’ : KONTO ely were lor at ¢ Malton lo More than 100 Here f perated by ; ~ é rkn te We sughter of Duchess Baptiste Paul Elected Chief = ss” In Saanich Canadian Soldiers Glad To See Red Cross Girls NNIPEG (CP) Lome top us and say My gosh, u at - h $tin a Canadian girl. What's that. per elfai sroup chi fume you're wearing? How ar in the Par East, Ruth Doern of | things back home?’ ” witiip { | aes A : ‘natal : Miss Doern heade i the first Se dea hires roup of eight Red Cress gir's| amas who flew to Japan last April to! | ay : et up a program of recreation Songer Peele and welfare for both wounded ind soldiers on leave in Japan. : , apt i . pe ORGANIZED WORK ivi ) p She spent a total of eight days ehir tne i he men wou n Korea, four last April and foar in Novembg. orzer’zin’) elfare work to be carried out future by Red Cross girls ab the 25th brigade field dressing 20 miles behind the bat- tle lines f visor of social welfare er for the department ol ‘ afiairs, Miss Doern was Pp). Bap P: on loan to the Red Cross RDOW! various parts Of; most of her work was done in world as Chie! Thunderbird,| Japan, where she helped set up ional wrestler, has been the Maple Leaf Club in Tokyo, a Me the Tsartlip I haven for Canadian soldiers on ? . an Saanic jeave from the battle zone. The Baptiste is tl n of the late| club’ opened last September ly P if The remainder of the 16 Red 1 Pa ved ¢l f the Cross girls now in Japan work at be in Saanict ula’s pio-|the Commonwealth troops’ hos- ay pital at Kure, the Canadian con- ief Thu ) wrest]- | Valescent depot or the Canadian throughout the Hel|reinforcement group, also aw Ye South Pacific four) Ku pping at Mani M The work at hospitals G n and Hawaii, a 1 4 s, assisting ‘ vie ) pations and a point to vist Ud : unmr me € y hue a patient once a D>; | | a R ct Cat se ye da ss Doern, “and as DITLE XI a : here were 150 men in “a inday Mas Day : el il at one time.” . 7 ee © i 19 vi : nadian concept : . ene { well: much larger” than ae as oe ne ran that of the Australians and Bri- ‘ fi age the fb h ar : : rd of ner We believe that persona] con- a - is a very important part « i 1 4 . fea i or The other groups I David E A Japan seem fo play down that the P part . : W iM : t Mi Doern, associated witi per The office of chief been welfare work since 1935, will a ‘ to her DVA post after a y J Bi emar CCE MEME CLC LET LE CCE EEN OOO OEE ey e 4 Chri , : tmas ve Specials ¥ - . ; rs : ++ i ¥ : Sit » 4 | Matian’ tes 9 Wednesday Onl | ‘ 1 ednesday Only 4 ¥ * y 4 v j a wats & DRESSES Yo Off : an % infant to 12 years 5 ” E DRESSES ssorceni Y Off : P : aternity ; * * : BLOUSES My Off : ‘s Boys’ and Girls’ io ‘ ¥ “ : Lfor $1.00 : » 2 — PANTIES Silk and Nylon oF § ‘ a | | , : | The St i e Stork Shoppe : ail ‘ : , a 303 W. Third Phone Blue 810 4 A i Pd Rw Re ne PWR Dd MDP RMB ADD SMB duran t C (,e)] More Beef , Trade nereeen A na ma 0 A } { 1 Ap an sal B r B : por na Lom ‘ some M } ’ AY é f ‘ hi \ ' restoas a . rae ' ri Y rhe a me 23 ; bree x ( ¢ 1 ah 1 ; A ! contribution Wil be nall fraction of Brit 4 quirements eo) tons in 1952. Most of Ate this country meat—at least 00.900 this vear—-is home- BK a Br it imported me of her overseas meat from 380 000 tons. Other ent eat sources: Argentina 06,000 Australia 20,000; the ources,’ 17,000 q? rf ‘ ‘ . a) Jasons wecelings e Pei): pane “ \e AND J) a a c f. : % be Mest Usisnes 4 2 a cM y pot is and friends 4 : a : SM 4 a 5 KAS ¢ MODERN BEAUTY SHOPPE : . t o " ‘WHITE HORSE! / Such Smooth Scotch So Mellow and Rich} 9 - Don't Just Say ‘SCOTCH Asx For... fu Bee Too} cal Mead Os w.? Contents 2642 ounces pais advertisement is not pudlismea or displayed by the Liquor Peoteot Board or by the Government of British Columbia been named winner of the Peace Prize for the strengthening of peace between peoples. Dr. Endicott, head of leftist Canadian Congress, was one of seven win- each from a different Wes. Cah Ke luis readers “lean hone Trip @ Well Baby Clinics will be 24 and the Conrad 8t. School, Dec. 25 (300) @ Wallace's Avenue West has returned home after a three-month holiday in . ; . Department Store California and in Phoenix, Ari- ; visited were Mr. and Mrs. Homer | Gay Saturday, Dec. 27. Tobey, Mr. and Mrs, Charles @ Just arrived—Burgess Book; Orme, all former Prince Rupert dozen. Peter Pan Gift Shoppe. pioneer residents who were holi- @ Attention. caying in Phoenix, Customers—There will Bird 5 Fight HUNSTANTON, England (CP)— A sparrow was chased through aurant recently by hawks. The Y-P.E.A. Club of Port Simpson sparrow—minus all its feathers—was rescued from the 20-—-Balloon Peace row is a restaurant who receive 100,000 Alaska, vs YPEA.” anil nanan F will close as usual Dec. 25 and zona. Amorg friends Mrs. Cade | 26, and will also be closed all! (301e) Northland Dairy be no milk delivery Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Please obtain your DR. JAMES ENDICOTT has tra supply irom your route driver Wednesday, Dec. 24. (300) and fathers ff sn open window in a local resi- @ Events té be held by the tail Dec. 26—Moonlight Dance; Dec. Dance: Jan. 5— naw by a customer. The bird Snowball Frolic; Jan. 6—Basket- daily visitor to the ball, Merchants of Metilakatla, * STETSON Prince Rupert Daily News” 8 Tuesday, December 23, 1952 The Ontario Agricultural Col- lege ai Guelph was founded in Mrs. J. P. Cade of 207 Fourth ney — at the Health Unit of- | 1894 py the Ontario government. | PERRO L ELE SS SC 2 EE SS ebynds By lies ) Starr, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H-|small glass balls, 19¢ and 25e | aud boa fiends Oe ~ vv aud brothers par Awd Sons GF will appresiate git certificates for C hristmas For a personal gift that will win his heart .. let him pick his own Stetson. Surprise him with a Stetson Gift Certificate with minia- ture hat and box. ee .f ES + OPEN: Monday, Doe. 22 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Dee. 23 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24 to 6 ies 2 CLOSED: All day Saturday, Dec. 27 Watts & Nickerson MEN’‘S. CLOTHING _ ARDEA ARIS ARRAS ADRD a Christmas...what a hold it : has on the hearts and imag- inations of man! Its spirit puts a beauty and joy into our lives so we may carry good cheer and good will wherever we go. In this spirit of deep-down gladness we wish our friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. SYD DICKENS and OSCAR WINGHAM RAY JOHNSON and TED THOMSON PHIL LYONS JIM ROGERSON BILL WASYK YOUR JINDEPENDENT #OOD STORES ae “THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE’ Pty sk OM