MEN'S AND IrOYtT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus l . ...,.,.&i,i.. iUm0H' i rJOT NOTjOBADAN' jO BAD AM wra I I I 1 1 MOTHER- OlO YOU OlO I ? Khaki WLL,AS LONC AJ-MACOE Hs 1 ill 1 WI6HVEW wiisn -wc. wcisoir TO 1 - THE Mil 1 11 ( 1 fTMl 1 1 11 I SEE FATHER ixl NVMOE OP HER MIND To CO TO THE. MOUNTAIN tfVl MlCHT AWEL' AT THE5AM IN Hl AV I Co III t w i - l T1ME.-M0T -r. rvi rr . t-i-T I 111 Mra I I I I OATHIMG oUtT? SEA-HORE- n-U NO . w 1 11 . nnu 1 1 1 AND Oo ME GOOD WISH FOR THE HOOM- fL.LTITt'ON! ' 1 1 .a j 1 rm. i'ti 1 1 1 1 I'VE MAC I I COOD- UUUU r I IT JMBnSaim III I to ApruE-9RCAOe it'll, emd op im GATHINT SUIT-AT LEVST I'LL HAVE UP MT Mind A F ' WITH MS. THE LOSER- So .'SOME FOM Mil NTFM 4MT ' THAT WE " 1 -1THAT6 tirmitj TriAT- irvNi" y 1 ivbPsu n vl oA""" JilMm 1 I imTlWliri . II I sW.-flJi 1 II 1 VSmiJ NOT Coisir. t THE A-rjMoW& Pants A new line, made in England. Boys' worth $2.25. S1.25 Men's, worth $2.50. ur price 1.49 We have sobm wonderful value in Dress Pants for men and young own and boys' knickers sad bioonwrs at prices to beat the mail order houses. FLANNELETTE BLANKWTB 10-4, my fine quality. $1.65 Only 2 to each customer. Montreal Importers J. R. Miller, Prsprittsr, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, IXC. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kJflds ef Cm Aay kind mi Weed in any quantity KMRNT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measares are right. m is our Service I'll":.'.' us and Save JTnTy and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phne: 201. Nrfht Phsne: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Raeflng Mineral Surface! SbtagJe Kll IIsMflng nuilsHflg Papers ami FeUs Bserjet 8ea4k Paint PHMtk Blastieum Shiagle Stains Cttmrt Oik SlafrM Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Pfcwtes 11 and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKFINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Dsrabk) Load $6,50 Large Ssck 60c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $12.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransler AND COAL CO. Phone 580 .139 Second Ave. ILK MILK Fresh Pasteurised Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the Cily. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone fi.r7. WIDEST BREACH irl- WITH CONGRESS IN MANY YEARS RESIDENT VETOfcs 11 MLU AMI HEVERAL ARE PAHSED OVCR HIS MEAD WMHOMTTOM. DC, June M.-Tb cloxlng days of the :'trt sew ton f tb FcmHietta congress were eu.viMd by the WW kraseli ttit tuu developed I between the eapitd and the whit 1 home since the break 1b the first 'Clevwu&d administration which added n aartTaled chapter to this country's politic! lire. 1 As was the case 43 yean ago when i Crow Ck viand turned bock to con-?reat 116 bUla without his signature. I the grill this year had 1U source in the constitutional pover of the President t? nio the wcrk of the legislative tabllshansmt. Aittooug the Cleretend record bids ntr d osand the teat of time. Mr. Oool-Idge set a modern record of disapproving 13 bills. Gmsress on its part likewise set a modern mark in overriding hs 7 esldem on three of the sis whic were -ought to a vote f whi c 01 t TsV- . rem fan faK v. yei-- , .: Of : int xjmred a two-tf . . xjc the veto-vet ues. the jar- - h a ff Joe ssttsl Vancouver. TERRACE . rn- Ir.terest. One ctner u.n wm. -r consldersble sentiment snd which successfully repassed hcth houws war. the Tyson-Flteerald measure to ; 've retirement pay tc disabled emeroencv rorld wot officers Two other bills enacted Into lnw over the Preatdent's objection concerned pos tal employees, one providing Increased psy for night workers and the other living allowances to fourth-class post-Blasters for rent, fuel and light. On two oilier measures congress made final rffoit to write them imi law Respite Mr Coolldge's wlohesi One. tltt OadVSjRI -bv authacloe an W"is.iijo'.l'4, or,oou for road consUucUun on the public domain in eleven western Mates, succeeding In repassing the Senate, but was stopped in the House hlch gave the President a majority fete of support. The other bill, proponing creation of the rank of bandmaster in the army, died in the Senate Itself, but only by a narrow margin of votes. All of the remaining seven vetoed Mils wore referred book to respective conunlttoer in whone private legislative graveyards they now repose Bhs. T J. Marah left on Wednesday r.o represent the local Wnmen' Auxiliary of the Anglican Church at the diocesan meeting of the W.A being held Mils week in Prince Rupert. left on Wednesday I for O. W feWlce sflmtssjwrfr' tfrssswaa en gineer, Hmlfhera, was sih'HijrBJltor ! int- ucKiiiiiuiK ui uir weea. Miss Margaret Halbcrg of Prltije Ru-pcrv i hollduyiug at the home of Mr A. Olson. J. H. Arnett, Prince Rupert, town on Monday. was In Mr P t McInloRh loft on to attend the Ai glirun W.A convention in Prince Rupert Rev A W. Robinson lfft on lot Prince HuiKMt wht-re he will be r , . , cut el the peakers at the Anallcan W.A convention this week. P. J Martin of Hasetton was in tows cn Tuesdty. W. O. Rowen of Vancouver was a visitor here during the week. The B.D Bridge ctab met on Tuesday --ren:"g at the borne of Mrs. Oeorge L!tt:c. SETTL ERS FOR PEACE RIVER ' ? are earning into the i WINNIPEGDOWN INN I PECi Ju:., Si TOU OOOt build ntossT or wails is .,.'; ' ;, must ; oeogt with ! r- svt!.- . M-r 'av These l- ' . . - i'.-ev. ; -iM-d bv tlto) 45 !"l.rfK nii'l '1 " ! iM Tn'. 1 Tlx-" w.:c Mayor McLean asya. '. O-isinslly the spite tenet oreUnonos v copied, the building Wspoctor says, from an old one Is the Toronto bylaws. SASKATCHEWAN HILL STEADILY SINKING OBJECTION TO CREMATORIUM CATHOLICS OK VICTORIA IK) NOT AHHEE WITH M RMSU REMAIN8 AT KOf BAY CCMCTKRV VsOfOMA, June S3 -An announcement by Alderman K a. Woodward that the proposed crematorium for Victoria wouM s patted in Roas Bay Cemetery, if pefmlsssasi could be sacured for the its of that location, has drawn a sharp sMaat from the Right Be. Themes CVDoBaell. Bifhop of Vancou- jver Island, who on behalf of the LL IHEVIOI K RECORDS WILL HE Bommn Cwtkollcs of the dioceses, has BROKEN THIS HRAMKV FOR N'EAV- filed s letter with the Mayor and conn-COHBRS fU- Tb setter Is couched In the fot- j lowing II I ass : BDMONTON. June 21 Land settle- ' "Th undersigned, the prosriew of a n-.ent has been g In the Bdsson- Iarrc esetlen of Hose Bay Oea-nr. wn effiee for the past meats. n to ysace himself and the Csth- here never has bean a butler swaeon !clte the city whom be represents, recorded so far. Prospect are that all : 00 record hi opposition to the proposed rrevirus records win be broken; and decratton pt our cemetery by the .-fTlclsl- are of the opinion that a more -ration within its precincts of an ln-finanr "v re-omlble doss of settlers lnerstor fcr 'he pagn pyre-burning than prtr . . ' Christian lemotns. "When we bought our section of - he land sin bus are "ST Owmosery thought and stlU : River and other 'sunk that We bought a part of a burial - . although many ground, and not port of a burning t Vbertr, ipround. ' H . , "StssaUd gfas matter be carried to a : r: -chasion by the advocates of burning j soft nd, you will understand why we . i .ijoae uae of every lecal means to . in order to'slet their purpose." . . m.-aodstion on the The communication was signed is nownrsiH'is are: the name of the Bishop of Vancouver UtomobUe and He- Island, and addressed to the Mayor and n ' touth Dakota and City Coupon ".- . are especially sending in large ufs of intending settlors. I EXCURSION BY C.P.R. STEAMER PRINCE. ROVAL CHARTKREIi Bt ELKS TOR MOONLIOtlT PARTY ON Jl LV S The local Elks lodge has closed a deal with the CJB fcr the charterlne ot 'tamer Princess Royal on July . moonlight oscursion. Negotie-av been In progress for several 1 ' and vest closed onlv yesterday, i . leeol Elks ore planning to make . - big event. The trip will probably ! i ' ... v iui was the alleaed , be as far o Part Simps n. "'ult of s ne ghhor nseptne into the. The committee in choree of orranee- Wanted For Sale For Rent FOR BALC. Coal Oil range with condition. Apply IIS SAL 14 tOU SALB OOOD POOR ROOM at seal oove. bbbo on Casrery Gibbons FOR SALJC. PTVg complete. Oood Inlet ranseiy. indews of the wlJshUas flat about menu tor the excursion consists of X fOBl RKSrr. s2jt-v-jmiQt-m indijrtton, mrcbed down the seW p w TOtowoster. HAIKOUIBT. Bosk:. June 11 A Hill which has aunfc forty Bset In tour- aisle, and turnlns at the door before vanishing like a spirit into thin air. teen years bos created xi not dsn able la-! hurled the ten st m this district and a aeoloclat tort, "liar " parting and Parthian re-1 downward course In 114 and since did not cstch her last word, but people hen there has been a gradual alakage at the door told me it was liar.' " ot about 8 feet each Tsar An under- mound tunnel or an oil field under tvsth have been suggestion as possible explanations. ALBERTA'S CROP IS BEST IN TEN YEARS I FRUIT OR VEGETABLE Tarn Aottmrlttes Speak on Meeaentoas Quest Ion. New What lhae Tolasle y? TORONTO, June 29..--Cabinet minis- rs r.t Australia and British Columbia LOST la Blsth Straov Silent Salesman and Typewriter; nrast be sold. Phone Block IBS. T APA: ments- Apply Museallewi Oroom LOST TALC KMOINC lag purposes. Phone Sia or 171. brdtime Anyway, no mart permits for C Bayilas. RusseU Oraham. W B Wil- rocssed spartraeot with both. hat sort of obstructions will he loaned. I Itscroft. Capt 1. J Mullicsn. Bert Mar-: paid. Phone MT 1 vjur neighbor looks Into your bed- jan and Andy Donald. Tom. you can pull down the Minds, CALLED DR. RIKMER ' LL4R AND' VANISHED 144 POB SALB. lOCWTBBr7 FOOT BOW-bost. Apply Storks Herd wars. 144 Kurc FOR RENT POB Avenue. Suitable for row FOB BBMT. TBBBC ITfllllalMHI BssTsM marrtod isuofi. ptioni OR BBBY. CtAPf SR 1 UM Rlnth A' Apply City Treasurer City Ban. tt OB RsWT--RAJOa, PIJlTBR-nAlSOa. PhooMssphs and Sewing lliehssn Walkers hhnde Sesre. f Vtsaar tf plat pob Barr.-atx BOOMS AMD both on Sixth Avenue. W. Phone MS or Block tt. tf torn ins rooms by the sSrv. wfe or snseith I Phono " Bad sn. n tf TORONTO. June 8S.--A lsdv had the ' . 77"" " last word with tr Rimmer at his ad- PO atrT - ROOM APART -dre ca 's?lrltlsm sn Annette BtreeV "f1, hot wm,"r hssssa. Apply acuta esniat Cnurch. She srose froba her'i sisilett. Md. . m oi.v: . . . - has been asked to come bare to study j In confirming the Incident Dr Rim-' LOST. LAOTS CBOCHBT BAO OOH-ihp phenomenon. mer said: I was exposing the faxes of talnlng baby's dross; on Third Avenue The hill was first noticed taking s ; spiritualists I sow her walk out. but' Finder pleas phone Blue BSS. TTRg PBOM AUTOMOBSLC. near Boys Creek Bridge. Finder ploaae phone as. ig S(HjO0JFJ.rra Sell Tour Imagination. LKAIIN TO WHITE STOKIRS Free information. School of Literature. Tt7 stoseord lUnk HolWrng. VsfKwrter. i.c. A"iorta,s wheat crop Is In better con- hsvine spoken, the age-old problem as . dition at the present time than it has t whetlier tomotoea and rhubarb are rJ portfolio of agriculture. It been at the corresponding period in any fruits or vegetables mav be considered Caih''eolth Mtnlsver of oi tse Uf. ten years, according to In- settled-until some grtster authority formation given out by the Dominion ppear Curloualv enough, neither of bureau cf statistics Ottawa the ministers in question was the OYA YEAS CAKE STANDARO 0"" QUALITY FOR OVER lilWtei:s1 Af lav sLaa (( lisVtOT a 50 yearvs awBPawBVS3rsSBaTX irad and Oommeros who decided thot the tomato is a fruit, while it was onr Mr. PsttuUo, SBnsster of landS, wts rratusanaest rhubarb, albeit it i used" chiefly ln.jUea td be A vegetable MBSi. SHLI.MAN. r.lHTOR W TOfMC. une 21. Mrs. James A Stillmen is to paMkJh a magoalDe to which she will contribute artloXs on atyloe and other things appealing to wosssn. Associated with her m the sasMsgement will be H Phelps ciawaon banker and poet. ESKIMO CKNSI S TAKEN A census of the Eskimo people has Just been completed Prom the moot jM'nr,ie Is esiltusted that I there art 7.103 Eskimos iu Canada. SUMMER RESORTS LAKEIE H0T8PRINRS IA1IH1X now open LtROFJtT HOTSPHINOS IN CANADA (Llthla 'Water) Trsut Fishinc on Useke Uke now spen OOOD A CCOM M OI A THIN IrMI FIUI!0 PARTI HI Terra oe. B.O BBTJCB JOraBSTONK. Manager. USED CARS POK SAIJi Ford Ton Truck, panel body .. aiOOdt Ford Ton Truck. Chosab) only. starter type Mossg Boadstor delivery. lttS. boss condition 17S (M kktand Bodan. Itaa. towr wheal brakes, boloon Urea Two Ton Traasc Track, new ttteo Terms oan he arranged on above cars KAIKN riAJUOB Phone St AUCTION S.U.B INSTBOCTBTJ BT is leering town, I will sell by suction to she highest bidder on Saturday June as. at 3 SO pjn eo Pasd Amour's float the Ooaollne Launoh "Vera May" 3t feet long, new bp. DuBrle engine All ready to go. Oeo. J. Dawes (Auctioneer) Phoss ISO. 14 CHIROPRACTIC in. r. c. Evm.psv Casrooesjeeor SM Third Avenue. Teleptoune for appniotaseat new to B4s s Roaisenoe phone Mock au rw ssko oarsnie diswwois si i .'? Wested. .BsSsbtsshSt-. MS4 FUjtNlTURB AND UANOKS urrg unb or sstw DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c SITUATIONS WANTED SALVAGEJlNpTOWlNJJ I' todmo OIi DntBS POmoM as Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing clerk in store. Phone Orson 181. 144 FEMALE HELP WANTED OCPCXtlUNlll POfl to seal the hMast itlon in foundation torments. also eorrecttve nnportUsg garakents and lingerie. Part or ndl time. Oood profiu fross the boglitstrng. Wrris Bos 111 Daily Newt Office. FOR SALE for ralr wn ptaca cat field thstte. sis bale Monarch range, kttcboh cool net. WMs. MeClory's heater ana) other household furniture Phone Blue US. HT OLD MaTWaPAPflSS) MAT BC OBBD IM- stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special arias on lares uoetttle Daily Bewa. Co. Ltd. im ntrtnu.V! in oas bimts Bnwa Sate and Typewrtter for Bale Agents for Basthops Knsiwea. Ooolldge Propelleio. and Tuxlube Oil nests ef aft d twist low for Chsrfrt SeH lk lerry. BbjttMalVjJro CJPJ. ZZkJm W Hhr. ' bterTieM I suites; carneu all ataaa: Linoisnsm anS linoteua rssjs: tabSss. kilchon cshrneta. droaosrs. chiffoniers, blinds, ewrum rods, blankets, sheets, chosro. wteker and cane. Our prices are res-eonshlo. Tou are lnelied cell at our store A. MrKKNBIE Purniture. Phone TTI AUCTIONHBItS. TMINCE RUPERT AlCTlOR It ART IVoeraJ Hteek Purniture of all kinds bought, sold or ttchonsed. Crating and aavstung Sane. Ooods sold on Commission Auefleneer. G. 3. DAWES, RE8TAITHANTS OOOli RATS CAFE WH-TJn5er roprTetr Th rrd -A ren oe. -rrv H.w.VrA XOfOH, game Cooked Maals and -hi Baked Bread speelnl Chlelen IHener every ftsBSsy Btenlne trem ass. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS I'er VatKoiiirf Moudsy- es prince Oeorge 4 p m Tuesday aa Catsla I pm ThttMdoy so. Prince Charles . . 4 pss. Priday-oa. Prlnoess Royal .. IS past. Saturday es Otrdena T a m Battirday as Prince Rupert . . fl p m June 23- es Princess Charlotte p m June 17- ss prince i June 30 as PriiiL i June 27 ot. prim, i, Article, round,4 .liSt July lias. prinre . . Frees Vaneeever Sunday- ss. Catsla Monday ss. Princ v .,,,. Wednesdsy as pr Friday as Cardeim Friday m Print i , Friday as. Ptukcm h June 22 as. Prints. , June 25 ss. PriiKw . June 29- a. Pr:n-.. July 2 as Princ .) July IS- ss. Prln J July 30 s. Pr.m. i ' rar Pert tlnpun ami ,, Sundny ss. Ct... Prldoy -as Cam. .. ..I anil NjmS kun- Tueaday ss Cat,.. Saturday -ss Cirri.-.., For Ant at and tmjn Sunday as Cih. Monday- -as Primr c :.. Friday- ss Prime H i,- rrBsa Ac. vet sad Tuesday ss Cs i Thursday os f- -Saturday as p?.i. . h . . For Kerth teeen iiuiiur. Mondays as Pr;:. . Ftessi North tfeeen i h , n.,it Thursday ss Prm or ssarth Ifswes h.ri.-ir. July - Prince j .: July is aa. Priij.. ; Jbly St-as. Prim-. August IS ss pr.: .' August 27 -as Pr int J SsptstaiU r 10 fross tteertb toeen i . . - i..t t JSno 27 -as Prm July II -es Pr:i., Jtt'y 26 es Pr:;. ' Atsyaat S as. Pr:n August 23 es P: - sssstaaabor I" Par Alaska Wednesday as Pt :. i Jwne 23 es Prm-' A ' June 25 ;. Priiu June 2S ss. Pr!n - Irwas Alaska Monday ss. Prtn ' June SS- Prinr- June 27 as. Prince- June SO el Prm---.- MAIL SCHEDULE Iwr the Isvst Mon dose, WednesdHV I rem lee Rst Mondays, Wrdnesfi SSUl due .... Te Vsstreeier Sundays Twsodsya Tswrodaya ays June . 18 & r en VaneSMirrr Sundays Wednesdays . Fridays Saturdays c.P.m June 11. ye Asye an4 Alice Ann Sundays Vtfaw4oTeSJgV I rose Anye oed A lire Arm- Ttiesders Thursdays For Stewart sod Prnnii t - Sundays Saturdays Frees Stewart m Pr-"' Sundays . . TJoadaya To Noes River rl- Priday ' renin Naas Rlter Fell- Baturdays To Alaska IVlnts- Juha II. IB. II. 22 rvsis .flaa rMi T.-srlk 4Jeeeii orl,lr Monday PMs Nnrth Miwn I t (..tie- Thsredayt Iwr Seelli tjiteen rh."l"r' June IS. July i 1,1 " u.,1,: H Irem snsih wr" June IS, 17. July 1 C i,;.rls(H- t C.N.R. TRAINS For the Dsrt Sim ' " Dally' etoept From the Fast Daily esrspt Tui'i PS x u '"Mi II ' 11 IS IS ' 1 4 ps u ?s ?a pa Ilvrt- . . IS It V u ' it S r. dmdB 11 r It M..-S1 mien - (IJ'.I 1C0 If P its io II IP It I I lf II 10 IS II 01 II " II P