H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. RAIN COATS Our New Line of Handle-berg IMPORTED COATS Is now complete. Rubber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue and Fulton St. ' Phone 0 nlll ak BeUer- Cvre BeUer- War IVar Belter Belter' R . "The Nobby" DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. Dr. Alexander PHONE 573 iirsm;r Itl.OCK DENTIST COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDV . WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Rulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. PREMIER KING DID ! NOT DISCUSS MATTERS i OF STATE WITH U.S. i I OTTAWA. Sept. 10. Positive denial that he discussed wither the St. Law-I rence waterways or the Chloago drain-J age canal with Secretary Frank Kellogg jon the ship that took them both to France as had been reported In a wire-leas despatch to the New York Times. was communicated in a cablegram from Premier Mackenzie King to acting premier Ernest Lapolnte today. Lady In Department Store May I see some trunks please. Luggage Salesman Do you prefer the plain ones, madam, or shall I show you some of our metal-trimmed, Indestructible, camp or running-board type? Lady Just plain ones, I guess. My husband wants to wear them In Proved the WORLD'S GREATEST TIRE una UJOH6M10M HOfir DirrtMNCt snwctn "Ilulld I1.C Pacific Milk Entirely Western a year over over FIR now. cut tomers of our have been enjoy ing the greater safety, greater comfort and longer mileage of the world's greatest tire the Goodyear All-Weather Tread. They know now that the new All-Weather Tread does give greater traction, does wear more slowly. They know that the 61 greater stretch of SUPERTWiyr Cords give Good year Tires longer life. Yet our prices are no higher than the prices of ordinary tires. , KAIEN GARAGE Prince Rupert, H.C. Buying here doesn't mean waiting a few days for It MS I'M an ITTB Rim! 3 Pacific Milk is owned and controlled entirely by Dritish Columbia. Capital from the East has been the wedge always that has opened the West. Then, as it grows, the new country shifts gradually to its own foundations. As an industry whose origin was altogether British Columbian, Pacific Milk belongs to this new order. PACIFIC MILK factories at Abbothford and Ladner, B.C "Build U.C.M killed and eight Injured by fumes escaping frcm chemicals being used In the making of tar paper following an ! explosion and tire at the Dominion Tar & Chemical Works at the foot of Morse Street on Saturday. The dead are Wil liam Mclntyre, Charles Neville and George Kosrlck. One of the men, over come by fumes, died shortly afterwards while the ether two lost their liven In attempting to rescue fellow workers. Considerable damage was done to the factory. ruist'i: niAULKs urn: Late leaving Vancouver on Saturday night, C.N. It. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Nell McLean. wUl not arrive In port from the south before 7 o'clock this evening, saUlng later tor Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet points on her last trip of the season In this service: This morning's train for the East be. Ing allowed to proceed, passengers for the East arriving on the Prince Charles will continue their journey to morrow morning. The Charles wUl go into fall service on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert via all Queen Charlotte Island ponts route at the end of this week, relieving the steamer Prince John. BASEBALL SCORES NATL'KOAY (1AMF.S NATIONAL LEACUE Philadelphia 7-7: Boston 6-4. Washington 3; New Tork 8. St. Louis 2; Detroit 6. Chicago 8; Cleveland 7. AMKItlCAN LEAGl'E Cincinnati 1; Chicago 2. Boston 6-0; Philadelphia 10-4. New York 2-3;Brooklyn 1-4. Pittsburg 4; St. LoUls 2. ' COAST LEAGl'E Sacramento 2; Oakland 3. Mkislons 3; Los Angeles 0. Portland 3-6; SeatUe 4-0. Hollywood 7: San Francisco 8. SUNIIAY OAMES AMERICAN LEAGl'E Philadelphia 0-3; New York 8-7. Boston 3-3; Washington 2-9. St. Louis 3; Detroit 6. Chicago 10; Cleveland 7. NATIONAL LEAGl'E Cincinnati 0: Chicago 2. Pittsburg 8; St. Louis 7. New York 2; Brooklyn 3. COAST LEAGl'E Portl'snd 6-5; Seattle 7-6. Sacramento 1-9; Oakland 2-4, Hollywood 13-8; San Francisco 7-10 MnaSlons 8-7; Los Angeles 1-3, SPORT CHAT The local players to meet Alyansh natives In lacrosse games tomorrow af ternoon and Friday, total goals to ccunt In deciding the series .will be selected from among the following: 8 McPherson, S. Styles, Harry Menzle, Louis As tori. Elmer Smith. R. S. Woods, W. Johnson, Doug Stslker, Tommy Hughes, Jim MeNulty, Dido Ourvlch. Erlck Skinner. Bert Milton. Bob Stalker. Ernie Ratchford and Shackford. Though interest did flas on one or two occasions when games were being plsyed that did not effect the disposition of the trophies of whleh ther were fixtures, the past tootbsll season in Prince Rupert was a very successful eme. One ot the most gratfrins fea- .ures of the season was that a number f new players from among the vounc- er ranks were tried out in the Senioi League and did not prove wantlna auguring well for the future ot this Draneh or sport in Prince Rupert. Oh the whole, plsy was of a close and interesting nature as mar be witnessed by the fact that the four trophies of we year wer as evenly divided among the three participating teams aa Dosal- bis the Thistle taking the Stuart Shield: the Regiment, the Dominion Day Cup. while the Orand Terminals ran out with the Mobley Cup for the League and the aiihuly Cup, also a lesgue competition. The high gosl scorer of the season was A. Dickens of the Orand Terminals with a record of twenty. Freddie Mack, Seattle sailor, on Monday night In Ketchikan knocked out Joe Collier of Juneau In the second round of a scheduled ten round iiiaW... PAGE SIX tie DAILY NEWS Monday, September i0 1928 Westholme Theatre Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Monday, September 10, only Rex, the Wild Horse in COLLEGIANS FOX NEWS Admission 10c and 35c THREE KILLED IN TAR WORKS IJAI) ACCIDENT IN rt.NT ,or a MINION. T-H AND CHEMICAL CO, J AT , TPKp.NTO RAITRIUXi :. TORONTO. Sept. 10. Three men were bout. A smashing left to the Jaw caused Collier to curl up on the can vas and take a good deal more than tie count of ten. As far as It went, it as "one of. the Uvelieat roWng. affairs Ver ffffW" fffhlkVM1ffh,1s)VggM. ing out jot, a knockout, Joe Manila has challenged Mack for a go In Ketchikan but It is likely Msck and Collier will first have a return fight In Juneau. Making her final trip of the season on the Skagway run, C.N.R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. Harry Nedden, returned to port at 0 o'clock this morning from the north and will sail at 4 this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. The vessel is due back here Saturday morning en route to Anyox and Ketchikan cd fall schedule. HEAVYSALEOF HALIBUT TODAY LANDINGS THIS .MonNTNn TOTALLEl . ) ?32,GOO , . I'OIMH. r-KICES IT, !''"' i , .,.,,,, uuuii l.t.r,i, , A tntfti nf Oil AAA nnunrf nf hftllh was sold at the Fish Exchange thtf morning, prices remaining at a satisfactory level. ' Seven American vessels received from 13.0c and 6c to 13.7c and Be tor 150.300 pounds while tne Canadian boats were paid from 12.3c and 7c to 13.7c and 7c for 73,300 pounds. Sales were follows: AMEK1CAN Paragon, 42,000 pounds, Bttth Fisheries,' 14.3c and 6c. Orant, 35X100 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 14.1c and 6c. Vanse.e. 24,000 , pounds, Atlln Fisheries, l3.Sc and 6c. Democrat, 22.000 pounds. Royal Fish Co.- 14c and 6c. Sea Bird, 12,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 14.3c snd 7c. Onsh. 17.000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries 15.7c and Bo. Rainier, 8 ,300 pounds. Booth Fish- cries, 15.5c and Sc. CANADIAX H. and R. 2.800 pounds. Pacific Fish eries. 13.2c and 7c. P. Dorreen. 10.500 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co 13.7c and 7c Viking I. 12,000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 12 3a and 7. Ternen, 10.000 pounds, and Mayflower, I, COO pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 13.4o and 7 c. Helge (H, 13.000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 12.9c and 7c. Impereuee. 7.000 pounds. Pacific Pish- erles, 12.9c and 7c. Volunteer, 4.000 pounds, and D.S.T. 4.000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold storage Co.. 13c and 7c. Fanny F., 3,000 pounds, Csnsdlan Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 12.6c and 7c. Fair Specials FOR THE VISITORS AS WELL AS FOR OUR LOCAL PATRONAGE We are "offering a good deal of ourstock at reduced prices, with special discount to he given 'to outside customers for the Fair Week: ! White -Sugary 100 lb. $7.0(1 White Sugar, 60 lb. . . $:i.O,j Lump Sugar? 2 lb. box. . 2."0 Brown Sugar, 14 lb... $1.00 Flour, 98 lb. sack . . $.-.!() 49 lb. sack 2AKi 21 lb. sack $1.40 Middieton's Whole Wheat Flour: 49's $2.00 24's $i.io Jam, 4 lb. tins-Strawberry, Cherry, Apricot, Raspberry, Loganberry 03c Marmalade and Plum Jam 0r Above Jams rated Al CANNED FRUIT SPECIALS Raspberries, 2's, heavy syrup 4 tins $1.00 Plums, 25 lb. box $2.7." Raisins, 25 lb. box . . $2.1)5 N'aptha Soap, 1C for $1.00 Lifebuoy Soap, 12 for $1.00 Sunlight Soap, 16 for $1.00 Lux Soap, 12 for .. $1.00 Gold Dust, 3 for .... 81.00 Jif, 3 for $1.00 Washing Powder, 2 for li."r Chlorinated Lime, C for $1.00, Five String Brooms .... r0? Shoe Polish Special all colors, 3 for '.Kit TEAS AND COFFEES We have just received a New Coffee Grinder and Pulverizer. Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb., no(k 3 lbs. for $1.10 Malkln's Best Tea, 2 lbs. for $1.15 j Johnson's Floori.W.iw, Old iKng.ll.5h Wax, ..Ottedan iOIl, Liquid Veneer Electric Floor' Polisher, all at your service at reduced prices. Save Money Buy Right and from Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. 117.123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 BISHOP RIX CONSECRATED AT IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL (continued from page one) ceremonial of consecration. Three of the Bishops were Canadian and three American, Indicative of the unity of the Episcopal Churqh (tin) , :Jl!''t Offertory eentences(,.wre sppken by. Rev. J. S. Brayfleld of' Anyox and the eervtce came to a close with the 'conducting of Communion service by the Metropolitan, assisted by the Bishops ' ' present. The service was fully choral through out, the lmpressivene&s being much en hanced thereby. The cathedral was beautifully decorated " for the oeoaaton. Acting ss ushers and taking the offertory were a. P. Tinker, II. T. Cross, R. L. Mcintosh and R. V. Q. Lepine. OTIIKU SKItVKI.S Other services of the day Included celebration of Holy Communion at 8 a.m. The celebrant was Bishop Charles Schofleld of Columbia, assisted by Bishop Huston of Olympla. Breakfast was served In the Cathedral Hall at 9 am. for the clergy and choir. Morning prayer at 10 o'clock was conducted by Canon W. F. Rush brook and Rev. T. D. Proctor (Harelton). During the morning, presentation was made to the Metropolitan of an Illuminated address and purse of gold In recognition ot his oervloea for the past four years as episcopal visitor. Archbishop DePencler, at the close of con secration service, expressed bis deep ap preciation of the presentation. The presentation of the address was read by Rev. O. Thome, handed to him .by Mrs. T. Andrew, president of the VfA., and the purse of gold by C. V. Evttt, secretary-treasurer. At 230 pm. there was a special children's service conducted by the rector-elect ot St. Andrew's Cathedral, Rev. J. B. Olbson of Smlthers. The preacher at this service was Bishop Huston of N- "lympla. Evening prayer at 730 was taken by Rev. Oswald T. Hodgson of Telegraph Creek and Rev. J. H. Kerr of Burns Lake, the preacher being Bfthop Howe of Alaska. Miss Bsrbeau announces her tall millinery opening today Sept. 10., in her new premises in the new Beaner Block on Third Street, with the very latest styles and modes In ladles hats. She rxtends a cordial invitation to her eld customers and a welcome to the new I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE LAST NIGHT Hon. William Drown of ,Los Angeles Ppoke llrfore targe Audience In IVestholme Theatre , ,tHonj. WUl lam1 Brown 'pf Los Angeles, former United States senator, lectured interestingly before a large audience in the Westholme Theatre laat night un- IS aer tne auspices of tho , Science Society ott th ttan Sciencethe Truth It 1 lru-Man iM th it-, 1t Oivt 1 " wuivrre Oenr I. man presided and introduced' er. Mrs. A. M. Davie, ZS.?Pt piano for the hvmru. um Mr. Brown, who has Just , speakln tour of al..?1 l afternoon on the Prince a L outh. IJr tin 4 Advertise n The IHUi N RICHMOND'S LOUVRE k i rrrn smpi S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. ihone 8J Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Hcpairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired, EVERY POLICY with The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Gives you PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT Assurance in for $l,5GO.'HKVrwo Assets 4i)0.n;..i i,. For particulars, call 645 or 180 S. J. JAR0U1L Northern II. C Representative LLAR SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY For the first time in the history of Prince Rupert, we are giving our friends and customers the benefit of our ONE DOLLAR SALE Drug Stores have had their one cent sales when you get two of any article for one cent more than the price of one. At The Louvre One Dollar Sale, now in progress with whatever article you purchase, you can have another of the same value for one dollar more. For instance, you can buy a dress valued at $18.50 and for another dollar you can have another dress of the same value. Or a lady may purchase a $10 Coat and for another dollar she may choose a dress or anything else to the same yaluc. There is no catch in this sale, for you know our reputation for straight dealing at all our sales. t Just imagine! You can buy a Golf lex Coat as advertised in . .. Vogue and Harper's "Razaar" at $79.50 for provided you make other purchase of the same value! ,' to j Sale is now on and lasts for one week only. ' : Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C.