i fARP! RTX We'll Wash Y, ou Iron IF you like to iron we'll be glad to do (he harder job of washing. And without messing your home! We'll call for your family bundle. We'll wash it snowy white in pure soap and rainsoft water. We'll extract most of the water in our special fabric-saving: spinning basket wringers. Then we'll return everything to you, sweet and sanitary. . . . and just damp enough for your own hand iron. We call this our Wet Wash Service. The charge only 5 cents a pound. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners i'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS CXiaONMCTKCOMEn! MtSJUItONSFWU. una in disuses of Tntrouowiwoisw -Tnm -HI 'SiS era Alt J' tun I lBOWCII !HKUtS IMtlUHB siamm AFKW11 sw STOMACH A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produces a Higger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROl'KACTOK 6 Exchange Hlock Green 211 NOBLE FIVE MINES Sponsored by Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. We are still taking orders for subscription stock at SOc a share. Wo execute buying and selling orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. We list morning and after-noon closing prices on our stock board. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Ave. W. Representing Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. Members Vancouver Stock Exchange An Easter Special Dress Hat .. ,. Jj51I.7." ... .73 "Demers" GREATEST AFTER DINNER SPEAKER ch.u xrv iitmv w.s m inessman AMI POLITICIAN AS Hill AS TlXLtll l" STORIES "I am Jtaowa uw jltter-dlnner ape er," Mld.(fbHner Depew. who dMd lt week at .the, age of S3. "I hope I alls ' am knowh as a man who works, aald on hli 80th blrtboayn ! have never interfered with, wy business they have been my recreation. Moat men get their relaxation f earda. That maces utem Keep late MUM and they alt In a room with a badVtqstnd duns too many cocktail. They dll young. 'When I waa very young I decided to make dinners my recreation. Speaking waa easy to me. My digestion might have bothered me if I had not been careful, t eipertmented to find Just what I could eat beat. I soon deter mined to play with everything, but to eat nothing except the roast and game eoureee. The trouble with the average man la that he oanaot retain his appe tite. But a public banquet. If eaten with thought and care, h no more of a strain than a dinner at home." Mr. Depew waa born In 184. His an cestors on the paternal aide were French Hugenots who came to America in the 17th century, and on the mater- aide he was descended from Boger Sherman, a i(rner of the Declaration or Independence. The house where be waa born had been the Depew homestead fur more than 300 years. FATHER HAH MERCHANT The father. In addition to being a merchant and farmer, alio was a pioneer In river transportation between Peek- akin and New York City. To mother. woman of highly developed literary tastes, was chiefly responsible for the thoroughness of her son's education. He obtained his preliminary training In Feeksktll Academy and In 1853 entered Yale, from which he was graduated four years later as a barrister. Returning to the farm at the age of Get Your Supply of EGGS for Easter Large Eggs, Fresh Firsts, 8 dos. for $1.00 Libby's Asparagus Tips, 3 for !."e Ripe Olives, Buffet size, per tin 150 Libby's Sour Chow Chow Libby's Sour Mixed, 3 for $1.0(1 Your choice, Extra special Pure Jam, 4 pound tins, "Best Brands" Greengage, Raspberry, Teach, Red Plum, Apricot, and Marmalade. Per tin tir? Eastern Labrador Turkeys (Bering) Regular, 2 for H."r Special, 3 for SM Royal City Pork and Beans, reg. nVic, special, 4 for J5t Royal City Corn on Cob, per tin Weston's Fancy Biscuits, 2's tins 7(c lust arrived, Braids High Grade Bulk Tea, reg. 90c, special "0V Book, your orders for Vegetables and Hot Cross Buns early Fresh killed milk-fed Chickens, per lb JWc Book your order early Arriving for Easter Fresh As paragus, New Potatos, Celery, let tuce. Green Onions, Leeks, Parsley. Watercress, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Spinach, Bunch Carrots and Outdoor Rhubarb. Also full line of Fresh and Citrus Fruits WATCH OUH WINDOWS B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 15 - 571 City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) Third Ave. Phone 765 KJ0T i K1SK GR0NSAKKK (JJKTOST N0KKEI.OST FETMYSOST PRIMULA (;ammei.ost fiskebollkk PIsATimOD MULTER O.V. 1st kl. varer. Bllllge prlser. ' Hurtle ombrlngelHe. Ister to Janen MclnshUn Butck dtvelee mn pomr doe eW rp Wmh th Vtd coAacrurnon caaomrsm tk full fare mf Uw pleaian diractlv i die state and hmnt li IMCSMitMM MalWcMl-ins im. Thi iMWf himn Im pier 4icinl combuMigii and vtlatbU Mvuig mi fvL 23. he clashed with his fattier over poll-tics and subsequently abandoned the latter' Democratic faith to take local stumps in favor of Fremond and his Fiee Soil campaign. After the election lie begen practicing law,, and earned his first fee 1 76 for an opinion that re quired several days to prepare Just about the time Lincoln waa first mentioned for the presidency. He Immedi ately entered the campaign on behalf of the latter and gained considerable fame as a political orator. Eight years later be nad been nominated and confirmed for the post of American Minister to Japan. Previous to this he had been Secretary of New York State and had held several other public office, although be declined more political appointment perhaps than any other young man in tho country. Just as Depew was preparing to leave for Japan, Oommodure VanderbUt acquired the New York, and Harlam rail road 198 miles of "Junk." as he after- wards described I. He called upon Depew ail c) offered him the position of general counsel st a salary of 17,500 a year, but the young lawyer promptly: IWWIBN UV UWUIIilfl HWh UV WOT W receive a muoh higher salary became vice-president of all the Vander bUt roads merged Into the New York High Blood Pressure and Health MONDAY HEALTH TALK by R. E. IJYOLFSON, D.O, Ph.C. Hijfh blood pressure is a condition which is especially prevalent amonir people past middle life. Its danjrer lies in the fact that the patient is usually unaware of its existence until paralysis or other serious conditions overtakes him. If you would reduce your hlh blood pressure you should employ Chiropractic adjustments which eliminate its cause. I take blood pressure measure-, ments by standard methods, nnd am in a position to give expert ...!.. .. .. ...all am frrrtmH ln terpreUtion or the njoinw . Y'our consultation's Ihviteu. - R. E. EYOLFSON CIIIKOPHACTOK CM Third Avenue West Phones Office: Blue 85. IleHidence: Black 252. mm. Minv UTtrara 'tan am other PbBb of its Size Central In 1883 and president of the New York Central In 1885. In 1888 ne resigned to become chairman of tue board of director, a position he continued -to flU through tha evantfui period of reconstruction following the World War. Mr. Depew was frequently criticised for taking an active part In politics while be retained his powerful railroad ooiuvecttoM, but those who knew hit work Intimately were quick to point 'him. out that he never neglected the details of either his badness or bis publls career. temparanos and tun." J- SPORT CHAT The Junior Football League, startln min. f season on Aprn il. win be once port' again the first on the outdoor spurti::ij "U'a up to you ." VanderbUt replied. rr- The senior baseball and "Railroads are the career for a young footb11 le'ue "Ight well take s le-man. There la nothing In politics. " o hook and get atarted a j Don't make a fool of yourself." uw nlw XMtl "tlr cu" Dapew took the Jcb. and on January ; The evening, are lengthening 1. mi. had rounded out U yearn with no lou Jln weather u go. the VanderbUt lntererts. His connection ln Yet neither b-;bAll or with raUroadlng covered praetloaUy tne football assoelatlcn have even started whale period of railway construction. organise yet. The full outdoor expansion and development In the TJnl- !1rtlng season might well aurt here ted Slate Bealnnlna In 1866 ai attor- P na lnu nae a iuii six aey fcr the New York and Harlem, ne months of it. Oene Tunney and Tex Uckard both have. Issued sutements flatly denyln; ruinors from New York that Tom Bee- ney has been given the call for the next champlomhlp fight. They said they bad not even seen Charley Harvey. Heeney'e manager. Neither Rlckard nor Tunney would elaborate on the state ment that Hecney had not been given the call. Men's and lseftea' curling clubs at at their annual Sinner and dance ln the Prtnee Oeorge Hotel. The presentation of' cups to the winning rinks of the past winter also took place. The men elected M. 8. Morrell as president. succeeding W. L. Hornsby. resigned and made J. C. Pldgeon. vice-president and C. C. Wright, secretary. The ladle elected Mrs. C. C. Jones aa their president with Mrs. 8. J. Watson vice-presi dent and Mrs. B. O. Parker as nalph Smith, who sailed for the outh last night and during his absence will visit Vancouver, Seattle, Kelso. Portland and other citiea. will look them over with a view to arranging another match here for Jimmy Mc Donald tf Vsnceuver who took the local bop. DldSVOnrvlch. into camp last etek. As s result of the two suc cessful McDonaidXhirvtch bouts, the boxing gam in IT! nee Hupert look to be du far a season ot prosperity. The interest o! the putlie ha been aroused more zener: tf.40 P0Uly bl jimmiaM'ifPQBwgsi nwMmmyt'.ae.--A' TESTS prove that the valve -in-head engine as used by McLaugh-lin-Buick develops more power than any other engine of its size. The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan oBers many advantages to buyer of McLaughlin-Buitk cars. M.T-4.tae McyyyGHUN-B UICK KAIEN GARAGE ( DilVG Koim ) Third Ave, Prince Hupert, B.C. X7HBN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT MrLAUCHLIN-BUICK WILL BUILD TJH2M a fighter, clever and able a tlie southern boy taay be. to put him out. Capacity to stand the gag In race of difficulties is something very valuable for a boxer to have and Dido bat that The local, boy. however, doss not yet know quite enough about the tclenc? of boxing He la still somewhat of slugger inclined to go Mind when U- tacked. If anything.- It waa in tints generalship where McDonald put It over Experience is something that every boxer must have and that la what Dido Mr. Depew married twice. Hi first now finds himself mainly lacklna. To wife was Blae Hegemsn, whom be mar ig,t that, it looks, like we have suggested rtod in 1871, and. by whom he hd htnra that he mut ob tr.uii Me son. Chaunosg M. Depew. Jr. She ,!, does not need to feel disheartened lied In 1883. ;Hls'jecdnd;wlfe was May at , If wulU to , tbere Is still Palmer, whom be married In 1801. !the chance for him to be more than a His recipe for longevity was. "Work. Lm.,1 town boxer And an criticises jthat Dies may now get In urging htm to use all his f acuities i for hi own good. There Is nobody more than the Dally News would tike to see bun make s name for himself In the ring If, that Is hi ambition. In any such effort. the home town boy msy rest assured that he shall get plenty of local jup- FRANK ALDRIDGE IS WINNER IN LEGION BILLIARD TOURNEY Fank Aldridge won the final of the Csnadlan Legion' bnilard handicap tournament at the end of the week by de feating Sir Bird 900 to 180. This wlU probably be the last of a number of such tournament which have been held during the winter by the Canadian Around The World With Sport Fans (II) Ibe Tramp) Specialization in rated so much In port Is not cultl-Brltaln as It la In Prtnoa Oeorge elected officers laat America. The English sportsman pre lead Wr. urn Mi' aet'an sSbtn. Patktla. turt may iw aMtKtr l ateb w-W OTcto ft3rieivVhi. he return ln the summer from hi training tout south. Now Dido Ourvlch ha suffered his first defeat, and a very honorable one at that. It wUl be tor him to make hu plan accordingly f he has any Idea of going ahead win) the bosing game. In his second boui with Jimmy McDonald of Vancouver. Dido showed at least that he has plenty of ataylng mwer and that It Is Rolnx tn take a fers to have a "whack" at everything In the sporting line, though ths dis semination of his activities mean that he may never be a champion at ot thing. What does It matter, anyway? Ty Cobb recently cleaned up nearly a quarter of a million dollars on the stock market but be will continue to play baseball, he says. If he goes on making money easy like that hi base ball daye won't last long. . King Alfonso of Spain has earned the reputation of being a sportsman say an Eastern sport writer, lie plays s better than average game of polo, races a stable, of horses, I a fair performer kt tennis, and sboot golf in the eigh ties. But he Will not stand so well in Canada tthlea be saplalns the rule whereby Canadian boat, especially the Btnenose, 'champion fishing schooner are barred. (Km the transatlantic race tor hie oup. It would seem the sport- Lib, thlng;)Uf do to allow the Bluenose Tvwuh w compete. ItaWh enthusiasts will that Way' about it until His Majesty tells why the United Slates only, in stead of all America, is permitted to ssnd Its racing crsft Into the race from Sandy Hook to San tender against Span ish ships. Certs inly there will b no traffic tiongestlon on the Atlantic. . . In the old country they are playing International badminton matches. Quite recently England beat Ireland 0 to 0. . An old timer remarka that ths reason he does not like taking part In public I food deal tro:i(rer and different kind of sport event lb tliut the Unit players aaMaWiBi SPUN SILK D Away down in South Africa one of the big teat cricket matches had to be postponed on soooUnt of rain Bom oonsolatlon to the toesl boya who some, times hsvs to postpone their baseball matches. Frank Bills, manager of the Oosse Packing Go's Shannon Day cannery. and members of the cnnryrew ar- j rivea irom Vancouver on oaiurnuy morning's boat, proceeding tlmt rvrnlni to the Quern Churlot Mimi i ' Monday, An to e m an n Astoria THE CANADIAN SII0B F0U LADIES We are placing the whole of this famous lin, of Ladies' Shoes at bargain prices at our Com pulsion Sale. These ASTORIA GIRL Shoes need no boost In . Their merits are known the country over. We have them in many styles and patterns. Regularly sold up to $10.60. Compulsion Sale Price-- McArthur s Shoe Store WE DO REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT No Charge Accounts Third Avenue. Phone Black lb wmmmxammiti WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and !) p.m. JACK LUDEN In "Shootin Irons" A root in', toot in', Kallupalutin' west. SALLY BLANK, GUY OLIVER, AUTIIUR MILLHTT. I HKi K01ILKU and others COMEDY "OCEAN BLUES" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admlaeton .... Me and 10c RESSES MADE FROM REST QUALITY JAP SPUN SILK Assorted styles and a variety of shades, long sleevt Sizes 34 to 42. $4.95 Fraser & Payne Univerwil Trading Co. LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOBS Our spring stock of High Grade MenH Wear la now In i Hundreda of Briton's flnent woollens from which to cho "that prlng auit," tailored to your measure by Canada's for. most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do ft Today THOR JOHNSON Radio Radio As well aa ipeclallBlna on tlx No. 17 Radlula, we wish to cira your attention to the Radiol Nu IS. It u another of the up-to-date, last atr months modsls. a si tube reselver. Price, leas Radlotrons vn Price, with Radlotrons .. lll.i Price, complrte with Badlo-tmna and 1 00. A Loud- apeaker SlAS.TA K. W. CIIANDI.F.It Rxcluvive WholaMle Dealer for Offlre: Jitlffltlh M. Ilov ut.i rrliue Ituiiert, lie.