PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Priday. Jum. o. WESTERN ROUTE JABOUIt BROS. LIMITED BIG STORE-WIDE SALE IN THE xifrr A family IS PRAISED BY LIGHT SATURDAY v UJr 4 of 'cm GRAIN BUYERS or A Family Picnic? NO question about which you'd choose a day in the woods or a day with the washing. And it's so easy for you to let us do the washing while you do the picnicking. In our Thrif-T-Service you hare all your clothes washed and your flat work ironed. Just the wearing apparel left for you to care for and this is returned damn, really to be starched, ironed or hung out to dry. Saves money saves energy. 5 cents a pound plus Ic per piece. Minimum charge $1.00. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 MEAT DEPT. I .FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cooked Meats for Moose Picnic Cooked Ham, lb 50 1) Cold Roast Pork. lb. . . 50? Jellied Tongue, lb 50? Jellied Veal, lb 40? Bologna, sliced, lb !Mf Weiners, 2 lbs 55? Dili Pickles, doz 25? Fruits and Vegetables Rhubarb, 6 lbs 25? Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Bananas, lb. : 15? New Potatoes, 3 lbs. .. 25? Lettuce, 3 for 25? Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Berries arriving on every boat. Mussallera Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 18 Phone 84 WE HAVE THEM SLEEVELESS DRESSES All shades. HIjAZKKS and sweater COATS lIATllLVi SUITS Werners Dr. Alexander Smith Muck Phone 675 DENTIST COAL Your choice BDSON CAS8IDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 J Prince Rujfert Feed Co. 4 (Edmonton Journal) Further evidence hu been presented that lut years western Canadian wheat crop was under-estimated. The CP.H. superintendent of transportation reports that that railway and the CJiJt. has marketed approximately 3SO.4ao.000 bushels. This, with the allowance lor teed, seed and grist mills, brings the total about S.SO0.000 over the dominion government's final figure, while it is i believed that 15.000,000 to 90.000.000 is still In the farmers' hands. Alberta, It is evident, ts more than responsible for the difference. The grain exported through Vancouver was nearl? aaflrsRBPmransiBisrDsiini Clark's Veal Loaf, per tin tin 1 9 "Moose Picnic Y HAMPER SUGGESTIONS sir Libby's Meatwich Spread, per tin Shamrock Sausage, choice, pre pared, per tin . ll)c k : . : - -- 1 WILL ATTEMPT TO FLY AS SEA-BIRDS SOAR: Ceo. R. White, Stony Brook, L.I., former army aviator, has completed his motorless Ornithopter, which he calculates will carry a gross weight, inclusive of the inventor, of 278 lbs. 7S 000.000 at the end of May. and It IsiPlumer. stated that be expected Al expected that It will reach 85.000,000 , terta's ftiturr crops would) go out al-by the end of the crop year. This will j must whol'y by the way of the Pacific be 30.000.000 In excess of the best pre-; and that at least all the pool handled vlous record. 'grain would do so. Towards the end of 1OT8 charges were; The western shipments hsve not only made that the Alberta pool was dls- teen ol heavy volume, but of a high criminating agBlnst the western route, j quality. Representatives of the old Then were denied and it was explslned , country cz-operatlve safeties told the how temporary conditions had effected , conference that tbey had paid a pre-tbe shipments In that direction. There mlum on such grain coming out of can be no doubt now extensively the Vanccuvrr because of lis uniformity pool has utilised the route during the end higher milling value. pr ."tent crop year. At the Reglna con- ' feeoneJL Its spoken, air. . fQTED HORSE RACING MAN IS CITY YISITOR Atkln Wealthy California Hone Owner and Ftermer Tijuana Maatager Itrr Today Jack Atkln. widely handlespper and formerly I 'he Tijuana track In race horse manager of Ferrara Full Cream Cheese, lb. .10 e Napolian Limburger Cheese, lb. Full H)f Cream Camembert Cheese, Pkge 0f) Gold Medal Mayonaise, jar . . iVt Best Foods Relish Spread, jar :i.f Bonton's French .Mustard, jar I Hgh n I .. r 1 a a t a m I 1 milium vooaeo nam, sucea, IB. ' Low "( Aylmer Boneless Chicken, tin 15 Shredded Wheat, pkg 16 r Muffets, pkg I5f Quick Tapioca, pkg 10c Fresh Fig Bars, lb !ITf "Canada Dry" Ginger Ale, 1 dot. bottles to package, per dot. $2.50 per bottle 25fs " lit I a i a '.ant . . . . I weicn a untsjuaiiHct, UJe lOd Green Vegetables at P. G A Ml) LA, Fifth Street. the lowest . possible price. Alberta Market FiELD DAYS IN INTERIOR LXI'KHTK TU Vifcir VIKIOIS 1'AKTH or at'. The Kxpertmentai Farms branch of the Dot.1 ion Department of Agriculture will hUd field, dayb on the illustration stations la Central British Columbia In early July. Meetings will also be held at Wisteria and Quesnel. The schedule of meetings Is as follows 8m It hers. July 3; Telkwa, July 4; Wistaria, Jure 5; Francois Lake. July 7; Vanderhoof. July 9. Quesnel. July 10: Pi usee Oejrge. July 11: Salmon Valley. July it; and MoSride. July 13. Visiting ipsa sen are Professor H. la King, head fo the Animal Husbandry Department University Qf B.C.. Vac- B.C.. and Mr D. C Denny. Clark's Sliced Chip Beef, per tin jpenssd by his wife and family Arrived poultry specialist. Dcnunion Bxperimen K.O. Sardines, per tin lot Kippered Snacks, 4 for IT-If Hedlund Meatwich Spread, per -C :n the city from the south on the tal Station. SuavBeriand. B.C. Prince George this morning and pro- B- D. Munrc and 8. 8. Phillips In seeded by train to Jasper Park where the Bulkley Valley, district agriculturist he will spend a few days before pre- O. Sutton. Prince Oeorge. and C. C deeding - to Mew York whence he will Kelly, Willisana bake, are assisting with embark for a visit to his former bone the program. The larmers' institutes n Scarborough. England. It was forty- and board of trade are co-operating at five years ago since Mr. Atkln sailed various points to make the field day a Kound Cape Horn from "gTH landed in San Francisco. His Lullen'a Sandwich Spread, per jarwes in America have included owning ITMMV MrI ARWIM 2"e a cirou- instituting the CoSroth Kandl- JsHllUs lIlLLxlIUllll Bull.'. Lemon Cheese per jar JTZLZT " SS' SCORED KNOCKOUT Sumor. Orare iuice. p.r botile!! J'men uT S OVER PHIL McGRAW ,of California On his return to the; C. & B. Lemoncup and Orange- United States, lgr Atkln proposes to' NKW YOBK. Jui.e 22 Jimmy Mr-cup, per bottle 7f trirg bacl. with him some blooded Lamln of Vsncouecr scored a technical TVhen did the Lobster blush ?" ock for hia farm in Calttoents. knockout over PHU McOraw of Detroit When Ym SAV fk almW lAatti ' w t..r. 14 rw.i, lu-ij r?.ul M 1. iTC'rpT; TOOlTETdClSSlFY V. "t . .7: (4a. unci , wrave a. ANOTHER DE.MOXSTRA-TIOX OX SATURDAY f of a variety of .Sandwiches made of Cold Prepared Meats, Sandwich Spreads, Cheese that spreads. Special. The latest in Fruit Sandwiches. Don't miss this Corn Flakes, any brand, per pkg. 11? Royal Prince Peas, l's sieve 1, 6 for $1.00 TOMATOES: RIG VALUE Large Una, solid pack, S for IHr Small tins, solid pack, 3 for :iTr Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for 7."r Spinach, large tins, each .. 2of Home's Custard Powder, larac tins, reg. 50c, special . . :irr) Home's Cake Icing, assorted. 3 for 2Tf Pears, Peaches, Apricots, l's, as sorted, 8 for (ITif Spaghetti in bulk, 2 lbs. for 2of Fels Naptha Soap, per carton Kite DELICATESSEN DEPT. Jellied Tongue. Jellied Veal. Roast Pork. Cooked Ham, Corned Beef, Bologna. We stock all kinds of Cheese, Canadian, Grated and Slicing. Order your fresh-killed, milk-fed Chickens here for the picnic. Green Vegetables and Fruit arriving Wednesday and Friday boats. New Potatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Green Onions, Radishes, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Bunch Carrots, Beets and Turnips, New Green iPeas, Beans, Cabbage and Cauli flower. AH fresh and at lowest prices. FRUIT Bing and Royal Ann Cherries, Cantaloupes, Watermelon (get one for the picnic), Red and Yallow Plums, Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Peaches, Apricots and Strawberries. Bee our window for quality and prices. Watch Our Windows It Pays The Home of Good Things to Eat. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 POB ESNT. THREE ROOM COTTAOE. ?34 Seventh Avenue W. Phone Black 87 148 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPERS, MHITtH. pHi.vce Ht i-i;ht. ar. SiOTICE OF SI-EC'IAL MECTIMl NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVE1 to the members of said Comnanv that a Rtiacial Meeting of members and all others concerned wUl be held at the Registered Office of said Company at Prince Ru- Cln the Province of British Calum-' n Saturdav June 33, 1B3S. at two o'clock pm. for the purpose of ratify-tng ar.d confirming the appointment of director" to fill vacancies, and to transact any other business that may proper 1 c-rne before said meetlni Dated this 18th day of J:ine. 1828 INTERNATIONA! SKIPPERS Limited. Bv James C Langley. Jimfi C. Langley, Manager Our FANCY CHEESE Are Very Appetizing in Hot Weather. Try Them Fresh Roquefort Cheese, lb. 00f Gorgonzola Cheese, lb "O0 tin the lirst rountt. of a scheduled ten i round bout last nght. It was the first knockout MoOraWeeer suffered. DR. J. A. McIVER IS NOMINATED BURNABT VANCOUVER June M The Liberal of Burnaby last night at their nominating cnuveotlc' eaoie Dr. J. A Mc-Ircr as thier candsfnte In that riding to contest the constituency against W. R Rutledge. 1 CITY FIREMAN GOES FOR BURGLARY TRIAL VANCOUVER JttM Xt Murray Harris, city fireman and brother of It C Harris, was committed for trial by the magistrate charged with burglary. lMIHY tLAK. s aj. DtOBY ISLAND Cloudy calm: barometer. SO .38; temperature. 50; aea smooth: pm. spoke motorship Olinda. i miles from Craig, bound for Van couver. DEAD TREE POOIT. Clear, calm: barometer. M.16; temperature. Si; sea smooth . BULL HARBOR Misty, clam: barometer. 10.34; temperature. 60: as smooth; l;M pm spoke steamer Princess Allot, abeam Ivory Island, northbound: 1030 pm. spoke steamer Prtn- iceee Royal, abeam Royal Island, north- ! bound. DSOBT ISLAND Part cloudy, calm: High Low Low Low High .Law Proprietor Phone 208,M1Ih Low PRINCE KUPKirr TIDES i-HinAY. n: n ltiia pm. lt: am. 3-M pa. SATI IIKAY. JI'NC t M am. l$M pm. 11 40 am Ml'Ml AY, JUNE M SI am. 19M pm. 0:88 am. ires pm. MOMIAV, jcm: ts bed am. 11 am. tin pm TtllAY, JUNE S:H am. 21 :10 pm. a:l am. iao pm. WlKM.Y, JIM: 87 StM am. at pm. S:M am. is. 3d pm. TIIIHMMY. iVSK xS 10:58 am. 23:18 p m. 4 44 a m 1S:I7 pm. 19 6 ft. ua s.i ts 17i ft. 17a " 4.0 " 16 4 ft 17.7 " 8 .6 - 6.1 " 15.7 ft. 17J " is.V - 3 " 8.8 " 14.4 It. 114 " 7.4 " 8.6 " IBB ft. IB 1 " 6 5 " 99 a. ) tira Oompound s7 i it I la" 1 'll i w ii at i ijii si i aaa barometrr, 30JS: tempers lutr 00 mi smooth. DK AD TREE POINT -dear, calm: oarotn tr. SO IS: imprrature. SB: aaa smooth. BULL HARBOR -Hsjtjr. calm: bar-amater. S0.07; tsapsrsturc. M: aaa smooth: am. spoke staamcr Amur. Blubber Bar for Aoyoa. S mlsta south 4f Pine Island. V.TM I limits AtTIIOUS WtNNirao. June II. Robert Watson was elected president of the "rnlfrff Authors' Association Winnipeg. Branch. at a reosnt moating. John W. Dates, LL4. was sleeted honorary president. Market Prices J LARU t.mttt B.C. PTtsh pullets B.C. Fresh firsts B.C. Freeh extras .... Local new laid 8 aoo Ur He FISH Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered ihUbmci, lb as Smoked black ood, lb. ate Pinnan haddias. lb ate MEATS Fowl, No 1. lb ae and 40c Roasting onsBkea, Hi. 4& Broilers . Ham. altM. nm glta sac HP- a,ft m ...gV..-ste SWjon, Vork. arr salt Ayrshire Veal, shoulder Veal, lott Veal, lag Pork, shoulder fork, loin . . . Pork, leg ... Beef, pot roast snoed B SOo Kwt. T. 4&s an as. S60 . bsoon. lb s&i ; ' 36e 40o I SKa I M0 I 0 I lac to Me I Beef, boiling ig0 I8 O0 to 4t! I neer, roast, prima rib sac " i IE For the Early Birds Saturday Morning FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Be Here at 9 p.m. prompt to parti Extra Special, No. 1 MEN'S OVERALLS AND SMOCKS We have picked out 26 pairs of Men's Overalls and Smocks. Regular to $1.60 value and on sale they go Saturday morning for the early birds at the ridiculously low price while they last at only, each 75C Can You Beat It? Extra Special, No. 3 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CANVAS SHOES Value to $5.00 a pair, 100 pairs only of Women's, Misses', and Children's White Canvas one 4 strap Slippers with leather soles and heels. Hurry for your pair ! While they last, Saturday morn-ins: at nine prompt, on sale at only a pair zjgjj a pair Extra Special, No. 2 WOMEN'S SILK BOSK For Saturday moinim, pairs of Women's Silk H,, va'ue to $1.50, several slia l pick from. 2 pairs to a eu, only. First come, first si-. Be here at 9 a.m. prom; it. While they !at aIair 25c al am Extra Special, No. i m YARDS OF CHAMH.I CURTAIN SCRIM A Mi COTTON CKEl'K We have picked out pieces of the above nun: materials consisting of son i . yards that sold regularly ' and 40c a yard. While it ! Saturday morning, your, i : think of it, at only a yard a van I 0 WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AM) SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee. 3 p.m. bpring rever A vivaciouo, hilarious comedy-dram;i WILLIAM HA1NKS. JOAN CKAWFORII, (JKOK;i h. v: T1IUH (iliOKOE rAWCETT, EDWAHD EAR! I ' K M0RAN, EILEEN 1'BKCV and many olfcrrm. AIS0W I'HsSI FA ELKS. I'OIrTLIGIir SUM' METRO-GOLDWYN NEWS 3rd Atcnue Admission - 35c and 10c City Meat Market (SELVI0 RROS.) 1'IlOlU: MEAT- FISH, VIIinAlftB8 jk ALL KINDi OF ftuN'Rfol E" Obsenol-pn articles are of superior quality and 'l u fresh. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ralllnrt from Prlnre KuperL , rn lor VANroL'VCK, VICTOKIA, Bwinwn lu. Hutrdalr. Air" Turadav. S p.m. . ..m IW VANCOI'VKK. VICTOKIA. Ilutedair. Alrrt I lay. Mr.. Naliini'" Fur I'OUT 8IMI'M)N and NAA8 IIIVEIl I'd I NTS. Friday. ,,,i.miV lor ALICK AltM. ANYOX, STtiVAKT. WALKS ISLAND. l"OR''' Munday, S pan. . n i 1M Ind Avrnur. It M. SMITH, Aifnt. Prlnrr IM: " ,.ti Tlirourh lliala uM In Vl-tirlm nnil (III. an Im r E:i i: ' 1 i.rniirn vii urNiinaiior H