ay, Uuldeors With Mart y Few Moose Felled During Season Rupert Daily New Tuesday, December 23, 1959 ANS DIGEST “240 aS Now I t dozer € u > u ose Mupertans who ar } } whe A s for establishing MOUNT YOUR Own . certain. provincial : surely will bes TROPHY HORNS. ... mu t € ( s i run of steelie Ciicss v ; x is of D ROOM FOR MORE as ane ea A Giad » Motice that ain eLEeSM AND * Ag ghts are beginn to TISSUE F J +» SAWING t tn , , ind the new trap- FROM THe Jitx+ LINE nds, there OOM HEAD» in- ‘eo I Why not turn out CahupINnG t OPUN SEASON ( bit for y wn THE lod I aq Gun Club EYES. Z THEN REMOVE I r Winsten Mair 12-0 > ae i talk NV TONGUE. ven ; oa : Care FULLY SAW THROUGH , note again _ THE HEAD AS SHOWN ABOVE. a oS “MEAT SAW (5 BEST BUT A CARPEN n't 1e i , 7 TER'S CROSSCUT SAW MAY BE xe _ OM" USED. SAW EVENLY SO THE cut f ti provir i ¢ © OF (his } ANG WILL LIE FLAT. REMOVE THe ire ne. eaten. tn . direct loss Perhap in BRAINS. PLACE HEAD IN A BUCKET ¥ w St OF COLD WATER ANO HEAT TOA ‘ : friends B01 BUT KEEP THE HORNS oO ¢ 8 ne folk W : OF THE BOING AL Une in {{ \ WATER! COOL AND : ™ ; Resources, Mr. Win \\ SCRAPE OFF THE ‘ ced M OOSENED TISSUE, nted the f of Ay ay THEN DRY THE REDUCE COWS cs 1 if e al SKULL. FILL. BACK ; ait Ww d 1) CAVITIES WITH PLA Gordie Hetherington . 1 wee ene ns h faliowine thi : ao FROM THE BACK on » " D H. F. Le Good DEN PANEL. . Colonel Mair! Good ; ny readers té nd A ‘ : ERY MERRY CHRI AS orona ion Pinas is Riis at : , swarns Expected To e ¥ wa Defence Program = Help Jewellers «. ny OSLO, Norway CP—The min ee ny istry of defence has starte : LONDON Al ew hree-yea defence 1- lers ke the ( d } I } I zram. Work now is wi > sur zain, Bob Armstrong n f proceed ix air ds, four 1s n tnow, who i et- mt mour st ! ‘ ae r t ) elhead f nd 10 ks to prov ide 24 tate ( I A f time for officers ture x ewe ca . . } o;-. a | . hig this Christenas Lute . DisTILLeRy LIMITED. by the the me Liquor Control Board or by Government of British Columbia wd Sue Clleriey getxer GULLETTE ROCKET GIFT SET @ Here’s a gift he'll welcome the year ’rotind. Contains a Gillette Rocket One-piece Razor, Styrene travel case, 10 Gillette Blue Blades in dispenser—plus tube of Gillette Shaving Cream and an extra 10-blade dispenser, $2.20 GIFT PACK OF GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS @ Months of shaving pleasure are ahead for every man who receives one of these attractive holiday packages containing three dispen- sers each holding 20 Gillette Blue Blades —60 blades in ail. $3.00 GIFT SHAVING KIT BY GILLETTE @ Here’s a thrifty way to play Santa and please the menfolk. Kit contains a Gillette Tech Razor, 15 smooth-shaving Gillette Blue HH = Blades and a tube of - == Gillette Shaving Cream. 91,52 = SPECIAL GIFT CARTON OF 100 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS @ Any man on your shopping list will appreciate a year’s supply and more of ,easy-shaving Gillette Blue Blades. Attractive gift package holds ten 10-blade dispen- sers —- 100 blades in all. $5.00 ain sk IR A a A pr f n po wn it tua i imce eli ' ‘ ort nent hen the is * not a for he Pri Ainge 3,00 up Sink I que yermi ion f t mile wed i British iftsmen have ¥ fa joning lions, unico! and oth royal symbols on @ wide of jewelry and silverware Other coronation jewelry in les models of the Coronation th, the state trumpeters and ondoy enes made of gold and Phase Chay Maw ‘tieGy Dam Problem To Be Probed VICTORIA commit ee ! ting fe toms cab iY i hree et gine¢ bee jointed to { three bi t in, Pre i Th 4 men i ar 18 >» needs befo thing to the: Unite sic I must stre 1, that appointment of this committee is not an attempt to line our forces against the United States We just want to get as much in formation as possible Lands Minister Sommers said centiy the government would rl i BA ! for iter ‘ fial f A ef Stale seY sil sdi ta hit i piptl ri “Soe “Open to 9PM. TONIGHT Main May Go Any Time Several Solutions Offered To Solve City's Wate, Prd least five different solu-: proximately $750,000 anty &@ mile from salt watery wh: hh: the ‘ tions to the city’s water problem + aeK OF PIPE would furnish a g@rester thay we mister have been offered by cor ting : stele “shai | present capacity of water Supply pow engineers hired be the One factor —e ore * I8/ and would handle considerable robe the matter pert oe oF Pagar etapag expanson when warranted iffieulty of WAIN @ i While none of the suggestion Annet: nuant if steel piping Shawatlans Lake water wouik have been adopted, several ha\ > sn 4 considering be used. Pumps would be elec me under close study by . eavy initial capital invest-| C@2¥ operated and fully auto ity council board of work 7 matic, requiring attention only by D. C. Stewart. superintende: : a one man | la yosed answer to work wobns supp y problem is to, Cost of instaHation o; il Both, the lat R. & ap the entire line from the | S¥8tem would be abou: 29 per t eport ee yea end of Shawatlans Lake to the cent of the cost of laying new d F. C. Btes ymplete nd forsake Woodworth | Pipe. Operation cost has poo I resuit n of ke aS a source of water ae roughly at $18,000 +, Ve ) f e |] ! rhis method calls for instalja- | $25.000 a year, de ending on it ater that it may » a . } automatic “amber of punros on : Try Dai y News Wg ny t ' D o for a fourth,’ This system would eliminate ‘ t eat Ui cl h nie t iInée! p ti ' i € { the apy Arle t : iA I es. Part of thi e. fre y at Y i f, heer erewee cr ea nant ot the severa f ste ire knot ¢ rye er t¢ Tre Anothe Y yw factor hic t v ¢ { {tr “ity resent wit he fac t the actua iree teelf watla ower plant op it Ofte he peak de it os HAS FRANCHISE px mpar ye if Hise at rent wi fi ) aug t Pa ve r € te “u ‘ i B € i wate gents, and in a HeTiK At and has stopped the ation hh f y f he power plar if é ipply To counter mese factors one f t We. 4 I Wow tly at the da ; ; re re t i ha ww? ’ fist p pe a ai ‘ itt KD Or é rT I h imive t? ¢ 3) t ni pia i t I a direct Ww and igh pre re al Te i ‘t WOUK Coe 2 .t6 & nillion doliar tenance costs Would: he rete bys eased SHARE COST At present, the city shares with Northern BC. Power Co. Ltd ne-third of the eost.ef mair taining the 45-inch . penstock fror the: dam to the ‘power house, amounting to about $1,000 nudliy. Totki cost of© mair preseht water 7 t a¢ Uf $5,200 tual cost of onperatir . booster pump at the city end to iaintai, water pressure i roug - 000 &@ month “Boo punip operation would ili be necessary, even though line were la i Voodw 0 ! Outi ay v h pipe fr th DOW € ¥, feeding from tt 45 r es the 18 ine i i BASKETBALL! POSTPONED TONIGHT WINTERIZE NOW! If you haven't done so already, NOW is the time to come down and get that winterizing dene to your car. Have you got Winter- “grip Tires, Chains and Anti- freeze? WW not . —SEE— SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 < y ’ ™ id tee aeeee yg ent etecteres OLE LOS ECE EE EOE EOE OLE ECCT T SCE Ct See CCE TS Ss EET Ee Ee EE EES CE eS Se EE ee ee Tee ee eee ee ee = What makes the difference ? One cheese can look just about like another but the flavor makes a world of difference! The secret of Chateau’s taste-tempting mellowness is a master Really, Kilroy, t'm not blending of fine Canadian Cheddar with thick, fresh cream dishes, sandwiches, salads, snacks, Chateau is just one of BORDENS FINE CHEESES Try these Borden Cheese favorites too! Smooth BSoumert Cream Cheese, revty Conober, oe a ees Oe Cee eee oe ee oO oo— | | Nt Try Chateau today for more flavorful cheese tongy Grated Cheese, ond Borden's 6 Cheese Spreads (in glomes! FIRST CLASS Fa PRINCE RUPER To Ketchikan Vancouver Seattle Portland San Franci Calgary Winnipes Terente % pod Pal Aude Aa ael ae a een a ; oe ol RR ACE I PI er lye FOR THE LAST DAY OF SHOPPING |For Her / TOWEL SETS ‘ COLORED SHEETS | NIGHTGOWNS BLOUSES NYLONS | NYLON LINGERIE £ et 64 eee se ee CEE SE eee Ce eee ee £e ee ES CE EK es For Him DRESS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS TIES \GLOVES SOCKS BELTS And Many Other Gift Items For Al! The Family TWO BIG STORES TO SERVE / FRASER nt NE | THE UNIVERSAL ym TWP RWHP ne iD De DPM BR IH AHA