I , ,- Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally Newt la to subscribe by the year. The coat la a 5. 00 and your copy la delivered to your address each evening. Just figure out the amall coat to you tor thla dally aervice for twelve month! Vn! XVIII.. No. 8U. Buffalo People Control Babine Mining Property to Spend $100,000 Now Several (Jroup of Claim Taken up by Same Interests and Machln-...... i,. i iM..n...i , . vif iu ie iniuiit-u 1 nr.rin, April a, a. x. liarrer and a. V. Messner, both of S..11 Smithers, have just completed arrangement whereby strong iiitiltal in Iluffuld MY him mirchuxosl ,.,.( t,.l ik. ' ; ' i- u vuuiiui vi biic xjavmv .-ilwr King Mining Co., which own the Babine Silver King mining i iolM ity in the Babine Range. The property in a high-grade silver-mine with principal allowing at the head of Driftwood Creek, Mini 19 miles from Smither. The showings have been developed i , i the last twelve year by everal tunnel a well a by aur-; . wirk. Phenomenal find in native silver, made in the lowet s-worklnif two years ago, aroused very w mum rir rt HALiiiUl mus LITTLE BETTER iihtii. or ist jm rot mm SOLI in. hi iohaV ami nma nii xiM (.OK its to seaitle . ii.. nit Mies at the Pish Exchange morning totalled lbSAOO pounds, of , alallatlon of SSSjOOO of machinery a". !,., ii 73.500 pounds waa from Amen- once. The same Interests ate taking nys and 79.000 pounds from : up the Vic tor l. Silver Saddle and Pour in. i Hdi. in American Uh brought from Lake properties, all In the Babine iu:. and 6c and ll.Sc and Sc. Cans-1 Range and extending item the Silver unt was paid from S.lc and Sc iu t.Bc King to the Cronln Hlne and the Little ii. J :e Oroup. A company with ax 000 .001. Arn.sU and salei: capitalisation la being organised to iMI.Hir.IX handle taose various paagarUaa. lis n ". 32000 pound. Canadian run, need office will be la New Tot and it c.,id worses Oo, iaU. ajad Sc. 1 tut- atflcs.ln Brai tears. JpittlMSill twf Ai.ua j . 2S.0OS MinaSae. Atlrn Planer- fare In eight now to build a cvnoentra- : i .v and Se tor wheai oe-vwlepnieat warrants, f rrxu .Tacaaui. S.S00 pound Hilda. ThU deal will start the Bshtoes go. ' pounds; Thor. SJO0 pounds, and Ing. a section held pack m recent year i Ketchikan). 9.500 pounds. It cuu off another of the many pro- I. Fisheries, 11 At and 7c. CASAIU AN is 12 000 pound, and P Drecn. i;;id. AUm Ptaherlea. 8-Sc snd 6c. i. - ( Jack. 13.000 pounds. Canadian i a ' Cold Culd Btoraas Storage Co Co. . I lie le and and 6c 6e fl.OOO pounds. Canadian Path M Storage Co.. g.Sr and Sc. ' D.000 pounds. Booth Plahenea !. !l lO is nam. 7,000 pounds. Canadian 4 v i jld Storace fa. 1 5c and 6c 1 It. IMO pound". Pacific Plah-h 7i snd ? r 16.000 pounds. Pacific Planer-H"i and 6c "1 P.000 pounds. Pacific PUIxrtes. . .(l 6c. ON TO MMTTI.I. American schwner Sunset, with ;i inda, went on to Seattle RUFUSARGENTA DEAL CLOSED imw.uii'mi.nt m IMI1II ltl. 111: I MtlllKII ON AT HAMK 1IMI:. I ASNOlXflili KTORIA. April 9. -AgrcemenU were 1 111 New York Saturday whereby 1 " Daly, Hon. James W Oerard Aiisoonthi IntsreaU will (rettsnd be ix ldlnga-and aotlvlltea In British unhia by the purchase of the Red und Summit mines on the upper ' " lovrr. Aa announcement mad at " K.i 1 iin-Argents head office here aay ' i Top Summit development will 1 'I n (l on at a rate of not less than 1 """'i 11 month and be oon tempo rau-"- nii that of Rufua. !' i-k1 waa put through In New "y J O. Oalvln of Juneau. SHOOTINGCASE CORBIN FRIDAY f'Tltll'K NKIKIIXIN VICTIM, IHCH AT IIOSI'ITAI, YIMTKKUAV IKO.M WOI.NO f ERNlB. April 0. Pauiek Hlcholaoh, years of aaa. rilarf .a tlva ruanltal Sunday from A bullet wound in abdomen received m an alleged '"Kiting affray at Oorbln, midnight on Friday Owing to la ok of communication detalle of the affair were notavall-Sergeuit Given wood, chief of provincial police, has gone to Oorbln l" Investigate, aoeordlng to the poM. Jamea Sutherland, cooka helper at r,"',iin. Is being held riiiiltK an 111- vwrnmencing in aiay interest mi msi tune out lack of funds for further development caused a cessation of work some IS fnunth ago. By (he arrangements just completed the Buffalo capital will provide funds for development thla year on a larger xcale than hat yet been attempted on thla property. It la hoped to get stain ed In the month of Hay. It la intended to spend 1100.000 In development of this and adjoining properties within the next year and trie plana call for the In- pertles In tbe district Nearly thirty properties have bean disposed of in thi district In the last six months, 1 ni u icii (iii.m: mii tii TO TRAIN A HO Kit Battling Dido Ourvlch. the only present nope of Prince Rupert tor gettlnj on the right map. left last night for Seattle where he plans to train under Jo Waterman. Dido saya he to going to learn to fight NU he can. He realises that he has not the skill of the trained bower so he la going to get the training snd then see what be oan do. He will prob- sbly be stray for two or three month or more. PRINCESS ENaTiERE WITH TERRACE TRUCK Steamer Princess Bns. freighter of the C.P-R. fleet, loaded heavily wltn rreignt for Skagway. called In here thla afternoon to discharge a heavy timber truck and a trailer for Oeorge Little. The truck will be taken to Terrace to used Ui the logging oueinoaa oi in utile mill. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ,;noi.iii u:oi:, niv. I. Aston Villa l. Went Ham United 0. Cardiff City 2. Arnrnal 2. Derby County 1. Sunderland 0. Hudderafield 2 Birmingham 0. lmh 2. Bury 2 llauchcater United 2. Bolton I. Portsmouth 4. Sheffield United I. kmii.imi ixAtiu:. niv. 11 ri.nHn Orient 0 Notu County 1. Pulham 1. Manclii'Mrr City 1. Notts Porest 1 Brnley 1. Oldham a. Chriw. 1 "rtii Snd I. Heading . Pret"" Southampton 3, West. ,Bronch, , Stoke City t . Bihiol 9ft, 9-,-, . 1 null Oiv 0. Woherhampton n. led 0. South ShlclcLs 0. rt Vale I. M'OTTISH I.KA(il'B. "V Alrdrleonlans 3. feltic I Partlek S. Cowdenbeath 4. Rangers 4. Dunfermline 0. lllvMoii II. Third Lanark J. Ayr 3 HUM K WON UHillV. am 11 In nn interna 1 i'i tol l"'Bt lieir ruiiby Knc pmyeii Wales eight poluta to thrvt. Northern and . - ' 1 1 ' " ' ' " 11 ' ' , yW- i i PRINCK - ' ' SILENCE FROM ! CAPT.WILKINS j M WOIIO HtO.l POINT lit ItltOW tVlir.UK AVIATCIIC WAS TO HTAKT lOlt KI'ITISEIMIEN I j I I WARD, April 8. Belief that something; hat happened to Captain Oeorrt j WllklmV radio la esprested following the , j third day and nlgtv. of the aviator's alienee. The belief la also oxprceaed that Wilkin has not begun the projected flight to Spitsbergen over the North Pole. The laat word from Captain Wllklna at Point Barrow was that cloudy weather kept hla place on tee Thursday, the date act for the take off. DR. J. H. KING CANNOT VISIT COAST OWING TO DEPARTMENTAL DUTIES VANCOUVER. April S. Hon. J. H. l King, who has been visiting British i Columbia, luu been c repelled to cancel hla visit to the count on accmnt o' Important legislation affecting his department to caaie up In the H.use alter the Baster reces. Ottawa River and Tributaries Went on Rampage; Flooded Country .with GRAIN SHIP HERE TODAY AM.UKAMI ItH A.N I ItOtl HOPE III'!; IS l-OIIT AT HIT. TIIH .IITEUXOON The llrttlkli steamer .Ingas-ladlan. lYlnew HMrt,a Iwenty-fhlril grain aalp af Ike aeaasw. rawing froeH Ihe Old Cwnatry, Is due la pert at S rtork that afterHemi, Capt. Larry Ihoaswn rt the I'roeral I1lt of Ibrttlali Ca4aMa havlMg gee oat Ihls Rtefislai te meet her. The ve-'e4 la Ntrtly lineal ami will Itatr t rinrah befsrr gehtg ander the simhiIs. IVHh a alarkenlng ap of the Inward moemenl of grain frmi lite prslrtra. I he rlrtaliir ataff Is taking the Kalrr MouUst I tot May tealay. Only one Iralnlned of grain arrhed ter I he week-end. LUMBER SHIP FAST ON REEF PROVIDENCE. B.l . April 9. An at tempt will be made today to Host the British ateomer lllastun out of Van couver, B.C. for New London. Conn, which la hard and fast on a reef at Watch a) HI since yesterday The vessel carried tlva million feet of lumber. The tenrUa courts were crowded yes- tarn ay by devotees of this popular game. Later as the wea.tner becomes hotter, the players will find the attraction of toe water greater and the courts are likely to be more or leas deserted. Major League Baseball Opens Today with Close Contest for Supremacy Expected Before End x tKW tORK,' Apr.l Major' 1V opening of another campaign with-many betwr-eK)Ti A chnnges and great physical condition as the players wait at the barrier for the opening games today. Two reasonable suppositions gtand out, one in each league. The New York Yankees, favored to repeat as American League champions, will have to fight it out. Last season they swept to the title nineteen games ahead of their nearest opponent. This season they will give no convincing indications that they are better than last year, while the oDimltlon has been Louis. New York unci Chlcaao have sud- atrengthened. The National race. thrllNig to the Iinal moments laat year, promises to be u.' .is exciting tills. Plttaburg St. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT, B.C.,' MONDAY, APRIL Strange Shooting Case on in Heart of Vancouver Sunday Afternoon When Girl is Killed and Man Suicides April 9. Marjorie Taylor, 28 years of age, wan VANCOUVER ..not to (leafy on UaatintfB Street E. yesterday afternoon and her alleged uHagiUint, William Burke, 46 yearn of age, of rowelt Kiver, died in the inml, wi, h a bulitt wound in nix head, soli'-in- I'jitied, according to the police. The nhooting oii urred on a street in the busy section in front of the woman's home- at 4.61. After allegedly shooting his victim liurke rushed into the house where has was found in the kitchen with a wound in his head and a 33 calibre rev elver beside him. . - - - - John R.beru. Uxt-drlvtr. la held by the police as a materiol wltneaa. Burke la tald to have crime to Van-ccuvcr from Powell Stiver and to have kept company with UK woman who ha btcn known to the pvlUe for about a .:.i-th. Itbcrts sals) the two had a 'luurrel Snturday but w'. cn Burke called it the h uee 3u3day,. !- appeared m havf boen on frlerd'y terms A the w.n.an reached the tap itsp after running fr-m the bcuee aur Burke entered she leH aa a bulln entered her body It la aa d that tl-.re bulleU were fired, all taking ellejt. ---- - tr i'ectr.ivuc(ri" year Saturday In the current number of the Cans- r ght by defeating Quebec five goals to dutn P'.kI ermsn. puSlbf n m Monuctl. r.:i In the final cf a four game Mfi la a pl.-tuie of John Dy'jhnvn. manager; fj-.iecc e.itcrrd the game with a une-c( the Royal Fish Co. here , ul ndvantsi;e of seven to six. loss i ofjsife Four lives lost and many bridges swept away, M towns Hooded and dam destroyed in spring breakup ONTKEAL, April . Two known deaths, two members of a Canadian National passenger train unaccounted for, and enormous property damage is the toll exacted in the province of Quebec over the week-end by floods. The actual extent of the damage is not ascertained owing to the fact that telephone and telegraphic wires outside of Montreal are badly disrupted. J. Robbins, 48 years of age, a baggageman, and R. Thiverge, aq express messenger, both of Montreal, are missing as a result of the Canadian National train crashing through the Drum-mondville bridge which has been weakened by the flood of waters yesterday afternoon. The train was bound from Montreal to Quebec. The passengers were not hurt. T. R. Bffelroy. IS yean of age. and f William Mortn. were itrowned when a vehicle in which they Were travelling waa swept from a bridge aa they were cosslrg tbe Chaudiere ftlver last night. A third man In the vehicle managed to swim ashore. ikom: in c ontkol OTTAWA. April Preening temper-autres today controlled tbe Itod situation which caused many thousand! of dollars of damaae to towns along the Ottawa River at the week-end. The overflowing Indian River rose more than three feet. fUoding the streets of aernhmk. and m.n.tmlnf several tain- Hiss. In Renfrew the U nine Che re River, on which Renfrew. EmvlUe and Douglas are situated, went n the wildest rampage in years. Butirr bridge, six mile from Renfrew, gave way late Saturday and was carried tu Renfrew by the waters and smashed to pieces over the dam. At Quron. on Oh Quebec side, thirty feet of the big dam one hundred feet leng. and built of wild concrete eight" League baseball oliriwi.ifB th porters who confidently believe they csn win. Philadelphia Washington and Detroit are expected to atand In the : way f a Yankee runaway race 9, 1928 Hastings St. SrKlNliilKLlJ BEATS QUEBEC wins f'lMMrioNKiur or tamihax- A.MIIKK AN ll(K Kl;V Lt.tf.i l; KATt no vv PROVIOKNCE. R.I. April 9. - Springfield ci nched the champHnsb-.p t! the Cii..tin.)-Amerlcan hockey league in and Property leet thick, was broken like cardboard by the flcod and lee. Th releasing waters backed up to a depth of over So feet. Plcods swept through the main street tearing up sidewalks and roads. Ice several fact thick swept through tbe main street crashing into houses while the flood broke In tbs doors of residences carrying tight furniture In tumbling array down the streets to the Ottawa Rlvcf. (fin pAHTIRTP I I ll-N I I I III I IMIw ! tilUJ VlUilllllU LOCAL MILL I.OUNi; TtltUMI IIIMIAMON WITH MILLION I LET DI E TOII.IV TINT Ukii of I he rwirir Cujile Navigation ." I left hi dae In pwrl at I n'tltxk tlitaneriitmii listing In low tle luf-ramliiy. kargr lllngamen Willi u fall lead of uie one mil-0ii fret of log ffom .Msaaelt fr liar IMg Hay Lumlter tWe nmMI at hrttl (lot e. VANCOUVER MAN FELL FROM STEAMER CHILCO llout IV Hi Itomitl on Mpcrliil Trip to IViMMlflbrr IVIirn Man lrwnel Vealeriliiy VANCOUVER. April 9 railing overboard from 8 3. Chi loo. a Union Steam ship vessel chartered for n special trip to Woodilbre early Sunday morning, rred W. Hyslop of Vancouver waa drowned In Howe Sound near Anvil Island. The body has not yet been recovered. Formerly Hyalop worked at Wood- fibre and owned conslderablVancouver property. j Subscribe for the Daily Newa. New York Rangers with Lester Patrick in Goal Won Victory in , Second Game of Hockey Finals April 9. The Ne York Rangers jumped back MONTREAL, into contention in the hunt for the Stanley Cup by scoring a two to one overtime victory over Montreal Maroons Saturday night. The Rangers won de.ipite the fact that they lo.U Lome t'habot, goalie, early in the second period when a high shot struck his left eye. He was taken to the hospital and Lester Patrick, veteran Hangers manager, replaced him. Patrick played a strong game in the net with practically air tight protection by hla defense aided bye a strong back checking forward line. Tbe , game, waa colorful and packed with ac tion. The Rsnen won after even mln-: utei overtime when Prank Bousher beat . ' Benedict on a pasa from Chlng Johnson. The shot waa partly deflected In the 1 alaroun g si by Hooley Smith' skate. I a tough break for the Maroon, who held a fair margin of play throughout, but ""d "'I?'5'0' th, Ra? ! BUI n Cook -opened the scoring early ! in the third period when he rushed. lUgh "'J?0 MmnM " !T short with Munro penalised. The Maroons tied It when Stewart scooped . ... . w ln Smiths rebound. ................. ',"we,Te,TeWWWWT NEGOTIATIONS ()lt 4-; 4 KENOINCINO W.I It III i 4. MINV (lltn.IT N.ITIONtt 4 WA8HIMJTON A pi . Prance 4 and United States agreed Satur- A rli In anWmtt Imiiwdlatflv tltlr J I . diplomatic '. correavondencc , , ,,, .., , on . 1 , proposals .tor BoullUateral aV tPeaaatV raWtlAtlwaalSBa earsk V A VkVxtgaifl aaV I " " 1 x -s n 11.11. r.?af,.' 4' 4' ' TOLMiE NOT SURE IF HE WILL RETURN TO OTTAWA THIS SESSION VANCOUVER. April B Asked whether he will return to Ottawa for the remainder of the parliamentary aeaalon. Hon. S. P. Totalis, leader ot the B.C. Conservatives, said he waa undecided. He will remain in tbe province three veelu at lean. Hla future plana will be governed by developments. 11 WORK TO RESUME ON DUNWELL PROPERTY STEWART. April B. - The Ounwell M'"l' g Co. are preparing to drive a In tunnel 100 feet long on tbe Ben All 'ein of the group and bids for the contract are to be tn by tomorrow. The work will be done by hand. It is said here the company will resume mining operations in the old workings with machines In the near future. GOVERNOR HOLIDAYING ON THE COAST BUT IS NOT OFFICIAL VISIT VANCOUVER. April 9 Their Ex eel -lenclen Lord snd Lady WllUngdon arrived here Saturday for a holiday on the coast. There waa no official reception. CHINAMAN KILLED STRUCK BY A CAR NEW WESTMINSTER. April 9 - Believed to have been struck by a hit and run motorist Chen Quoy. so years of se. Chinese, was found fatally injured near here Saturday night. He died two hours later. BASEBALL SCORES IMfirir COAST 'lE.WI IE . SIT! KIlAV tt.VMKS ifVirtland t. Lot Angeles 5. I Hollywood S. Oakland Seattle 3. San Francisco 4. Mission 2. Sacramento 7. SINHAV O.IMEH Mlsalonn 3-10. Sacramento 0-7. Seattle 1-9. San Francisco 7-5. Hollywood 9-8. Oakland 1-7. The first game between Hollywood and Oakland yesterday was a draw after 11 Innings. I'll HE or WHEAT VANCOUVER. April 9 Wheat sold !. t.Hi iv .it ' 52 1-8 Boston Grill i Largs Upatair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Onts CANNERIES ARE GETTING READY I'KH'AHATOKV UOKK IN H IX sHINO AND MOVEMENT NOKTH Ol'l ICIAL.H ANII t-HEIVN M O.N At th mouth7Vthe Skcena and Naas River and al.ng this part of the prepsratlona are nov7 in full swing for tbe 1988 salmon canning aea- m and the movement northward for the summer of off telals. and crews of the HHmu nl.nt, mnllniiai UHilU . f.m. of the canneries may atart running tarings scon, it will be the month of June, with the opening of sockeye fishing, before actual canning operations become general. Coming north from Vancouver on toe Oatala yesterday afternoon were W. E. Walker, manager of Arrandale Oancery, , ,.., L Wales Island cannery, both In the Naaa - AbIsIah aUaaaaM vau. at botn plants were oeoompsnytng Um- manage re. John A. Clark, manager of Oceanic Cannery on tbe Skcena River, also came north on tbe Catala. A. O. Johnston, manager of Inverness snd Klemtu canneries, returned .o the district frcm Victoria st the end - the week. THREE LOSE THEIR LIVES lit; DESTROYS IIOISKS IN OTTAWA THIS MOKNINO ANII TllltLE or orctiMNTs OTTAWA. April 9. Mrs. Elijah My- iland. forty yean ot age. and the eighteen months old daughter and, Ur. James Hylar.d. 84. were burned to death a fire on Mervale Road near here this morning. Tbe bouse and two others adjoining were destroyed but the .occupants escaped though narrowly. STOCK MARKET AGAIN ACTIVE MttlM TWO TO Eltlllt DOLLARS .1 SHAKE ADOKII lO NOMINAL V.ILI E Of HE(''UITIEM NEW YORK. April 9. The stock market- started on another bull rampage today under tbe leadership of railroads, coppers, motors and public utilities and merchandising Issues. Early gains ran from two to eight dollars a share GOLF FINALS AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. April II - Bon Sleln and T. McHugh. both of Seattle, am fighting It out today for the BC. amateur golf chomplonshlp s the re sult of their respective wins In' the feml-flnal round yesterday. Miss Marlon Wilson of Victoria and Mr. Oslletly of Vancouver meet Ui the finals for tbe ladles' title. ZENO WINNER OF THE QUEEN'S PRIZE KEMPTON PARK. April 9 A. llowe-son's colt Zeno won the Queen's price thLs afternoon by a neck from 1L Pulltser'a B 8 Wootton's Dakota came thud Fourteen hornet ran in i lit- two nW :,.;:. d.. 'p.