II w taA fn c TUB PTWggg MINING Stock s XorUr'.aKtl Aitraoon clo-!' ftrieca.-al VnrhuVf 01 1 Exchange on out . k'.li -t board tla$i, U'o tan irive Innfatit ser-. in buying and Belling viiii'MK Stockfj on Vancouver ock Exchange. We also have faculties for i K itting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D Johnston Co.Ltd. 6lV 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Pl.one 88 CH'tHKr Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialise In Piano and Fnrriiturw Moving. Jciiaulie mums sions run to II LADIES j GURV1CH AND CLARK FIGHT INfXOrilNAtoENT J ! JILY S t V; ' i Charlie Brown announced last night .'lint bad sinned Bnttllntt Dido tlur- ic!i o,' Prince nupert and Ray Clark ,ol B;ilngham .'or a ten-round bout in tv Exhibition Hall on July 18. It tiould prove one of the moot Interesting fights local fane have bssfc offered far acme timet It will be tfcejfyidt time that Ourvlch and Clark have met though both have fought Alf ttardii.g. 'Ourvlcb winning from him on point i while Clark made It a draw. Ourvlch. jwbo will be slightly the heavier, and Clark are somewhat the same style of i fighters and It is expected that it will ibe an exhibition of boxlne rather than slugging. Brown la already planning an interesting program of preliminaries to go with this main event. SPORT CHAT While the Grand Terminals have nothing much at stake being already assured of pi ace in the final, the football game tonight between them and the Regiment may or may not place the latter In playoff on July 3 for the Dominion Day Cup. second trophy of the season In the first game. Terminals beat Thistles by 3 to 1 and In .he second Thistles played s 1 all draw. All the Regiment has to do tonight Is ace re two goals, whether they win or hot. Of course if It should be a win or draw for the soldiers they wUl also qualify for the final, the only way WATER NOTICE I11VEHMON AM I KE. TAKE NOTICE that The Detroit Western Mining Co., whose address Is 804 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver, sVC., will apply for a licence to take and use ISO clj. of water out of Bast Pork of Khutss River which now westerly and drains into Shuts Inlet, Graham Reach. The water will be diverted !roai the stream at a point about 1400 leet East of the Witness Post on the west side cf Lot 172 Prince Rupert district and will be used for mining ourposes upon the Mineral Group described as Western Copper (plans on tile in Surveyor Oeneral's Office). This notice wss posted on the ground on the 10th day of May. 10M. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the 'prater Act will be filed in the office of the Water Bsmrder a'. Prince Rupert. Objection to the application may be tiled with too SAM Water Rec rder or with the Comptroller if Wster Rights. Parliament ButMlng. Victoria. B.C.. wlthm thirty days after the firs appearance of this notice in a local newspaper The date of the first publieatlon of this notice Is June 11, 1MB. DETROIT WESTERN MIRllfO CO.. Applicant. Bv P. Pardee Wilson. Aasfit "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, MINER FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever nigged power unci performance are demanded. Literature arid Prices on Request ' SOLE DISTRIBUTORS ID 11 R.Ct MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Limited 1325 STANDARD HANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C, HOLT '(mnsism best; 'Jg Eanahian National Qfcc Largcil Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE VICTORIA. KKATTI.E. Bailing, from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. MOMIAYN. TIII1KMAYH, 4.00 p.m.. MATI HOAYH. IM p. For ANVOX and HTEUAItT, MONDAYS, tRIIMYS. 4.00 pJtt. Fur MAHSETT IN LET. MONOAYK. 4 00 p.m. Fur MOUTH CJIKEN CHARLOTTE IHI.ANIIN. Portnlghtly. For NHAOWAY, WIJNEMAYM. 4 00 p.m. PAHSENflElt TRAIN I.EWE PRINCE Hl,,'f',Tlliv,,., DAILY EXCEPT NI N1IAY at 11.30 a.m. fm PRIM E OBOKOE. MlMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Eastern I'snuim. i " AOEKTJY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. KUPrRT. Phone W CITY TICKET OFFICE, Ms TIMHD Ul. PRINCE ik.'. t ..ii "' Washes and Dries Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minutes-Washed, Blued, Rinsed and Dried. Sold on ean.v terms. K&ieh Hardware Co. TWIN JOCKEYS IN RIVAL STABLES: Edward and .Clarence Waters, twins, look so much alike it is hard to tell them apart. Edward is a jockey for the Greentree stables and Clarence rides for K. Patterson. they could be eliminated being a default without score. It promises to be a very Interesting match which should draw a full crowd of local soccer Around Thfe World With Sport Fans (liy The Tramp) The Influence of one or two good sportsmen Is seen In the manner in some a really national one If this sort cf thing goes on. Priends cf lacrosse In the Canadian Boo are neglecting no opportunities to further the Interest of the pastime m their neighborhood, even going to the length of "exporting" the to Michigan. An effort will he made to popularise lacrosse on the LB. aide of the Bt. Mary's River. The Boa has oun intermediate, two Junior and three Juvenile teams. Crelghloa Mines will have an Intermediate outfit and further competition is expected from Sudbury and Blind River. Boosters In Use Canadian Boo look forward to the day when international. Intercity games wlU be played with the Michigan The next move will be for some missionary to carry lacrosse to Ketchikan and teach the wrong Idea to handle the sticks uhere. The Canadian towns and villas. in this part of the country also offer great field for expansion. Dncl Basa will be without the services of the famous Duke Kahanamoku. Hawaiian swim star, on hie Olympic as. The Duke has become a pro through going into the "movies." The dusky aquatic marvel broke to the front la 1011 and made a flock of world records that stood unUl the phenomenal John Welsmuller appeared. The sinewy and powerful Hawaiian is stlU invincible la a 50-yard sprint, al though he Is now SS years of age. , Me s star of the 10 U and 10S0 DB. Olympic swimming teams. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAM) In Prince RuDert Land Rsoordinc Dis trict and situate on Mures ny Island ad- lacent to Allllord Bay Skldegata Inset -ueen Charlotte Mands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mill Limited U Vancouver. B.C.. occupation pulp and paper manufacturer, intaad: to apply for a lease of the following described tones: Commencing at a past plan ted at the 8.W. corner at B.TJJMSr theaee 78 minutes West (Astronomh)) IBM ft.: thenoe North as degrees 10 minutes Bast ( Astronomic) BOO ft.; tbsnes North sa uusiuss West (Astronomic) tSOO ft.: thenoe North 00 dsgwes Bast ( Astronomic i aao it. more or laaa. to aa Inter- nr. ssH'icniwsn w mk boui laagxsjmant. save and except one island containing on acre more or less no another !iahd ennuming on seres. more or lees the whole oontalnlng ill .lores, more or less. PACTPTC MILLS. LIMITPO. Aprllcam Bv Paj4wr Samuel Boiuve, Dated ABTfl It. ISSB 16l NOT1CI IS HEREBY QIVXN 11th day of July next, tk the Bustscchk) and NOTICE t)F INTENTION TO TO rUKCIIAKE LANli mohth of Khutae River TAKE NOTICE tha from rrotn that, on under APPLY In Prlnas Runert Land Record Ins Dls trlcT and situate abnut B miles from the the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, B.C., oecupatmn Mining uompany. DOUBLE HEADERS ! IN BIG LEAGUE ST. LM'IN BROWNH WIN TWO OAMKH AM) ARE THREATENING ATHLETIC FOR SBCONI) PLACE (Special to Dally News) XEW TORS, June 32. Double-bead-sis. which caused no changes in the standings, were the feature of the Big which lacrosse has suddenly blossomed j Leagues yesterday Into life here. roe game may yet am- ryj, cardinals and Chicago 36 Brooklyn so Ptttsmtrg SS Boston 31 Philadelphia 16 The leading Bt. the fourth plaoe Chicago Cubs in the National League shared honors as did the New York Giants and Boston. Cincinnati Reds defeated Pittsburg Pirates 5 to 4 In a tlitht 'aiat. the Reds reducing the can national j Between' themselves and the Cardinals ' for first place to three-and-a-alf Bt. Louis Browns eame within four asm of the Philadelphia Athletics for stoond pmce in the American League By taking two games from the Detroit Tigers who are now Dut half a gams ircm the Philadelphia Athletics and the stcortl had to be otlSK! in the third Ending cn account of rain. Babe Ruth' twenty-sixth homer of the season thus went Into the discard, it being the first circuit clout he has lost In this man- Yesterday's scores: NATIONAL LF.AGl'E Bt. Louis 1-4, Chtaago 2-1. Cincinnati 6. Pittsburg 4. Brooklyn -Philadelphia, rain. Mew York 0-1, Boston 4-3. AMERICAN LEAGFE Phlladelphls 0. New York 4. Seeond game called on account rain. Chicago 9-4, Cleveland 4-a Detroit -. Bt. Louis.S-B. COAST LEAQIE Portland 11. Hollywood 6. Seattle 4. Missions 1 Los Angles 6. Oar.lsnd 4.' Ban Pranclsco 7. Sacnunentn 3. LKAIitfl MTANUINOK Natlsoal lisagae W. L. St. Louis 40 Cincinnati 3 Raw Tork 31 league 33 3B 33 33 se 37 flew York 45 13 Philadelphia 35 S3 Pt. Louis 31 S3 Cleveland S3 S3 Washington 36 30 31 31 Detroit 23 37 Chicago .'. 23 37 BASEBALL POPULAR of Pet. at J7S IN TUNIS MISSION Dr. KHI finds (lame I'srful to Htsa in Mark IH Nurthera Africa BALTTMORB. June been introduced in Tunis by Ouysr Kelly of this city, for signed intend to apply to the Liquor cei specially control Boera ior consent to trsnsier of Beer Uaense Number BIS, and Issued in respect of premises being part of a building known ss the Tourist Hotel, situate at Terrace. B.C . upon the lands described a Lot l and 2, in Block 11. Map 873, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Col umbia, from Oeorge Teasier to Angelu ia uroan 11 has Dr. C. years a "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT"!1 "icnary in that country Re is NOTICE Ol' APPLICATION POK CONSENT TO TKANttPEIt OK HEfclt LICENCE the w in Baltimore to swanon interest in hi Tunisian League, winch, he ssys. ha two Babe Ruths. There are sixteen teams in the League Tuiiislenne de Baaebull. The Arabs ex- in bfLsr running, and their WATER NOTICE f LEAttlNo HTHEAMft TAKE NOTICE that I D. Judson. Ltd.. Whose address is Terrace, B C will PX.QB.FIVa r&iai Wi'ii i Backward Seasbb ' As outfitters for Men, the Acme Importers have for years been preeminent for quality goods and value. At our Backward Season Sale our values are the very Utmost. For whatever you need, real economy suggests a visit to our store. A04 i!sf;;. J47 r jgp skill In stealing would be an eye-opener j ttn tot Amenoans, it at said. Dr. Kelly j Jit J03 thinks the paanant thia year lies between ! the Laiiota. which means Orioles, who , are Arab, and the Jeunesse Spartlvt. ! .jgg made up of preach. Indian and Hebrew , S14 routh I Some of the other teams are the Blue I . tj Box. the Elan Sportif and the Olil .46 J73 Aarurl. the latter aa Italian organisation Strangely enough the team known a Oriental is composed of Western Kurt pea ns. while the Occidentals to made up of Arabs. Dr. Belly has found baseball a gnat lielp in his missionary work, sad says I brings him in contact with many who dr not attend church, mosque or syna-1 ftcrue '-v.. L FOUR BEARS TAKEN BY YACHT WESTWARD IN WESTERN ALASKA SEWARD. Alaake. June 38 With four brown bears and one black bear as tro-uhle of t month's hunt on the Alaska iiinnula. a party of easterners returned lure en route to Seattle aboard the yacht Westward, owned by Campbell Church, millionaire sportsman of Euttene. Oregon. The party includes A M Topham. Mies manager of the Netmore Bavage ply for s license tj use the wsters of Company of Boston: Joseph Lamb, vice- itsumgallum Klver near Terrace for president of the Inrter. Prarv and . rffilmchfiiTM ; :J? r:....W!0l.-i n.rk r, of New Britain. Con-! Trrreoe. British Columbia, the transfer-; .. ,.',r r nxtm. n im n.Miint .inhnaimw Vance -ditor of the1 of June, AD William J Pane, publisher of the mmTAnnUtn pulnt where the Kir.umgalium River in- ?fix X? i2nutm ' i tcrsetU th North Line ol Lot 1400 to Waterbury Republican and American of , ZntrV.La th BoUth U f Lot 14111. 5. Range , U,.t-Thl.rv r11IW,k!1, ApplloanU atjd Tranaferees. .WaWrbury Connecticut. , DutrU.t Tlw estimated mlleg be- .Form No. IS, BMttkra S) LAND ACT. iweun vne saia puiuta ;s mneK. more ww m , .w. . i ne 'rrm propoea 101 - Mm Amilslls rmsi ssls I w 1 ware ; raoe u. yean. wm p .... 80 .1Br , to ltv. TWMMcn rouna on ine aotn aay oi ' -- . . -.. copy m this aotfee arid torWPWvVtWinKtWWfi WWBsmjff-mridTvs Ii Oer pisnems Dunmant thacsto and to ttteTti . ,w. i.-V..-'. inh lob tn to hii f r,-, . . . .. ...... . .. , . 1 '- . ' j" - - - water nci win or iipbo in wie oiiwe of the Water Recorder at Prince Runert, B.C.. Tlw petition Tor approval of un-UiTtukiiig and hii applloatlon fur u-prn..1 of tl.r Hr"rlule of Toll. w''l h heart! In the office of the B' .ltd 01 In- ln-, vestlgatlon at a date to be fixed, and tends to anniv tar nermlsslan to nur- any interested neron may file an oblec- chase the following described lands: tlon thereto In the office of the Corop-Cousmenclni at a post planted on , tiollvr or of the Water Recorder of the fwM dtatant the Witness Bbst oil ! District. Objection to the arjntlcatlon tha West side of Lot 173: 1 hence wester- may be filed with the wUd Water Recorder 1 so ch.ln: thence southerly 30 chains; or witn the ccmpirousr oi water Weh easterly 00 chains: thenoe nor-1 Rights, Parllnment Buildings, Victoria, tlMeiy 10 chains, and containing lOOjBC. within thirty days after the first Ten. Tr- I appcsrnnci. oi inn iiwuce m s lucai P. PARDOE WILSON. '. -ner. Th date the first publl- Aent for cation --iite ta-Jiine IV. ltas. net ro t Western Mlnlna Co. il P iHHWilslr .sslilsi ni Dated lBth AprU. 1838. S a JudMin. AgsuT discovir the best way to promote Knerl development, not the outsidffv Beward with IU natural ice-free hurlior. open th vrar aroti H " lull and steamship terminals. I destined to become s great city." nt'ii.nixn o nit iitii ave. f)onructinn is well under iiy of a handsome new two-storey residence on Fourth Avenue West b:ween tht Lip-sett ana Brnley house for R. E. Moore. The Famous ARMOUR CLAD SUITS FOR BOYS Made with double knees, double seat, double elbows and with two pairs pants,. this famous make gives the most wear for the money. Regular values are up to $18.00. - Backward Season Sale Price is less 25 per cent discount. SUITS FOR MEN Fifty Men's Suits in this lot. Made in all wool worsted and tweed materials with Art Silk linings. Fancy pin stripes in the latest 1028 models. Single and double breasted styles and many patterns to choose from. Va!ues up to $87.60. Backward Season Sale Price 16.95 SHIRTS FOR MEN SHIRTS FOR ROYS A hrrv iiseortmeut of Men's Shirts In a- floys Shirt Waists in fifty different sorted shades of English Broadcloth. Bisley shades, in stripes and plain colors. Regular tord, Potters' Print, etc. Made by Tooke ralue up to 1.76. Bros., the best Values to $8.. Backward Season Sale Price 95C Backward Seaaoa Sale Price 1.45 JERSEYS FOR BOYS COLLARS FOR MEN The famous St. Margaret's Pure Woo! All Tooke, Arrow and Van Heuaen Soft Jerseys for boys in assorted shades, with Collars for Men. fncy P' collar. Regular $3.4 value, backward Season Sale Price, V !,Q0 Backward Seasoh Sale Price 4 for THE ACME IMPORTERS Mail Orders promptly filled at these prices. No Charge Accounts. No C.O.D. Terms: Strictly Cash. What Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AGAIN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 cents s share; Silverado at 36 cents. What are they worth now? NOW WE RECOMMEND Silverbell Mining Co., Ltd. AT MARKET! latest Vancouver quotations, 15c Mi, M a4tL Situated on the New Premier Hill and bounded on two wffMasj aa JjJstJiltr treMings. H. W. M. R0LST0N & CO. Ltd. Stewart, B.C. Direct wires Vancouver Stock Exchange STOCKS HONDS HEAL K8TATE it IbH BsBtsnBH I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVB HEARING. CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 134. Wallace IIIocPu Open EvralogF LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our spring- stock of High Grade Men's Wear is now here. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON