YHil DAILY PAGE TWO . The Daily News PRINCE UUPEflT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ;. .," Published Every Afternoon, isxcept Sunday, by Prince Rilfiort Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managinjj Edi.or. SUBSCKIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, par rapnth. ,... l-5nWak thP on Kwa$la H work,n By mail to all parts oi Nortterfejind Cfetrni TfritWCflTaminT Mt Pcufe. There in the tvilrl in .-iilvnnpo fnr vAhfli Bi.in,l S". rifl lamlly then as to my futUYe. My father . ..... ..j.., .......... Or four months for V. . . . . By mall to all other parts of British Columbia. "t Empire and United State, paid in advance per By mall to all other countries pjr year' , Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per Insert! Transient Advertising; on Front Pace, per inch . ... VIOTOKY IIEINH Ill.OltlOlh SAVl 1'KEAtilElt (Summary of Sermon Preached Yesterday by Rev. J. R. Friasll) The little black ahantlea on the hlll-alde were filled with silent mu.v r.iu men. and in one buihli:it. ):iun:! .,, 1!. hcaplta! two MiflertT- !a .inder fnv blankets, their Mi. sir.iim In u... handing them wa r :i, Kiliiii di;: Outside, great boulder In) :u rha - . il lit places the rucb wet-" nri::;'(i u. !. blood 8 Jim one !)..(! bi.indi : :i anil : In-cliff had beeti rent :n 'w.i.n No soon-, r due man b'-u::, ' rn:u out his own :n !: h i!: si- cotinters dif irull:r.- Tin- r..k- lire too hard and hll. the : tests hi dense and dark and :tii!ii.'il:.iTely he Uncovers that hat .- :...t .rt.,rv h Is easily won " "If any man will unr after me." said .le.a.- let him d tiy ii::n-aelf and take up Ins c...' and l I '1 me " Human!!) ha. ti.uv'h' .! w.i tin-Ward at the punr. uf 'he l..,iie; A .1 nation suffers it pnisHi as . tea-i to suffer it decay- and die- Eiu-la'ul ! Was begotten ;n the .sure tr.na.l .' Ill beth's day The Ani"i -ati n .t. :. :.. from the sons (1 ninrtyrs G.rm.iiii a.i-also bapt.-d m nlium r ,, -.-. 1 road tliat leads f 'ijt aUir. Il ;;n-posatafe to arrive at any great .goal 1 without (truffle and struggle gives strength to toe muscle and puts Iron In the blood. Lord Tennyson In his Saul write thus: "By the pain throb triumphantly winning intensified bliss tSflnv &nl tHm ar.nl worth warhlne Then ever towards man's height of nobleness ctrlve. still some now pro- the lie n.eall.li: : 1 1 1 ' .-:id the P' !i . id o.-d ha- Win .:r.-le uf I.IVKS Wtt LOVES :i..i"he: who u'les li--: 'i- i!t not fall :: , ! ; ,il ilea" h She i.Vf- '.ertiifri' And il thu r l,es luain and drawin t ' letnelits has mule! - , , ,. $i.uo ifssnmfwh Local Readers, per insertion, per line . ' Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 13 Contract Rates pn Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION BLOOD MARKS ON THE ROCKS IlIFUCl I.TIKH OF I.II K f .U SE OI i 98 86 Monday, April 9, 1928 gr salon to contrive. Till, Just as any other friend, we grasp death's hand and, j having died, feel none the less how ! beautiful It was to be alive." rock or (tovk riox j But the Rock of Calvary Is always at j :!-.e i.unimit of the rock of difficulty. Jiicf tie set Hlnueir steadfastly to go inwards Jerusalem. But the final conflict was to take place not at Jerusalem -tit at Calvary. On this Rock Christ ive His life, the rock of conviction, he rook of resolution. Here Christ came Into conflict for the last time with the font that overthrow, and i ne 1 1 red by subml.stnr not to these !-..! 'ii His I-'jtlnr'.s will W.irn Hi. hunte: '.iuinds the dee: i' .s. ':ne: ;me 'il.ows the a:.i:ilal's d-sta;n.r. the : in. k thi' I. .re t 'liter int.) life's halt e : 11 1 1. t he jutu'le w i; h ".i1 ir.-trks alti! llte.s h'.:l;".j HOIK OI MVSIKHV Oi: Is 1. (ten Mystery '.d u!n! l:(e f..r d: un i.-l 1 ves tender near to ter own nr: -.e becomes er and mystery of widened into the i.iMm of Ood. ' The astronomer climbs the onaertatery n order that he may turn his eye upon a star' In the sword of Orion. If he be a Qod-feering man he slowly and reverently ascends the watch tower from which the great refractor looks out upon the evening sky. He Is In the pre- And the next world's reward and repose isence of the Almighty. He Is under by the struggle in this." , the shadow of the Sternal. Lo, the star tlOKDIXs ot' LOVE The Htneyoo mothers of India their children about the Ooddesa Love. On one occasion she waa walk-tag la the noonday sun and a dove, the stored bird of India, came flying through the air and took refuge in her bosom. The OoddeM looked up and to Mr surprise a hawk was hovering over her head." You have a dove there," shrieked the hawk. "Tea," answered the Ooddeaa. ' "WH1." said the hawk. "I have been bunting that bird all morning, tie my rtfraful free." j becomes a ghostly mist towering up In tell ; the uxMt strange and fantastic forms, of 1 spreading It arms as if groping for prey in the Infinite blackness of apace, and with an awful mouth gaping wide enaugh to 'swallow a million worlds. The astronomer now calls fat a telescope possessing greater magnifying pswera. and turns It face towards the blazing star atlll be see nothing but the same horrid mouth opening beneath a forehead decked with a misty plum, armed with horn a million leagues in length, and gashed with an I demand you to set it 1 abysmal ehaam whieh It would take 1 centuries to cross. tJndaunted. the as- Tbe Goddess knew she should give up j tronomer the dove but -the wanted to keep It afe from harm. "Oh. cruel hawk." she aid. "what wilt thou that I might retain this dfevVf " The hawk answered reluctantly. "Well, If you must retain the dove. I want its equivalent la your own flesh." And then the Hindoo mothers tell the IttUe ones bow the Ooddeaa held the dove tightly with her right arm and with the other bared her bosom while the hawk, alighting upon her sh-julder. tore from her the eiilv!lnt In flesh. It wsa sot an msy matter tn tunnel some of these streets througn the rocks and ley the foundations t:f permanent and statsly hemes, but the reward has been worth the effort, snd so the Kicks and boulders along the path of e Christ tan life when rjmoved. make feel that life after sll was worth calls for a atfll larger tele- :-ope and uses a mirror of four tons weight with the hope of gathering the pale light frbm the awful monster whose ralntly phosphorescent form lies afloat In the Infinite ceean of Immen- itjr . tvujfeanlt Uvtyr, , blare of distinct stars. The awful nebul i that like some Oriental monarch baffled and inflamed all curiosity, lifts up It cloudy veil and look forth with a million eyes. The misty horror kindles It-c-!f into robes of beauty and crown of glory. "lye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither hath It entered Into the heart of man what Ood hath prepared for th ise that lave Him The "Plying Scotsman" express of England weighs 388 ton when empty, tut when full of tourists. 13 tons additional weight Is discovered. A school y cs.i perhaps tell how many tour-Ms this represent Thev choose to chew Hurrying fathers and impatient children cant bolt it - The crunchy crisp shreds aid digestion and build good muscle MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS WHAT I MIGHT HAVE BEEN I have dime the with my lile f.o far. dawn In Durango, (- , As Told to Harold C. Burr By RAMON NOVARRO totally unexpected When I was a boy Mexico. I did not wanted my to be a dentist, while my pother hWd out determinedly that 1 study for a concert pianist. My own cholae was to Ing. TheA ere no funds for me to study either dentistry or music xo I Imujjlit In ine-tHUthkrt to HoIKwoihI. Hut I (ll.l not gt. Intik etreii work immeui-, atelj. tliiX vtf I'tiraVdlwipimlnlnirnts. 1 Wttiideriitg off Itlto- by-piitlis to aatlxrjr the landlu.l). I I did do Bit In 'Qatar Khayyam. but It was not very big. I got lnto picture work by fits and starts, circult-ously. Opportunity did not knack every day. ' I came to the motion-picture game rtreeu. yet couM look back on some 1 very youthful theatrical experience. The ( IninuUe tj act must X-.ave been generat- ing strongly In my veins when I was boy in my Mexican home. ; still tenderly young. I Imllt a thea Subscribe for the Dally News. T "THE GORILLA" WEEK-END PLAY roMcnv MiMtri with imtiioh iv MYHTEItV t'OMEIIV IIEKK AT WEEK EMI Comedy la supposed to be closely akin to tragedy. The greatest eomeaiana ana critic say the best comedy Is that which is mingled with pathos, and If this is true then Charlie Murray, who 1 featured in "The Oorllla," has all the laughs coming to him. "The Oorllla" Is the hilarious and hysterical mystery comedy coming here at the week end. And one must not forget the gorilla himself. There Is where Charlie Murray and his pathos and comedy come In. It's comedy for the audience to see him playing around cliffs, housetops, cellars, etc.. with a nine foot, four hundred pound ape man. but a for Murray, let the pathos speak for Itself. Just place yourself In the same predic ament and Imagine the fun. The Oorllla" I an adaptation of Ralph Spence' stage play of the same name and combines all the elements of fun and chills that mad the legitimate version so ooDular. popular. The & ire situation HiiMuuin in in ithe motion hover those In in the eVeW'-ay " 1 re- ported to be a combination of the weirdest, spookiest mystery and th greatest comedy Imaginable. Murray and Ketoey have the- roles of the two dumb detective. Mulligan and Oarrlty. whose greatest problem Is to keep together. The gorilla Is a whole melodrama in himself. His huge bulk 1 nd tremendous sis present a ferocious pert. A four hundred pound forllla Is menace enough for any picture. Mv IIAMON NOVAHKO own choice was to lng." tre In our jnrtl at Durangn. Ilekldea r njV dabbled In three branches of tirliit the arelilleel I was priMlurer, music the piano, the violin and the ImnrlcM. singe manager and one of voice. But I took good care not to the male -tars. I did not liue great 1 worK o hard at my teaching that I trouble In u-wniblliiK my roniian.v. be-, WOuld have do energy left for tramp- caiixe I had ten Utile brothers and : ing .raUnd among the studios, seeking .Mm from ulnim In draw my tl. , work. "But it was not an amateur troui -nne of my first Mrofelnal engage- txclusively. My sisters would not lanor mrnts wa A dJiieer lint not In the for art's sake. I was forced to pay the metles. I toured I he Orpheum t'lrrult mercenary one 1 cents a pencrmance , vrilh .'Ullon ...organs rompany in an Those salaries would have raised the extravagant. TlMl let) to my first overhead ruinously over a protracted . rna 1 1 y liuportAHt pert before the rainem 1 B"t I never wrote a box-office sue- . "Mr. Rex Ingram waa so kind as to it v .- or iwbly the first little theatre iheerve and like my ioterpreUtlon of m :i.' .: in Mexico. We varied our bllj , , fsntaey number on our program, m- mar onette shows. I atlll have ; Tnen . oame the screen test--and a a d s playhouse Intact It has t contract. h accepted me for Rupert 1 t: iisu rtod to Hollywood and set of Hentaau in 'The Prisoner of Zenda ' up on inv lawn where I display It :mi.! my guests who will linen h.s- i Not every actor can cany h - :.e tils debut around with him ;, at e' '.e-rs. s I grew older I saw I he rhanre lor the actor was In the V nltcd ;..iw. I Hne up to California. MuMr a lis my gixwl friend when I first grilled at the nmtlon-plctiire colony. Wark cm the sereeu wa waree, ami I took In a few tletln anil piano pupil to eke out the ecleer. t , t e t t . , HEEKf AT VTHE4 T. J. ) s Monday Jack Ludea In "Shootla' Irons ' Comedy "Ocean Blue." Paramount Newa. Soloist Johnn FarsUd. Tuesday 'Tea for Three." Comedy : "Never Dames Meet." Paramount News. Soloist: Johann Panted. Shall VslneMl4y and Thurw'ay Norma TaJniadge tn "The Dove.' Scenic Oddities. Paths Review. IrhUy ami Saturday. "The Gorilla." Comedy: "A half Pint Hero." Metro -Ooldwyn News. by Anthony Hop. "It haa bees with me that alwaya I have been torn between two loves th pictures and muric. I should Ilk to combine them both, and at last I think I see the road clear ahead to do tMat very thing. I have reached the place where I nuv cultivate my music. I am studying vole culture all the time under my teacher. Louis Oraveure. Some da) I hepe to make a t.r.r in concert" Tenieerew William lleewe. Copyright. -by Public Ledger LUDEN NEW STAR IN GOOD WESTERN STORY - ! Whoever thought of making a West- ern star out of; handsome Jack Luden s daseivie credit far an excellent idea. j Mr. Luden make his stellar debut 'la the Paramount picture "Shootln' Irons" which appears here tonight and it I said that be makes a favorable impression In this type of drama as any other western star, regardless of bow s long established; j Luden Vi fortunate in being Intro- dueed la a very goou picture. "Shootln' v; Irons" I miles ahead of the average Western in story, plot, setting, oast. 4 direction and everything else. 1 For one thing, It Is chuck full of action, and certainly no Western fan .will object to that. The difference be- it ween this and mist Western Is that ,the action Is there rightfully. It flu J Into the story and continuity NOMA TALMADGE PLAYS HARD AND EATS SPARINGLY When, looking ax "The Dove." which I being enown at the mid-week. It is difficult to believe that Norma Tel-made ha been appearing before the motion picture camera for nearly fif teen year. True, ah started as a child, but even at that, she appears but little more than a mere child today. And this la due In large measure to br senslbli attention to her physical While tennis 1 her favorite form of outdoor recreation, she Is sn ardent ' lover of golf and swimming. She spend most of her time, both winter and summer, at her Santa Monica beach houa. spending long hours in the surf. and daring the California aun to do It worst In the matter of tan. She ha not set diet, being one of those fortunate people who never gain Nervous? Rundown? Try "Fruit-a-tives" TS'0rT let nerye and run,-down condition make you, depressed and despondent. The real source of your trouble Is probably Indigestion, constipation or kidney trouble that Impoverishes your blood. The Intensified Juice of ripe, fresh fruit and the tonics In Frult-a-tives act upon the kidney, Iher, sMmach and bowel, tone up the system and purify the blood stream. Let Frult-a tires make and keep you well. '25c and 50c a boi everywhere. lay it A . Smooth and mettow. like "oonHtM pn a werner sea . . . eU soon to st the iwem-ery. to Mucfr the-'neart wWh their beauty of meted 1 Htiemt. Such ."''"P .k.L mi h rWineJv MMved. Al the -- , - 7 - - W kiMM vtmi nuv aavr conceri hi rri "" 1 ' as maay encore a yxj . You may rVeich oer am nd sgia. You may tenter a rme smij " rw r 7 wivther vaeal lastramenuU: solo, choral, or tmphunSc. You mty U proud of it. -All) Orthgpl f:cb no matter what they eat. but s her favorite dishes are spinach and avacado salad, perhaps there's s reason. a they my. "TEA FOR THREE" ONE 0FBEST COMEDIES "Tea for Three." which shows her tomorrow is not only on of the beet ctmetll of the season but on of th very beat fan of many yean. Lew Cody ann Ailesu Pnngte, who are oa-Mamd la th Mttro-Ooldwyo. Mayer production, appear to even better advent than thy did la their Initial co-starring (tree, "Adam and Evil." which wa also directed by Robert Z Leonard. The new picture la a screen version of Rot Cooper Mgru' famous stag farce that not on It packed the.n in on Bread way but gathered -in a lot of money for tvetrbody iioeueraed when Man in the Moon IT'S only when you read of the large number of accident that you realiae the tremendous turnover in th auto mobile business. A CURL who I falling on somebody' neck should b named Dandruff. 8WAPP1NO animal is one of the recreation tn our fami. . On member panes th buck and It at 1 the other's St. KEEP on your toes and you went gel down at heel. LOVINO your enemies la Just about as ey a hating your friend. Both are powthte. I REMEMBER In the old dava when we used to call our breakfast room a kitchen. "UVVKTl Attain LmtrVul J.Vl aH I knew thei he had had a aijnt out WKAKfll HEX A man has less courage than a woman Try to Imagine one with twelve cent in hi pocket trying on seven suit of 0 lot hev Detroit Pre Pre. The bc:ie of Christopher Columbus have oft .r been moved. Those who wish to soe them in their travels .should go to the Cathedral at Seville. Spain. mm Credent Model $385 or .with electric drive S425 e Monday, ., Victrola encores are taken With a new Ortho&fronic for granted. A perfect rendition of any ' music repeated as many times as you wish - . . 1 iwlrai ft aalATB ttt 1 a. joyed M you wish aad wba yeVi wish. toe or when Weeds call. Utf-kad Ineessance". the Vkttf-OStretWd principle of "Smooth Flow of SowsT nothiaf to be destred ia the qvuaty of muc yoa may enjoy m ymw ar. Wit this realistic mi yau may Kv your choice of smartly deeieaed cabinets in rnre woods. Electric drive il you wish it. at slight additional cost. A utstrameats art sell stopping. Prlee from $160 to as Urn a $115 on Gsvvvaient payroeats Iron Hit Master's Voice dealers. Hear them luday. omc Trade Mark Reg's Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Mhb-. OrAflonc oilv if it bears the dog TraH-tn.i'k Dresses and Coats for Easter New and unusual stylo achievements in Dreaspx Costa for Street, Alteration and Sportawear. FEATURING fiEOKOinTRS. FLAT L'RUI'BR and distinctively smart novelties Dreaaea 910.1)5 .SilT.no Cnt ij: 141.115 .SI 0.50 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone Cl.'i 3rd Ave. and 7th m Canadian National cThc Largeft IKailway Sylcm in America omrs t sitoirvn AND Balling from rHlNlT. HITEKT tor and Intermediate point, each For KIITCIIIKAN and ANVOX, each For HTEWAIIT each K.Tl ItllAY at For NORTH and KOt'TII (Jt'EKN l I'ASf IvNOEH TIIAINH I. Eh MONDAY. WKIINKMIAY and oi;oiuir I.HMONTON, ivinmi State. AOF.Nrr A LI. OCEAN t'se Cndln National Ktpress etc.. alto for your neit shipment. MTY TICKKT OfflCK. St TIIIIUI TRAIN SERVICE VANCOtlVr.R. VICTOHIA. SE tTTI.r Till KHIiAY and KIMIAY at 11 " Hl:iMlAY, 4 p.ra. 10 p.m. IIAKI.OTTB ISUAMi. Fortnightly HAVE HUNTE 111 ITKT HAH IIflW st II n m mn fnr IMIINrE 1:0, all pAlnt BMtera Canada, omted STEAMSHIP LINES. for Mnney Older, foreign Cheques, AVE. FRINTE HUtRHT. Fhoo tSI I enms! i ennisi SBE OUR NEW RACKETS $7.50 to $10.00 1928 Hall are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3