A. Rix included Be, and Mrs. J. B. Oibaon of Smltherw Be, and Mrs. William awectman. BMlako; Bev. T. D. Preator of Hacaiton. and Bev. j. H Kr tj ms Lake. The most of then re turned to the interior this mornliu. Archbishop Adam p. DtDenster. Met. ropwitan of British Columbia: Bishop u A. Klx of Caledonia and Btaaav I. o. otrmgw of the Yukon toft on this monilnffls train far Hamilton where '.hey will attend meetings of the execu- "ve oi in awnerai synod of the An gitcan church Bishop Charles Scho field of Columbia. Bishop P. T. Rows of Alaska. Bishop Huston of Oiympla and Bt. Rev. U H. Wella. formerly Bishop of Spoksne, who also participated in the consecration service here yesterday. wllVsail by the steamer Prince Oeorge this afternoon on their return south. NOTICE An accounts against the Canadian Slaam Laundry up to and Including August 31. lese should be presented at onoe for payment. Also all ac counts due the above firm must be settled on or before September II. lea to avoid collection charges. CANADIAN STBAM LAUNDRY, " Per A. MaoOonald 4. ANNOUNCUMKNTS , . Moose Baaaar, November 8, 0. Catholio Oatober 34, as. Anglican Cathedral Baaaar November Blks Winter Whist Tournament opens October 1. aby's Colds I fill r.i.....-j. v-i -vs. vvunouc dosine Tust mh nn - w VAfOKUD d:UW.Il.l.jj.iijMJ-yTytrgB THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Rupert East United Church Bazaar November 29. United Chuich Anniversary banquet Monday, October 1, Hill 60 meeting Tuesday, Bept. 18 the home of Miss Mitchell. Mrir. ' J.' H. Thompnon retuped to the city ori'esterda'y afUrrnoon's train from her summer home at Terrace. George Tltc. Jr., is expected to return to the city In the course, of the next few weeks from the prairie harvest ' fields. ' Stewart. Alice Arm and Smlthers districts were represented with mineral districts were represented with mineral Westminster last week. Sam Massey returned to the city on the Oatala last night from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Massey is visiting In the south for a while longer. L. O. Oalder Is here from Vsncouver relieving in charge,, of the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada while the manager, F. E. Robertson, Is on a trip East. Mrs. John Flewln, who has been on a two weeks' trip to Victoria, wan a paen Tiger aboard the Catala last night returning to her home in Port Simpson. A. E. Richards, supervisor of expert-mental Station for the federal govern ment, la recommending that central In terior farmers devote more attention to the raising of alfalfa. Mrs. O. H. Bawle arrived In the city from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train and la the guest of Mrs. D. MeD. Hunter. 018 Fifth Avenue East, until returning to the interior Thursday morning. Eev. W. 8. Cooper of Orecnvllle. who was among the district clergymen in ihe city for the consecration of Bishop O. A. Rlx feeterdsy, sailed by the Catala last night on his return to the Naas River. Jack Wynne, eutoms officer st Anyox. and Mrs. Wynne and family, who have been speeding a month' holiday In tb south, were passengers aboard the Catala last night returning to the nnelter town. Tug Edward Scttewp called In port on Saturday afternoon having In tow the barge Ruby from which were discharged two carta as of box snooks from Wran-"U for trans-shipment over the Can adian National Railways to Cincinnati. A wedding of eeessdersble interest '.n the 'central interior wm take place toward the end of this month whei Jlsa Margaret Kellar of Francoia Lake become the bride of Robert A. Rus ssU. also of Francois Lake. In the eourse of a holiday trip to hs Pacific, Oosst. J. B. Morszaln. sen era! sorje1ntttdeVh'vfor the Canadian National Railways st Quebec arrived in the orty on Saturday afternoon's train, leaving this morning on his return East. M. S. Whlttier. sssistant collector of atoms for Alaska, arrived In the city from Juneau oh the Prince Oeorge this morning. Aeyompanled by Mrs. Whlttier and family he Is on his way to Seattle on a vacation trip. R. K. Neill, prominent In the early history of the Premier mine at Stewart and now lnterteted In mining at Ju neau. I In the city aboard the Prince Oeorge today bound for Seattle from the north. Mass Bls!e Oalnag of Edmonton. af ter having spent aj couple of days vl itlng In the cl'r with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ross Maekay 1160 Tenth Avenue Bast, sailed Satur day evening on the Prince Rupert for Vanemmr and Victoria. lev. and Mrs. T. 'J. Marsh of Terrace arrived In the city from the Interior on Saturday afternoon'a train to attend the oonseerttion yesterdsy of Blsop O A. Rlx and are stopping over in the city for a few days ss the guests of their .son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar. Fifth Ave.. Brigadier BramweU Taylor of Win nipeg. field secretary for evangelical work for the Salvation Army in West ern Canada, arrived In the city from the Bast on this sfternoon's train ani win be here for the next couple of days. Major Walter L. Oarruthers of Wrangell, divisional commander, we a pec ted this morning from the north to meet Brigadier Taylor but he did not arrive. Union steamer Oatala. Capt. E. A Dteksort, arrived In port at 1:49 las: evening from the south and sailed at for Anyox. Stewart and other midnight MssaBHli twi nn;u SlfirdrUtom oall whence ahe will tomorrow morning land salt at 3 p.m. for Vancouver and fay-HOlnta. Passengers on the Oatala f ln-' chidid: S. F. Dobbiti, A. McKelvie. S. Massey, Miss FremanUe and O. Tempi 'or Prince Rupert; R. Oreen. Mrs, W. J. WeUs M. C. Sulcove, J. O. Martin. Mr. and Mr. J Wynne and family Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Buck and 8. D. Kelly for Anyox; Miss A. MaeKay and Mra. John Flewln. for Port Simpson; J c. Btghsm, for Stewart and Mr. nd Mra. Beeman, round trip. lllltTM At i he Oeneral Hospital Saturday evening there wa.Jwrn to Mr. and Mra H. F Pullen. The Cottage," Third Ave. a daujhisr. Betty Patricia, This afternoon's train, due' from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on tune. George H. Almon sails tonight on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet points. Mrs. Wnflarri'M'inaV sails this aftert noon on the Prince George for a' trip &VancouVer'. Sealtreli9ootner points In the south. 1 L. W. Patmore and three children sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where the latter will attend school. Whaler Oray made a brief call In. port Sunday morning, arriving at 6.10 axi. from Naden Harbor and sailing at 7.45 ajn. for Victoria. Mrs. Wernicke and family of Keno Hill, Yukon Territory, are passengers aboard the Prince Oeorge today bound for Vancouver. They will spend the winter outside. A charge against Oeorge Serrant of haying liquor In hleeessoln In the abode of an Indian was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this pornlng. Owing to the fact that Judge F. McB. oYung will be the most of this month in the Atlln district, all cases on this month's calendar of County Court have been set over until the October court. Mrs. Harry Nedden, wife of the skip per of the steamer Prince Oeorge, la a passenger returning to ber home In Vancouver aboard that vessel today af ter having made the round trip to Skagwsy. Mrs. A. R. Mallory, who has been visiting In the city for the psst week following her return from a holiday frip south, will sail tonight on the prince Charles for her heme In Port Clement. J. H. Csnn. owner of the Outlneau lite! at Juneau and extensively interested in mining in the vicinity of the Alaskan capital. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today bound for Vancouver. W. C. Cranston of the C.N.R. express department at Vancouver a:.d Mrs. Cranston ant passengers aboard the Prince Oeorge' today returning uth alter having made the round .rip to Skagway. . Dan McLeod, Inspector of the in vestigation department of the Canadian National Railway from Vancouver, la a paeseeger aboard the Prince Oeorge to. day returning south after 'having made he round trip to Skagway. P. O. Russell, C.N.R. superintendent of Smlthers. and Mrs. RusseM arrived in the city from the Interior on Saturday afternoons train and sailed in -be evening for a trip to Vancouver and other points in the south. Mrs. L. B. Jones, wife of the C.N.R. gent at Skagway, and daughter are passengers aboard the Prince Oeorge Jday bound for Vancouver. Mr. Jones vlll be coming south for the winter ;n the course of the next few weeks. J. S. Loutit and Oordon Cameron of Vancouver and Russell Seagrave of San Francisco comprise a party of Canadian National Railway ticket men from the south returning to Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge today alter having mad the round trip to Skagway. Mies Owen Robson of Vancouver U a visitor here for a few days with Mr. ind Mrs. John V. Ctyne. SM Fifth Ave nue West, before proceeding to East ern Canada where her marriage win take place shortly to Lloyd Johnston, on of Mr. and Mrs.- H. L. Johnston, ' arly residents of this city. A phone mg announcing "w want a ear" was evidently turned la 7 the fir department Instead of a taxi stand by mistake at Saturday -venlng. Th result was that the fire brigade made a trip to 311 Sixth Ave- lue West ou a false alarm. yy,yiiiisilii,)MilXlE Departmental Service is provided by the people for the people. ' uttM MM ..-.i !; .4. Mfl V" : :'. Victorious Canadian Athletes , Return Home OF ERIC BERGLOFF Oddfetlmti of City Had riiargr with Itrv. A. IVINmi OfrlriatlHg The funeral took place at t pjn. yesterday cf Brie Bergloff of Frassr Lake, the service bemg under the auspice of the Oddfellows lodge. Bev A. Wilson officiating. Pallbearers were S M. Newton. J. W. McKinley. Oeorga M. Ouley. Ben Ferguson, J. L. Mcintosh and J. 8. Irvine. W. Vaughaa Da vie was at the organ. At the grave the Oddfcllowa servtoe was conducted by Noble Orand Alsa Barb and Chaplain Pete Sol em, interment taking place in the CMUaUow ptot. . ' Mr. Bergloff was the farther of Mrs. KOIt INP0IMIATI0K ItECAltDING jritish Columbia ffres .'.nil apply to Department of Mines XT - A - is n Victoria, B.C. THE first contingent of the Canadian Olympic Games party received & tremendous welcome when they returned to Canada on the White Star liner Laurentic. They were guests at civic receptions in Montreal and Toronto, while individual cities planned special celebration! in honor of their individual members of the team. The above photographs show, top, the group on board the Laurentic in which ran be seen, fourth from the left, standing, Mrs. Joe Wright, and, extreme right. Joe Wright, Sr.. parents of Joe Wright, Jr., who won the Diamond Sculls at flenlcs Joe Wright is seen in the centre of ihe back row, eighth from the right . Fourth from the right standing is IU Sc holes, winner of the Diamond Sculls in 1904, who went to greet young Joe Wright. Underneath the group, on the left, is Joe Wright, Jr.; on the right is Ethel Catherwood, of Saskatoon and Toronto, winner of the high jump at Amsterdam, where she created a world's record. The four girls are members of the team which won the 400 metres relay event and created a new world record. From left to right they are Myrtle Cook, Jane Bell, Ethel Smith, and F. Roeenfetd. The bottom photograph shows young Joe Wright, displaying his trophies won at Henley to his mother. In his left hand he has the goU cup which is his permanent prise and in his right hand he hasbe miniature Sculla, which he hoklt for one vear. FUNERAL YESTERDAY Possum of Ooua. River. He was a member of the lodge at Band Point. Idaho, "hare at one tune he was degree T. D. Patrullo. M L.A. sr PrtiC Rupert, to expected to arrive In the city on the Prince Charles tonight from the south. He will open the Prince Rupert Exhibition tomorrow evening and It la expected wlU spend several days her to visit his constituent. It will be two weeks, it Is ecoected. before Louis Rawke. victim of a recent alleged stabbing at Anyox, will he suf ficiently recovered to enter court as the ohMf witness against his alleged auant, Nick Prtaa, who Is to charged with attempted murder. Advertise in the Dally News. 1!)27 Keport now available. Special bulletins, Annual. Reports, etc., furnished free of charge. be