hlEXICANCOURTi I' o CITY, Dec. 26 Aboli- STRUCK STRIKER, UNDER ARREST i:,,cder Mine at Wayne, is arrest cha tr'l with mur MoWiM;thi' death of James iiyjUsi of the strikers of W ayne Mines. It is alleged liaimor struck Lafferty with i. The latter was found n Im-cI on Tuesday morning. CHRISTMAS AT BETHLEHEM IS WELL OBSERVED TIIKLEHEM, Dec. 26. Unas wbh observed here by i"' number of visitors us well h Med inhabitant, who n'i Vfi Church of tbe itv, said to be erected on lit ; which Jesus was born, watch-night service was the i event, bells pealing and an-nii being sung at midnight. wiLL ROGERS COMMENDS SALVATION ARMY WORK nEW YORK, Dec. 26. Will eers, the famous American iter and entertainer, stated ir. Christmas messuge that if the ""Pie spent us much at Chrlst-time in Salvation Army work they did on telegraph tolls 'i'e world would be fur better .'..in it is. THEN HIMSELF ummar' executions nasi i.lered by the new psesi- II. .-tnnounced that every TORONTO, Dec. 26.-;,,, hendl in on rebel- )arenty j,avinr called Uiii oc mrneu hvui iu - . tor for urn trial. the hend . and then through the cheat, afterwards turning the gun on himself. No quarrel was beard before the hooting. A draft of 12.000 was found on the body of Williamson. His occupation is believed to be that of a dry goods broker. U. S. FLEET WILL PAY TEST VISIT SOUTH AMERICA WASHINGTON. D.C., Dec. 25. One hundred and twenty-five of the United States biggest war-craft will roll down the west coast of South America to Callao and Valpariso next February. The United States fleet, commanded by Admiral H. A. Wiley, is scheduled to sail from Balboa, i:unul Zone, after Mie annual fleet concentration .February si, tho plans being dependent upoii .ii,.i..mntir exchanges with the- governments over the use of TeJu EA VING Queen Mary's Message to People of Canada in Reply to Premier i . 'NDON, Dec 20. Queen Mary sent the following re-a Christmas greeting sent by Premier Mackenzie oi Canada to King George: l'K ase be assured that the message of greeting which kindly sent, in behalf of the King's government of ,i ia and people of the Dominion, will be highly appre-i and valued by the King when his progress to re-. has sufficiently advanced for him to receive it per-v . Expressions of the love and devotion of the Cana-I '. ople, knowledge of their prayers and sympathetic , : ude during the nast anxious weeks- and messages lie note of joy and thankfulness to God for the hope-adition of the King touched me profoundly, and on mas morning my children and I thank you from our ! look forward to the day when the King will be ed and strengthened by this testimony that the hcai a nada is with him in weal and woe." OPER TRIALS TGROKTOMAN -After aphis three I young Rons from their Bleep, John , Williaiaaon, aired 36. ahot hi wife Marguerite some time during the night and then committed suicide, according to the police reconstruction of the double shooting. The police were called by John, axed 8. and Alex, aged 6. The . ' third child, five years of age, re- ' house. John said iMHELLER. Dee. 2ti.-C.ot- - .it,!,.!. t hi father first shot hia mother CUT OFF HEAD OF A WOMAN Albtrtnn Shoojp Man After the Murder and Then Tells Wife HbMONTOH, Dee. Z tween two nhd three Christmas morrdng Hairy chuk, S years of rgr;, vc;:t t the home of Airs. John Hyr'hk. some six miles from i,.J ,n Alta., shot her in the head twice, in front of her thirteen year A-daughter, and then severed the woman's head with a knife and carr'ed it away with him. He next visited John Triskn, aged 22, whom he shot in the lee; ; nd who is in hospital in a criUnl condition at St. Paul, suffering ffm loss of blood. Ewaschuk then went home, told hia wife what he had don..-and commiUed suicide. Th cause of the slayer's actions iu unknown. REFORM MOVE INS. ARMY- Salvationists Mny Depose liram-wcll Booth, Head of the Organization, It is Said some years. Under the constitution of the Array, General Booth is the sole ruler and upon his death csn pubs the leadership to any one of his choosing by placing the name in a sealed envelope, to be opened after hit dath. Bramwell Booth is understood to have enclosed the name of one of his seven children in an enve-If Bramwell Booth is de- loading here. SLOW PROGRESS vian und I hilean pons. i seir-susimmii -...v..v The meeting of the mgn council unnstmas nay or toaajr. . giganti. firtit. submartees nn wlfe the f ir8t eVer held. It waa i Last night's bulletin on the oth-v small Stid slow speed emit ftg a roguU of & wrfttn de- King reads: "The King passed a will not make the voyage. Imand by spven commissioners as nuiet day. his local condition is " " requested by the constitution. All improving and his strength is JACKIE COOGAN, ACTOR the signers have their headquar- maintained." ters In London. The meeting will. The following official bulletin IIRHUN. rwix 2fi: Jackie be anenaea oy o raiuin i ," idto imiii.. m-jw l.r in a dialogue father. oogan was , given A great recep- CLASSIFIED PIT Boston Grill i ryoiic read tb Classified Acu. LAKOF, CAIiAllET lute, sdvertlxc Tor It. Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturday i v"u find, locate the owner, Dancing rvcry Saturday nlfht from 0 to 12. w ii.iw viT you need, adverttae tor it Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private ,.M TIIK CMHMU'IEU Il.tHIT. Parties riinne 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XX .IX.. No. 302 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WED MED AY, DECEMBER 2G. 1028 PRICE FIVE CENTS GRAIN SHIP L WITH RECORD Dr. I. 0. String -v. f i h -p t the Yukni.. known umong his fo!)c;gu .n the "i .iflnei .f the North Pule" i- here seen with Mis. ISrinrer ;-.t-.ui!inc outside his hotel in London shortly after 'heir irrivi.' ii. England to represent Canada at the enthronement of Dr. Codnio Lang us Archbish ;p of Canterburj'. Largest Grain Shipment Ever Canud on One Steamship Being u n bfRossington Court Today With a cargo of 0930 tons, the largest grain shipment ! ever dispatched from the port of Prince Rupert, the Brit- NEW York. Dec 26 The'ish stamer Rossington Court, Prince Rupert's fourth New York Times ajrs Commando-; grain ship of the season, will suil this evening from the Evangeline Booth, chief executive Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. The vessel rT (ha Nit 1 vaiinn A wnv in tha TTui- td states, sailed secretly for goes from here to Panama, where she will receive orders England on the Olympic recently i0r the delivery of her cargo to the United Kingdom or th"e JFJ. alt continent Good speed was made in loading the Rowing- era! Bramwell Booth, as interna- -0" ,,ur'- wl1,cn Men ,n Pn tional head of the Army, and her 'only since last Friday, election. j With deliveries of grain from A reform element within thejlhe praiPM rather 8OWf ,.le Salvetien Army, which- for eight , . . . . . , . year. ha. been seeking tq persuade : ;aiuI. ,H uuw" 1WI General Booth to give up his au-; nK " iurvner ooau toeratk rule, says the Times, has i'or loading at Prince Rupert were caused the calling of the high .announced up to noon today, al-coanell of the Army in London on ! though it is expected some will be January 8, to decide whether Gen-' along soon, the elevator being al-erivl Beeth ahetrid be removed on most full. the krvund of unfitness to con-1 G ain shipments from Prince ; tinue Ma duties. Rii)rt this winter continue to be Genefsl Booth la 7B years eltf afeyf This time last gear the and ha, been in failing health for eighth ship of the season was WENT THROUGH ICEJ BATHURST. NJJ.. Dec. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Noel, Andrew Dugusy, father of Mrs. Noel, Thomas Jones, a fish merchant, and Joseph Chiasson, 18, were drowned when their automobile went through the ice as they were crossing from Little Lame, Que., to Shippegan, on the mainland. RADIO PLANS FOR PROVINCE Telephone to Be Used in Criminal Work Throughout 11 C. VANCOUVER. Dec. 26. To in- , crease the efficiency in appre-1 i hend'ng criminal the provincial LONDON, Dec. 2G. It was police are instnlling at the court stated tn authoritative circles house a radio transmission sta- posetL.the nign council win np-iii morning mi mure was a tinn to which the Dominion gov-polnt his successor. Commander siight improvement in the King's rrnment has assigned the call let-Booth, says the Times, has not put ( condition. He was continuing to ler VEOAX. Experiments have herself forward for the post, butt make ve y slow progress, but. con- demonstrated the practicability of she will be urged for the place , fidence grew as the King's re- conducting conversations by wire-by other American delegates. (covery was assured. Although the iPRA telephone from moving auto-Commander Booth sailed undo" path to health mitrht be long and -whiles. An apparatus is being a fictitious name in order to Bvoid strewn with difficulties, the King perfected whereby it will be pos-publlclty, but the Times says the asw announced to have spent a ;ihl. fur headquarters to speak to fact that she sailed was confirmed restful Christmas. Queen Mary orrunants of moving automobiles Ijy, George W. Wlckersham. uttor- und her children paid a brief visit and for the latter to reply, nciv for . thr gaiyaUon Salvation Army Army hi hi the the , to to the the sick sick room room. Euuipment would also be tut on As the . rinse is a a test wnu oi or tno i . . ontM. . . .' , i Wrt No newspapers were sublished the department's nat-ol boats. The system would be especially valuable in preventing the escape I of bandits. i WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT The wedding of Miss Mayme Dobb to George A. S. Anderson colonies. The council can remove had a quiet day, slow progress in will take nlace tonight at 7:30 by a three- general and local condition is jn St. Andrew's Cathedral. Bishop with h i fourths vote and iy a nvo-tniras niiunuunen. .-so nmieun win dc;kix and the Kev. .i. m. itiuson. I vote elect n successor. is-umd until tomorrow evening." 1 officiating. - - - PEOPLE CARGO FOR EUROPE Military Honors to he Emblazoned on Colors of 'Local? Regiments OTTAWA, Dec. 26-Pollowing five years of latewfor battle honors, the committee of the department of national defence has presented to the government its recommendations for emblazoning on the colors of Canada's niiitia regiments, honors won by the Canadian corps dur-ng the Great War. The recommendations have been endorsed and instructions issued to all military district A have the commanding officers of the militia regiments submit to the minister of national . - defence a list of honor they de- y rVirAlT irnnrp sire to have embroidered on the standard. Allotment - of battle honors to the militia has been a task of great deli.:acy, but regard has been had to the principle that a regiment should bear on its colors the names of battles in which men from the countryside associated with that regiment fought and bled. XMAS DINNER AND HAMPERS Salvation .Army 'Sent Out Cheer to Eleven Families and Dinner to Number Tt .cam books, some of the hampers being good for a whole week's supply. The nunrher at dinner was not as large as was expected, indicat tng a very health y condition in the city. A very enjoyable time was spent, the best of everything ing supplied. Piano music was supplied by A. Cracknell throughout the after QUIET XMAS LONDON, Dee. 26. Mindful of the sick King in Buckingham Palace, London celebrated Christmas in a subdued spirit yesterday, which, though lacking in external gaiety, waa, perhaps, no less since ely happy. Like Queen Mary, many citizens tswteaMhe-uiet joy M-.a united iaraiU. -Thousands were tempted out by the sunshine and mild temperature. KING'S FRIEND DIED TODAY sent out by the Salvation Army to LONDON, Dec. 26-Lecd Lam-families needing help through bourne, one of King George's old-sickness or other causes. They est friends, died at Bishops' Hall, were deliersd by two members of near Romford, Essex, today, aged Toe II.. who kindly gave their serv- i . He was an enthusiastic horO-ices. They contained a plenteous , culturist and a keen rival of the supply ot groceries, meat, toys and King at horticultural shows, the two often exchanging banter on the respective merits of their estates in Essex and Norfolk. 20 FAMILIES LEFT KABUL noon. Two members of Toe H., J. Underwood and AhT Slocitm, lent British Military Planes Curried Very valuable aid, and others whoi Women and Children to took part included Sergeant-Major' Safety Martin. George Almon, Mrs. ' Joyce, Miss Dorothy Montgomery, PESHAWAR, India, Dec. 26: Sergeant-Major Alexcee and over- Members of 20 European families seeing everything were Adjutant were evacuated during Christmas and Mrs. Kerr. ; Day by the British military air- While preparations were made "lanes from Kabul, Afghanistan, for a great many more than came. Those brought hee included it was cause for congratulation nieces of French Minister Felt that the number present was not and relatives of French and Ger-so large as expected. Food not man professors and engineers. used is being distributed to needy families. The Salvation Army wishes to thank all those who donated, thus making possible the dinner and the distribution of hampers. One. donation was received since Monday afternoon, that of C. H. Orme, $5, bringing the total receipts up to $167. FAMOUS SURGEON DIKS TUG ROOSEVELT SAFE IN NORTH SEATTLE. Dec. 26. Radio advices frori the const guard cutter Unalga early today said that the disabled tug Roosevelt, in tow of the gasboat Attu, was safely in ' the shelter of Caps Bt Bliss. TORONTO. Dec. 26: Dr. Ciar- The oteamer Starr, Which the ence Starr, aged 61, a famous Kooseviirt hud beeitAowtlfg when Canadian surgeon, died last night she was disabled in hoavy seas, at his home of heart failure. js holding her anchorage in the vicinity, with the Northwestern ARCHBISHOP IMPROVING LONDON. Dec. 26: The medical bulletin this morning says that the condition of Rev. Dr. standing by. The Roosevelt car ries 16 men. CHICAGO. Dec. 86: It was officially announced that for Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of every four murders perpetrated Canterbury, continues to improve, here a policeman lost his life. i