March 27, 192 KEEP FREE FROM PERSPIRATION ODOUR FROM BATH TO BATH It's simply a matter of changing t o Lifebuoy Toilet Soap for face, h inds and bath. Thus you will neutralize the effect of the one to two pints of moittore which, physicians say, thr body sends daily through the pores. I .! huoy it a superb toilet .ip and the protection ... ..mst perspiration odour la 1 t, because Lilebuoy costs no more than tbe toilet soap y.u now use. LbSM LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects V Bf.JtlfH' HMITtC Tf.m NTO J s at Prince Rujiert ol the New Chevrolet I ;' ' Delivery Chassis .5n.oo ' : Ton Triick Chassis SKtMMMI :: ,,.lter JRH08.00 ,-l-ter Delivery $KO.S.rO ' .nna .SKOH.(H) ,.. $i):tl.oo h 031.00 ..n 100.00 ,M..let 8100.00 rial Landau $10K.00 nnt Hamper and Rear "!erettei standard equip-on all Pnenfer -c Wheel Standard pmerrt on Imperial and liolet only. On other Is exlrn. are Tire and Tube, '" extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 H S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FCLL FASHIONED SILK HOSE 1 1 1' fon and Service Weifhtx iunmetal, Black. Atmon-1 re. Nude, Evenirlow, Mer-ida, Flesh, etc. i'nm- $1.75 to $2.50 The Hoe for 8alrfsHion HSJallaceCoitd. J'hone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fullen. COAL Prices DOWN I'embina IVerlesN Fsgg $12.00 I'embina Washed Nut III.W Alljcrta Soulless Ejfg $1.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under over and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenn KED CROSS IN PEACE TIMES MOItK ItKIXK ,ONE ,v OKn.tNIZ.t-TION CONNWTION Un AMI M ALWAYS IN READINESS till IN lllMTItllll TION Of HEALTH MIMnilNr SHOtVIM. HOH TO ! .tVOin Ml KVf ss I Thr Armistice did not end 'he need lor Red Cross Service fur soldiers, but jthe end of th( wr nave time ;,o con sider whit should be done to correct the condltlonn responsible for the alarmingly large number of unfit men of military age discovered in our cwn ha-i 1 jeTery oountry u: which med,cnl exmin-jotioiss fcr w.:e had ben . .xu-aslvely ; carr.ed. I rom ms war-time discovery came I the Red Clous Piw-e-tlme Prorata far to thr Red Cross, occupied with its war ork which sun continue was Kiven the additional duly of arousing the nation it, the iw-d far better habits of !lvln and th s'jppr.rt .! ;i h: il'.h The f'niK.cllaii Re'i Cr,s- Society in striving to fu ::1 itv 'W'l-tiild '...-k nn provided the follov. k M-rvicf tj tie people if Caunds:- 'tKE 01 -TIIK t:-MH. DIF.K 1. Bed Cross sen ice la til needed for IhOM- disabled In the war. Red Cross visitors prove to the several thousand of thoae in hospital that they have not been forgotten Bed Cross Convalescent Homes and Sheltered Workshop aid In their restoration. K'd Cross parcels and .sslstanc remind the settler and he unemployed thr.t nis welfare la ought lu every way 41 MOH KKI ( HOSH 3. Tbe Society Introduces Junior Red NOTR E TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, e: idortwd 'Tender for Shingling Provincial Oovernnw nt Wharf warenouae. win tx- recrivmj by the undersigned up to noun o! Tuesday, March ST. 1333 Specifications, Contract and Form ot Tender may be obtained at the office - tne uistrict aUiKtneer. Ciurt House, Prince Runert. The successful tenderer win be called jr. I i deposit with tn Honourable ths Minister of Public Wurki. an accepted cheque equal to ten t cent iltt'i) of ! tbe total amount of his tender. Tenders j will not be considered unless made out I ... the forms supplied signed with the actual signature of the tender t, and encioaea '.n tne envelopes lumunea. I The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. I O C MACKAY. 70 District Engineer NOTICE IN THE MATTER of sn sppl'cs'ion for th issue of a Provisional Certificate of '.'.tie for Lot sixteen ili. Block sixteen 18 1. Town ol Stewart. Map glSA. Satisfactory proof of the lsas of tbe rvrttftcate of Title covering The above isnd having been produced to me. It Is i.y intention to issue, sfter the eaplrs-nun of one month from tbe first jmb-: r.tu.n hrmf a Provisional Certificate ? Titte to the above land in tbe name I W H VICKrRB TThe orlglrul rtlfi-' ate of Title Is dated the th October I l)0. and Is numbered 3731 Land Reristrt Offlae. Prince Rupert. BC lgth March. 1B2S H F MACLROO. 7 Registrar of Titles IN PRORATE IN Tlir. M THEME fH RT Or IHlITIMI CrM.tMrllt In tbe Matter cat the Administration Act; and In the Matter of 'he Cstatt of Joseph William Christian, Deceased, In- ! teste te. TAKE NOTICE thst by order of HIS Honor r McB Toung. tbe 13th day of Marsb. lata. I was appointed Adm(nts I trator of the estate or nsepn wiiuasa 1 Christian, rie-.easeu. and all parties hav I in claims sea lu at the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro-1 perly ' verified to me on or before the ltn aay oi apm. ivso. K"' tndebted to the estate sre required U nay the amount f their indebtedness to me forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT. Offlrlsl Adminamktor. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the llth day of March. 1938 IN 1'RORATE In the Matter of the Administration Act and in ths- Matter of the Estate of Benedict Steflan Johnson. Deceaaed. Intestate TAKE NOTICE the! by order of His Honor F McB Young 'he 33nd dsy of Msrch 1833. I m sppotnted admlnle-fTTior cf the estate of Benedict Steffan Johnson deceaeed. and all nartes hsv-Trw laima against tbe said estau are , required to furnish P'"; lv verified to me on or te fore the u... Set i d..v of April. I9, end all par-ue. iniirbted to the estate are reared to piv the amount of their Indebtedness in me forthwith NORMAN A WATT. Offlrlsl Adminlatrstor. Prime Rupert, BC SALT RHEUIW All Over Her Hands and Between Fingers Mrs. Walter Mlsaer, UWville Braaeh. NO writ: "I hsd salt rheum all over" my has da, and especisllv lietweeo o,r Ungera. It toiposlle for me wawr, or do my houae to put -sat " trying" medicines and salves, which .lid mi no cd, I hturd of vssm r am tituxi:! nUiered ' ,, ,. , Tl.r T. MUburu ) imiUJ, loroaw, Oat, Cross into the schools. By this means nearly 140.000 young Canadians in over 600 class rooms are banded together to carry out in actual practice the rules of healthy living. Inspired to befriend tbe unfortunate, they have been responsible, through money raised by their own efforts, for the treatment of nearly 5.000 crippled children and have gained experience In many other ways in the best type of clUasnshfp. C'LAHSKH IN HOME M'KMNf) 3. Recent Investigations have proved that much sickness results from lack of knowledge: To oveeeome this the Red Crow organizes classes in hosts nursing and ha taught nearly 13.090 women and girls the elements of nursing and the principles of heathy living and homej hygiene so that the family may "keep I vfffi HOM'ITttL NIKMM1 STATIONS 4. Tn Its cSvpost hospitals and mu sing stations the Red Cross furnishes 1: U led professional service in unorgan- .:::s. Imi year 2 138 patients were li us benefitted. 13 were confinement . most of whem must otherwise tu. j gar.? unattended. Today there are J'J cutpc;U, but if funds permitted - any rmre might be opened to the .'.calculable advantage of pioneer settlers. K.trflltT MHfcEKIEK : In the Seaport Nurseries at Que-cec. Saint Jchn nnd Halifax, the Red Cross welcomes Immigrant mothers and children. Last year nearly SO-,000 new Canadians were provided with rest and refreshment, were proffered advice ind assistance. Red Cross follow-up cards have gon- to interior points regarding over 13.000 families, ensuring further help if needed. DISASTER KFI.1I F S. Always In readiness, the Red Cross furnishes disaster relief to any community overwhelmed by catastrophe. Its services have been needed la the Halley-bury coaflagratlon. tbe Cochrane epidemic, a cyclone on the prairies, and only last yearwben two Tillages in Que bec were deasrored or tire. If tbe whole world Is stirred by an immense calamity, the Red Cross form a worldwide agency for the collection and dis-j .rl button of money and supplies. I'l IILir HEALTH MKLK 7. The Red Cross promotes the training and encourages tbe employment of public health nurses, in order to lessen sickness and Improve tbe bUth of tbe people. It BI H- HEALTH MBAMitlX 8. The Red Cross endeavors to create aid strengthen public opinion In support of official health measure, and exerts ltastf to promote tbe observance of regulations (or preventing disease. HKAZ.TH LITEIItTlKi: 9. Tbe Red Craas puMashes and distribute Health Literature so that people may realise that much sickness Is unnecessary and can be avoided. In addition to these services. Individual branches of the society are ex- siting themselves in many other ways to futni the peace-Maws program of tbe P.ed Cross. When tbe war ended tbe society was .ii a very satisfactory financial condl- tion. and that, with the subscriptions d " rn, wmfn lt oMrstaatly re. . Its jt her sources of reventie. has eaablsd It to perform Its tasks without having been compelled any earlier to ask all the people of Canada for additional fi nancial support. About one-half of its funds has been used for the benefit of daaabled -mi auhera of the Canadian forowt. white the other half has be expanded in furthering the" peace-tune program. Last year nearly one mill km dollars was spent on the work. The treasury is now almost empty and tne time has coaae when an appeal moat made to all Cstsarlians to come to the rupport of tne tm Cfcas so that it may continue and eatonel its efforts for the welfare of the nation. The tnaiswir of the local branch of the society K B. i MeUksh. Canadian Rank of fimirri who will gladly re ceive tbe annual subacHptlon of one dolwr for msmSseshlp In thai ueeerving society nUKNS LAKE Andrew Anderson is back at work again after having spent several days confined to hie bed with a severe ooM 'Marjory and Jack Hartley returned home toward the end of last week fol lowing a trip to Vanderhoof Mrs. Thomas Radlcr I a patient in the Burns Lake Hospital. aeons Buchanan of Danskin waa a visitor In Burns Lske last week. He liad with him some samples of fine beard less and hullless pearl barley which Ilia growing on his place. J. R Walker and Andrew Walker brought in a four ton load of hay from Francois Lake last week. On count of the roads wanking up. they will have to postpone further hauling until wagons can b William D. XuMns, who has been spending ths winter in California, la now in Vancouver and writes that he will start north as soon as the roads are open for travel. John Skrlndo returned to Burns Lake lust week after (bMlfj spent the winter Kiiw'LtWt 8rl3f,Ue. t) M arrow b en Uu sick list Just A rate of ten mills for the year has been set by the village council of Burns Lske. Charles Mtinter of Ouieymount was a buetnesa visitor In tiri Inst, week -Din'' hut to cancer, Mrs. X. A lie m h n-sldrnt "f tlie district since i j i J uiii ill. arrived here frotn lue ' , fH2 T5tut I72T73 fage rrrn Real Value for your money a delightful Virginia Blend Each unit i id A OI alsU u separate wrapped Prater Vaneyat Francois Lake passed away last week. 8hr Is survived by a ; widower and two sons. The Taltapln Mining Co. has made a payment on the Silver Fox mineral lm In the Bablne and It la stated that work will be opened upon the property on s large scale. VANDERHOOF OdVwrs as follows have been elected for Oattrict "C" of the Farmers' Institutes of British Columbia: member for advisory board. Dr. R. C. Ewjntord. ami Users; president. John Henderson: rloe-press! dent. John H. MacMlllan; secretary, Fred J. Rbearer. prince lOeorge: directors. David W. Donald. Vanderhoof: William Loctyer. Prince Oeorge; Peter F. MaoOrogur. Dewey: B. J. Mohr. Wistaria. The next conven tion will be In Prtnoe Oeorge Norman Mertreen sang a solo In the ! . - -- 'CAithe' savlccj Industry I Fairbanks-Morse ! Stock Fuxnns The new Improved stock and trash pump, destined by Mr. A. B. Woof, In collaboration with Plnrbenks Morse engine, will handle stock or sewage without dogging. The two blade enclosed impeller in this pump is of an entirely new detlgn aad extremely sunptat Mr. A. ii. Vood. who designed the pump, is a recognised authority on years experience in buHdtng high grade pumps. This emnbination has prixluceJ punip that ia creatiag new records for stock pumping and srwge disposal. Oa CANADIAN I-irbanlts 'Morse CO M PAN YW?istitMf Culled Church at evening aervlc oi Sunday. Bert Richards, local automrh1le dealei reports that be has sold eight new cii: o far this year. Vanderhoof residents sre sticking close to the sidewalks just now. Melting of snow makes the ground rathe: watery. The provincial Fores' Branch baa ordered a light delivery truck for service in this district. Mm. Hargreave has returned to Nulkl Lake after having spent tbe past eighteen months In Kelowna and elsewhere .ii tbe Okanagan Valley. W. O Callk returned to his Chi loo farm last week after spending the winter months in tbe Burns Lake district. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Connelly have re- turned to Fraser Lake after the whiter months la CaUMnrnla Douglas Lay ' of' HaaeTtow: ' rslent n;-Mieer for the provincial mines department, gave an illustrated lecture tn mining here this afternoon. Provincial Constable H H. Mansell. asslstsnt fire marshal, Is seeing that local chimneys are being cleaned in Ir.rrier to reduce fire haaard. 0T1MAVIEW McRAE SCHEME ll. TO dr. A It I. AMI AKOIKKII IN- tkk;kt ih t im bt emmtn ah TO IT NKKIt (By R. J. Deachmani OTTAWA. March 37. An event which arouted considerable Interest here wat a sjxech by Oeneral MeRne In which he proposed s plan for rolonuuiuon of certain lands in Western Canada. Briefly, he wanted to take areas of scrub lands, ii ad have them cleared at Oov-rrnuvjnt expense. He estimated the c! of ileaiuiK under modern methods v;Mi the aid of tractors to be 13.M per acre He propofced to clear eighty dues on euch farm, battler would then be bxnight In to occupy these lauds The expenditure lu clearing would be repaid to the Oovernment awl a long period of years. No doubt thr scheme will come uuder discussion before the Committee on Agriculture ,i l C ilotiUntlon It uirsrnta Intereatlnit feutures but there at a greiit deal left out in the proposal There la no problem before he Canadian people on which there wiwiiis to be so much doubt and un TWO valuable "Poker Hands" in each 25c. package Sturdy cardboard package keeps Turret Cigarettes in perfect condition They are never crushed Richmond's Louvre Famous Ladies' saThlrd.vlv-eritjtj certainty as there at In regard to Immigration. Industrialists and big busi- n men. the railways snd the steam boat agent are very strongly in favor of Use expeniiiiMT of ht-ivy sums fcr Immigration purposes, 'i at voice of the sveragw man in the street to apmewhat silent upon the question. It would be Interesting to know what would be the result if s piebeaclte were to be taken on tbe question of expenditures for Immigration purposes. It la more than likely that the enthusiastic supporters of such s movement would receive a rude check. No m essma to have j proved to the House of Onrunons that great numbers of Immigrants could be 'induced to stay upon the land under present coiidlUiius. Why tbe aettlsr move away Is a greater quatslon than ;Why he doesn't come. That la the 'problem thst ought to be Investigated. j A tlltMir.. I Meanwhile the House moves on to other fields of effort. There will now be more vsrlety to its diet. Quite s few of the boys some time ago. aiilicl- pa ted a little bit of scandal in the Immigration ( dlscuxelon. but that talk seems to have died down. There Is s pretty general opluiun In the Mouse of Oommona that scandal upon either 'aide Isn't very goad politics. People will 'cross the street to see a first class dog Hght. Whether or not they will cast their vote for either of the dogs is a matter of doubt. Thla afternoon's train, due from the Bast at 3:30. was reported this morning to be on tuns. for Values in Wear I'hone SS2 City Meat Market (SELVIC. I1ROS.) Third Ave. Phone 7 KJOT F1SK (3R0NSAKEU GJBT0ST N0KKEL03T FETMYSOST I'RIMULA GAMMKLOST I ISKKnOI.I.KK t FLATRROD !.!U.rHOAW- lat I. vatr WMic prilr. I!uritg ombrmifelse. ' PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDV lie sure to get the lei)ulne Look tor the word MIDV"