Well Wash i)' it' You Iron IF you like to iron we'll be glad to do the harder job of washing. And without messing your home! We'll call for your family bundle. We'll wash it snowy white in pure soap and rainsoft water. We'll extract most of the water in our special fabric-saving spinning basket wringers. Then we'll return everything to you, sweet and sanitary. . . . and just damp enough for your own hand iron. We call this our Wet Wash Service. The charge only 5 cents a pound. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS CMRSPMcnccmurs nctsvKONSmuu EKYUlNWRWHOr mmaimtmi& FjfttUMt fi Kt ELI KM Ml UHtt A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produces a Digger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CIIIROPKACTOU C Exchange Mock Green 211 Spring Hats Demers :: Costumes :: Latest Frocks MILK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now doted Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Thone 675 DENTIST STOCKS ACTIVE AT VANCOUVER riAUOUKIIXK .M niMMtVIEYV rniCEs JtMi'i:i ybstf.kimv ' ALO.VQ WITH OTHERS VANCOUVER, March 27. TrttntHut extremely active on the local stock: t- chauge today. . Price changes with one or two exceptions was upwards. The Ptndorellle on a turnover 'of slightly more thin three thousand shares made a net gain of IS.28. Orandvlew on a turnover of 35.000 shares Jumped 30c. Following were the prices: Argents B.C. 811ver Bayylew Big Missouri Cork Province Daly Alaska Oeorge Copper Olsdstone Olssalr Oolconda Orandvlew Independence Inter Coal (Exd... Kootenay Florence.. I., and L Lucky Jim Marmot Metals Nat. 811. O. 8..... PendorelUe Premier (Exd.) Porter Idaho Itufus nm I tape ejelklrks SUvsTcreat Silversmith Slocan King Suntoch Whitewater Woodbine .45 145 1.74 .10 .11 M A7 42 .4854 .12 40 ,V7 .10 .43 JbO .88 Ja .Tl .78 20 !4 .MVi jk .41 ii m 14 .11 .13 M 39 .16 .10 .17 .211 20.60 21.00 3.5 US1 .7fl .79 .48 .48 m ma .04 .10 .12 .18 .10 ,im 3.7S 4.00 2.28 3.45 .43 AGE LIMIT SET PUBLIC SERVICE ntWK OI.IVMl Itf UWUVAY ItOAltll AMI JlSTICE MKlNAlT.T MAV HOTII HAVE TO IlKTIKK OTTAWA. March 27. The CI tine-1 today says the operation of a law crest, tag an age limit In the public service win create two vacancies In high position, ore on the Supreme Court and the other on the Railway Commission, where the retirement age la 75. The Cittern says: "K the law la into effect. Hon. Prank Oliver ol the railway board will retire this yea: and Mr. Ju.-tlce Mlgnault of the 8u- ! pre me Court next year. The impression prevails that Hon. Ernest Lapolnte wUl be the logical lueewr to Mr. Justice Mlgnsult and that Hon. luclen Cannon will become minister of Justice." AWAITING ACTION OF OTHER PROVINCES ON RURAL CREDITS PLAN VICTOniA. March 27 Hon J A. Robb. replying to thf application of BrltlKh Columbia for thr Inauguration of the rural crfdlts scheme In this province, stated that hr l awaiting similar application f'um the provinces before setting up ti) loan machinery. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Braid's Best Coffee, per lb. . . ()( Braid's. Best Tea, in tins, r lb. 700 SuKar, 10 lbs. for 7o Hour, all brands, 49 lb. sack Wild Hose Flour, 10 lb. sack rr,e Fancy Mixed Biscuits, special, 8 lbs. ror i)5e Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per tin :iiir Aylmer Crashed Pineapple, 2'a, per tin trc Nabob Bed Plums, 2Vi's, per tin -r Empress Jam, 1 lb. tin 50c Your choice of Prune, Bed Plum, Greengage, Gooseberry or Loganberry. Malkin's Strawberry Jam, 2 lb. tin Ur Seedless Baisins, 4 lb. pkg. special this week ."Of Instant Postum, large tin . . no? Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. I."r Swift's Premium Bacon, average AVt lbs. apiece, per lb. . . I'Jf Circle "S" Picnic Ham. per lb. 2c Eggs, Fresh Extras, .1 dot. $1.1." Royal Crown Soap. G's, pkg. "2fc Fels Naptha Soap, pkg Sunkist Oranges, your last chance. Udoien 81.00 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. I'hone 208 4 J1. am JERUSALEM. March 27. Transjbr-JanU, Hm western ' part of Pslestlne. la to be recognised as an Independent government in a new agreement between Transjordanla and Britain. The country U to be Independent with re-sard to internal matters but In matters uf international import she will be re-ptcaented by Britain, which may main- am in Transjordanla an armed force. COUNTESS LOST MANY JEWELS VALli; Of NTONCM KNTIM ATKII SWMMMMI MTOI.KN AT JIOXTB AT MONTI CARLO. March 27 The Countess de Battencourt, a Braslllan. was robbed ot her )eweU valued at three million franca or roughly 1900.000 in a hotel here. Police are searching for a servant who disappeared ehortly after the theft. CHILDREN BURNED PARENTS ABSENT BRANDON. Man.. March 27 Three sons of Mr, and Mrs. Koloplnsky of Clear lake near hare were burned to death yesterday when the farmhouse was destroyed by fire, while the parents were working in the Melds All were under four years of age. Subscribe tot the Dally News. MINIMAL ACT (Form P. (EUTIIICATirOMMI'IIOVtIKNTS Princess Pat LoY SM; Pilot. Lot 4W7: R A P.. Lot Seer pVerver, Lot 4138, ina rMlllBlnn nf - m . ill JS?.11 n Munro Mountain about four '"irr.Jiy" own 01 Atnn. TAKE NOTI CK that we. Jtmee Stokes t4 LS. nr FV Miner's Certificate No. 8B9S0.B0061. intend, altty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnc Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Aud further take notice that action, under section 85 must be commenced before (tie laaue of such Certificate of tmorovementa Dated thin 5th day of Mnrrh A D, 1923 H MrN PHASER, AUt. THE DMLX NEWS I N SIST ON S TjQSa LING-!- G I IT if " ' ' 'afttf Ii navor, asK ior atcrimg London Ury. H it is distilled by experts according to the best i VICTORIA March 27.--Or&cial clrclst jsee the possibility of British Colum'i'a bting granted ehortly s five year census ,ln vi of the hope to that effect ex- pressed by Hon. J. H. King in s lctet to the sssoctaud property owners of I Vancouver. Premier MacLean made representa tions to this effect st the Dominion- Provincial conference. If the change is granted, the province wouM undertake the extra census in co-operation with the municipalities and the Dominion would accept the figures. SANDYS WUNSCII IS ADJUTANT OF TEAM GOING TO BISLEY OTTAWA. March 87 -The Dominion of Canada Rifle Association with the ap proval of the minister of national defence, announced he officers of the Blaley team as follows: Commandant Cot. 8. M. Rogers, Ot tawa Adjutant - - T. V. Sandys Wunsch. R.CMJ1.. .Vancouver. BARROW DENIES HE SAID ELECTION SOON VICTORIA. Maich 27- Hon. E. D. Barrow, minister of agriculture, denied that he had said in a recent anaech that there would be an early election. He said be hud Mated only that the poll would take place within 18 months. TWO THOUSAND MEN STRIKING OSHAWA OSKAWA. March 27.- Three hundred striking men in the trlntsjm depart ment of General Motors or CanaAa OOH jectlng to salary cuts were .MtotorMd WHef.by all piecework, kftw '.'Mr thousand men are now out. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL kmii.Iuii n:nt t, m v. II. Pulhsti; 0. Hull. 2. niMTiiui itcroitT. Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm; tern-prratuii1. 41. IK a quality oin possessing the most pleasing Ttf r n r f. ,'i r t - . London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtayi perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John Collins C Two-thirds cockud glass Sterling London Dry Cm. juice of wk lemon, piece of Kt, one tca&poonful sugar, bottle cold soda. Sterling Gin 'Rickey (T. One lump "ice m tumbler, juice of one lemon or lime. Sterling Loniin Dy Cm Fill up with soda water Mii well and ktw u'u!( lining LONDON D22VGi Wl Thia advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government TREATY WITH TRANSJORDANIA W KNTCKN I'AKT Of IWI.lHTINK Tt IIB ltt: (MIMtl) AH SKPAIUTK (lOVCKVMKNT of British Columbia. census this yeMpossible tiviA iv ah Nt:vt:it MOKE UUITIHII THAN . TODAY HAYH MAfNKY LOS. AMOaXn. March S7. Hon Vincent Mssssy declared in sn address u the English speaking Union here last night that Canada's sttachment to the Empire and Throne were never stronger or deeper than not. REGINA WINNER ! JUNIOR HOCKEY: "AMiATnilAVAN TKAM IIKINOhI HOME lltOM OTTAWA MCMOIIIAL I II" lOLUmiMl MCTOKY TORONTO. March 27. The Reglna Monsrchs will return with the Memorial Cup emblematic of the Junior Hockey championship of Canada by virtue of s seven to one victory over Ottawa Gunners here laat night In the third game of the series. Reglna won the first game 4 to 3 and Ottawa the second 2 to t. TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY 44 for sale nttrrr and chickrn Ranch, 20 acres. 6 seres under cultivation, loo producing fruit trees; house and barn; two miles from Terrace. 3000.00. terms'' if dealred. Mc-Rae Bros.. Ltd. 78 POR SALS. OstTHOPltONIC ORAMO- phone with 21 records. Also singer mschine In good condition. Spot cash. Phone Red 248. 73 FOR BALK. Baste OOOD I1UY8 IN trolling boats, packers and seiners See Field. Northern Exchange, cow Bay. 96 HOUSE TO REST (MODBRNl. FOR-niture tor saJeajhone Red 8M. tt TLMI1KK SALE X9786 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the 2srd day of April. 1028. for the purchase of License XB786, to cut 3.120.000 PBAI. of Bal-unm. Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar on an area situated on fiascos lulet, mouth of Noota River. Range 3, Coast District Three (3i years w.ll be allowed for removal df timber Purther particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C . or District Toreater Trlucc ltupcit, D.C. DEMAN 3 Tuesdi WESTHOLME THE TUESDAY ONLY, 7 nnd 'J p.m. in AIRE sther Ralston "Modern Commandments" A tile of backstatre life, love nnd laii'h: NEIL HAMILTON, AKTIIUK HOYT. EL ltl(' Nn I10SC0E KAItNS, JOCELYN LF.K, ami oil.,,- COMEDY -SWISS MOVEMENTS." l'AKAMOUNT NEWS Admission - 35c and 10c Rupert Brand" ppers TUB DAINTIEST KltHAKI-ANT ( ihiii Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage C L . I'rlnre ltupert. H.U Chiropractic I wirth to announr' to !h. Prince Ruiiert that I have upn in the Wsllace lllock. ri)M i Fulton. My system of t urinjf ;cut- i: dixesses is ultra-modern --fails! I wish e.;HTially to with those K'ople who arc u 1 ! so-called incurable .ii-Minlcr. Without obliKatinn on yciiii in and allow me to explain nr. you. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. I'hone 134 Office Hour: 10 to 12; 1 to 5 dally. Bvenini:- : Canadian National Steamships Co. LmitcJ Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.I'. 10.000 Ton rioatlnjf Dry !)' Engineers, MnchinUU, llollermHUert. lUiekMniillm. rin mnLerri, Founders, Woodworkers, Blc. ELHCTHIC AND ACETYLENE WUI.DINti. Our plant is equipped to handle all kindx ' MARINE AND COM.MEHCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 SALE of DRESSES A fortunate purchase of Ladies' Dresses at renin prices. Ail new styles and popular fabrics. Dritish Spun Silks, Flat O pes, Crejw UcJrtoi de Chines, sic, not two dresses alike. ' J 36 Uritlsh Spun Silk Drives, tailored styles, lpnr ' S0.i'' 10 Crepe-de-Chlne Afternoon nnd Evening I'nicks .. s,- :, 15 Italian Flat Crepe I)ree, and Crepe Back Satins SI "' Jnp Spun Silk Dresses 4 Illnck Duchee Sntin Drewes. slses from 86 to 4 FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Co.