Jonday, April 9, 1923 u Ajk "Or Man i Wmm "Why Do 1 Love You?" ir. iliMwm Fox Trots withVocal C;ho. mECORDS i "Ella Cinders" "Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella" Fox Trot with Vocal Choruses. Herb Wiedoeft and His Orchestra 3810 "Four Walls" "In the Sing Song Sycamore Tree" - Fox Trots with Vocal Choruses. Vincent Lopes and Ilia Casa Lopes Orchestra. 3803 "Ice Cream" "Henry's Made a Lady Out of Lizzie" Fox Trots with Vocal Choruses. The Six Jumping Jacks. 3782 Panatrope with Radiola Ha sier Model 17-8 Klectrical record-reproduction and batteryless radio, controlled by one switch the SigneJXusitelTrtttigt Jarumwidc Pa,SaTROP! EXECTR1CAJ. RZC0UD8 DEMAND Rupert B MacLAREN'S MUSIC HOUSE I'hone 7 EXCLUSIVE IJHUNSWICK DEALEttS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PascalFs rand" THE DAINTIEST HHEAKl'AST rOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadan fish & Cold Storage 0. 1'rince Itupert. IJ.C 1 1 I Third Avenue Pascal! s Novelties Hue Jut arrived direct from England A nrw shipment f IA(JE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES EASIER TOYS, IB, and 4(c I'AAS E(J DYES, Jie Pionvvr Drttatisls e I () THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELtPHONES 8?fc200 THE DAILY' NEWB a Tonight, Daffodil Ball in I O D E. Hal) at 9 p.m. Admletlort JlflO. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME NOW AT LITTLE EXPENSE Local and Personal Pioneer's Association meet in the City Hall. Tuesday, April 10, at 8.00 pjn. Dentin. Dr. J. R. Oosse. Phone 88. There waa no session of city police JAore Beautiful this morning on account of it being a Skating dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tr stautory holiday. 81. men are awaiting tflal on charge or drunkenness. Oet tbe Big 4 nablli When tblnUng vnflr) on In a Taxi, phone 4. tl At Tils tfnBBfcliket&ekflre de- parUrunt hadWMBiilBg WMPmtn Ave MarcallUig and Halrcuttlng. Mil west at smrmvmimcm yard Skinner. Phone Black 035. 84 havlu swoea some alarm to neighbors Anglican Church Easter Sale on Tuesday, April 10 In Cathedral Hall, Irom 3 to 8. Everybody welcome. 83 a, r. jones, city solicitor, will to the city on the Prince George on Wednesday following a brief trio to Vancouver. Al Fors of the local Royal Bank staff who has been on a month's trip south as far as San Praiiclaco, returned to the city on th Catal yesterday after noon. Mrs Helen Nuclch of Alice Ann, who has been on a trip during tbe winter to Chicago, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon returning north. Mlu school i spend parents. Alice Pillsbury. who teaches it Francois Lake, Is in town to the Easter holidays with her Mr and Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury 219 Fourth Avenue West. Harry Seoul, road superintendent at Stewart, wa a passenger aboard the CaUls yesierday afternoon returning north following trip to Vancouver and other poinu In the south. Mr and Mrs A. H Carmlchael sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mr. Carmlchael will Become accountant of the Victory Square branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. u. a. McNiclioll. general passenger agent for the Canadian National Ball ways, and Reginald Beaumont, assistant to tbe Pacific Coant manager of Canadian National Steamships, are expected to arrive In tbe city this week on an official trip. 1 Adam Mackle. inspector of fisheries. 'sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will attend the annual spring conference of departmental officials at which plans for the ccmlng salmon fishing season's patrol work will be formulated. I Cnlon stesmer Catala. Capt E. A. Dickson, arrived in port hi 4:30 yester day afternoon from Vancouver and way-points snd as lied a. 8 pm for Anyos. Stewart and othrr northern porta of call. Pi Hangers aboard the vessel In-dueled R.i M Twlge. J. A Clark. W. McLaren. A. POria, Miss Marshall. Miss Stewart. P. Tough. T Kaye. Mr and Mrs John Andrew. J MacAuley and D. Mtddleton tor Prthp Rupert: Mrs W Oisru. Lew Kee and C. McGregor for Anyox. W E. Walker. Mr, ad Mrs. C Orlfflr Mr. and Mrs. J. 'ende, O Lar1c Jr.. F. Jflste. J. Cherry. W Whlteley, A Rowan. W. McBroesaj. H. Miller and A. Curbew, for Arran- dale: Mr. and Mr, a. U. Windsor. Mr and Mrs C. P. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Wagner, H. Surest. P. Barron. C A Nutting. W. McNauehton. J D Mac-kenrle and Ray Kelly for Wales Island: Ray Smalley, J. Hlnton. H. Scovll. Mrs. 8tevens. Mrs H Nuclch snd William Hansen for Stewart: J Skrl for Alice Arm. Ball. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Queen Mary Chapter annual Daffodil Kaster Monday. April B. Anglican Church Easter Sale April 10 Catholic Women League spring sale of work April U. song Recital by S. A. McPheraon assisted by Mar)orle Lancaster and Frederick Smith, in the United Church. Thursday, ' Whtat Lesgtie Cup-prls Moose Mall. April IS. Prince Rupert Danes April 17. distribution Royal Society of St Oenrge Drive and Dance. April 23 Whist Curls' Drill Team Tennis Club Annual Ball. Friday. May 4. Moose Ball Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. 0. Ames, 35 St, George Street, Chatham, Oat, writes: "Last winter my taree boys kad terrible eoldf sad a eeugk taat hnag en so long Uat It began to worry aw. "I went to y druffist tad be asked me if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup 'I told Urn I had not, but that I would, and I must say that after they hh.l ftuiahed the third bottle Use were entirely r'll of the eoufu. j I will novet be without a bottle of I 'Dr. Wood's' on hfcuu ' j Pries 35s. a bottle, larg -U size 60e.; put up only by The T. uilbura I Business between the city and Seal Cove necessitate the putting In or a third bus on the eeripe by J. ,E. Dyer. The body la now under construction at Mitchell St Ourrle's shop. Miss Blanche Curtln and Mlse Lorna MacLaren sailed Saturday night by the Prince Rupert, for a brief trip to Stewart. They will returft to the city on the Catala tomorrow morning. Miss Peggy Stewart and Miss B Marshall returned to tbe city on tbe CataU yesterday afternoon following a three week's holiday visit to Vancouver Victoria, Ladyemlth and Nsnalmo. Miss Atleen Stephens arrived In the dty yesterday from Oona River. Pore her Island, where abe teaches school, to spend tbe Kaster holiday week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, 413 Bmmerson Place. Fire at Vancouver recently did eon' slderable damage to the fish packer Mortonlan, Capt. BU Tlngley, which is well known here and on tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. ' The origin of the blase was not ascertained Rev. Walter Allen. Anglican Church clergyman at Stewart, after having spent a couple of weeks in the dty. sailed Saturday night by toe Prince Bu pert on bis return north. Mrs. Allen is reanainlng la the city for a while longer. Many local people took advantage of the warm sunshine yesterday to make trips to various paaohn Those with oars drove jut the new road, a con stant procession of auto carrying peo pie almost to the bridge site at Oallo way Rapids. Herman P. Jahn of Edmonton, acting neral passenger agent for the North Oerman Uoyd Steasnshlp Co, left by this morning's train en his return to Edmonton after having spent a few day in the erty assaV district on oo ' pany business. Mrs. I. W. Marentette sailed Satur day night on the Prinoe Rupert for Stewart to pay a brief visit with her husband who is isIswhsji taw aaeta of the Sank of aloilMI tbe. mr will returt'B lW cMtsa Catala to morrow rooming ' 'v W. A. Talbot, assistant district engineer for the provincial department o' public wor'-v for At! in constituency arrived In the city from Stewart on tbe Prince Rupert last night and caught the steamer Catala by which be pro ceeded to his headquarters in Anyos. Mian Ruth Stewart of the Smltbera High School and formerly of Prince Ru pert Is attending tbe teachers' eonven tkra at Vancouver this week. She will be returning through Prinoe Rupert later in tbe week. While here southbound she waa the gwtet of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Matbeeoa. H. J. Bradbury sailed bet night on tbe Prtnce Rupert lor VktorU enroitte to the west coast of Vancouver Island where be will Inspect paagRHs that Is being made on tbe pileSard reduct oi plant which Is being erected there for the local concern of dretairy As Telf and which la scheduled to be completed by tbe end of tbe month. When Mr Bradbury returns to the city In about two weeks' time be win be aeea panted by Don Telf tbe other member of tbe firm, who will take charge of affaire here, Mr. Bradbury going back, to tbe west coast of Vsncouver Island for the summer. DOCTOR WOULD BE A DICTATOR IN ORDER REDUCE HOSPITALS LONDON. Eng.. Apr:' .--glr William Arbuthnot Lane fm surrran, would like to be dlcutor of Oreat Britain so he could reduce tie number of hos pitals by one-half He would do It by teaching people bow to eat. They stuff themselves now. he ".: every mouth ful la a coffin nail ten years hence If we atop people commuting suicide by overloading their -tdmachs we may begin breeding s rnce of supermen and superwomen. IKtl ls IthTOHT a a.m. Dtgby bland Cloudy, calm; barome ter. BBJt: temperature 34; sea smooth; 8 ji m.. out steanser Casals i northbound: I) m. spoke tug Lome leaving. Maaaettj wh mttobS Mud Miftj fisaV!'frnt Wiffit perature. 43. barometer, mi 18J4; tmooth. Noon Dlgby Iolsnd Cloudy, light southeast wind: temperature, 46; baretmeter, 306; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, ealsn; tem-ixrture, 44; barometer, 39.84; sea smooth. The Tallteann Qamea In Ireland are the okleat In the world, antedating even the fam-jLia Olympic OaSAs of Qreece. They were started lu 831 B.C. And Guaranteed Do not f of (t to stk for tht Cold .Seal. . .your Cujrantee of sstlfae lion and positive as-sursnce of the best Isor-teverlng value your money can buy. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED! MONTREAL LOG SCALING TOT.M. Kllt VKtll ONLY LITTLE OVIlt lOlll MILLION IIOAKII ttET 0 '.K Log scaling is not proceeding very fast this year in the Prince Itupert district. Tbe total for tbe year to tbe end of March was only iJSStJHS board feet, a considers bet falling off. Per the month of Marsh the amount scaled was 773493 board feet, made up as follows ; Bed Cedar IMAH Spruce 117.0U Interior Spruee M.1U Hemlock laam 1110 Jack Pine 9V Cottonwood S17M0 Poles (lineal feet) Itajan Spruce piles WO Hemlock Piles 1J76 Cedar Pitas tB.oss Cordwood I cords) ICS Shingle-bolts (cords) Pine Ties M.010 mlatiiku i;i:roi(T. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, calm; tem perature. 3d. 43. Haysport. Light wind, cloudy, temp Port Simpson. Southerly wind. cloudy, tesnp. 43. 40. 44. Terrace. -Cloudy, south wind, temp Rosa wood - Cloud y. south wind, temp. Atyansh. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Alice Arm. Cloudy, windy, temp. 33. Anyos.--Raining, calm, temp. 38. Stewart. Heavy rain. temp. 33. Haixtton Cloudy, calm, temp. 43. Bmlthers Part cloudy, windy, temp. 43. Bums Lake - Clear, windy, temp. 40. Hghth Cabin. Snowing, west wind, temp. 38. oho Lake. Snowing calm. Telegraph creek. -Cloudy, calm, temp 80. AUIn. Cloudy. 8JL wind, temp. 14 Whltehorse - Clesr. calm. temp. 37 Selkirk. Clear, calm, temp. 33. Dawson. Cloudy, calm. temp. 6. M1NHKAI. ACT (Form P.) fi.uTHicATi: or imi'kovi:mi:nt8 Minri: Princess Pat. Lot 4904; Pilot. Lot 4M7: R.A.P.. Lot 4368; Observer. Lot 4388. Mineral Claim, situate in the Atlln Mining Division of CaM tar District. Where located: On Munro Mountain about four, mtlea from the town of Atlln. TAKE NOTICE that we. JamM Stokes and C. It. Praaer, Free Miner's Cert It lea te No. RWao-MOSl. intend, slaty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Oertfflcate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining aj Crown Orant of the above rlaim Aud further take notice th' notion, under section 83 mut be commenced ! before the iue of yich certirtmte of I Improvements i Dated this ftth day of March. A D IB3M. ' H. Uc!. PRAS1R. A.sut. i iff COLD SEAL IB jfl Gt'APANTTX II IsX unmmoN cuajaktus iff 0 YWl MOMT lAtX JJt OP OR that room that needs "doing-over" why delay f longer? .... Congolcum Gold Seal 'Rug prices are again reduced; this time- the savings offered are greater than ever. The 1928 patterns are the most beautiful you've ever seen; a host of charming colour schemes are instantly suggested .... all made with new "Multlcote" longer-wearing surface .... an improvement that builds longer wear from the felt base richt through the hard-wearing surface only genuine Concoleum with the Gold Scat on the ' surface offers this exclusive feature. ' bookk I Link. ON G OLEUM let entitled "Charausg Colour Schemes That Coot So Nssm.. AMfcta j City.... GOLD SEAL , Cengettw" Canada Limited, I 1170 It. Patrick Strttt, Montreal. Rugs MB without cm or oMiaation. s com of year Istsst I Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating d.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock b'npineera. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, I'attern-makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc El.ECTMC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 lICANADIANj Vacihc NaiiiwiTy !uiiia. a p.m. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services ii i Sailings from Prince Rupert To KctenlLaH, U rallied. Juneau, and Hkucnuy March 31. April 11, 21. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle tprll I. 13, tl. I'HIMbMM KOYAL l'r llatrdale. lkt llella IMta, tk-ean rnlK Nama. Alert Ifciy. Campbell Kltrr ami Vancouver every r'rll . lo mu. Aieiiey lor all Meaaihl Dues. full lnfriMllou front I Corner of 4t Ii Ktreet and 3rd Avenue. Prlnre itupert, IU l or VANCOlit Kit. Vl( lOHl.t TuewUv. A lor vNrOi'Vi:u. vinomv, lor roiiT Hwauoon lor AIKE AK.M. AN VOX. STtUAIH 133 2nd Atrnue. It M. SMITH, Axei Ttirotlth tlckelH told io Victoria and Set throuth to dentlnatlor. liuleilule. ila. liutruule, Alert Ikt). rtr. SIMWIIN snd NAAM 111 ItilXTN. Irldav nt. INLAND, rattle. I'liniie 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mallliics from 1'rince Ituiiert. Alert Ikiy, etc. , Hatuntay, 0 a.m. I'OIIT MMI'MIN. rrlnce ltuiert, ItC. and baggace clinked rr i cure abJ DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEARING. CATAIUUI and other oryanic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. I'hone 131. Wallace Block. Open Evenings