Monday, April 0, 1928 Prices at l'rlnce Hupert of the New Chevrolet Light Delivery Chamus , $o:u.on 1-1 'A Ton Truck Chassis $HOO.)0 Roadster $808.00 Roadster Delivery $808.00 Touring $808.00 Coupe $o:$i.oo Coach $M.'M.OO Sedan $10:10.00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Dumper and Rear Rumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheel Standard equipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On othei' models $:'.0.00 extra. Spare Tire and Tube, Si 9.00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 If. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Chiffon and Rervlre Weights in (iunmetal, Rlack, Atmon-)m -re. Nude, Evenirlow, Mer-ida. Flesh, etr. From $1.75 to $2.50 The lloe for Satisfaction H.S.Wa.laceCo.LtrJ. Phone !. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. Selling Out Our whole Mock miM be dipod of quickly COME EARLY AND GET YOl'R SHARE OF THE HAIH.AINS Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller. Proprietor. RICHMOND'S Louvre FAMOUS TOR VALUE In Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 2 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mclirlde Street stors now closed Valentin Dairy Orflce and Dairy . 11th SL Telephone 657. ADVICE GIVEN PROSPECTORS lMPOKTANTH OF Ci:rtUVAI.K M(oixo( K mkxtioxkii nv kx- (IIMEII IX Allllt:ss TQPLEY STILL Ol'WN Placer l lnd, May Vet I Miule on M:m-mmi (reek and Moliluleiilte u Kndako 8MIT11BH8, April 9 In the mim.n-pal offlcaa In 8m linen, last week. Dm..,. lM Lay, resident mining engineer lor the North-Esstern District, gave very Interesting talk to prospectors and others Interested in the mining indus try, the meeting being convened by u Omlneca branch of the B.c chamber of Mines. Departing from the generalities which feature such talks by most other .peskier, Mr. Uy gave It as hi opinion that jetrtaln areas In his district gave great promise for prospecting. He mentioned jthe region north of the Canadian Na-Ittoml Railway at Oedervale and Wood- oock and In particular advised attention by prospector to the vicinity of ;a granite boss up Sedan Creek from Woodcock. He also suKnested that fur ther important finds oe made In the upivy section and the nearness tot transportation and Important developments now going on would give added value to ally discoveries made there He also mentioned the Importance of recent discoveries in the Bibols country I with high values in both gold and 'galena. The Ferguson property on the I Ingenllui River was In a section with very promising geology, and although I far from present transportation routes i I there wss great likelihood of being able 10 raw properties or great importance there. He also advised that in the vicinity of Mtea Mountain near Tete Jaune Cache there was a very likely region. Be suggested that if any one were prospecting there he go to the went of Mlea Mountain and seek for lime- atone formation, which if found would be likely to have galena deposits of Importance. i Discussing placer areas he ssld that there were probably still many placer finds to be made In the Hanson Ores .section Be advised that in seeking placer in that region it would be of assistance If attention was paid to a red I rusty rock with marl post te beneath It. This mariposite looks tike green copper and has keen found In nearly rJl important plassr fte'ds on the Pacific slope. The precise iwtettmt between It snd the placer Is not certain but Its presence should at once suggest the probable proximity of placer gold. la the Msnsmi Creak section there were alao some serpentine rocks, and these might carry aOaaa, a thing to be borne la mind by those going into that region. Throughout his talk be emphasised the importance of granitic rocks aa a source of ore anal advised all pros pec tors to keep that fact before them at all liases. Tbe gnuute might not be in evidence on tke surface but It would TI.MHER SALE X9G9J. There wUI be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 10th day of April. ISM. in the office of the District Faroaler. fVUU Rupert tbe Licence to rut SjOOSMO r B-M of spruce. Balaam anal Cedar on aa area situated at bead of Kynoch Bay. Xynoch I.ilet. being portion of tat M0. Rent 1. Coast District. Three ig) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend tbe auction in peseon may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction rid treated as one bid " Further particulars of the Chief For ester, viotorta. ai or umncs ler Prince tmuert. BC TIMRER SALE X9786 nsaied Tenders wlU be received bf the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the ssrd day of Aorll. lvsa. lor tne purcnase 01 ucensv xStSS. to cut 3.1S6.UOO F-B.M of Bsl-ssm. Hemlock. Sprues and Cedar on an area situated on Reacoe Inlet, mouth of Moots River, Range S. Coast District. Three (II years will be sllowed for removal of timber. further particulars of the Chief Forester. Vlctorls. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, n.i;. LN 1'RQHATE in tub siTBBve roi KT or hkitism KlMMIIIt In the tter of the AdminUtration In the'katter of the Estate of Benedict Bffan Johnson Decease Intestate. TACT NOTICE that by order of Hit Honor r MeB Young, the Stnd day of Ibreh lots I was sppolntee admlnts-Sllf'nf !i est." "f nedtctSteff.n Johnson, deceased, snd all peruse hay. inlilrns aaalnst the sad estate are lierehy reaulred to furnish same pro- serlfled to me on or before the Kiiv ft dlW April. . JSC inMhUd to the estate are requires to Day the amount of their indebted W - '"NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdntUlHtntar. Prince Rupert. B C NOTICE theNU ifTOna.-TUleV Ut ..Seen , -"- (181. Town of Stewart MP 18A cetera swrS t tlon on of of one one month momn from the fV-rtlficate si llcatwn hereof. Pro'? rinVn t re name of w i .vkw,.;"bl- October, ate of Title Is dated tlie IS II UIM l, WW - , '..-. n't'-- i" I to r Tessa t i r 1 1 si s to keep In mind. mam? i SStfn'gS'r. J S "rwiii i mi Be Sure You (jet The Genuine GILLETT'S FLAKE LYE not be far away from any ore showing. The molybdenite find of last year near Endaro and the mica deposits at Mica Mountu.n and at Fort Orahame were referred to In the courar of the uddrr kk as bun Important discoveries SUCCESSFUL SALE BY TERRACE DEBEKAHS' SATURDAY AFTERNOON TERRACE. April 9. The members of Atuunlaui view Rebekah Lodge. Terrace. TERRACE APPRECIATES HORTICULTURIST VISIT laslltnte Hear Lertote and nrwHhsg ftoasea Coodneted by Prof eoimr Kendall TERRACE, April .- R Randall. gov- eminent horticulturist, was the chief speaker at the quarterly meeting of tlie members of the Womv::'s Institute dl5 i prallnt. Mr. Randall spoke appre-c:: vely of the pwlbilltles of the dls-trlrt from s fruit growing point of view. Ki lvsd found good orchards snd also pucr ones end he gsve s lot of Interesting advice on planting, cultivation and fertilising, advocating the use of nitrate of ssds for frul- trees. He also gave a demonstration of pruning and advice ln regard to spraying, picking and packing fruit, grafting and budding. The secretary was instructed to write the department of agriculture expressing appreciation of Mr. Randall's visit and acknowledging the benefit derived here from the classes In pruning and other demonstrations. NEW HAZELTON On the Stiver Cup mine, which Is being developed by William Dornh-rg of Vancouver, head of the Duke Mining tjarw tifv.M.Mtnof high has been opened up, giving y returns of S75 ounces of silver snd S3 per cent lead or about asm per ton. Nine carloads of ore have been so far shipped to smelter and ship ments will be doubled up when the roads become psssable again. Three shifts are being worked on the property. Considerable repair work will have to be made to the Nine Mile wagon road which la now in bad shape through The need of a new loading platform at the New Hanellon station Is apparent All present facilities are now taken up to overflowing and tons of stu has to be dumped In tbe mud. Edward Q. Brown and Thomas Lewis of Vancouver have taken a bond on tbe Hyland Basin property In the Bsbine and are now making arrange, ments to Institute a vigorous program jf development work. Supplies will be taken in as soon aa the snow Is on the ground. Members of the staff of the Sttver Cup mine made the first automobile trip of the season to Smlthee last week. The trip was, s difficult one ow-nig to the toft nam of tbe road snd the j' had to undergo considerable re pairs at Smlthers. It took twenty-tour hours to make the return trip. Special services were held on Oood Friday In St. Peter's Anglican Churoh at Hamilton uy Rev. T. D. Proctor. ran dailt nzv3 I Edward O. Brown of Vancouver and I associate. There U plenty ol shipping ore-in night and returns from the flrat carload are being awaited with Interest 'and confidence. ' Altxrt Mercer came Into town from hills last week and left on Thurs-duv for the south fork of the Copper River where he has his trap line, lie expects to be back before the end of Muy. T10yter Bridge Club of Herelton met ori Thursdsy night at the' home of Mi Roy Ouas. Pol camps of this district are now practically all closed after an exceptionally good winter. Only hauling now remains to be done. ' Ocod milling ore Is&etne encountered at the Comet mine Off Four Mile Moun tain adjourning the Mohawk, Tunnel work Is being continued. Mrs. 41. Hsrria entertained at a bridge party at the first of last week. The Felix Bride dub of Haselton met on Thursday eWjnliu; at the home of Mrs. James Twrnbull. the previous week's prlsea, at Mrs. 8. J. Wlnaby's. having been won by Mrs. (I. B. Sargent and Mrs. Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spooner have been visiting in Smlthers for several days. Dr. Agnew. dentist, has been a few busy days in Haselton and plans on visiting New Harelton soon. H. C. Wrrnok. MiA for Skeens, returned home at the end of the week after having spent several days visiting points west of Haaelton . Road work has been started In this district with the putting of tbe drag held a very successful sale of home on the road between here and Haaelton rooking, candy and easter novelties inU number of loads of gravel have alao Progress Hall on Saturday afternoon beam hauled to Haaelton to fill up holes This is tbe econd sale held on tbe 'caused by the mov going off. Ssturday before Easter and the Rebels- aha purpose making an annual affair Herb Hankln la a patient In the for that date The hall was tastefully Haaelton HosntUl suffer! n from a decorated in the lodge colore of pink stroke which resulted in a severe hem-and green morhage of tbe brain. The affair was arranged under the ; general c.nvenorshlp of Mrs. K. T. Ken-1 a new steel culvert hss been" placed ey. noble grand. Those assisting at the ln the road at Taylors place to replace different booths were Home cooking-Mrs. H. King. Mrs. J. Wsrne and Miss Malott. Candy and Easter Novelties Mrs. W. E. Smith. Mrs D HcKlnnon and Mrs Davis Tea Room Meeds me Bishop, Swain. McLaren and Vlger. the old one that caved ln this spring. Al Falconer la partly laid up as a result of the breaking of a small bone in his foot when he stepped on a rock The Haaelton police court has been very busy during the past week and the Jnll la filled wi;:. various breaRr of the lsw. A son. David James Evered. has been born at the Haaelton Hospital to Rev and Mrs. T D. Proctor. PRINCE GEORGE One hundred and fifty persons 'were present at a' concert and smoker heal by the Canadian Legion on Mommy evening. There were boxing Nruts of rsr.-.HTk Institute here Wednesday and B. Bailey vs. R. vs. Tom Ohrlesa. to feemift&r.i BVcraart declared draws. Th - at a an interesting address. s:id A. Hogan h of A . ueh were coi -niisjung to the musical program lMiurivd' W 'hhhhhhhhhi J Pitman. Thomson Qgg, Jumes Quayle, A. McB. Young. J. W. MieSs. Mr. Or chard. Mr. Waldorf and Or. A. H Bayne. President R .W. Alwsrd gave H. O. Perry t Co., Q. W Mason. M C. Wiggins have pooled their hotting and have united In ,a two weeks' real estate telling ewstpalgsu Wtih view to quickening the market, tfcfv are offering a large number Of lot puces ranging from M to tltt. The coldest weather dartnv iiieipasl week was 11 degreaa abate an Tuesday. The highest tiicrm.ineter reading during the period wi, 32 A bog raising contest la bout to be started In this district under the direction of R. Cl Sutton, district ' ' The action of Abel Wetnhln vs. Harry Brown and Kaniey Mootelth was heard heavy trsJBc. There will be many car- in County Court Here last week ids of Doles and ore to be hauled Judge Robertson Plaintiff leased over the road this season. Judge Robertson will leave this week tor Pouce Coupe wliere he will conduct the trlsl of deorge Fvnn who Is charged with wounding s buy. Thomas Baiter, with an axe. J. M Mclean will pro-recute and P E Wllaon will art for the defence. y project. fYART9 I Charles A. Pyne. president of the Cariboo Automobile Club, Is In receipt a 'of a letter from K. O. Barnes of Van- sawmill near Olscome from the defend- oouver. owner of the Douglas Lodge ants and claims W27 for repairs made at Fort St. James, describing an a u toby htm on the plant over and above .mobile trip recently made by Mr. Bay- rentals. The defendants have s counter ihss to Mexico claim of 1 1 000 for rent and damages. Rev. T. Defender of St Michael's An The Letter That Won $ Hunt Road, Strawberry Hill, P.O., B.C. March Gth, lfefc. Pacific Milk Co., Vancouver, B.C. Gentlemen : The ladies seem to be having a fairly good innings, so I thought a few lines about your wonderful product would not be amiss -from out of the other sex. The question you ask is why one likes Pacific Milk? I like it because it is as good as the fresh article, and is more like erssm than any other, and I have used them all during a sojourn of thirty years in the Arctic regions. Your milk was first introduced to me in a shipment RUtdt by The IIudrton'H Bay Co. in 1923 to East Cape N.E. Siberia, where I was in char ire of a station in that remote spot for tbe said Company. Immediately on distributing s few cans of your article to the Russian officials stationed at Wbalsn, nine miles further north en the Arctic Ocean, I was asked by the Governor where such fine milk was produced, and they commenced to take it by the case. As the winter was long, shout nine months, and all transportation was closed during that time, and only having 36 ease to distribute amongst a native population and a few more traders scattered up and down the Coast, I was compelled to hide some of the milk away, especially when told that the Bolsheviks were drinking it right out of tbe can without diluting; and towards Spring, when I was down to three esse, do y6n know chat many favors were extended to me by the officials who had not been very friendly during the winter is order to get few cans of Pacific Milk, and this despite the fact that they bad a good mpply of their own of a well-known European brand. I am quite sure that If trading relations were renewed with Soviet Rossis, your product would command a large demand in Vladivostok and Kamchatka, and fear no competition. The flavor is supreme, the consistency is slways there. It reminds niv of what some other well known brands were like twenty years ago. but not now. It makes coffee taste like Mother made it, and yhips quicker than all others owing to the extra richness of it. To sum it up. it is in a field of its own. and who could not help liking it. Even though . I haw gnat's milk regular, and cow's occasionally, there is never a time when Pacific Milk is not in the pantry, and in constant use. May you forever he able to keep it at its present standard, introduce it into millions of new homes, a truly B.C. product, and wishing you all suceeas. Believe me, very truly yours, C. C. CARPENDALE. Pacific Mill Head Office, Vancouver m In The Letter Box sit TAX HH.IM AMI IMMIOHATIOV. Douglas Uy. resident mining engineer 'gllcan Church left today to hold ser- advertised some Canadian tas with headquarters t Ilseetton. delivered .vices si Aiesa iee. Mcorrae ana u- f"- - an Interesting address before the Prince come. Oeorge Board of Trade at luncheon on Wednesday. UvMNUftSrlMrr Prince Rupert B.C. April 9, 1S. Bdltor. Dally News. Enclosed please find a clipping from a California newspaper w be rein are rvia KeM In B'.rand Theatre. i"? nnot unoeretana wny St. Mlehtt Anglican Ohureh here on Oood Friday by Rev T. Defender wandering Canadians do not land dollars ir acre Some or this tana la in at . ins advertisers offer to send a twenty page Acrobatic performances were given at 'booklet. Illustrated of our frms that tSM itrrfc.and by Miss Demas at the have been sold tor taaes. Our official our return. J. M. McLean, local barrister, wet Will the reading of tax -sale ads In ealled to Voncouvcr on account of the duce such return? VS. statistics show has reeetMii from OW ,d4W axf has father. Donald McLean. some twenty-million Canadians In their 1- 1 'rAiiniM MnliMiina their eteeeandantat HBPKielsef the tees of 1 uis. sans. Ireland of Prince Rupert 'and the same sheet aHnouhoao an avir. wall denes sar' anseli Raster Maul age yearly Increase of eur real Case- and banquet to be held In Prince A sacred concert was hsVd In the .Oeorge totugnt ay noruwrn Iocs United Church! Oood PrWay iLodge- evenlng. Those taking part ln the pro gram, besides' the rherr, Included Mrs. R. A. lltrtow. 3. D. BeoU of Olsccene, Mrs. J. rrgueon. and Msa R. Jackson Art Art Mli. Mil, famous ramoua western western moving moving pic HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Oeorge Walker, William H. Mundte, W II Maoneth, R. II. Bourke, H. N. ,it, v a Klliot John -, A. Clark, x dlana crossing the border. Sevent-flve per cent of whom do not return. The facts quoted above are only part of the reason whereby we lost so many Canadians, snd thereby cause worse con ditions for those that reyutln. Many long evening dM the writer alt and listen to bis parents discuss! 11 k and suggesting sltrmtluiui - - In the B N.A. AM pic- oiuimi. , and T T. Bar- at the time of its compilstlon. the vlo. P. Tough Oeorge ture sur. has offered to stage a per- Kaye. Bd-(latlon of whloh la the reel eause of Vancouver; Herman T John. formance In connection with the Dom- bour. fT.-" 7 ...... in 1 l,e Mohawk Mohawk nrcnsrtv Drcnertv on nn Pnur Pour Mile Mlleiiiai lmi,.ii Dv rviv rihratlon fVbratlon In ln Prince Prince C Oeorge Mores monton: monton: rran ITsna uoroon usiwra ana ana r , r Tgsr-., ",- ' . r .".-'. . " .. .... w . m..m. 1 Lnrabl gv A second tunnel la helnir started nn ..s.v.w.. II. r f"' uRJIf'ol Title. latountsui wiucu is oeiag aovciopeu oyunw year, 11 is ten. tne rsu uoarn. wwi). euwew, - - misfortune. OK). T. KANE. Pacific Milk gets, letter's, from its patrons right along but to hear from those who have not written we issued a call for letters and offered prizes each week for four weeks. In addition, for the best letter of all; a cash prize of $10.00 was offered. The winner is Mr. C. C. Carpendale, Strawberry Hill, B.C., and as an evidence of good faith to those who so kindly wrote we give Mr. Carpendale's letter insult The contest was very spirited, an enormous number of replies were received and the committee which made the selection had an extremely harjl time because of the undoubted merits of so many letters. Our appreciation for their efforts is very deep. The number of persons who have, been exclusive users for six, eight, ten, twelve years and the number who buy this good milk by the case is greater than what we had A MAN WROTE IT Factories at Abbotsfo rd and Ladncr, B.C however, that the cost will br too great and Miss Aimce sMcKsy Port Simpson, to handle. J E Uird and Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hunt Port Esslngton; A. Ounderson. Smlthers; An apple blossom tea held by the Harry Towne. Toronto. Ladies' Aid of Plrst United Church ln . C entral the Rltts-Rlfer hail proved a moat sue- j w -McKay and O. Bstrdal. CU R.; I oesaful. affair. The function was opened pesrre Bkeena: H. O Unwln. Stewart, bj Mrs. A. M. Patterson who was pre- Misses T. and M. Watson. Port Simpson. sorted with a beautiful bouquet by ' Kate Miss Maude Renwlek. Besides the tea ana ; q gnteraon. Port atmpaon: Arat Roll. sale, a dinner was haM with an enter- p,ur WUJ ,,1 Junes Johnson, city; W. telnment tsUofJng Jd the ewaqln. Jiramm, Vmfom Cannery: A. R. Wc- 1 fiooeJl ami! Angus McLean of Bethuret, NA, one of the prbne stevers a the long stsisd ing pulp and paper mill project this district, will be In Prince Oeorge soon to aaeke an 1 rupee tlon of the Praser Timber Syndicate's timber stands. He will be accompanied by a number of other capitalists Interested In the H P. Kergin, MX.A. for Atlln. was s ,nr iisannin aboard the Prince Runert last night going through to Vancouver and Victoria on a brief trip. He aspects to return north neat week. DRY : BIRCH JACKl'INE AND CEDAR Single losd S&50 Double Load 6M Large Sack 50c COAL PKICBH DOWN Jtarmbina Peerless Bior $12.00 Pembina WaVhed Nuts tUJli Alberta Sootless Kkk (12.00 Alberta Lump 113.00 Also sA other classes of coal HydeTransler AND COAL CO. lSDSeccnd Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 875 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 CartaKQ. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Oqa gsad and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnjtum Moving.