Tin March 27, 1928 dii.v, THE DJLY NEWS PAGE THREE SPFflAI Q I Sv XL M A Jtt M A W J lit" -i 1( it CLUTEKS Uejr. $1.25. Special price gl.oo , Vii.T MALT Keg. $1.25. Special price si.oo :;. S ATSMiJCIC ALB AND STOUT-KeK. 75. Special i"- ';'' 0 ' N! WMIX TdfitH PASTE AND IIRUSII Keg. 75c. Special 300 ( I I'M IIOTTLES Reg. 75c. Special price .-,00 SEE OUK WINDOWS rates IM. .7? Pioneer Drugci.sls THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?t,200 Special :: Offering or COATS - for LADIES. MISSES AND CHILDREN COATS FOR CHILDREN ul.tr value up to 118.00. Special price $S.75 COATS 1'OR LADIES AND MISSES , ular value up to $25.00. Special price 1.7." Haw your choice nf these splendid garments while they . lor they will not last long at these prices. B. G. Fur Company, Third .Avenue Pan ad ian National1 Qfo Largcft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND from PRIME Hl'PKHT f it .J . lattrrinegyevr xirt. s HI II IIIK W and WVOX. h Tl:HHr each li'IKIli NOUTH and Mil III l l-Kt:NGt:u mm i MDMItV, HUlVKM'IV and i I OltlJE. MIONTOV VVINNII' ,M iiir.M V til. m-rN I . Canadian National r.xptr rt site for jsur nil shlpMent irt ticket ornrE. tta tiiiw uCanaqianJT TRAIN SERVICE VAMOIVEW. VlfTOtlH. HKVTTI.K. It r:i)MSn.T . pjn. ", 10 pm. HAKl.orTE IS-LANO. Fortnightly lilt I'M IMF. fit PERT SAH UOAV at 11.30 IJB for PRINCE Mi. all point. Eastern Canada. United TKMIIII MMW titr Mnitet der. Fn4vlr.li 'he.(Hr. t i. kwim r HI iKt I""" a Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coagt Services Sailings from Prince Rupert I r.- ami. Mraiigrll. Juneau, and saarw n - Mareli SI. April II. HI. I MinMirr. Vlrlorla ami fcniHIe Iprll I. 11. HI. PKlMrt KOY.U. Hells. M -ran I rmi. Wert lta. l .r Iti.tedalK i'.a-t IW-ll.t Jan.. I rhlu, . I rrr ' ...nplH-ll Hlvrr ami y.m,.urr Iniorpsauim iraw ' in Inr all Mmmlili I nrv n.1. Phone SI r ,.f mi M reel and trd lrnne. ITIm-e Kuprrt. To Every Woman is eager for new ideas in hme decorntlon-new color schemes . for Imby color mhiiiutions for the un p. --ch, new In the house- bl Brush- ni. now color beuty everywhi-rp v Lacquer cornea as u household Messing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telophow 3 City Meat Market ;nl Acntic (SELVKJ BROS.) MEAT. FISH. VEGETABLES rhone 763 ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE at low prices, and inini.'dnite d.-liverj "'s.TxeI-A.1 article, are of ,.,. i. r quality and absolutely fresh. LC OK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE RISE DOES Our hppIr,, stock of High Crude M,.,-s Wear is h not. to ch - herj. oose ""'HlrPdH f Briton'a finest wooll. ns 1 rom whl; ,da lore h s ""' srinR suit'-tailored to your unsure "i"t Clothes builders "Society Hi;""' Obey That Irapulave-"" " UHltki THOR JOHNSON Local and Personal Dentist. Dr. J. B. Oosse. Phone 688. Batting dally. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. t( Oet the Big 4 bablti Whta thinking if a Tin. phone 4. tf Marcelling and Heirtutting. lira. Skinner. Phona Black Its. 84 Rev. Walter Allen. Anglican clergy man at Stewart, and Mra. Allen are spending the week In the city. O. C. Mactay, dlatrlct engineer (or the provincial department of public worka, left yesterday (or Die Hazel ton district on official duties. The taxation byKws (or the year, set ting a general mill rate of 40, wa fin ally reconsidered and adopted at last night's special meeting of the city council. ' G. Cummins of the grain ahlp De- me lei ton, which is now in port, writes to state that It was not he who was recently convicted on a charge In city police court. Grand concert by the Sunday School children In First Presbyterian Church on Friday. March 30. at 8 p.m. prompt Admission. adult 50c, children 35c Everybody welcome. 76 Sergeant Alex McNeill, chief of the district detachment of the provincial police, returned to the city on the Camosun today following a ten day trip to Anyox and Stewart on official duties Ccples of the annual report of the city for 1927 are now out of the hands tf the printers. Alex McRae Co.. Ltd.. and are available at the City Hall. They acre distributed among the aldermen at last night's special council meeting. The new Lloyds' building In London. England, which will be the bead office of the powerful International insurance concern, was opened on Saturday last with Their Majesties, the King and Queen, officiating at tbe Inaugural cere-monk!. Phillip M. Bay. sub-agent here for Lloyds, has been advised. The change whereby Petty Officer Young, late of H.MC3 Patricia, be . : comes Instructor of the local detchmem lef the Koyal CtnadUn Nav: Voluates: ; Reserve In place of Per-ty Officer Oeorge J. Dawes, whasc itme of serv::..' hu 'siJlred. Is fflfrt'.vt :o!hy. Mr Djl is remaining In tne city to enter tbe 'auc'.ioiiet.ing business The couucll of the Board of Trade, at a meeting yenerday afternoon, considered the matter of entertainment a: the Stoll-McCracken party cf New Vork which w ill be here on April 10 enrjute to 'he Arctic Cccaii on a clent!:ic expedition, ana left the matter In li.t hand of the entertainment committee. f whirl' J. H. FlUsbmy is chairman, for action. Ml!ci Donald. Joseph Wells. Kelt For-bt and Fred Brown, all of Alice Arm. arrived in the city on the Camosun t j-clny to attend the annual meeting tonight of the Alloc Arm-La Rose Mice Lid. of which concern they are dlrec-tcrs. An offer Is before the company for the purchase of control of the mine Dr W. 1 Kergsn of this city Is anothsr director of the La Rose and 1. H Mortimer Is secretary-treasurer of the company. Certain matters ahich would ordln-arUy been submitted to the full board for consideration were dealt with at a meeting of the council of the Board of Trade yesterday afternoon for the reason that the next regular meeting will be a quarterly gathering taking the form of a dinner at which L. B. Warner of Smithers. preaMent of the Associated noards of Central British Columbia, will be a speaker. The council meeting was presided over by Milton OanaaOes. vice-president of the board. ANNOUNCEMENTS eee'4e,'0,ee.4e''e'4 United Church Easter Salo of Work. April 3. Queen Mary Chapter annual Daffodil Ball. Easier Monday, April 0. Anglican Church Easter Sale April 10. Catholic Women's League spring sale of work April 13. Whist League Cup-prim distribution Moose Hall. April 13. Ladles' Auxiliary St, Andrew's Society Baiter Bala and whist drive. April SO. Royal Society of St. Oeorge Whist Drive and Dance. April SS. Prince Rupert oirla' Drill Team Dance April 37. MI R ackache B9US Mi AIM &aln and daushtcr will be ailing on tne dtmonin tonight (or Vancouver, Mr. Saint la already In the south. We ore lleudqnartrrs for shoe repairing. Send' tlinn to us for value, service and satisfaction. MacArthur's Shoe kore. tf The grain ship Anthea moved from the ocean -dock to.JM fie"" yesterday and will start fljflh 'at toon as the steamer b4i4SBioeJsln com- ptetkm. uym' - Passengers Mlltng this evening on the CanMWun for Vancouver will include Ernest Woodworth. H. T. Matson. Con-atable Wltltem Harrison and Mrs. Alex Saint and child. Roval Parole. ArtntVensary Dance, Fri day, March 99 at D pjn. In Elks' Home. Hclgeraon Block. Drawing of prizes. Smalle's Orcheatra. Admission $1-00. Bvanrfaod welcome. 76 ConsUble T. E. Bradner, who arrived In tbe city recently from fJanalmo to loin the city detaohment. of the pro vlnclal police, la relieving temporarily on th statt at dlatrlct headquarters here. The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Tennla Club Is being held this afternoon In the city council chamber chief business being the election of officers and making plana (or the sea sen's activities). It Is announced that the time of the meeting to be addressed by Hon. T. D Patuillo tomorrow night at Moose Hall was set for B o'clock so that It would not interfere with the graduation exer cises of tbe nursea which begin at 8. The Brlttali steamer Dcmeterton, Prince Rupert's twenty-fjrst 'grain ship of the scaaon. which it was expected would leave today with a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent, will not get away until tomorrow, it stated this morning. ConsUble William Harrison of the city detachment of the provincial police will sail tonight on the Camosun for Vancouver on weeks holiday trip, havng In Ma custody south Fred Wy-cott of Hajwltan who is to serve three months at OkaUa prison for supplying liquor to Indiana. Mr. and Ure. B. W. Howard will leave at the end of the week for Vancouver enrouts to Edmonton, the state of Mrs Howard's health necessitating their departure from the coast It la possible that they may gp Into the Peace Rlve" -rurtry. Mr. HoVsrd has been Identi fied with the city telephone departanent here. Making her final scheduled call here this saaaon. Union ateemer Camosun Cant. James Findlay. returned to port u ii:au nm hwiiwh uvm Stewart and other ncrtnem polnU and will sail at 8 pm for tbe south. Next week the steamer Cstala. with cant. a. E. Dickscn la command. wUl be back an the run. Ernest Wood worth, bridge foreman for tbe provincial departaaent of public works, who has been superintending the construction of the new pedsatrlafi approach to the government wharf, will isll this evening on the Oamosun for Vancouver whence be will proceed up the line of the Pacific Oreat Ess tern where he has some work t attend to. At the meeting of the council of the oard of Trade yesterday afternoon, the matter of the establishment of a cus- tjm concentrator In the city or Immedl ate vicinity was discuss id before being referred to the mining committee of which Q. A. Woodland la chairman. Certain confidential oonaef undenos has been received In conneetton with the matter. Passc,nge.f .arriving in the city (rom the north on the Camoeun this after noon included Mrs. O. Tolafson and Miles Donald from Alice Arm; Ctierlea McMillan, Paul Eurlch. Bet Strand. Miss Marshall. D. Oourlay. John Oloae, Mr. McCallum. Nell Forbes, W. A. Talbot. Mr. Metcalfe and P. Wkrturtroiu (rom Anyox. and Sergeant Alex McNeill. Qua Petersen. O. Flynn and Fred Dell from Stewart. FISH PRICES" REMAIN HIGH Despite a somewhat increased volume of landings, halibut pjteee continue at a high level at the Flab Ifcefttaac this morning, from W.7r snd Be to 31-Cc and 0c being paM for the 118.000 ounda offered by alt American bouts while (cur Canadian bosU, vtlth a toul of 16.000 pound, were paid I8.c and 8c to 18.6c am. 8c. Arrivals and sales: .Mi:niaS' Explorer. 83.000 pounda, Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co.. S0.7c and 8r Ralnler. ao.OOO pounds, Atim Fisher ies. 31c and 8c. Resolute, 33.000 poumta. Royal Pish ficv tio and 8c. ' if " . Defence. 16.000 (MUBOa. Booth Fisher Ms, 31c and 10c. Augusta. 13.000 pounds, and Strius. u.oooo pounds, Atlin rnaherlea. 11 .Oe and Be. CANADIAN P Dorreen. S.OOO pounde, rtoyal Fish Co . 18 6c and 8c. Inez H . 6.000 pounds .Booth Fisher i ics. 18.5c and ,8c Ki ii Roy. A.ooo pounda, Canadian Pish ;.v c ..id K'omne Co. 18.6a and 7c. Nulla I ikio pounds, Booth Fisheries, ' rfy.y 1 . . ' I, Uobul SURMISE t X . eK - 'V NCBLE FIVE MINES Cupiul 53,003,000, divicK d into 6,CjO,ood sh.irrs, par m!ut 50c. Tkr .VorVe Five utuattd ir th: haft oj ht ' ,ji Jhtr;,: ,,f B't'h C .n-.'.":at -.t h h fiji fruJu.r,! mure tMsm $JO,OiK,vov f mit.tr ai ivtmitk i a Ju.it ffu.;-fx p ptnxi r t fxi 1 "k Mtic uddtunnal exjtnJ.turt m f4uc it cm 0 friitabit poJucir.g bxii, NOBLE FIVE in the Heart of the Silvery Slocan District AS a consolidation of two famous mines of the Slocan district of British Columbia, tbe Noble Five - Mines Limited offers one of the most attractive mining investments we have ever offered to I be public. The consolidation comprises the Noble Five, with a production record of more than half a million dollars, and the Surprise mine, with more than $2,740,000. The Noble Five was developed by the late Hon. Jas. Dunsmuir, Ueutfrnant-Governor of British Columbia, who spent $750,000 on a mill, power and underground development. Those now purchasing stock get the benefit of this through quick ctevekxanent of ore; cheap nurung and immediate concentration of ore products without delay and cost or oniUamstructioa. The property was ready for concentrate production at the time of Mr. Dunsmuir'i death. v Shipping ore from the Noble Fi ve rune 30 to 90 ox. silver per ton, IS per cent, to 00 par cent, lead, and S to 90 per cent, sine. Surprise ore runs 47 ot. silver, 18 per cent, lead and 16 per cant, tine These two pmpettwt will be operated through the one underground tunnel system. Thit unsurpssscd combination of producing properties presents an opportunity that receives our unqualified endorsement. We offer, subject to immediate acceptance, stock at the pre-hating price of OUR RECORD MILLER, COURT V CO. LTD. cafe NcWe Five Klines LtJ. to the public in keeping with their policy of carefully selecting prrrpcrtie whose menu have alrcjjy been demonstrated. This offering has our unqualified support as we believe it to be one of the inot attractive mining developments we have been auociatcd with. Tnis issue consists of I .(),( KX) share, the proceeds going towards pur cha- of the property, equipment and comprehensive underground development. We take this opportunity to recall three issues which have achieved noteworthy success under Miller, Court sponsor' ship. CorkPrevluee'" "itfm.,llvne-ti.il hyu, it i v' a hirf .Tii..y u i. ' w nivwuh iT."-.ir.itkin, w til in tuikl luC4inp fcith tftii 'n hvUt" l .'ik pl.irt aikI the rc SWHllliiiki nf in milt tf nv0-rn S.uii.m. Suriwnt trc ii Huck.J nut to iMui.' yc..:s q jjclul upcratkA. Whitewater - i-win.iiy nff-tcl um it cu. Tiiy 11 i' i : '' ui cnncrntr4U'f and H fifertliii n .1 ,-rr rr'',hle ha-u. TV prk-e oitbe llnck mdt 4J-.411CC1I to 9i75 a ihtft. 23 ycari' m in Mtiht. Pend Oreille, "t'iriiwlly irc l hy m it 5' crnt Today It if a worthy n. il loth,' Siiii4n n'inc it ( m-.li-Jjtr.l Mii.in( V S;tultl' K IV rurally i'l Trail. It C. I'. nJ IV illc r.v. ntly 'IJ ova HUM a luic. TOay'i market, -I j.k) IIS.UO Tho.K who fax wati lied the siiuru 0 ihrse propcrliej are now offered (tmulier dwnce to puriiupote in an (ntrrpriM 0 nmilar turrit. Mer. MILLER, COURT 6 CO. LTD. Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sat PleSJC Ciller in v otJt it l:,trej of HMc Fite'Miiw f.id. at X) unci a shttrr, fuytKMl or ictvh u ciu.'IcacJ herf itH Name Addreii . : City Pttatrt -r- - 1 Oaiputira- ' Local Kkprsssntative: i 30cashare aranfsat I v'Sl k I fcor, N001C rVBsiK W4 J wr 1 " " " ' MM ' ai"eaiM'eeaaBSsaWBaaaas-y avajsj-lgssMajJ LOCATION OF PROPERTY - . it 1 oclSrtlaa Til o-fctv sua givfi li, Itcmtivt .lit NM (M'UVs iWSm J lit SJksh Jiiiritl, e!ut u C P. A. tniriittti lit vUt, i tffffi j 1 uw mill, iyJnlnii it frw", Irtrnmij amj txttiHiVtJiftglfd, j i s. 1). JOHNSTON CO. LTD, I'rincw Rupert IJ.C. Miller, Court & Co., Ltd. INVESTMENTS Mfmt.'n I'.in, ttvti Sw.i F.Xihaiigr, l'nion,i $ri Exthiinec St.iit.i.ird Sinik A'.v.;rfvtv (Sfioiint) It ... A- ,,. ii.v.'ur-,-, C.i.i'v Slut A v. i''i . ff-r (,'.. h i v.iw.c