II BRINGING UP- FATHER By George McMani18 ED'S 1 "fir COMTOTH.islKOrT-j I f j) ' ' ,-r COiNI TO CUT iTll J ( HELLO mACA' JJ6T N ijj I "i QMOKlW'lSiWLUV I OUT I'VE HAO ME s COT BACK FROM ' ftt Y ) BVPtMWEOMf I KZZr-Z-S " q1- HAVANA. CICAR- jOs, I 7 rJ I ransrer jFiftepi years' experience In :furniture and piano MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Fhone us and Save Mone,1 and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Ling the Tailor Phone 619 Ctothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth keeping in mind! Ladies' or Gentlemen's Suits steam pressed 7"f Overcoats 75 Trousers 3o0 Skirts iKif Boys' Suits ."0? SUITS. Dry Gleaned and steam pressed .... $2.00 Overcoats .' $2.00 Trousers 75 1 Skirts 7of Roys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Ling erie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 bartage, Warehousing, and I Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. CATARRH e( h BLADDER tab, Samafal 'UMIDY . a v V High tow High LOW High LOW Hlffh Low ( j . jjv xgg,LT I- !rl"t Trdtwr Svvicr. lr nfr.lt reeved S """ " ! "I 1 ' 5 PRINCE RUPERT TliJES THI KSDAV, SEPT. fl 6.0S jn. ItM ft. IBM pun. 14 " U.4S ajn. TJ " t'Rflur. SB. 1 1M ajn. IM ft. ' IBM pjn. US " 041 jsu S J 1AM pJB. 8.3 " H.ITI7RMT, HR. 8 mb. im ft. 30.40 pjn. 1S.T " M m. M " H IS pjn. 10.0 " j MONDAY. HWT 10 i j 11.18 am. 17.7 ft. I 23 04 pjn. 30.0 " 4.44 jn. 4.5 " 17.05 i.7 " Pure i licit i A3 S Milk St QH ARLEs Use it Wherever the Recipe calta for Milk tt's Unsweetened FREE RECIPE BOOK The Borden Co. Limited vancouver Naus A&BIKU . KsTaWSiSli ImemantlaUs MISSIONARIES DESCRIBE WORK I.VTENS&LY INTEKEM1NO 1LI.I STRATH! ADIHIKSH v HISIIUP AM) -MUX. STKINOEII LAST KVKMMi That waa a large and keenly atten-Ure audlanoe in St. Andrew Anglican Cathedral hall laat evening to hear an llluatrated addreat by R. Rev. Ieaae O. Stringer. Blahop of the Yukon. 4- jacriblng a trip which wm made laat rear by the apeaker down the Mac-jkanaie Hirer from Bdmonton to 1U mouth and than twelve hundred mUea along the Arctic ooaat and return. The addreat w lUuatrated with moving pictures which ware taken by Blabop Stringer hlmaalf and the dltoourso proved tntenaely lntereatlng. The ad-drcaa wae unar the auaplea of Um-Women'i AusUlary to St. Andiew'i Cathedral of which Mrs. Thomas Andrew la president. Oeneral conditions and the life of the people, principally Baklmos. in that remote section of the continent were Illustrated by word and picture, special reference being made to the mtealotiary work of the Anglican Church, the only denomination carrying the Gospel Mes-tage Into the region. The Blabop gave STEWART Norman A. Watt, ranee Rupert, was a week on Dullness in now staking which took place In this district last winter and which is in contravention of the provincial Mineral Act. A Labor Day dance was held here on Monday night In aid of the Stewart Hospital. Much mtsrest wm taken in the raffle of 100 shares of Premier Mine stock. Rev Father Leray. OJ4J.. la planning a brief trip to Prince Rupert in the near future. pert. la to locate in Prince Ru- SMITHERS C. A. Banks, manager of the B.C. BU-ver Co. and a director of the Duthle Mines Ltd.. paid a visit of Inspection to the underground workings at Du- thte last Practically the entire population Srnithera weat to Twkwa on for the annual barbecue. There were also many visitors from Prinee Rupert and other parte of the dtetrtet. Home racing waa, as usual, the feature of the day. Dr. Vera Andrews, recently of W1I llama Lake. ha arrived at Tetkwe to take up medical practioe at that point. f Prince performed excellent quality. VANDBRIL00F -t- A quiet tut place here lsst Mr find Mrv their dsuRhter, In mrrlao to and they pretty wedding took week at the home of Prank Bowman when Msrgsret. waa united Victor Melville Morgan Oeorge. by Rev. The ceremony L. J. Hales. was ExlilbltB of sheaf grln trnm iiiHinci are being sent to tlie Canadlsu Niitimmi Exposition at Toronto. , A crew or some eighty men of the cti.mciiHii Nstlonal Railways malnte-1 I nanca of wsy department la do'ng ex-j I tnft gravUlnc and battaMtng uwkhr i wrra mrt sum ooiiwmi. The death occurred In Vancouver lMt of Jue. elder daushter of I Mr. and Mis. W. M. Blacks toe a who formed lived In Viwderboof. Mr. i BlackMook having been manager of Um 1 local bnac hof the Canadian Bank of Oommercc. a splendid verbal description as the c'.osed dow jxhlbltlon of the pictures proceeded: at " 3iierent points, Mrs. Stringer, gave jn account of the part ane bad plaved :n the work. Bishop Stringer has been 16 years engaged In mlslonary work In the Par North and Mrs. Stringer thirty-two years so were both amply qualified to tell the story. At the conclusion of the address, hearty vote of thanks was passed to both Bishop and Mrs. trtnger. For the first time In Its history, all four reoms of the Vanderhoof sups. nor school were in use whan opened tola week. Bi tensive unproveaMOts are being mace to the United Church manse here, W. J. Bowman being In charge of the work. Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Mitchell and their three daughters. Mrs. Gilbert WUks, Miss Eileen Mitchell and Miss Muriel Mitchell, returned last week after making s trip to Vancouver over the Cariboo Highway. WAITING FOB r.UX I'lsll The Masse t: Canners cannery at Ola Uassett and' the Langara Fishing Packing Oo.'a plant at Hew MtaeU are , temporarily dosed down, awaiting the arrival of chum salmon upon, which both will operate The B. C. Packers' canneries at Watun River. Bhsnnon Bnv and Frriruaon Bay are or the iraaorj PEACHE For Preserving are now at their j best, and prices in the south are j already advancing. We advise our government agent, customers to buy now. Shipments ""r " arriving Wednesday and Friday, connection with Golden Bantam Corn, arriving Wednesday and Saturday, per j doz 10c ' Hothouse Tomatoes arriving Wednesday and jS&Uirday, pr basket '. :rf : Regal Shaker Salt, 2 shaksrs 2.'r) I Shelled Walnuts, halves, per lb. .as : , (Lay in a sun ply at this price) iGhlrardelli't Ground Chocolate, 3 Dr. and Mrs. James Robinson have . lb. tin, per tilt Jj l.."0 moved into Premier where Dr. Robinson Best Japan Rice, 3 lbs - V wui take over the practice of Dr. j. H Nabob Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. Carson who arts, per tin (10c Mrs. Maine's Orange Marmalade, 1 lb. glass Jars, per jar -."f CANDY SPECIAL "Our Owa" Mixture, consisting of Caramels, Assorted Gum Drops and Jelly Beans, Per lb J.-)f Brooms, eah I.V Quaker Quttk Rolled Oats, per pkg im Old English Floor Wax, per tin 7i"f The Totmte provincial imrnment has Eno's Fruit Salts, per bottle ." ordered that the Hagwllawt high level Dollar Sodas, III wooden boxes, bridge, closed by the oM MsoLean gov-, per box l.lp ernment. shall remain oJosed. ISpice. all kinds, 2 tios ! At..... I . ; riuvYK prxewe, bawi' via rtwsii Vegetables, in effect Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Anderson now has hla brick' All rreso fruits anu vege- on the road back of town under 'tables in season. Highest qUfll- proeuction. There are about aoofloo jty: best ossible prices. it S in the first mat burning Te bf an Watts Grocery Phone 55 Fhone' 5( Shop Here and Save Money FURNITURE ANJ) JIANGES A GOOD A89eTMSNT OF LINOLEUM and Linoiem rugs, inlaid unoleuin and Barry-more CarperU. also Simmon' lVt and Bedding Including the Ofitermoor Mattress, A. Macken zie. Furniture. Phone 771. V anted For Sale For Rent AITTO TTRB8 and cheaply Martin. rHEATRE for sals. FOR 4H: DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. & 2c per word in advance.' No Advertisement taken for let than 50c WANTED WANTED MAN TO DRIVI Valentin Dairy. MAID WANTED Housework. Phone FOR Red MILK GBfBRAL M?. tt tf RKPAIKXD QUICKLY New process. See J. 311 MARRIED COOPL BJKW1M position. Hotel or boarding house: tern years eapartenee. Oapataje of taking fuU charge. First daw references. P. W. D. Oeneral delivery. Stewart. B. c. ais F0H SAU2 CHAIB. AND OLD WFWSPAPSR8 MAT SS stead of building paper or neath carpets on the special prlee on large Dully News. FIXTtTRM S10 eos, aio TOR SALS ORAMAPMOHB, RBCQBDS, radio, four tube Westing house Singer Sewing Machine. Phone Green aa. aio FOR SALS OASBOAT VIOLA 1: 33x7; speed 7 miles: Ford marine engine: in good condition. Apply P. O. Box 502. tf IN- tai be. Get POR 8ALB LAOMCH QWXN FOOB Horsepower Kasthope ciiglnt. all ' complete and In good running eon- j oitlon. Apply PuUen. Dally Mews, tf TOR SALE SBVKfl ROOMSD MODSRN house with fireplaces Only ten minutes walk from Post Office S3 .000. Easy teems. Phone Black Ml or Call aaytmte after one o'clock at 344 Fifth Avenue West, corner Bmerson Place. 311 FOR AUNT FOR BSHT THJISX rwissksapliig "OR RENT. CLAPPtRTON KOCBC. Ninth Avenue Bast Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall tf OH RSNT- -PIANOS. PLATER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Walker's Music Store. FOR RBNT PURNISHSD roomed tpartment with bath, paid Phone HI. FOR RBNT. POUR ROOM SALVAGE AND TOWING Co. Ltd. tf HAS IIAKO.UNS IN OAS BOATS Agents for Basthope engine. Oooibtgc Propellers. uj Tuslube on lltsts of all derrlp(lan for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry service week davs an the hours 1 pa. till 8 on, Sundaes and Holidays. 11 aJn. till 8 pjn. riione Ml AUCTIONEHRS. rni?.CK RI'PtniT AI'CTIOV ' MART ' rrdrral Work Mirnuure of all kino bought. or Mchanged. Crating and packing dens. Goods sold on Coounlvilon G. J. DAWES. Aurtlonrrr. marfc DANCING sold tto SIIXH MVIANWY CAMrillXL Tearher of ClatUral lianrliig Operatic, Toe Dancing. Oreclan. Russian. Egyptian, etc Also PhvA'pni ri,n,,M p. o. iiox too. n,,,,,, ,inrk n,j situate about $ TUITION x r. whj.iams YlxnliklM f Wrlhluie Theatre FALL ( lassKh IOU VIOLIN TI'ITION Studta. 31S Fourth Avenue Pupils now being leswjlled For tieimaPtssne Btne 44 CHIHUPUACTIC UK. K. T- tVOMHON Clilrnpraelur fl Thra Avenue. Telephone tc sppniasjnent iww to Brut . Kiel dense phone Btaek Ml. Acute sad CfeMs.'. Dtastdiis SALS AXMOWTCR RUO. 1 by! child's crib- Bed couch. Phone NUTH'K fB0y Healed. EnaMwoed iai. IND ACT 01' IN1K.VIIOV TO TO It KCII t LA Ml In Range 4. Qasat cording District if Prinoe ot ine Khtttaa saver. . TAJCK NOTtOI THAT Frederick Pardoe wuson of vimirer, sc. oceupation ClvU Engl near. Intaaos to uiiH for uermiaslon to geuchaae the wescrioea woaih-Ccmmeoclng the northeast osrner of lot 4t: thence west 10 c Bains: thence north SO chains: . thence east 39 on Inst Umcwv south g! chalna. and contalnlr. lao acres, more Dated August M. IMS. LAND ACT oTirr. or imsstion to TO It HrilAltK LAND of Pacific. auutnaast ccmet LAM) ACT. APn. District. Land Rt- RUDert. and from the mouth Appl leant SM trrLY la smnge 4. Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, aad situate abcut 4 miles from the mouth of the Xhutre River. TAXI MOTICC THAT Alexander Stuart saaccuuccn oi Vancouver. B C . oeruna two Broker, intends to apply for per-miasma to purchsae the fouowtng de- uiBjawsmcuig at a post planted near the southwest cornei of Lot 304: thence west n cnains; tnenoe south 40 chains; thenoe east 40 chsins: thence north 40 cnains: thence west 30 chains, and con- - - taming 190 acres, move or leas. FURNISH BD ALEXAJIDBR STUART MACCVLLOCH. Phone Red tw..m , . . Aplloaiit 311 ewsnM rtwajuit ew, SeFawap, eWJ NOTICK OI' IMIATIOV TO .trrLY TO LIJAM; L.1MI in omr.ners Land Recording District snd situate adlolnlns Lot Siso on Bast Machines. side .of Ikajwip River. It 1 """"-a mat vnnsuaa ooriey, married woman, in tanas wrtnw ! t0 PP' 'of of the follow uig de-FOUR scrlhad lanna:- Water Onmmei.a'ng at a post planted at the c lot sieo. name 6, Coatv District thenm n rth 80 on aim i thenoe east JO chains; thenoe south 80 APART-: chains; thence west 30 chains, and son- went, net water heated Apple Smith taming isc acres more or tc MaUett, Ud. house. Full basement.. Close it Phone Bed 710. FOR RBNT romlshed room by the day, Phone Red 0T. Mi FOR Rarr Kew aeven-room heated no- housekeeping , or month.! it ! linniviinA Dsted May 38. 1M OORUET, Applicant !IN THI MATTSR of an application for Us Issue of a Dunllcate dsrtlfleata at Title tor Lot nineteen hundred and elht-three (lees,, Range five (I). Coast District. Satisfactory proof of the loss of ttee Certificate of Title covering the above lands having been produced to me. It Is my intention to Issue, after the e-pwatloc of one month from the first publication hereof a DunUeetc Certificate of Title tc the above land in the Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing igJl,,? -T .M! September. 1110 an.1 Is numbered S99R Land Registry Offi. Prinoe nupert. B C. ttrd July, I9M. H. P. MacLEOD, 301 Reetetrar of 7;t - "NAVIGAHLrJ WATERS PROTECTION ACT." R. S. C. 1 10 Porter Idalx Mining eompaiiy Limited hereby give notice that It has, under Section 7 of the aald Act. deposited with the Minuter of Public Works t Ottwa. snd in the office of the District -a tlon Du- -tfU'hVi"' il t-r Tlric i oi i,'nno liu pert at Prince nupert D C., a dcaerlptlon of the site and the plan off tie Vharf and dolphin iro-posed to be bunt on the foreahore hear the mouth of the Marmot River. Portland Canal. In front of Lot Number Four Hundred Slxty-neren (47). Oasslar District. British Columbia; AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one (li month from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Porter Idaho Mining Com pan t Limited will under Section 7 of the aald Act. apoly to the Minister of Public Works at his nffloe In the City J Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plana and and for leave to construct the an Id wharf and dolphins. Dated at Vancouver British Columbia Una SOth day of July. IBM, PORTER.) IDAIfk) MIMNCSlcbvaUXY LIMITED. 5W5IS0F ulNOlCTIENDB PRE EMPT10NI Vacant ur. ti . urn mat n, BrltlSTi sub, . and by i,;im , to le'ine h- tloual upon m4 Impiavxneni ' -urpee Full infortuaimn atlons rtg.intn e ; given In Bulinit "How to Pre i.,. which oaa be i.h.hin. : rr addreaelng Lands. Victoria. K r :u emment A tent Records will h fra -only land sulia' Is ' purixises ui i t ; land. I S . enr' .:, feet per acre wi: and Jf rest t Ranee. mrtH ":': i I. At if r " I .-T - i '! -xii n 2. a. : -i a! w AppUeaiiens for t re an to be addreai.,! . : ouaeioner of ths vision, la which Is situated, und are S farms, copies of -tateed from the Ln,: . Pre-emptions mux five years arn! imp; to va)e of l elearlM and ruiuvat. aerss. before a "ri rWehred. PURCHASI r. :r:jt i ,. -Hi t ' i lrJ : For mere detailed ft..' me. the BvUetln How to tm A polica lions are re ' i f vsf base ef van: .11 Crown lands, n, t - t for arleuiuir: ; price for first i.kks II per acre, an t e-ln) land 12 i"1 i , . termatlen recsr i ' K of Crown lanl - Ne. IS. Lanl H--. - Lasss of Crown I-anV Mill, factory or .n '.'.i Umber lead, not ei may be oomhil , r l dlUaas inciuiimr t; ' st am pais. HOMESITE LIAIEI UAaarvsyed areas, n ' ei : acres, may be least) as - cenditlenal upon a fi erected In the flri ver ebtalnaMe after rex! provement oondi'' n-aad land has been eu under the Orasms kn W lace la dlvhiea iot t'- and the ranee adm mrt at : 1 n a XI LEASES w ....m. aad Inaostnal f poses srsvs Ml ex-et may be leased by one -" carina urssmg .jii grating permits are r J Bumbsra ranged, urt" , " " U seUhUshed owners. 8: mar form aasx:;sl )c "Z nuuimnt Free, or V ermlu are available ea.'psre and traveUnra. ::i ! t un 4 ,1 -a - ial f-e fas- t'.I US"" tot 'e sniiet IS GOAL Y.uir .-ho EDS0N (ASSJDY KINGTON TFI hA Also llulklcy Hay and (.ra Agent for Rol)i't 'J ; 1 " Phone OS Prince Rupert Feed ft Dr. Alexanje rilONB Iii;mi:k li' " DENTIST It A T In Subscribe for tne 1