-p., -.lay. December 27, 1928 Wan in fie Moon j Now that I'm beginning to sober up after th Christmas spree, I have, some inside information 1 could give, but l won't bo don't ask me. You'c. think 1 was lying Jf I did. It I were to Ull All the things 1 know id make you nil shudder And per hups you'd wit crow. lint don't be afraid That 111 ever Ull For the thought that.Jflpu did it : nuite enough hell. H 's getting near the end oi tn yur ao I must think up norm-a . wlulioms for other folks to Tlx man I'd like to amputate I the one who always toncn in late No matter what the time of day II.-' late to come and late to stay. The clairvoyant was a Srotch- I I in. lie thanked the waiter and 1 1 lull the bible. What about a Christmas praa- i f i xchaniM? Jake says if there were one he could get rid oi mine of his useless gifts and ur- luP.JiW. Uk wi(w . for mii oiuer ciutp. Who remembers the good old 'In v- when they called the breakup room a kitchen. There were two blue Mondays ' week. One on December 24 i ml the other on December 26, iu! the bluest was the last. lit; took bat. a bit of a drink And It went to his head, sir, I Put UlajjMtfri could et ace Any Me for a spree Ami aliafei" Un bucks with a wink. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 2" 1918 A quiet but interesting wed-i.'iiiK waji solemnized last night hi the rectory, Canon Li. A. Rix I'liciattag. when Miss Millicent 1 nomas, daughter of Mrs. Thon-a- of Borden Street. Ixcatne the tirtde of Thomas W. Silversides. n of England and (ireat War Veterans figured pominently in 'in impromptu reception which lollowed the ceremony. F. L. Buckley's sawmill at Skeuna City has been closed for the winter and the manager, F. S. Stevens, passed through the city vetUnUy aa route to Vancouver. L. V. Patnore, counsel for the Taylor Hafineering Co., has applied In Coajnty Court before lodge Youag for consolidation of all workmen's liens against the r'P1P5BjBJfl connection with the coiurfrJcflftjaf the Dolly Var-ilsn "If d,v A I Ir,. Arm. W. i: Willltm is acting for the lien claimants. R0NCHITIS At bedtlm rnti tb thrott and cbMt tbxrughly with V VapoRud RED'S Transfer Fifteen yejrs' experience In FURNITURE AM) PIANO MOVING We aril ffi kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phono us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. 1 'NfshfPhoriefKed 317; CLASSI FIED THIS IS THE C OA L ALBElfcTA HARD SMOKELESS pt covered and delivered dry. No wet in the weight ALSO LADYSMITII, WELLINGTON AND TliWCWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement ('. t KBTCIIUM & CO., LTD. VllOUE 771 CHIMNiri SWEEP H. J. Zumkthr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 8 Prince Kunert. B. C. I Trr7? ; ICOWIJP SirflHT METAL ' liJr HI . WORKS, bPe4liV&l Avenue. wanKjna eterlthinir in ta. Li LcUSfH and fur- Phejie .Hd. Box 467. k - $J&BiF.Tbti4 nue MILK MILK i Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. V ALENTIN DAIRY ne Telephone 657, Coal! Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Nut Manaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. ) Beacon Hard Sootiest Lump. Beacon Hard Bootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your beating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 116 and 117 BRINGING UP iS'oTTM'TO Qt A rvwoc Cm.1 DciHh HtlU L'J tWki1'?2! UU THE DAILY NEV73 PAOE1 SEVER ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE.. IT FOR SALE FOR SALE Delco automatic non-battery plant. 110 volt, lVi KW. direct current One year old and in first class ahape. Price $300.00 cash. Apply Tort Simpson Hospital. 307 FOR SALE Restaurant on Third Avenue, known as Sknndia Cafe. Price Reasonable. Apply Mussallem Grocery Limited. tf FOR RENT jPOR RENT furnished house- kecointr rooms bv the day. week. or month. Phone Red C07. tf j OK RENT Automobile, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music. Store. WANTED JIRL WANTEDFor general housework. Mrs. A. ,Llpsi n. phone Blue 691. tf WANTED Board and r6om! ' comfortable home by young lady attending business school. Willing to pay reasonably well for same. Apply P. O. Box 1623. 303 DISCOURAGING Farmer How's your rheumatism this morning, Lueindy? His Wife It doesn't bother at all this morning. Farmer That's t4a bad. Wc iced rain terribly for the crops. -Pathfinder. MINING Stock :s Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can givtf instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have'facllities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johns ton Colt d. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, RC. FATHER " H A IK DRESSING New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY BEAUTY SIIOPPE Price $10.00. ' Also Finger Waving, etc. Phone 655 RENT, LOST & FOUND IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO Jiumborof thee ,ttauble, 'mwx ovcrfomyuri pfw -descrH-(tlfetetic aid IsMrtaPtreitrnVnt. COOn RATS CAPE Under management of Mrs R. Peterson A gooa place to eat MEALS 50c XMAS TURKEY DINNER 73c Home Cooking, Home Made Oread. Pastry and Cakes SALVAGE AND TOWING If it's on or under the waler we I .do it," . PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED .-Bully-, Equipped, fr aWi MeneraU SUMigV Work 'Colts and Scows trf iflf onsfor Charter Row Boata and Canoes for hfre. (Bargains in Gas Engine. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Kasthope, Hicks . Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge PropHlers Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 "FOUND FOUND Carving set in boxj near 337 Eighth Avenue West. Phone Green 488. , liOST LOST Bunch of keye from elevator. One umbered 16S5. Possibly lost n viajnity of post office. ,t Filler please leave at Pally News office. J1.00 reward. 306 LOST Gold watch, without chain, between Eighth Avenue and Cow Bay. Finder please return to Daily News office. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE . INFRA.REDRAY GET WELL I I By the use of these approved drugless and scientific methods you will find that this office is fitted up to give you the best of service and satisfaction in these branches of DRUGLESS HEALING. Consult DR. W. C. ASP1NALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 211 Phone Black: 28.1 Open Evenings . RESULTS COUNT CONSTIPATION, in; the nuijoritir .lot oasos, thrAUiMof that tired feeling, headaches, nerves, 1 somnia, catarrh, rheumatism anl form Ke aup t?urajRtee4. in -every ease, except those requiring, surgical aid. Consult R E. EYOLFSON, D.C.. Ph.C. Phones: Office Blue 85. . Res. Red 589. SWANSON. General Handy Man Side walks, fences repaired Grading or any other odd jobs. , contract or otherwise. Phone 101 MINING I STOCKS i REAL ESTATE INSURANCE '. We are prepared to take .' orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our (eh vpdrs exnertence ' on the floor of the Brussels Stock hxchange Is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or smail. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd; Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box 66 .. li 1'" k ; rJMBARRASSINO MOMENTS j know AA0UAJ0 HSfc YOUNG AND OLD, r3.y wx R-eor to - noser uiiih -wis trajpof 3 (U MlPc Vi .in. Husband: "I've dectded t can't go on like thts any more, dear. It3alwiT;bate deception and the sooner It's ended the better it, will be for both of us. I'll go straight off tomorrow and get the necessary documents." Wife (collapsing): "Oh. Georg'!" Husband: "It's quite all right dear. I only mean Im going Uj get a winless license tomorrow. . - The Paaaing ShowLondon. City Meat Market ' (SELVIG BROS.) Jrd Avenue Phone 762 MEAT- FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe I All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. 3y George McManus isa " ' ii i 'vSJI I I I I'D L4KTE.TO OEC . oATHlMG fcUlT- J AM If 40W MSflt 1 IfOH-XHATl fmi IfflTfflTli I I OM E. T1 CKE.T 1 '1 i ih x a i T,,r -- II . . .J I IJA. . LO. f LI l' ' " I