f APT UN INGOI.F HIIMTEN FELL IKOM M'MOONMl GRANT NEAR " uoy ihlanh Reporting the loss by railing over tx ard in Chatham Sound two mUea i,.:-uveet of Lucy Island outside Prince Rupert Harbor of her master and part wier. Capt. Infolf Wlctstea. the Senile Halibut schooner Orent arrived In i .:t today with a eaten of 34.000 ; und. The loss of Capt. Wldsten oo- uired bou; I O'clock this morning. ii- was seen to come out of Me room k the (tack of list fceaUook around and disappear overboard. The boat ., pitching aiigntly and it U pre-i.med that the unfortunate man allp-jl and went over the roll. The boat hove u Immediately and remained torching for three or four hours but no trace wsa found of Captain Wtd-mi ii The loot kipper was about thirty-i.:ne years of age. a Norwegian by birth ,.ni naturalised American. He U nvrd by a widow and one child In Seattle. He bod fished, out of more Rupert on the Ormnt lor the part tin i yere, having previously been en-xned in flahlng on smaller boats out : Brattle. The .os of Capt. Wldsten " re-) ii to the United States consul and :ie customs at Prince Rupert by SUICIDE WAVE AT SEATTLE M Lit I. tLAIMtli AH KKNl'LT OK DEHPONDKNCY BRATTLE, Sept. 10. A suicidal wave ainrh struck here Saturday night had tunned six Uvea yesterday. Pour men killed themselves, supposedly because of despondency over 111 health. One mnn was killed by her husband before, he took his own life and another v.uii.n romiuttted suletdo reputedly be-' ixme of a separation from her hus- The deed are B. O. KtVey, 83 publisher of a suburban newspaper; Oeorge Prriiun, 34, mechsnle; James Barbour. boilenMker. Mm. Alma Hendrlek-". 30. housewife; Ernest WDson, 48. a oured army sergeant; Mrs. Prances Wilwn, jo, housewife. CARD OK THANKS The Leek family wish to convey their mere thanks to their many frlenas '"r the kind eapreeetorM of sympathy i"t floral tributes received In their ' -ent bereavement. They wish to '"lecislly thank the members of th I o DA and Pythian Sisters, and '"ny frlenda who were so kind to '"ir mother during her illness. CANADIAN WON FLYING RACE OMAHA, Sept 10. WUllain Drury of London, Out, flying a racing plane -4wu' technically winner of the lertef- natlonal air race from Windsor. Ontario to Los Angeles. Sunday, being the only pilot to reach Omaha by 340 pm.. the dead line. He landed here at 12.44. The only other plane of the five atarters to reach here was a moth. piloted by Kenneth Whyte of HamU Ion. Ont., who landed at 4 .S3.. The rules may be waved to allow the race to continue. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of 8. D. ohnson Oo. Ltd.) Ths following quotations were bid nd ekrd: Argent Rufus 23 K: 24. Bay view K: 7. D. O. Silver 1J; IM. Big Missouri SI Hi W. Cork Province, 28H; 3ri. Sotton Belt 45; nil. Dunwell 13; 13. IDuthle 98; 1.00 Oeorge Copper 5.7S; S.M. Oeorgla River 31; 92. Otesisr. 30; 23 K. Otsdstone 3; all. Ooieenda 88; 01. Oraadvlew 41H: 43. Independence- 10fc; 10)4. tfee' . T deceased In the ownership of Kootenay Florence 21K; MK. L. & L. 10U; 10. LaXevlcw IH: IK Leadsmlth' nil; 2K Luek Jim 38; 27. Marmot Metal 9; 10. Marmot River OoJd 9; 9. Mohawk, 4; 8. National Silver 13; 14. Norenda, nil; M M. Pend Oreille 13.80; 13.90. Porter Idaho 70; 74. Premier 340; 3.43. Richmond, nil: 8. Rulh Hope M: 60-Silver Crest 10; 10ft. Silverado 84; nil. Silversmith 9H; 10. Sunkxk 2.13; 3.30. Snowtltke 48H: 47. Terminus. 19: 30H. Topley Richfield 61: 03. Tortc 2.75; 3.00. Woodbine 18 H: H. OILS Psbyon 12; 13. Home 2.37: 2.60. THREE COUNTRIES TO BE REPRESENTED' LEAGUE OF NATIONS Oeneva, Spain and Veneumela were .... j ,n iha non.normsnent va- riecwa w . caneles on the council of the League of Nations today. VANCOUVER, Sept. 10. Major Godfrey completed his long flight from Ottawa arriving here at 6 p.m. Saturday evening. FIVE HUNDRED MILLION CROP Deputy Minister of Agriculture flakes Optimistic Estimate of Wheat Yield OTTAWA, Sept. 10 "I would not like to be called a prophet but 1 think the common estimate of 500,000,000 bushels is conservative," declared Dr. Joseph II. Grisdale, deputy minister of agriculture, in commenting on the prospects of the western wheat crop, following a trip to the prairies. Dr. Grisdale forecast the establishment of an experimental farm in the Peace River near Grande Prairie where he says "the crop U or the finest." THRBEBRITISH NAVAL AIRMEN FEARED LOST being performed by Walter J. 8. Laurie, Deputy Orand President for Canada. The meeting for the Initiatory cere mony waa then placed In the hands of the ocfleers and degree team of Ketchikan Aerie Ho, 103 presided over by Pas Worthy President, Wlkstrom. The following officers were elected to direct the affairs of the new acrte for he remainder of the term ending at the first meeting In June, 1B3Q: Junior Past WJ W. J. MeCuteheon. WJ T. dough. Vice-president Win, Sherman. Ohaoteln Bert West. Secretary Angelo Astoria. Trustees Ben Talt, 2 year term; Wm. Murray, 1 year tewn. Ojnduotor Lee J. Dell. I Made Ouerd Alex. Strtchan. Outoide Ouard Oee, Ctaey Jr. , Phyelcieo J. II. Canon. M D Treasurer Thor Johnson. The degree team of Ketchikan Aerie arc an exhibition of fancy team work which was very Interesting to the members who had Just been Initiated Into two broVhVrV from 'RoMlana', B.C.; one from Nelson. B.C.. and one from the Mother Aerie of the Order, Beattle Aerie No. I. The first business meeting of the new Speaker of the Legislature LOCAL WEDDING ON SATURDAY EVENING MlM AUrid OlMn Iteromrs llrld Otto OJrrtad end Will U CHy Tho weddsag ok, jjs. on Sanrdaf evening of Otto Orstand of Prince Rupert to Miss Astrld Olson, also of this city., sister of Mrs. James Mot A. The ceremony was per termed at the lrl Whli'h Tmk off from 1 1. M.S. Argus Lutheran parsonage at 7 JO pm. Rev llrlirird lo Hate Dropped Into i John Hanson officiating. Mr. and Mrs. from Hiia. Argus on September 8. NEW AERIE OF EAGLES HERE SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10 One man waa killed, three ate mlaatnc and fourteen Injured In a quarter million dol Hall reorfanteatlon of Prince Rupert isme Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagle took place, the InetaUatlon ceremony "The news in food," Mr: Kirkwood commented. Thomas Johnston. Labor M.P. for Dundee, whose speech on the treatment of harvesters at Winnipeg erected a senss lodge will be held on Thursday evening, tlon, Issued a statement that he and his September 13, when a good class of new friends were at one In their appreciation candidates will then be enrolled. J. McMillan, deputy organiser, will re-(received all over Canada and from what main In Prince Rupert until the end of , he had seen and learned he aald he waa the present month to complete the or- sure a large proportion, of the miners ganlastlon work and assist the new of-, were highly satisfied arid likely to re-flcert in their duties, ! main and make a success in the West. ENTRY LIST FOR Bishop Rix Consecrated ruiv lo iiEiV I ! x I -r ALL PARTS or DISTRICT REPRESENTED AMI COMPETITION WILL HE KEEN GOVERNMENT JUHJES HERE With all parte of Central Biitlst Columbia represented and competition alieady keen In many of the classes, the Pair Office ths morning reported . entry list of some 1600 exhibits Icr iho annual Prtnoe Rupert Exhibition which will be cpeced tomorrow evening by Hon. T. p. PattuUo. MJA. There ts only cue district exhibit of agricultural "'XONVICTSTRY 'Mrs. James Moen. eeeape. ir. ana Mrs. uyerstd nsvs token up r ESCAPE JAIL SIX KHJX AND ANOTHER FATALLY UOINDKII riTCIIED IltTTLE LIST NH1IITV North Sea James Moen were the witnesses. -m. . I During the oarwnony Mrs. Hanson! BATON ROUGE. La. Sept. 10 Six LONDON. Sept. 10. Three British '' ery sweetly "You wtu Love Me ere kUled and. another fatally airmen rue wounded and eight men more or less naval aro mlsalng and the air , jr-" ministry fears they have fallen Into the Following the wedding a banquet was "1T Wuni last night In a pitohed North Sea. The trio, consisting of ,TTed to Immediate friends of the con- j bUI tb ,ut penWentlary. when pilot officer, naval lieutenant and rdk I tracttng couple at the home of Mr. and a numbr of nlt attempted to re-dencs ' 818 A NINETEEN KILLED NEW PIER HI KM:I WHEN AUTOMOBILE HITS GRAND STAND MILAN. Italy. Sept. lar fire which swept Pier t under eon- persona were wUled and 28 Injured OIIICIKS INSTALLED AND DEGREE ,lruon nw nr started In an when a machine at an auto rite t TEAM WORK Is siioiiN i eaptoaton of tar gisias. Monaa autodrome Sunday afternoon Tlx oolr body recovered la that of plunged into the grandstand while On Saturdev oeeolM In the Boston 'Albm And0'1' wtchmn- taveUtng 124 miles an hour. Investigation by British Labor Members Shows that Miners Are Pleased with Cahada's Reception J ASTER, September 10. Members of the Empire Parliamentary Association spent Sunday here en route to the coast. Personal Investigation was made en route into the condition of the British harvester miners. After a visit to farms in Saskatchewan and Alberta David Kirkwood. Labor M.P., and George Hall, representative of the Welsh collieries district and himself a farmer Self, a year term; John' m'"", both expressed themselves satisfied with the conditions they found Mr. Kirkwood's investigations showed that of 150Q miners who eame to SwkstchcwM. only four failed s -. to find work. The miner hnrveoter nnnu rt 111 n mid were receiving an average of MJO. tt oo; DULII UT tlULU UlJ and in some case 9UM a day and were satisfied. The fa rafters, too, wore eat-UTIed. Mr. Hall Investigated the neighborhood of Edmonton. He found that out of 700 miners only five failed to get the mysteries of Eagledom. The ritual- work. Four of these were phyatoaUy un letlc exemplification by the officers of, fit and the fifth would net. work. All KatobJkaj) Aerie waa of a very high and the miners available oa tho Botnoatoi Inleresttnx nature and thorouthW sn. section had found lafes. ftomt 100, to, preehitej by the large li of catull- ISO more mlneea , ooukL.n hale .been, datea and vleltor. there belngpresent placed. St. Andrews Cathedral With the head of the church in British Columbia acting as .uief celebrant and five oiher bishops of both Canada and United oiaes as well as members of the clergy from various parts of this zar-flung diocece participating, the consecration of Kt. Rev. George .ilexander Rix as the third Bishop of Caledonia took place yesterday in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral here with all due impressiveness and ceremony. The consecration proper took place product for competition tni year that at morning service yesterday though, throughout the day, there were fremprince oesrge-aithouth the Bulk-1 fcpecial services in connection with the occaaion. Tribute to the new icy vsij aw u rrace iur ar h,d of the church In Northern British . ie..rcfcei..ed with Interesting dlvplaya. Following are the Judges appointed by the provincial government who are 1 1 -ready here: Pru.t and vegetables E. C. Hunt, district hsrticuHuraltot. NeUon. Held crops S. S. Phillips, Field Crops Branch. Smtthers. , Poultry Rev. C. McDermott, Mission Crty. Columbia was paid not only by members of the congregation, over which he ha presided for fifteen years, who attended jx large numbers, but also by the seeeral clt.iiry of Prince Rupert by whom be has long been held In oiteem and respect. The occasion was a mem-, . rable oao In Vval church history. I cessors of the newly oonsecrated Bishop 10 Nineteen 10 episcopate of Caledonia first, FOUND IN A DITCH VANCOUVER. Sept. 10. The body of seven year old Andrew Perrler. missing al Alaska, and the Ooapel lesson by Rt. Rev. L. II. Wells, formerly Bishop of Spokane. The Nlcene Creed was chanted and the sermon was delivered by Rt. Rev. I. O. Stringer. Bishop of the Yukon. Taking ai his text the scriptural pro- factions as well that would faU to tho lot of Ood's servant In his new and elevated capacity. Reference was made to the Illustrious and revered prede-, the late Rt. Rev. William Ridley, and second, the late Rt. Rev. F. H. DuVer-net. both of whom had left a mark which would long remain unerased. HI devotion and success during his minis tonal career, as clergyman, canon, arch deacon and administrator, had endowed the new bishop with attributes which would ensure like success In his new capacity. Without the assistance of his ! clergy, lalety and all those of his church. however, there could not be entire sue-ioses. The bishop from the north made several cahortattons In the matter of carrying out church work and laid emphasis upon the fact that there should be no esclutton by reason of nationality, so-called station in life or for any other cause but that the Church should go forward as an Indissoluble whole. On this day, Bishop Stringer oonduded, the brother who waa being elevated might derive comfort from the fact that the prayers 'of the church all over Canada and of the clergy and people of his dlo-ceee were on his hehalf. But the great and lasting comfort In time of stress end at all tunes would be the knowledge that the Sptrtt of the Lord was with nun now and for eve more "Behold I shall be with you alwaya, even unto the eod of the world." THE CONSECRATION During the singing of the next hymn, . k. m.hMu nl nalumhla. ind ths Yukon from here for three. Knurs Rstunu nisht ! conducted the Blehoo-Blect to the Vea- was found In the water of a canal ditch wb" h 0nn1 hl roohrt' thl followed by the presentation of on Lulu Island near Brtghousc. I the Bishop-Bfct to the Metropolitan . . ., , " who proceeded with the ceremony. The . ,, , J record'Ot'rletMstJ jsa duly read oy o Tin.'- 'V- !; ' Ol'&NlNO PROGRAM I OK THE FALL FAIR TurMliir. !r!. II Y-.Rtttt... CrttVnl,or fbMetropOlltsn and the oath of obedience by W. E. Fisher, diocesan chancellor. The Litany waa chanted by Bishop Huvton of Olympta Ucroase. Alyanah vs. Prince and the ritualistic questions were put Rupert 1.30 p.m. Formal Opening Exhibition by of the kindly welcome the men had Hon. T. D. Psttulo, IM. by the Metropolitan and anewerea oj HIT BY TRAIN !3tPl, " " ?JT,U!.the T' VEN OFP TOR PICMC PARTY BIT nodicus cathedral taxed to Its capacity ONLY ONE BIRVIVEI. agnsuauon srrvice was openea wtut , the precession si hymn during which KILLED WHEN BLIND RIVER, Ont. Sept. 10. Plve Mrmnnk ?mm Insitantlv Vtllaw ans etlsv.4 at. Rev. A. V. ler Archbishop o aether m w., proh- T, r !t bl tnjuiej in a collision be- !2t ' Wl. bUhPJ tween sn automobU. and a O.P.R. wtth their escort of vWttag bishops and v.,. m1fmMin . ..... tdlrttUWergy, tued down the main aisle Mo & fci.'W f9 ui .um wurcn, jea dj Lkuuu w. r. ttta-brook, to take their respective places li the chancel. After prayer, the epistle was read by Rt. Rev. P. T. Rowe. Bishop (cm, 17 Bui ah Hannun. 27; of Ottawa; 'Mrs. Frank McCain. 50. of Cleveland. The sole survivor was Beatrice ile The seven persons were starting for an afternoon'.- outing and plenlc when the auto waa struck by the train a crossing. It dragged the car with Its occupants 500 feei to the station platform. Francis McCain eseaped the fate that mite of the Lord "Behold I shall be befell her father and sisters because of wtth you .always even unto the end of i insufficient room In the automobile. the world." Bishop Stringer spoke elo-j uently. He referred to the difficulties1 and the discouragements bbt the satis-' BRONCHOS AND STEERS ARRIVE Twenty-two unbroken bronchos and a carload of wild steers arrived here yeaterday and are today resting up In readiness for the opening of the rodeo Wedneedsy. It is stated by those who have the handling of the animals that they are tough customers and there is every Indication that they will put up a big fight for mastery. Jack McNeill of Telkwa Is due to arrive this afternoon to manage the stampede. PILOTAGE ENQUIRY SESSION WILL BE HELD IN CITY SOON Mr. Justice Ault Morrison, acting as a royal commission to Investigate pUotage affaire on this coast for the federal government, will be In the city September 19 to hold a session In the Court House here. He will be accompanied by Capt. O. L. Robertson of Ottaws. director of pUotlng for Canada Capt. F. T. Saunders. feaoal agent of the Marine Department, has received Instructions to make arrangements for the session of the enquiry here. FIRE SATURDAY AT ALICE ARM secretary, and tho , xil.EGIt.VPII OIIICE AND EQUIP MENT DESTROVEJI IN MINING CAMP ( Government Teesgrapos) ANYOX. Sept. I. A Ore of unknown origin destroyed th telegraph office at the Bishop-Elect. Alice Arm with au or its equipment. ! The coneecratton took the form of At about 10.30 Saturday night the fire Slldtrw throush ball of fire ' the traditional laying on of hands, in wm first discovered from A. W. Fal. by Dare DevU Lundy 8 pm. token of the apostolic succession, by ! Doners Hall where a dance was In pro Open Air Boxing 8 pan. the Metropolitan and the assisting gress. The dance was called off and a O 0 Bishops, thus ending the Impressive bucket brigade formed and tho tire was (continued on page six) confined to this building only. II CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill mm Everyone reads the Classified Ad. LARGE CABARET Dinners Thursdays and Special It you lose, advertise or It. Saturdays It you find, locate tho owner. Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 12. Whatever you need, advertise Tor It Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Prlvae Parties GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT, ,., Phone 437 Northern and -Central British' Columbia's NewRaper 'll, hi. Vol. XVIII., No.. 212. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1928 Price Five CdnTs ISHOP RIX CONSECRA TED YESTERDA Y RITISH LABOR PLEASED CANADA'S RECEPTION MINERS Big Airplane Which Crossed Canada From Ottawa Left for Prince Rupert Today Before Noon Flight Demonstrated Advantage of Using Waterways for Landing in Cross Country Airmail Route VANCOUVER, Spt. 10. Major Godfrey hopped off for Prince Rupert at 11.30 this morning accompanied by Wing Commanders J. L. Gordon and L F. Breadner and Sergeant Major Graham. OTTAWA, September 10. Flight Squadron Leader Godfrey has demonstrated that the natural waterways provide the best route for trans-Canada flyers, stated J. G. Desbarata, deputy minister of militia, today. The placing of costly landing fields along the air mail routes to the Pacific coast will not be necessary, it is indicated. Squadron Leader Godfrey has made a splendid (light and the department is wefl satisfied with the outcome, Mr. Desbarats said. SKIPPER LOST OVERBOARD J. W. JONES