PAOj TWO vYrfe DAILY NEB. "SWfflU; FEVER" SEASONINPORT A LONG LAUGH Advertising unless true is wasted We tell you "SALADA" Oranse Pekoe is the best Orange Pekoe you can buy and the most economical. A hsif-pound package is only 3c Sold by ail good grocers. Make a test in your own home. The Daily News PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Ediior. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Deltvey, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.0ti For lesser period, paid in advance, (er month 50 By mail to -all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid iri advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for Sl.OP By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States. p:id in advance per year ... $6.00 By tnaiJ to all other ciuntrit-. p-r .ir $7.6.' Transient Display Advertfoir.j:. fT ::.-h. jcr insi-rion Transient Advertising on Vnn-.t I'.r-'e. per ii.-j. . Local Rt filers, per irertiuti, ;ei '.::i- Classified Advertising, per in.--e: ' ion. pel word Legal Notices, each in.-.--tioi iei j.kmv ' Contrae' Kate- -ri A ; 1 1 ! i . iiini, Advertising and ( ircuiati n rpfi-vhone Editor and Heporters 1 1 lephotie Member of Audit Bureau of inflations DAILY EDITION ?r j"U -i.l;,', Ki;r;p an oi ts mind lU-lerriliK' '!;ci ;tv. i j f ,. ....... i ..,..( We -Ufrest that JVrf. e Kirp. i" : ; j,- w..Ui.i .. u. il .. mind in r.-jfai-d ;.. i; ui,:- ti.e ti- a'i .! i: ;th ...:i.i;. 91 8 b WELCOME TO DR. TOLMIE We .ii'c lad ;,..p w, ,, !,;,. jo-. ;..!:::. :., ,,. what his partv i j.ivpar. 1 '., . . ,f ,y ,,i m;.,: :,-,.,(. $14 $2 S. 1".- teil li i r .ui. tnev noum i- re'! n p,,v. ;, i ; jj, .,,(;,,:, , , kn.iw all aiioul i'. 1;.. ; i; : .ni.:.. rt.- ;:: :ti-: n: the :s-uv- and th- r. j ;t. .- w .. . . : ji.c ., j... , d .-;,,,. the rlei'i.i- i m, '-,.,, .: '" . ;. n ;. -, . shali 1..or to a- :h :n-..i;r.j.;,. . ., .,., :- . - V.- uiyed i- a, p.-. ...... ! .,r:.: p. , ,i . urKe them i.-'.v t.-ur i- T-.'.n...- : :. a!:,. R.:. ;t, ,t ,.a!i express themtle-. Th. m-. til n:' . i- a: . u a :' ' ho; .. i.f n.:--.-d. ANTI-PHOIIHin MN CAMP VH A It looks a- :;' ':.. pr---i!. . .a. .;tni.:i:r:i iui; a!..; .- anti-i.ruhil, itii.n lira-.- .! :i. f:. i-ui.'.. ,r: ;.nu: . openh in lavor i a hanire ! . f Mipp-'N i- p .k- i: favor oi jt M-steniay. Jhi- nn-. - . .. i ,(,. u . ( ;.;;,,! ;..',. and il the candidate?, loiinu. ...'..i.c lii..,-- r -a.; . ,, Pt'pv contest. It will i tva! ),. d h C..!:.,ijt,. Of interest. !i a v'ri- it (1. ai Mia'n.i, nc: k. ,,t op tvu-fttiis,s would jriv.. i.wa;. ,,i;y' j c vte nave. .uuiiting? the coat. Others would not aell at any price, giving as their reason that, if it is good enough for someone else it is good enough for us. Both these groups are wrong. Let us wait patiently the outcome, reraembering that in the final analysis it has to be voted upon by the ratepayers of the city. They are the arbiters and the people who do not pay rates hve no say in the matter. BFKORT TOWARD PEACE The Rotary International convention is about concluded and one of the outstanding themes discussed has been that of international peace and goodwill. Men were gathered there from over forty different nations and the clubs in all those nations have international goodwill as one of the outstanding sections of their constitution. Rotary is not the only international movement but it is a powerful one. In these days when men and women are thinking big thoughts and when world changes are teklpg place, it is getting appreciably near tUt time wfceri we shaft be able to plan for ihe United States of the world with the nations as states or their WAU ON DISEASE There are enough common enemies for countries to fight against without having to fight among themxelves. One of these enemies is disease. War on tuberculosis has been Koing on for many years. Now we have turned our attention to cancer and many other diseases which have become prevalent owing to our modern mode of life or for olher reusonn. Scientists are spending their lives investigating the caue for disease and other facts concerning it and the time should come when we can easily extend the span of human life ten to twenty or more years. Add to that the adoption of a better mental attitude with less friction among individuals and the possibilities are enormous. Baked all the way through Shreds of selected wheat toasted to Q crisp.Delicious to eat - easy to diged t.Serve it daily for good health, TillSCUIT- for luncheon or tea Made try The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd PALATIAL rtU'txfclt RiT.ll E.I 'Bjjrtng hm" showing here tonght WITH SEATTLE- LUM HERMAN ON jj .d t nosxraw U a; long. loneJJfugh. . . HllAK lintCAKRHKinilT ,,u l YtiM wenrita : c. as tTMMps Mr ' - iiwu'W iiji-oo' iii-.i !trKie' dawtweSad by tlse Krst yaeht Jrem; the .south X: vWV(il8ptrt. tVor.ns through Officers were ehoeea for the Dlocesxn 1 Woman's Auxiliary of the D:cce of! ?aledcnla at the convention held yesterday In the Church Hall aa follows: Bon. Pres. Mrs. DuVernet. l President. Mrs RU. 1st Vice-president, atlas DuVernet. and Vice-president. Mia. T. Andrew. Treasurer, Mrs. R. L Mcintosh. cretary, Mrs. Cukrle. (.::' sec. -tress. Mrs. Homer. , : wc.-treaa. Mrs. Parkin. !.::; H(.:rs sec.-trea.. Mrs. Tobey. Mr. Rorte. !:- 7: :. Bering Mrs. Maekle. i :i . M. : Pdltor. Mra. benny D :-c.i.-!,-.... P - : .- M i. Bazett-Jones. : Mr- Bogan of Hazel- AFGHANISTAN ADDRESS WAS YERY INTEKESTDW - ' V V! KMnn. by iVe- ot t ...him., oi t.oiuv .dwreM ai liim-rNoi Wotioi VuMllary n by -M-ip-.."v .: . Its wall- 1 for north i: i S thUS i In a .related by! M h . ' listed In his de-j - m K W Tucker, in the Moslem woman: Miss Win-' ! - as a Cathan man. and little j I Mills as an Indian boy. A num- of interesting Afghan and Hindu relics were also exhibited. HEALS ECZEMA IN 7DAYS OR LESS Here Is a surgeon's wonderful pre scription now dispensed by pharmacists at trifling cost, that will do more towards helping you get rid of unsightly tpots and skin diseases than anything you've ever used. Kct only does thia great healing an-tiseptlc oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wound, but botis. abscesses and ulcers that are die-charging are almost immediately relieved and cleanly healed In skia diseases its action Is little lest than magical. The Itching of tcecma h ly topped; the erup torn dry tlp'snd 'ee oft lh a very few days The same Is true of barter' itch, salt rheum and 'other irritating and unsightly akin troubles. Tou can obtain kloone's ImeraM Oil In the original bottle at any modern drug store. It u safe to use and failure in any of the ailments noted above la next to impossible. Druggists can supply you at any time. NOVEL PROGRAM AT ROTARY LUNCHEON AND ABALONE MENU At th Rotary Club luncheon yesterday sternoon the program took the form of a miniature convention those taking part being Oeorge Rorte, Wallace Orchard. D. C. Patterson. Bid Johnston. T H. Johnston, snd John Dybhavn The club wag entertained to a dinner ol sbslones brought In from tnyan I-Innd. MESSAGE OF SYMPATHY , COL. AND MRS. NICHOLLS SENT BY ROTARY CLUB At the Kotsry Club yesterday President Oeorge Rorle spoke of the bereavement which had rome to the president. Llsttt col J W NlrholU In the loss of thrlr younger child. Mr Nlcboils Was nil In the hnnpllal at the time. SWWly recovering Irum an Illness. A message or sympathy was sent to Col snd Mrs. Nlrholla on behalf of all i he members of the club. - . e u basaym-aew Prince Rupert this season, the paUUs , 2U( trltulitlcna !fn the boss nbwer cruiser Ruth F. whs lu port Wed- : him to the eeWntrv club, Introduce neaday. having on beard her owner. C. I hint u u young : Hianalre. and pro-Lushua, wealthy Sea:tle kuui-er man. CK, ro bocai hhii a-' a coming chem-wbo is on a cruise to Alaakan waters, ! j n. Cup! 4 takes hand and so dots The commodlcu and well appointed ves-'. rival fr Uie lady his choice. Then el arrived In port about 5:30 that i .vigil happer and now! evening from Alert Bay and tied up at ftTAtfe IIMT FILM the lloau oi the Prince Rupert Tacbi The plct Js gunllngly original, and It Rowing Club, proceeding north at " tlnn hnrmrsBilaainii ill of gaining laughs o'clock yesterday morning. iare conaphntotarfby their absence. They The Ruth E U but the first of aidcnf aeon tibjib needed with Raines, larger number than ever of Pacific jt things ha) mt in "Brown of Haw-Coast yachts which it la expected will Vard" aiM "swief 'Belly, elide." Indicate visit Prince Rupert during the comity this-but lak .tw picture he goes sunset. The capltal-tc -capital yacht l.j, one Brtter. t ace from 'Olympla. Washington. to; i, Juneau. Alaska, next mcnth It Is ex-: t -i- - " pec ted bring many flue vessels to Prince Rupert. wUlch Is scheduled a a stapptug-off place ior the race. OFFICERS FOR ANGLICAN W.A. Man in the Mo6ti The man who criticize the things I like is 'a knecker He who criticises what I dUllk is sn earnest advocate ; better things. The Insurance companies art not often right. One or the hazardous occupations they do not rseatniat is .hat of being a husband. Bom people think the mlllenlum wUi come through the Legislature but It won't. Tou can tetl a pessimist by his appearance ost aa you ran tell malt order clothes. The wise person avoids both. I once kaow a proof rtsader ao eJever he could ten U a period Ww ttpeWk doarn. Ill riaaajest to the editor that he get one ot that kind. Tou can tan a good housekeeper the condition of the bath tub. Do you remember the when one of the dangers of folks. a knock- Half and halt .coffee Is the kind that Is half in the cup and hall In the saucer. The first commandment is "Do something and do it well'' on these hang 11 the lw a a the prophet and mod- ri clvilte&tlon..-. The people with solemn faces are sere with themselves for having nothing to think about. People are queer u they are invited to the wedding they kick about buying the wedding present and U they are not invited they feel slighted. He thought 'it great to wed a "peach," But a mistake he made: He lound in helping htm sueoi i d. She gave him "lemon" aid. "I wonder where all the fUas come from." grumbled Mrs. Jones a she swatted In the dining room. "Well, mom. ' replied the young Joker of the family, "the cyclone make the house fly: the blacksmith makes the fire fly: the Jockey mskea the horse fly. and I heard yru tell pa last night that us children made the butter fly." FORMER LOCAL HOTEL MAN TO BE MARRIED IN MONTREAL SOON Local friends i the groom are In fe-relpt uf invitation to attend the wedding on the evening of JuW at St. Nicholas Church. Vltre Street East. Montreal, of Miu galwa A betid daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chaheen Aboud. to Ballin Chsntoua i Sim Antous). son of Nicholas Chantoua. The couple will take up residence at SOS Wise mat. Avenue. Montreal, and will be at home on July to at 21 is Mount Royal Bast. The groom-elect, better known aa Sam Antous. lived in Prince Rupert for severs! years and tor a long time waa a member of the staff of the Prince Rupert Hotel. POSSIBILITIES SEEN OF DANGER IN REGARD TO LANDSETTLEMENT 6BATTME. June aa Two British commonwealths. Australia and New Zealand, today face the nerious problem of hold-inn their large areaa of thinly Inhabited vet fertile land for white settlement stone. und.rr the very eyes of teeming millions of Asia, most of who are struggling, .on the veriir of subsistence. Or. JOBS. MscKsy. or Winnipeg, world trt- D.D.D. Washes On and Eczema's Gone Try D.D.D. toap,too Al aB foes' eniaxfau IV. i. M t I TI'IICON 1)1(1(1 STOHR. OKMI s, LTD. 1: -a .Iar and president of Manitoba Poll age, explained to 0000 Kl Iranians attending .heir international convention here. "Both countries are facing the pro blems bravely." be said, "but one can iardly fall to wonder whether or not .'.:e pressure of want In Asia may not tocome ao great aa to make It Impos sible to hold these lands tor purely white settlement alone. Whatever the :;ut!on. the Immediate future offers Jangerous possibilities." YOUNG PEOPLE OF UNITED CHURCH ON PICNIC YESTERDAY Botne sixteen or eighteen members of the Young People's Society of First United Church enjoyed a picnic to the ;ut Lake last evening, it being the concluding event of an Interesting and successful program of functions which the society had been holding during the winter months. The gasboat Bun-r-m Jr., belonging to the pastor. Her. A Wltoon. waa uswd to transport the picnickers across the harbor. Swimming, a beach fire, refreshments and times were indulged in there and the ;trty returned home by 10 o'clock. T1MKEK SALE X0691. There will be ottered for sale at Pub-".c Auction, at noon on the Eighteenth isthj Uy of July. 19M, in the oil ice of .he District forester at Prince Rupert. iv Kuasvir luiwi. nangc a, Caaat District. Three ISI yean WH1 be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the suctton in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour ot auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or Dlstrlet Forester, 1'rlnce RupertB C. LAND ACT XOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LKASR MM Id Prince Rupert Land Recording bia-trlct and altuate to AlWn ..TA.K? ?OTICE that Pacific MUM fc ?itd'J0Ly'noWvr' 8 c - occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacture rt. intends 'JP7 'or a leaee of the l.::owing described lands: Commencing at a poet planted on the high "ater mark of an island: thenoe following the high water mark around the Island to ruiut of onmmencerient ind containing, 0 23 acre, more oi Jess PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITBOT 5'geh MUh. Limited. LAND ACT VOTtCK Of IXTES'TlrtV TO APPLY TO I HASH MM) ,Jl p7'5c.Ruprt Land Beeordlng Dla-trlct and a tints SrfiaiamT initio Bay. Moresby Ulahd Bkldewi'lnlM Pulp and Paper Msnu'facturers. Intends Smm'HA"-. '"0w' K1-?m.n,!nclng i P01 Planted on the Jiith water mark of an Island: thence oljow ng the high water mark around .ft ApSS eOmhvtnoement and containing ana acre, more or ia PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, .. Appllcnnt r. Dons Id Wilbur Hodsdnn. rn,.f".r P'fl" Mills. Limited. n., Osted - Msy 3, 1920 loa, Oni. Ksllogg'a ore otwmyi een. reshf The psteoteJ wsstits inner-iealecl wrapper protect tktir woRtlerful Saver and crUpaesi. Enfof tKeea for lunch, die or breakfast. Walk milk or crust fruits or l.raey mii4. A tr far iWe UeMUs' avsetiag meal OrJer ai Welt, reitaaraats. Os alKari. SeM ky all ge. cers. Umdm by Kellogg I. DEMANDS "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTJBST 1111 KAK FAST POOH." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage fr-. W Prinre uprt. tlC Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOGK AND SHIPYARD Operating. i.T.P. W.0W Ton Flnatlne Dry Do. KnnwrH. Mafhlnlala, KoltermaktirN. IHackwiriha, l''r" mnkepa, Foiindra, Woodtvorkrra, Rle. BI.KCTKIC AND aCOTYLRNB WRIiDINU OUr plant Is enlpfied to handle at) klhD f MAiMNE AND COMMERCIAL U'OKK. PHONES 43 nnd 386 May Belle Lingerie THE NEW MAY IJBLLE HOlIETTli 1U.OOMKH fTaflored atyle, In ahfcdea of Sky, Nile, Cttral, Peach, (. '!'!'''' wllh cohtraat trim. Sl50 Specinl at per pair OUlt SPECIAL MAY HELLE IIL00MKK In IJobette and ordinary atyle, beautifully floiahed witli 'I '"1'11' V crotch. In shudea f Sky, Nile, Peach, Crabapi'l' - ' Per pair Fraser & Payne CnlverHiil Trntllnjf Co. Here's to summer-time! And here's a treat that brings delight Uo outdoor appetites! A bowl a heaping bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes- . . . covered with cream and topped with fresh ripe fruit! HDQMRHAsfrBgef CORN FLAKES a ar iav - a j la m i J r ijp-n-osH 4