NEWS Thursday, September PAGE TWO .THEILY , ; ADDRESS TO KILLS r ARCHBISHOP r jm. 4HTIST1C SCKOIX PHEP.IKED HV fa hiitoes9FUes fcesJSedBiigs The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU Published Every Afternoon, except Sunaay, by Prince Rupert DJIy New, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN - - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 93 86 Thursday, Sept. 6, 1928 Whole District Now Watching Finish Daily News Campaign and Candidates Working HardS With only two days left of the third period, and only the same, short, time remaining of the new $200 competition; candidates are showing increased activity and interest, the like of which has never before been witnessed in this territory.. Personal calls and phone calls from candidates and their friends in the city distrcit, are proving that The Prince Rupert Daily News campaign is fast assuming its logical position as the biggest thing of importance in this section. Letters from candidates and ther friends in the outside district are-filled with (he same sort of enthusiasm and interest All of which leads one to believe that the campaign will be hotly contested for the short time remain- The Race is Close Figures compiled at the start of the third period show that Friday night, September 7 the entire campaign ends just one mous value of the prises at stake, iwta"b, tW ..rapaign. One i' is little wonder that the enthu-' f Btdl,ate ?, ECeP de" siasm has reached such a high feat Bw' wu.,d disgrace, be--..-t. .. cause her friends had already inrll llllvf FOIL i'IJI-lK ,.tki A handsome Illuminated adrres ka beeftf prepared? Morte h. uwg, igcw art lit. and will be presented nnt week to Archbishop A. 0. DeBeticle. Metro-poltwn of British Columbia, as recognition frcm Caledonian diocese of his services as episcopal Tlsltor durUif the past for ynn while the aMoatse ha been without a bishop of IU own. At the head of the scroll the crest of the srned has .been artMically traced and down toe left hand Mt hat been paint-ed a portion of a church and steeple surmounted with a cross In purple, use swell has other suitable daooratios and Is altogether a splendid work of sat which will, no doubt, be cherished by the Archbishop. SPECIAL PRIZES FOR FLOWERSARE OFFERED Number ot .Ward In Addition to Regu lar Prlzts ilfii bjr Fair Hoard A number of special pr.aes have beam offered by seedsmen and others ta connection with toe Mower exhibit at the fair thla fear. These aa In addition to the regular prtass: To the winner of the greatest num ber ef 1st prices In C3aas 5. the Atlee seed growers, PWIaaMehla, worth of seeds to be selected train Burpee's Annual. For the beat bunch of Balsas sweet peas. James Brand, florist, Tanoaaver, offers ISOO worth of Mds. For a collection of garden vaaataMee, scored on variety, quality and arrangement, the assoBlatlan offers a cash ortee of 7M for 1st; WM for tad, and 2.60 for 3rd. For the best exhibit of M pods of, wax beans, and six Intermedia le carrots. the Farm and ttane. Vancouver, offwl in each case one year subscription ta the Farm & Home. For dahlia. 12 varieties of color or mors, Urs. A. J. OaUand of Prince EtO- wele later on Friday, September, pert, offers 12 assorted parenniaia. 14. I For the beat stnfte rose, any variety Personal Pride is Factor I ot m,Mt " "raarUss P.nn1 nri l. , Mown. Brown Bros. As do. Ltd., Tan- a I' S J US0V lit porta nt factor in making the . I eouver, B.C, offer 1240 worth of seeds. Best eaUecUon of garden flo' tw.u anvuii ub acii.i oviiuub v.UFaiKu imcicsv aa kicbi. os "grown In Prince Bnpert. BeaUy Bros, contenders for the very biggest now is. The "live" candidates lw. 0t Edmonton Aita. otter a -Beatt prizes. Present indications point realize that each friend who has j clothes hamper or ironing board.' to the fact that this will be a helped them by giving their sub- The above prizes, together wifa other j rare of rrrnaghu. rJnst a '-Acrifltiou, has done so because they P offered in the iws pnae Ue,j few subacriptidjisj separtte. the aat that candidate to win a big:"0"13 n "aucment Ior " leaders from thrne a little lower prize, and also because they be- in the race. . I ueved the one to whom they gave Xt'KoTl AHA HAmMaM ll A A n I piwn. i uere is a latest moaei the took rn".7;; in price movemenu piece OA Pontiac "0" 2-door .eaan, Sedan, value v'.u! .m Kr"I' t f ! today as as oPPoain opposing st-Ure aneculatM jijjuu: there is a their subscription was capable of j CHANGES YESTERDAY ANYOX ST.lllBINO CAME leute Rawjte, allegedlr stabbed In the abdomen la a kntnng affray tt Anyox recenUy. is reported to be making satisfactory progress toward recovery in tne hospital tbere. Nick Prtza. the alleged aasaUant, is being held and will probably be charged with attempted murder. Advertise in the pattjri(New. It paystj North American Life Assurance Go. Will give you a policy that will take care of the problem of -STOMOUROW F. G. I'YLE, Asent, Prince Rupert, IkC. A Advt NEW YORK EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Sept. 5. Violent swlnas latest model , , , , , , " I forces battled for control. Radio whirled Ford roro Tudor luuur Sedan, oeaan. value vaiue i cow oaa.A. $860; , inenuB ""."UB . wno naa . . -ireauy ai glVea ner;upwtJI, mM tntM .peoute- i!.-ro i nno ....ik SJUin UpBOrt tO do eerytning rive confidence had been shaken by a then there are two cash prizes of wHhin ,her Pwer to land the 1 d break tn Warner Bros. I tinn ..rh nri th. .rl fnllnw. W8 Pril- , wnlch- however, recovered met of ed by a cash commission of 10 Second payments or extensions , loM' per cent to all candidates who re- of ubcriptions given earlier in . . nftM,p . . r nr main active during the campaign the campaign are proving a big ! UULUdLUUiU 0 oftLt Uf but fal to win one of the big 'tem this week. One candidate tirizes. In addition to the bin reports that she is making a thor- LADIES' FUR COATS priiM listed above, every sub- 0UKh canvas of all who had paid! fwriotinn riirnaii in Kt, Pi.iav her earlier in the camnaiirn. and I WouW y0" ,lk w1' AaA tVM. (10I.PltI.OOM The riooeer I'ur Dealrr Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert tbaw night of this wek i. also count- far she had averaged better ' J " "UJ ing points toward, the two $100 than 50 per cent in the .ecuring;' prizes (1 for each district) which of Payment subscriptions. u to u oMMcm the old retMee are to be awarded in the new $800 Candidates, whether you win or rur dealer. ooMbioom is harinf a sale comoetition. This new i200 com- whether you rise or fall in of furs before he leaves tor New York. petition comes to a final end on tne estimate of your friends and He gees neat week to arrant tar Ma .acquaintances who are watch intr puxehsse of raw furs and untu be lLS.WallaceCfj.Lffl. RAIN COATS Our New Line of Mandle-berg IMPOKTKI) COATS Is now complete. Kuhber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue and Fulton St. Phene I) in this k- ""d to hu tor te your progress campaign, itananrla lmAit .nloiv n i,ot I ' offered at real sale Brieas one-third do during the short time that re- " , " ''J . minanH nartllnrlv ifnrJ After being twenty yaara In ,, , , 7, ' " . , tr. Prtnce Rupeft, QolirWeuin prtdes i ine ena or tne tnira next pcrloa on , on the number of his satisfied Friday night, September 7. It is! customers. He guarantees every article Win or loe in the next few days. ! he eUs to be as represented and to No candidate has enough of a give thfaotoo with a money back lead to boast of, and any one of wrntee. And no one oan do much : several in either district can winibrtter tn UuM out over all the others in the next 1 P0""01 ,ur tM th few days. Will you do your bestjJ ana come oai on top ; ur win you i be trailing in the dust, an "also ran." Your results the next few days will furnish the answer. 233 8EPTCMIIER G, 1Q1R Labor Day was celebrated in great style and with much success at Fort Clements. The proceeds amounted to 443 wblah are being turned over to the Red Oriss Society. (The case 1 prdfceedlA"Wy In' provincial pblKe fcbirt ttfsrfl bttpisnliarj Majlitrate of the seotloa' foreman 'at Exstew who is eftarged with threatening to shoot railway officials who discharged trim. Butter Is selling at Wo a pound in local retail stores. Local fresh eggs are going at T5c ptr to nil. 0LM(10V CIT-HOCCEK LONDON, Sept. S. -In the Olasgow Cup footbaU for the first round Queen's Park won iint Partlek three goals A . 'd- I rf lie tf M.tClllK GUN COMMAND OTTAWA, Sept. 5-MaJor C. E. Ball, baa been promoted to the rank of Colonel ta command the eleventh gun bettalttn with regimental headquarters it Vancouver in succession to Lt Ool. L6-1 gan. who is transferred to the reserve! of officers. 1 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-lfst board dally. We can give Jnstnnt ser-.yjee Jn buying And selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order" on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver S.D. Johnston Co. Ltd. 817 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, ll.C. in your So true and lifelike is OvthiSjonic Victrola, famous conductor the . . . The plaintive note of a trumpet . . . swelling . . . receding Then the 'cellos Yeu move towards the edge of your chair. Again that wistful trumpet and again the 'onlos, followed by the violins and the brasses, a the melody weaves its pattern of beauty. You relax and enjoy a world-loved overture. You are at the Symphony Concert, in yvar home! And you arrange the program ! You almost see the sensitive hands of the great conductor the rhythmic rise and fall of the violin bows, the tilt of gleaming trumpets and trombones I You nay listen to I 1 hotthonic I Sound Tra4 Matk Kej'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited. Montreal Departmental Service is provided by the people for the people. 4( ,1 II- .tat i a , 'ri 1 . , - New Model 4-70 . Si65 ' V or with " t the iDymphony Elect ric Drive! .on? m the music ' of the new --you almost see the magnificent orchestra! several Otrhristras the same evening, with encores end on end. You may listen to anything in any kind of music. The prindpte thmt appSes "Smooih Flow of Sound" to the new Crftlsophonic Viotxola and brings it to your home, is "Matched Inspedaace", Victor-cmuulled. To do justice to tin's reaKstic musk. -ou majr , have beautiful cabinets in artistic desigrri and fine woods. Electrically driven, if you wish, at alight additional cost All frtra meat sue self stopping. Prices from SHOO dews B as low m SI 1 on convenient pay-mesrts fsnsa ail His Master's Voice dealers. Art Mtwant bafliei lu utjoy at once. OrA.Q3onfe only if It boars the dog Trademark TU1 SnBnSnMinMssl FOR INFORMATION REGARDING British Columbia fljines apply to Department of Mines Victoria, D.C. '171' 1927 Report now available. Special Rulletins, Annual Reports, etc., furnished free of charge.