fags Foua I i T . iI2 DAIL? N2S BRINGING UP FATHER By George lMcMa p aster rv T COCO MCiRr-tltsc 73 f - HL I KNOW WHAT' 6 GONNA. NOAM' m MH-JlGCo- BE kf. Wall Board Oor00 J MOW TO 8fc i L TO IHlCtlVE ME If ! ! I'M tjOHHt TO OLMs m PREPARED K MM ensures a lifetime of satisfaction when used for walls wkit, ,t. and ceiling ; fits true and stands tfirm during the life of the building. Won't WARP CKI7.MM.E CRACK IlUIrN or WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phrjnes 11C and 117 RO.WE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Rave Troughlng Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 310 Rox 467 Trappers ! Are you fretting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermiiie.' coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We haw large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose, oar bonus. We pay top priee for everything. If you have a large lot wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue World' Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' As'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government InapectipiL White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorca. Blue Andalusian Ord' : Now. Reasonable Price. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd. University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. Radio Radio As well an speclsllziag on the No. 17 RadloU. we wish to drsw your attention to the Had 161a No. U It la another of the up-to-date, last six months saodeU. a sis tube receiver. Price, leas Radlotrans WMHl Price, with Radlotrons . . lll.ts Price, complete wltb Radlotrons and 100 A Loudspeaker im.tB F. W. ( IIANMJIK Bkduitve Wholesale Dealer for Radiolss Of fire: SIS Mill) nt. Iloi CIS I'rlnec Kapert. U.C LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage, Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. BADMINTON AT i CATHEDRAL CLUB i MfTOKV TOR HOME TF.IW IN KIKMT ' REAL OON'TKMT OK lhtOV The first real tournament between city badminton clubs took place- last night when the Cathedral Club von a decided victory (ram the Prince Rupert Badminton Club by 1T1 jlnte to 137 There were tive players on either side, two men's teams, two ladles' learns and twa tea ay of mixed doubles. There s a good attendance and at the close refreshments ware served by Miss Lucy PllUbury and Miss Gertrude McKeiucI? VMM by Misses Molly . Fraaecs and lUaa Croat, kin. Hlnton. Rogei Wtifht and Frsak Russell. The star game of the evening was the third In which Sid Johnston and J H In ton were beaten by Prank Russell d W. laaaMe. Had Johnston been In bettor form toe result might have been duYrent. The scores follow: Cart Brand and Miss Mnllie Croat beat A. Oonnon and Miss Margaret Palanar 1S-8. i-S. Mm Blattt and Miss Mitchell (fit Club) beat Mrs. Evitt and Miss Lillian Cross 14-4. 1S-7. F. nimr.ll and W. Lam Me (PR Club) at S. Johnston aad J. Kin ton ifi-14. 15-13. H. T. Cross and L. Hlnton beat O Bryant and S. C Oibbons 15-9. 16-7. Miss BHett and Miss Prances Crass beat Mrs. Bryant and Mlas Dorxhy Creech 11-15. 15-7. U-d Mux Colllson and Mrs. Uxney best H F. Pullen and Mrs Blott 15-, 15-3 GROTTOTAKES CRIBBAGE CUP i.ni: it two FTiiur.iiT ntME nv MIBATIM; OKANilE LOIKIf! ll-IS LAST EEM1 Detesting the Oraae lodge, winners of the seoond half at Aim season, by a lit score of 17 to 18. Coot to. winner of the HrM half, last night took the Dswson Cup IT. hlamsUc of city crtbbaac champion ship, by two straight games. Tlie tobac- tfsta wan the firs gas last weak by 14 to it. a social function will be srrsngad la the near future for the purpose of ntsssntlng the trophy t . the wtnaecs. The winning team oaxattsU of the lot to wing players: Oeotto Dears Rudder ham A Mc-Letaan. J Andrews. Bex Publlrcver Charles Tsylor aad Ales MrRae. The losers: Orange Lodge Vic Bovston. 4ohn Laurvasen. PrancU B. Porrtatsr. W.I llam Roth veil. J. Boulter sag B. Tle- rick. JOmOWN-AND BERT" MORGAN QUALIFY FOR 2ND BILLIARD ROUND Joe Brown and Bert Morgan are now qualified lor the second round of tbt junta Individual city billiard cham-pwnahiB series. Joe Bwown beat Joe Baaaley by a soor. of M to 3St la the first round las' night, high breaks being raspsrtlvtly 25 aad 34. Despite a damaged optic Bert Mor gaa's high break was 3d und Maroon -Sid 33. Col MeMordle and Don Brown win meet tonight In the senior serif. SPORT CHAT riuaaurg pirates, champions of the National Baseball league, will have few changes on the line-up fmm lut yes Tits aquao is rounding Into ahpe In California tag among ihc bright light in the spring gamek is "Sparky Adaav. tne midget second baun.n iw,tulre-J oy tne Plrataa In the Maaan Cuyler deal. Adams Is a nifty player and ahouM prove a great help to the Bucs Manager Donle Bush and Sam Dreyfuss the owner, are quite happy over thi fart that they now have the Ure Waueni with the club. Travea Wnneu is s counln of Paul, and brollier of Uoyd. who did such great work lor tli team last year One of the new faces seen nt Pitio Roulrx. where the team nu lx'ii trsinlng. Is that rjHo!i to Buruiyli tiromrs. the jjiu'liuig person The "Flu" LEFT HER WITH A VERY WEAK HEART Mrs, Beulsh Demone, Pleasant Blrer, N.8., writes: "Having suffered wtth, the '&u' a few years ago, I was left with a very weak heart. "I was unable to go about, aad ooulJ not do my housework. ' ' 1 would get dizzy spells and would lave to go aad U down. "I eoald not sleep at sight u the least little noise- woi id wake me up. "I triad different kinds of medicine, bat they seemed to do me so good. "A friend recommended I hare used five boxes sad sat mveh better; do not pet those diay spalls, and eaa do pay own work as well as ever. ' ' Priee 90s. s hex at all druggists aad dealers, or nailed direst oa receipt of prios by Tat T. Mubarn Oa, LiaiiUd, Toronto, Oat who Is expected to win many tor his team. ST. ANDREWS BOWLING (ieorar Heotl aad R. ftarle IUak ITIh- aers of tiameo Played last Kvenlag Rinks of George Scott and B. Davie -on respectively ct.- those o; J. Wat- on and Jam Dick m tlte St. Andrew'a ' oe'ety carpet bywhai? tournament las: night. Tcmcrrcw r.!;ht the .rinks meetlnti i will be: Nell UrDonak) B. Cameran ud Oaosge Abbott vs. Alex McLeod. ai.d.rRs In the campetlilon tb date re as follows: W. L. D Fta. Watson 3 0 13 Prew 1 1 11 j Abbott 3 1 11 McLeod .. 3 1 11 rrk 3 2 l0( Davie 0 ! (Jack Watson 3 1 7 B Cameron . 3 1 7 O. Scott 3 1 7 , f MeOonald 3 o a C. Taylor ... 3 0 4 Beattle .. 3 0 4 ixniov imi itRBa In the second round of the Canadiaa Legion handicap bllliird teurnameot last night Frsnk Aldr dae defeated W. ' Murray by s scire of 300 to 173 while nnk Moi.-n be..: asm isaadenaehiid In '.he fUk' round 300 w 193. HOTRL SBTVAI.N. Prinre Rupert I Mr and lln O Knjtaon. Ketchikan On teal Mr .! an4 hd. elty .7. f2fc oose tnisiamou urist ird(Mm$errii It's fun trsvealtngTourist Tliird Cabiti on Cunard and Ancbor-Donaldson Cansdian Service liners. There's an much doing every minute. Youdanre. ny bridfte, Indulce in all ntlsof deck sports, make entertaining irienda and, 1 in general, enjoy theparty. Kales are lovr as low as $184.50 for the round trip. TWre are vekly Railing all tummrr frm Montreal and Quebee to llymoulli, Cherbourg ami London ly the Aurania, An-aiiia, Alan nla and Auaonia ... to Ileijit,IJvr)rpol a ml Glasgow by the Alheitlu, Ix-ti-tla, Andania and Antonla. Cstui ffew ast TXtrd CUm irtmt- Mm lam it 1 J- -:. " 111 ' CANADIAN SERVICE & four hotl sf ssansAp sf sal, a wri'fsi TIIK I SARll sn;M IUlnf Mreel. PARTY IN HONOR OF GRADUATING CLASS MBdmt Numeit of llokpttal lliroM at Ms far Miw llbs). MIm. IWwrr and VI l Xelsesi Student aursce of the Prince Rupert 3e:iersl Hoepiul entertalued last night .:i toe Nuraei.' Home at a delightful lancing party In honor of the 1MB graduating class which Is composed of Winnie Dtnb. htlas MUlloeat Oa-aad Miss Alice Nelson. Melodl-lasls was furnished by Al Small's orchestra and delicious re froth men t were ssrved. 'The festlvltlaa caane to a close all too soon for tbe young people who were present. OraduatKia exercises for the IMS -lass will take pi see tomorrow evening In Plrat Aeebyterlan Church. The exercise will be open to the public and invited guests will attend a recep tion which will be held later in tbe evening la the I ODE Hall LOCAL BOARD NOT TO BECOME IDENTIFIED WITH PILOT BOARD The council of the Prince Rupert Board ay Trade, at a meeting yesterday afternoon, . reeommendatlon of the part OssjbBMm Of which C H. Orme in trasaneclded that It would not be sdvtaable SBb loin with tbe propoaef BrttlSB Ooiwanbia honorary pilotage jeoanmlttee; ;tb main reason submitted by tbe eaSBBilttee In Its recorniarnda-tlon against becoming Identified with jthe coast committee was the IU:snce lying between Prince Rupert aad aouth-lern ports. CRACK TROLLER IS SOLD AT KETCHIKAN HM Hsbsras.il Halting lot Itan ol HalHMMi to Impruve Rerarr (itrfng (eat KITCHIKAJI. U rch 27- The Faithful. one of the crack boat of tbe trolling ieat out of Ketchikan by C. H Piaawrickaon to B It Is understood that the consideration was in the nwighaorhood of as M0 Tbe Pstthfal Is a ST foot boat and j diiren by a lg horsepower Acane engine, i She is fitted up wtth comfortable llv-1 ing quarters and fully equipped for : trollinK Mr rreder.cksoa it a veteran t roller having been fishing a number jf years He left for trie States on the last boat U look after eon business Interest. land will return as soon as possible. The city float is a bum busy place place these . days where troltan art tatting 'oats in shape for the aeasxv a number slreaily ksve left for tbe grounds but n I Kllir I (I LIMITKII, .. VAMdltKB. C H28 iV lnT L FtATUHE SfRVICC. Ic n It Owl EWiMia rKll ttmmi V for For anted" bale Rer. f DAILY 2c per word in WANTED WAMTKD. TW8TWOBTHT BOY FOR Saturdays and Bcawol Holiday to work In store. Apply MeKensie Pur-nlttuw. 76 wanted FURNrnrRtti or ALL DBS alptlone. lUgheat prioss paid. Spot cash Phooe O. Pawea. Black 130. WANTED. A 8HINOLCB OB LATHKR Phone Blue 1T0. 73 FOR SALE OK 8ALK -0 HJ HBAVT DUTY RK-gal. Atwater-Krat Ignition, complete assow. h p. Callle wo.ao. Baldrldge Ho 3. clutch MO 00 Ford Manifold. tJ0O. s 34 Schutc Oeid gtaas M4 00 3 left hand propeilors 14 and IS. L. MAHONBT, Ansox. BC. 73 iETTrNO BOOS ISS PCB StnTtNO from bred-to-Uy taorougbbrsds: BC Leghorn and Barred Bock Roy stock. The Royal Pur lnj Poqj Ranch. Pacific. BC gi OLD irrWSPAPBaaS MAT BE TJaCO IN-(tead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oct special pries on Urge quantities Dally M08KRATS. NOW BOC4CIHO OBDCTtc for summer and fan delivery, finest dark muakrau. The Royal Pur and Poultry Raaeh. Pacific. BX. 91 POR SALB. OURNTT OXFORD RAMOB two solid oak library tables and window blind Phone Blue 7tt. 74 OR SAU - HOOSC SCOW. 13 BT 40 suits ble for camping or fishing Ap-rly & M. Dally Wews. 73 FOB SALAV aS-tO h. MABINB OAS angina, tag cash. Phone Red tie mornings. 7t inrDSUALLT LABOR WILTON CAR-aat Utr Sal. Apply Pullen. Daily Ifews. tf SALE PIAPO MBATBR AMD Rlteben Tabs. K7. poR -MATBCLL TRWOR BANJO S3008. Phone Black tag. 7 LOST I0010 BBjOOCH LOST AT SALTATKMf Arasy concert oa Frlda night P'SSss return ts Oatty Mews Otaee part of the ftesn wUI wait ua4l the ssala run of salaam begin v tmim that aasw vwa'tdnd out lr taw early run rspart that kVry have asi shade aiasri asore thaa expeaaes. ai- taatsja taw price is ..... ... AND MISS COLLINS WEDDED LAST NIGHT Pretty though quiet was the marriage ceremony which took place last evening at the home of Mr and Mrs P. J Ryan. 630 Sixth Avenue West. Rev J R srimrll officiating of Mlas Agnes Jean Collins, daughter of Mrs Mary Collins of Chllllwaek. and taapector James M Tupper. district officer amamanding the RosI Canadian Mounted Police The bride was a very pretty picture indeed ! simple gown of fawn crepe dr chine nd the groom appeared dignified In hi full dress police uniform, changing later " owwumc. tm couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and only a few ImmedwU f Meads were present Following the eeraaawy. delightful refreshments ware served by the hostess Inspector and Mm. Tupper as tsklns up residence in tbe LI pant houv on Fourth AseaMe West. ELKS' WHIST t flsren M Mrs. l. II. Mrliiii Hlaners of rtlres In lau lilgM's In the Rrks weekly drive last s4gat. of prises were Joe Oaron. wtth cjre of 304. and Kra D. It. MeOonaM. with 303. The! fanctkasi was hnd .ttMi s.. " asonaay even - Ins next wsk wkn ik. i.. .msnd asiaa. Um ik. .1 1- 1 win ijc qi- Ijt.w jcided- j n'P NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No dvertiiement taken for leti than 50c FOR RUNT rOR RKNT UODKRN POUR-ROOMBD . house convenient to Seal Cove and Dry Dock. Phone Oreea 3M. 73 "OR RENT FURNISHED APART -menu, tour rooms and bath. Water pald Phone 547. tf POR RSatT -FL'RwrSHBD HOUSBKBSP- lng rooms by the day. week or month Phone Red SO? POR RBNT - ROOMS WITH OR WITH out board. Omtral location Pboas Blot 163 POR PORM1SHBD Apply Musssllasa heaping Orocery ROOMED BOOSS POR hot aad sold water. Phone Red ait. AUCTIONKBIIS. PHISCB RI'PEBT AlfTlUM H.tRT Federal Basra . Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged Crating and packing done floods sold oa Oomaniasioa 0. J. AWBS waVtlm?wwwwf OMPtmNO STAIJ9I. BCALRS. MEAT sllcers. cheese cutters snd cablatt. meat choppers, coffee mlili. taab reg ister! snd peanut butur mills. I pert repairs n1 adjustments Bar. vlec'contracu New. used or reboilf machines. Basy terms or cash vis count. Tlie sett SHOP l,TI. SSS CarSwra M H, Tsnexster ll.r. Wh 7:81 lit. 31411 pm. k I IS a m. 14:40 p m. rwiitv. tUHTII H,n S 13 aja. WS-X4 mmt . .. r' ' " ti.tiini 31 ,Hlsh 1041 aa. " 4 J8 u rn IS S3 pan rUKNlTUHB AND RANOHB C'HBS I BRPIBLD 8UI1BB. BaTDBOOV Suits. Dining Suites Kitchen Tables. Ranges. Linoleum snd Unosrum Ruga. CsrpeU. Blinds. Curtain Rods. BsstSAorc CoiWprings and Mattresses. Blankets. Cretonnes. Window Curtaia goods We have stMl a lew mat left at the old price. a. MtrkEYziE. ri Rsin nr riMme TTS. chimney swimv II. t. ZlttKKIfK Oraeral ItaaSy Htm Kurnaeee snd Stoves Cleaned and R paired. ChiataMs Swept. Cemetery Plots Oared Par. Phone Red 143 Prince Bupatt. B0 EXCHANGE KBIT NI SRTOWII lit Ml rt'HNITURR bought and sold and euhanaad. Player Plaao aad Two Cask BegVtefa hi atoe ... k . .... i -i m & tz MARt M Third Ave. ClIIIIOntACTIC IIR. n. C. EYOIPKOV rhlrapranar 033 Third Avenue Telephone for spnolntmaat now ts Mae OS. Residence phone Black 3fX .Evening calls made aa arranged. Make your appointment ROW. PIMN(!E iMii'Rirr Tini-TS , - - ijii - a a 4 MONii.tv. M.tKni sa Hl'h 4:20 a.m. 11 A ft. 17:lg pax. tt.T -Low 10 10 am. 8A " wl sat. 14 " TI'EMitV, lUllfll 37 High i m,jm. 301 ft. 13 Jl pat. II J ' Il:aapja. 4 " MKIIMiSIUT. MtKDI 3 HlKh :! aJn. ISA ft. 30:08 pat. U4 -34 Low 0-oS a m -4 13:08 p m " TiifRantv. Mtiirti STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS jfar Vsntoavrr Tueaasy-a csm , , Friday -as prime i- 1 Saturday ss. v; . Prlncest 1 , Msrrh H.--SS Pr : . Starch 2 ns 1" I 'rant Vinewater tf Sunday -es. Can,. - Rsturday- ss Saturday m Pr tf March II I" March 31- u Pr March 31 Ifer Port RinirHHHi ,uA t Sands y--sa cam. . Prwm Pert Mmpsan .nd 4,i j TtHadsy es. Cimu: l"r Ah)a and tr.irt- anday-as. Csm Wednesday ss 1- . lYsm ta;e and -u, t Taiadty ss. Camour Pridwyai. Ptlncf v. Iwr tiieea rharlotte- Marsh 10 ss. Pi . March 3t-as P- . tvwna qsrrn Charloiie. March g as. Pm." ; March 33-sa P rwe Ahrka March ll--es Fr March M- ss v March 31ss P; ' lrwrr) At;0t- Jatsrch lsa Pr v m March a. r- v tjAJL SCHEDULE iw the rii . mttl aaandaya, Wedix 1ts the rut Tswsdaya. Thiir1 . due - s,a To Vsnrsster TaaM :! msapj ta Saturdtri Its Taslaa, ' Monday. Batajfaat . I ram Vaaysatrr : fs 1 Jf vveaaasswsys IS aatarasys . C A--March 11 r Ttsl&j. Saadtft. Tu &kH Ta ASJet, tike Arm rir rater SSJCritJI 44aJaaaamBtfasmmB4aal WWapgJatBWSB4 , fTonrttsrst, A Wee Arm Prrmief- A- AS TMssdsri t s Ta Saw tlrf r4M- 1 4uhaats Intni VM Rlter Plnl- 1 mil TWesasf Ta Alks Polsls Mareh II. II sni - mm thks polnl Fah. It. Msrcb ) Ta tuefM Chsrhitle li " ,f l-.'liX March 14 snd rrrr Qnrfti rhsrlti.tr i- MaNh 3 and 2? I-IITTKR IIO 1 OM 1 in-'" tahaen A AUm Ave tat Ata. A 3th Bt 4th Ave. A; r tlton ti Ave. '.homps'H. ilth At. Sherbr,-.H' lltH Are. Si OonrnO -a Sth As. A Hsys ( . 4th Ave. at Hsys cv : I AM. & Cotton H 44fe Ava. & Oreen Bt n nil 4th A VS. & MtBrWe h' m Prs. fJovt BulMine rrsw. MlkJip-aHrV O.VJ. VrfH 1JA O.T.P. Btswon 3bI . A 2nd St it. Ave At Fulton st Srd Are. & sth St Sundays One roiie pat. aotlaotlen CN.H TRAINS 144 a IM -144 " 34 - 18j0 ft. in - m " 4 " U4 ft. 1J " W7 8 J " Moadtys. Wednesdiiy at 1140 tin rtiMii I he F.at- Tueadsya. Thu"(1"' St 3 30 pm .Article, Lottind round.jt