I, 41 f y I; PAGE SIX Radio Broadcasting and Reception iapaJ ' POSSIBILITY OF "WOMEN ARE NOT N. B. C. SYSTEM"' FADA "30" A. C. ELECTRIC WALNUT with built-in console Fada .4 Sneaker, pilot light, single dial, rejector and phonograph attachment. Convenient size 40 inches by 25 inches Ly'16 inches. : Authorized Denier P. W. CHANDLER few J18 6th St. Ask our radio experts to demonstrate tuis set for you today. 81CD ON RADIO COMMISSION "fffrJdnn Alrd, jvho has been' appoint! to the Royal Commission tq( Investigate radio broad-castinftd reettten In the Pom-, Inion. j collection. tlrtV-. For A RADIO TRUST, BROADCASTERS RADIOPROGRAM None Found Suitable for Ihe IWork ,. " 'Seattle Post Intelligencer) on Account of Poor Wednesday, December 20 Senator Dill of Washington sees' Voice 0t!0 Palmpllve Hour, KHQ. danger of radio trustend so KOMO, KG KUUt KPO, KFI. j must every radio fan who think. LONDON, England, Dec 25. . 7 (30 Yellow Cab Onyeties, The radio commission Is constant' Women, who have Invaded many KPO, KFI, ; Jy allowing more and more sta-'of the spheres formerly held ex. Hi30 The IUU Wily Joys,i tions to use huge power, blankets cluiively by men and have sue- KHQ, ing smaller station. ceeded therein, ana now faced with 9:00 Correct time, KHQ, If this sort of thing goes on, a new challenge the. British KOMO, KGW, KfiO KI'O, the air will be dominated by a : Broadcasting Corporation say It 9 00 "Heads to Homance," few high-powered stations, which lis not the corporation' Intention KHQ, KOSJO, KGW, KGO, KPO, ultimately wjll form themselva to employ women a announcers. KFI, in.o ;t u-ust to monopolize broad- At present there are a few women 10 00 The Trocaderans, KGW, casting channels. The danger of employed part time before the mlC' KPO. this needs no explanation. rophone In London announcing H 00 The Trocaderans,-KGW, On the other hand, the average program during the afternoon, in KPO. ' fan is against the jamming of the the children's hour, and at some ' air with a surplus of station, so provlnclnl stations, and these will Thursday, December 27 f. l io.e together that there Is dlf- be retained, but the corporation 0D0 Sleberiing program, iicultjr, specially In cities, In- state that It is not ita noHny KH0 KOJ10,' KGWVKGO, KPO, uarating them. employ women for broadcasting KFI-' 1 i.i There it, probably a middle work. TWO' Standard Symphony course that will bo approximate In an Interview an'offielal of hour, KHQ. KOMO, KflW.:KGOj ' ;atisfaetion and justice. It I to the BritUh Broadcasting Corpora KFI, ! . ) . :l l be hoped the Washington senator tlonsaidi 'The British Broadcast- 880 - Memory Lane, KWVf . . ... ' II 4 - 1 -1. - n .?.,( I can p.evau upon eougrr aa u mc jng corporation nas tested recent - it. C.N.R. PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK Wednesday C. N. R. V.. Vancouver 10:00, studio program. 1 C. N. j anniversary program Friday C. N. R. V Vancouver- 7:30, chlldrenahour;r 8:30, period for addresses. 9:00, violin and song reeltal. 10:00, main . studio. t . i , lUW), dance music Thfl flnder Band- variety hour, mastK-?ifo Vilson, paraded "-' , . the sVMrMf Christmas Eve and) nlsvaJF .Stunts at varimla enrners. . C.N.R.V.. a Sunday VTancouvfrf 9:00, Ths 'taSSTS maA mivmu tho frtn'orf i'ri?ram. Capitol, Theft New Year's GIVE A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to the Prince Rupert DAILY NEWS What a suitable gift. A gift that comes every day for a year, and reminding the recipient of yodr thoughtfulnesa every day. TJL- Q How delightful they will be to receive Northern British Columbia's newspaperevery day! PHONE 98 WHILE YOU STILL THINK OF IT! mm ly a largo number of womfln up- 9:00 .Correct tjme, KHQ, pllcants for the positions of an- KOMQ. KGW, KGO, KPO. . t nouncers. There a- e no vacancle 9t30 Maxwell House program, for announcers, male or female. KlJW, KOMO, KGW. KGO, KPO,' and the H.B.C. does not eontem- KFI. 1 plate appointing women to full.' 10:00 The Trocaderans, KPO, time announcing posts in the near KFI. luture, Among those women tested no suitable candidate was found. This was possibly due to the limitations of the micronhone ,he a good dIclBlnarl0. , ; , . r..f. the service Of- Fairbanks-Morse Steam Pumps The Wsh depte of service, ability and dependability of Ftirpankt-Morie Duplex PUton Pattern Steam Pump it a result of numerous refinements in design and con struction. These pump are adapted to miny classes of general pumping and have a wide range of application. Msaufacturing and selling a complete line of pumps, we, re able to aupply the right pump for any service. Carrying In stock a large supiey of parts, we are able to give exceptional service, Qfte CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse CO M PANYvClmiM A'Mi'w-Mvaw-Viitnt t, 11:00 The Trocaderansc KPO. Friday, December 28 5:35r-UmJ Q'ileath, KHQ, land possibly to the limitations of. KOMO, KGW,. KGO. 'those who were tested." 6:00 Wrigiey Review, KHQ, Thursday . . Answering several questions, an KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO, KFL R. E., Edmonton 7:00, official supplemented the above; GdO "The.. Nlgjitlnggile and statement by saying that the wo- the Rose," fciiq, KOMO, - a Jf - .... rm - - unenrwijo were gjveri a trial be- n u. i fore ;th microphone 'came from 8:00 RCA Hour, KHQ, KOMO; i nil nans oi me country ana mm ww, n w, . - - .. Khey twere well educated. The V:00-Correit timer- . KHQ, rtest' took' place two montV ago KOMQl'KGWJ KGO, KPO. and consisted of readings from 0:30 r-Moon Magic. (books to which the officials list- KOMQ, KGW, KGO,' ' "t ened In. No members of the gen- X0:OO The Trocaderans,' C.N.R.E., Edmonton 10:30, eral listening-in community, num- KOMOl KFI, 10 to llj.JU'Q.-. Denng ciose upon a.uuu.uou. were KGO, U to ,12. ; privileged to hear the efforts of " , I the candidates-. .1 BiOONatlond -- Orchestra, There was no direct answer to UHQ, -KOMO,-KGWrKGpfhKPG the question! "Are women banned KFI. ft -Ji'; l 1 r ror ever as announcers io tne is. i B:0oi-Philco4 A- Hour. . KUM.i u. u.j ine repiy Demg. we KOl hUW, hUU,rAiiur.iVi'.i.. have no vaeaney for an an KpX Vr'- - . sflfl I" I 1 1 T-ii! r-. The official refused to commit KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO, himself when he was Hiked: "In KFI. the event of there being a vacancy 8:00 The Carnival, KPO; will the B.B.C, give equal con- KGO, 8:15 to 9:00 p.m. sideration to the applications of 9:00 Correct time, KHQ, women and men?" KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO. The B.B.C. contend that while, 9:00 Golden Legends, KHQ, a candidate must be able to ap- KGW. KGO. near before the microphone It Is 10:Od-Tbe Big Show, KHQ, essential that an Announcer should , KGW. KGO ; KPO', 10 :!M) to 12. have executive ability to discharge, I heavy responsibilities at unexpected moments. He sometimes has complete charge of the studio and has to make aulck decisions and 'BAD INTERRUPTION TO , LOCAL RECEPTION NIGHT PRINCE RUPM j Rijiortji oi ne Joal radio aja-)ion stale iiiat in the , dowifW section Uiero. Was bad IbtefrajP' tion for 'about half on hour;."be tween nine an4 ten. but after thai everything wli clear and southern statjon cms In very clear. At thMpe time whn the loca Interryptlon was so bad that I' prevented' everything being heard neither: DlKby island nor the Ca- nadian,.VatJpnal Telegraphs wert workinfcY . , , The Leller Box LOCAL RADIO RECEPTION j Editor, Dally Newsi i Hadlo fans are Indeed Indebted I to you for stirring up the local i radio issoclatlon o t'. to in i prove reception condition in thi city. DnrlPlf most oi tne eye-trrfndli.lt'' lOUhd comes In drowning out eveOSUfc .f thini? else. T,IE am'Vjn(5 "sp PPh COMES TO PUINCK UUI'EUT : illWX7" S E V E N TUBES TAOiadisiSiW Ht--? i SuPer dynamic Power Spcaf . 'BiCt i Automatic Voltage Control mtm JlKSL V Single Dial Tuning (,'cnulnc Wa,nut Ca,,incls WEm lm twkr ... k mmvwBEKEP ?;ifPAD 6F RAILWAYS irrlndtf one sometimes heard the Electric Bakery, but of I course , it f -not that? As there seems to tp b,e a ifferencr oj op jlnlon wh I noise, Itv fwljl get . down and en Is the source or tne 8 honed the associplion )usy again and trace it then take decisive ac tion to Rave it remove 1 Yours for better reception,. KADIO FAtf See These at Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue jabour:bros. ltd. SPEAKS OYER RADIO THURSDAY EVENING . A radio address in being broadcast tomorrow nljrht from llont- real and relayed through all the T Prince Rupert (Merry, (Dihristmas k and a rSs riht lleW Eon . ., .ti.t. ,.,m ntinln.m. A verv fine VTOK . . .v. . HiniriJ Aiiulatinir Of I ' 1 vQKe pan m tne program. 1 , In Prince Rupert this s ill be; Carols, Anthems, hoioo, best received from C.N.K.V., ooios, etc. Vaneouver. ' You will enjoy CHRISTMAS MUSIC Thn Anirllrnn Church Choir will Canadiarr National stations, which 'render thMr annual Carol Service should prove of grat Interest. A Ion Friday, December 28, at 8:15 this Mu- Service. . ... St. Andrew's Cathedral r December 88. at 8:15 p.n. iMtion in aid of Organ r Advertise in Th News. um n 1