June 22, 1928 Y day. THE DAILY NEWS PA OF. THREB wTftRgVEK THERE ARE FI.IC3 OSB FLT.TOX Till the FLIES Make sure the things you eat are rresh, clean, pure it B so easy. Just press the plunger in the , AND sprayer. Out comes a cloud of cleanly fragrant mist. Touch a fly or mosquito with the spray. It eonnot breathe. And soon that peril is ended. KiD the flies. UseFly-Tox. Then you are sure the food is clean. Health is certain. And you enjoy that wonderful summer comfort a house without flics, mosquitoes. ily-Tox does not cost much half-pints fifty cerU. Nearly all grocery and drug I tores FLI-1TO Kills FLIES. mosquitoes MOTHS. ROACHES, AN. S. FLEAS 3l sell! ellU. FLY-TOX U j KintMc UMHrilo Jtim dtehpe4 at IkUm Institute afbAtttrtolTacanh w J r. nr.. i 'V For Pic-nics For Pic-nics El ectric read keeps soft longest THE IJEST THERE IS! The Electric Uakory specialises in cutting" bread for Sandwiches Now is Jodak ime KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. . Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day (hrmes IM. 7te Pioneer Drtumisls THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?L-200 The Sensible Road to Health No matter what four ailment is, ! "t think your cast hoHenn untU -mVre tried Chiropractic Spinal Adjust-ins. wit it, Jfo dwif -yfj hqn will do for you. Do not I "ui)fh ignorance of thin, wonderful science, shut the door to, "ur ultimate relief and happiness. CHILDREN CAN TAKB ADJUSTMENTS II any age without pain. An adjustment at the right time " ill prevent many so-called children's diseases. Consult about our Klectricul ami Ultra-Red-Ruy treat-, ""'iitx for all diseases. W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. G and 7 I'xcltnnge IMock Phones: Office, (iretn 241. Residence. Black 283 Local and Personal 4 a Tux I riioue 4. Illj 4 Taxi. tf Dentist. Or. J. It. iVm Phont 88fl. For a Taxi Fhofie 300. land, Centril Hotel. Oscar Hanson. Football tonight at 6:48. Regiment vs.. grand Terminals. Social In Catholic Hall tonight. Cards at 8:80. Kastman's Orchestra at 10:30. Dry Shingles for kindling 12.00 (or large load. Red s Transfer. Phone 204. 147 Mrs. L. Edgar will sail by the Prince Oeorgs tomorrow night on a trip to Vancouver. This alter noon's train, due from the last at 3:80. was reported this- morning to be on time. Hyde Transfer for Box Cuttings, double load 83.80. Good value for your money. Phone 580. tf Inspector J. If Tupper, R.C.MP returned to the city on yesterday after noon's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. O. A. McMillan, superintendent of the local dry dock, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Charles on a busi ness trip to Vancouver. D. McO. Hunter sails by the Prtnoe George this afternoon on a business trip to Stewart and Anyox. He expects to return to the city next Thursday. Mrs. Oeorge H. Arnctt and family are sailing to night on the Princess Royal for Victoria where they will spend the summer holidays. While away they will also visit in Vancouver and Victoria, CP.B. steamer Prlnoess Alice. Cspt. Thomas Cliff, with a capacity passenger list of round trip tourists, arrived in pert at 9 o'clock this morning horn Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway. The vessel Is due back southbound next Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John McRs returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's tram from Terrace, having been called here on account of the death of Mr. Id due's brother. James C. MoRae. Mrs D. C. McBae and son, Duncan, who have been visiting st Terrace, also Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Halg and two children and Mrs. Oeorge Hunter of Anyoa were passengers aboard the Prince Charles yesterday bound for Vancouver whence they win proceed to Montreal where they will embark aboard the Cunard Line steamer Auranla on June 88 bound for a holiday visit to tfc Old Country. ITSMUL NOTICE The funeral service for the late James C. McRoe will take place in the Pint Presbyterian Church at 8 o'clock Sun-cay afternoon. Interment in Palrvlew Cemetery following. ANNOUNCEMENTS Picnic. June 34. Pioneers' Plrnlr. July 8. "YES" We have all kinds of Fresh Fruits arriving every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Best quality and prices reasonable. This week we have a quantity of Grape Juice to sell at per bottle :tft. Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkg. 10f Soap Sunlight. 6 bars UT Oatmeal, 7 bars 2ft f P. 4 G. Naptha, per bar .... fif Castillo, per bar 20f Bovril, 1 ox. bottles, per bottle 'JO? Vegex, jars, 2 for 05 f- We have just opened up a ship ment of Wiljard's Forkdipt Cho colates in packages and loose. Packages priced from . . ."Of up Loose, per pound AOf Lion Brand Sour Mixed Pickles. In gallon jars, per jar . . $l.r0 Lion Brand Sweet Mustard Pickles in gallon jars, per jar $1..0 Libby's Queen Olives, small jars, per jar 15 Libby's Asparagus Tips, picnic size tins, per tin 20? You'll like Gold Msala) Mayan, j nilse."" Try 0.8.or. Jar at '.Vif Butterkrust Toast, rievv 'stock, per 'pkg. hi: ; it ;:.'!.!: itlf Everything in Green Vegetables Watts' Grocery i'lione 55 Phone 56 "The Store of Plenty." 0 AsllKAl Ollsa j -S0SI HUH S SCS C"M Rev A. W. Robinson, Anglican Church minister al Terrace, returned to the Interior on this morning's train after having spent a couple of days in the city. M. M. McLacblan, local manager of the Braekman-Ker Milling Co., will saU by the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night on a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. R. McConneU, a former deputy minister 'of mines for the federal government, was a passenger aboard the Princess Altos his morning going through to Dawson. Beatrice Horstman. who has been studying in the local convent, will Jill by the Prince Oeorge this afternoon to spend the summer holidays at her horns In Stewart. Mrs. A. Akerberg and family will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Oeorge for Seattle where taw will Join Mr. Akerberg, who recently moved south. and take up rssldsice. Mrs. Dale L. Pitt Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today going through to Premier, sopam panted by br daughter. Miss aiawbettt Pitt, abb has been attending school In the south. Inspector William Splllar, provincial police. Is returning to the city on this afternoon's train from Prince George where he has been in attendance at the session of the Supreme- Court Assises. Delegates, who have been attending the annual meeting here of the dio cesan Women's Auxiliary of ft AngU can Church, returnee, to their respective tcides in the Interior on this morning's .rain. The Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association, at an executive meeting. decided to bold the annual picnic on July 18. There will be no dinner meet ings of the Association during the sum mer months. H. R. McMillan, prominent Vanoou -er lumberman, arrived on the Prince 'Verge this morning froaa the south to lay a visit of Inspection to the new sawmill bere of the Big Bay Lumber Co. of which he la a part owner J. H. Shearing of Montreal, retired auditor of the passenger traffic depart-anent of the Canadian Pacific Railways. and his daughter were among the pas sengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning making the round trip to Alaska. There were 188 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Alice which was In port this morning bound tor Alaska One hundred and twenty of them were round trip tourists and there was but one passenger disembarking here from he The finest summer trip In the world via as. Prlncs Charles, Stewart, Anyox, Masset Inlet. Leave Prlnet Rupert Mon day. return Thursday. Or a week-end trip to Terrace or Bmitbers. Very low fares. Inquire City Ticket Office. Phone M0. HT Union steamer Cardena. Capt E Oeorgeson. arrived in port at 7 88 thia morning from the south and sailed couple of hours later for the Naas River whence she is due to return here to sail for Vancouver and waypolnts at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. C.N.R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Caps Harry Nedden, arrived at 10:80 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 this afiernoon for Stewart sad Anyox. re turning here ' at 5 tomorrow afternoon and sailing south st 6 pro. Mrs. Reginald L. Gale and family, who ' have been on a holiday visit In "trt?ra. arrived in the city from the I couth . on the Prince Oeorgi this morn' ' t ana proceeded by train to their home in tanither. They were met herd by: UOI. UK I who came In on yesterday afternoon's train. MiTiri:. Kdwln L. Clapp announces that he has acquired the internet of 0. J. Stevens in the Beaver Bottling works and that after this dnte. will be responsible for only such business as he contracted personally on behair of the wld Beaver Bottllni? Works. (Signed) Edwin L. Clapp. 181 Mrs. Whlttaker returned to Pheian on this morning's train accompanied by Mrs. Lowe. Mrs. Marsh, a delegate to the W.A. convention here returned to Terrace this morning. Don Brown returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a trip to Vancouver. li 1 1 Mrs. F.'to: DawfenvwrM HaVWeen on t trip south returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. A. O. Blocomb of the local Forest Branch staff returned to the elty on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a trip to Vancouver. The fire department this morning had a call to a bush fire across the bridge in Westvlew. A man was burning stumps when the fire got away. ' Mrs. J. W. McKInley, who went south to attend tr.e Rebekab Orand Lodge convention, also visiting with relatives in Seattle and Salem, Oregon, while Hway, returned to the city today. Andrew (Andy) Blygh, well known Vancouver Justice of the peace and notary, la spending s holiday In the city. He is looking forward to a fish ing trip before he returns south next week. Oordon Wlsmer, Vancouver barrister, is here from the south to conduct the defence of Henri Rlvard of Stewart who will go on trial for murder at the teestcn of the Supreme Court Assises next week. W. R. Tonkin, well known mining man. who has long been Identified with developments In the Portland Canal field. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today going through from Seattle to Stewart. A. M. Johnson. K.C. arrived on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. He will act as crown prosecutor In two murder trials which are to be heard at the session of the Supreme Court Assises hero next week. William lIcNelsh. auditor for the Workmen's Compensation Board, who has been visiting the city and district tor the past couple of weeks on official duties, will sail by the Prtnoe Oeorge tomorrow night on his return to Van couver. Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Ford of Victoria arrived in the elty on yesterday after noon's train from Haaeltoa. having motored that far up the Cariboo High way from Vancouver, and will spend a eek as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, DlngweU', Sixth Avenue East. Mrs. Ford Is Mrs. Dingwall's sister. Bruce A. McKelvle. a former editor of the Prince Rupert Dally News and now a member of tlie editorial staff of the Vancouver Prorlnoe. arrived from Vancouver on the Prtnoe Oeorge this morning. He is representing his paper In connection with the northern tour of Dr. S. F. Tolmle, provincial Conser vative leader. Over fifty prospective players, includ ing s number of new men. were out for la rr roast practice at Acropolis Hill grounds last night. The meeting tor the final organisation of the league, It is announced, win be held tonight. Meantime, practices are being held regularly and a good game Is assured for Dominion Day. C.PJa. steamer Princess Royal, Capt. 9. K. Oray. Is due in port at 8 o'clock tonight from Vancouver and waypotute and will saU at 10 pjn. on her return south. The Princess Royal win be the fourth passsngst liner to arrive bere today from the south, the others having been the Cardena, Princess Alios and Prince Oeorge. There was an unconfirmed report this morning that the CP R. steamer Princess Louise, which called bere on Wednesday southbound, had struck a reck while on the way to Vansouver where she was due this morning. Neither the local offloes of the company or the Digby Island wireless station had any information. Michael Manson. M.LA. for Mac kenale In ths Isst legislature and can didate for re-election In that riding, came north as far as Ocean Falls on the Prtnoe Oeorge last night. He and Dr. S. P. Tolmle, provincial Oonserva- c ve leader, the latter being on his way to Prince Rupert, addressed an open-air meeting at the paper town while the steamer was In that port. CAMS toil KIM) PRINCE ALBERT. Bask.. June 21. A cabin at Waskesul Lake. In the new Prince Albert National Park, will be presented to Premier W. L. Mac kenale King, as the gifts of his Prince Albert ecnstitueata when he visits the district for the official opening of the park In August. The cabin will be of rustle tpye. built on a specially selected site, HOTEL A It RIVALS. Fox. Vancouver: Mrs. Ov W. PSUllpson, North Pacific Cannery; O. L. M. Olggey, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson, Ksmtoops; H. W. Chambers. Inverness; W. B. Walker, Naas River; R. L. Oale. Stnlthers. Noy A. Orant, Massett; L. A. N Pottrrtoa. Stewart: Peter Nellson. Haarlion. J. Cook. Terrace. I'rnlrHl W. Marsh and I. S. Poster, CN R : N. Olaasr, Vancouver, I A delight to the. I 1 connoisseur- I a revelation to the i I sceptic I E ' IN SCOTLAND J 8 9 jl James Buchanan &Co., mfagjjHngr p 26 Holborn, London, E.C.I. MHHKjrfr This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia AsiMversary'SALE SOME EXTRA GOOD BUYS Pillow Slips, linen finish, hemstitched and embroidered, values to Qi A ft $1.75 for pair . . A'UU Portiere Curtains Id Green or Brown, lg Lace Curtain Panels, in 4 designs 7 Co Each Ribbons in widths to 4 inches in various colon. Tin Yard Ivy Ladies' Hiking Knickers in Tweeds. Value to $5.50. SS. $3.75 All Wool Blazers in Red, Blue, and Yellow Stripe. Sixes 14 to 20. CO QC Sale Price, each VOa7J Hemstitched Sheets in a fine quality, 8-4 size. ggQ 9-4 size Pair 3.90 20 per cent Discount on all Dress Goods, Crepe de Chines, Georgettes and Fancy Silks. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 9. CANADIAN? 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wrantell snd (kagwa June II. 18, IS, M, 88, t. To Vanroutrr, Victoria and Seattle lane 8, 18, 80, S3, 87, SO. IBtl'' lltlNCESS IIOV.tL For Itutrdale, KaU lleHa llella. Ocean rails Nasae, Alert IUy. Campbell It her and Vaneuutor every ITMay. la pj. Agrnry for all Steamship Lines. mil lafermatlOA from IV. d OltrilAlll). (ienrral Agent, Corner of lilt Strrtt and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, lit Phone 31 "TRY A NIP TONIGHT- I REST PROCURABLE H I a paooutl or scOtiAno n TWf MH is m t,l lihfiwco 10 ttivtatt - .tSMUvf V DVrtOW Irttim H The Original Label look for it al the Ven-tor's and Insist 00 GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Ctntrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia