PAGE TWO r u a rv incnt i party word flc.-ti No one dreamed 50 years ago that such a fragrant beverage as "SALADA" Orange Pelioe could be produced -pure as science can make it fresh,, superb'in flavour 43c per half-pound and all black tea. A treat indeed for tea lovers. dent wii.. , - . I'libli it :ni, ivali'i-. 'vt'. induct ri--. ' Ull'lillli) '.i Dm ccn'iii.-i'il. ll KIM 'I' It would liter. iry fushioi fashion- -eel:' Would im! in- a flirted, for i, . stupid fn"iit:i The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prfnce Rupert Daily News. Limite-d, Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Edi or. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 V.- to the fcVel'V I1CW -i.;t j illg !hf 111.- - Hli .". if. th.! luw- and thi- ith ure told .lap despatch l r mumN w.t p !. I ;.; IM'i-' I I, I. gOVlTllnr-i !'i IT the iVi-. Suppiiit mention .ii ,,i. pUllllr ill i nlllli-furore in to tell us ' ri a ; liliertv here uv why there N m ohtain il.anve-mid there i- id. Member of Audit Mureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION il' ! ii K an I the tl,e, do Ver u it lit v srWFSTION FOR CITY ( ESUiM!i' III NKvVS l ii I 1 ITKitAin STWIIVIUIS d he u ! ! f.;' - Friday. May 18, 1928 J. Alder, a former resi-)ney devoted to judicious realize as we all here d up the city with small ng. Now if we can do . d be done. it was to have news : that was of interest in. Time after time e carpet for break- ! ' ' the censorships the Communists - v, however, we n il iMon. A recent i - a lousand Com-I : a ; eared in the i. ii' ion in Feb-v hidden to eminent ' : not a i a-- ;i..ii ..f a rlosea ll'iiin' ::: and the i:d i 1 I..- i.'it.ii.ii.-d in irinent w.-n to,, Th. M" h;i v. w in i -'1 ppiv-.- ) ild he a will t ry i mm ii :- 'he I'ea-o;: illj.'-. We r.'tli 'he trie!' , h. '" " -on -rio;i-!v ; certain '' ' t'-'tiay. Literarj' ' 'i' .ircumatanceH it H : ' eat aire should be af-ihe tiresome, cheap, and .-st oration aire. The fashion then was to practise the cult of an outspoken "frankness" in reward to some topics upon which decent people prefer to maintain a certain reticence. It even became the custom to aatiriie and decry old-fashioned folk who insisted upon the sanctity of family life, the reality of moral distinctions, and the sanctions of religion, to say nothing of the validity of the canons of taste. It was not the first time that fashion had tried to banish decency from literature. Tha attempt failed, as everyone knows, and the very age which produced Congreve and Wycherley produced also that "mightier spirit, unsubdued by pain, danger, poverty, obloquy and blindness who meditated, undisturbed by the obscene tumult which raged all around him, a song so sublime and so holy that it. would not have misbecome the lips of those ethereal virtues, whom he saw with that inner, eye which no calamity could darken, flinging down on tbt jasper pavement their crowns of amaranth and gold." Conversation even among high-born ladle naturally intelligent and quick-witted was, While ttie fashion' lasted. 'quite as' irmart nirel superficial and knowing as anything that can be heard today. The fashion, however. chang"d! A new interest in scientific investigation succeeded. The age thnt produced Milton, greatest of Knglish non-dramatic poets, prodim-d also Newton, greatest of mathematicians, one of the four irentr.t Englishmen in history. Locke, greatest of English philosophers, was one of the four and belongs to the same period, also made famous by the greatest of Knglish architects i i i I I i i I BOYS' BAND IS RECEIVED WELL i l.MI; rHEJftH PBIIV HE AN FCI'KLl.KVT IT WEST The great lannrement Id .the Boys' Band was the matter tf mtieh con ment la night iie concert given by that organization In aid their funds. The chief criticism 'that there we not enough of the band axvu-ic and that acme of the aolo num-;er sere not given by the boys. While he attendance was net large, partly .wing to counter attraction thatiUght. the concert waa atrlctly hlgh-claas and ai-s. enjoyable. The boys, under bandmaster Wilson played two group zt selections and at the conclusion ave a very micmiiufl unu wuica w j :i:i.c!ed by Mlas Myfanwy Campbell, .-ho also trained two cf the dancers i:-.e ovenii's The toys crrled out hftr man.cuvre well, this feature a ;ectcular wind-up c the ei:tert.vnmen: Then as .cys stocd at salute while the National Anthem was being played they looked very smart and wire the auto- j ;ect of a great many complimentary twmarks. Members of the band were John 7amroell. P. Derry. M. Colual. W. Vance. W. Cross B Oreen. B. Ollker. Roy Ptanks. Thomas Johnson, W. Bel-.tuger. Mas Larkln. Vic Thomas. W. Fuller. B. Mcintosh. J. Velrlek. Alan Hale. B Caveoa'lle. M. Cavanallle. I. Hudcma K. Oreen. P. Vaccber. B. Thurber, O. McKlnley. T. BussenJcU. ?rank Derry. B Cameron. W. Johnson, 3. Bucenlcn J Muasallem. R. Raid. nd W To bey Accompanists for the evening were H N. Brockletby Mrs. Frascr. MlM LaixMSer. ktrs. Blott. Mrs Cullln ant he Weathoune Orcbestrt. Of "he aokMau and dancer It la -Hfflcult to differenUate, all did so well. File whole performance waa thoroughly enjoyable and each number was well eeeived and each performer recalled, rhe program was aa follows: March Glppaland." The Boye' Band. Seng "Lave the Pedlar." Mrs. H. N. 3rockleaby. Seng "Break of Day." J. A. Tenp. Dance "Hornpipe." Mlas B. McLeod. ' Song- "In the Oarden cf My Heart " Mrs J J. Muldoon Beeiutlon "My Bitter's Wedding.' Mlas Adella Thurber. Dance "Skirt Dance." Mlas Bdm Ireland. Song-Selected. M. H. Blott. Song "Your Song from Paradise." ...... Mia Davles. Dance - Cabaret Number (Walking -'Ick Dance i . Miss A. Ollchrlat. Monologue--Selected. 6 A. McPher . ctlons. Boys' Band. - "My Dear Soul." Mrs. Mc- Dance "Butterfly Ballet :lyfanwy Campbell. Bong "The Night Mies Eloped.". J S. Wilson. Pageant.--The Boys Band. Cooney GRIM HORROR SWEET ROMANCE rilLSi: ARB THE rOIIIIINATIOSH Hlllril MAKF. II thi: I. ON I HINF.V IIRAMA III' HI HlA ; Pantastlc ahadows. grim horror and he sisrk of the throes of a great nation in revolution plus a ro-.junce so tranacendlngly aweet that It feme hardly possible to mention it in the same breath with Its startling surroundings and through it all Lon Cheney, a sinister, mysterious figure. j oven into an amazing plot of intrigue, danger and heart interest this Is Mockery." Cbaney's latest and probably cne of his moat startling screen vehicles. The new drama, here tonight and -tomorrow, is It !t painted on the broad canvas of a whcla nation in travail: Ua central theme is a love that paaseth under standing, and Its mingling of the fan tastlc the mysterious, and the romantic makes it a blend the flavor of which has never been tasted before by theatre goers. J f .I.. ..ii vt.-.. t. , , 1 " Lulue" cnsuracier ...u ui KM-mi-si iiuiMeis .., in.-gir.v. .ewxon s rnncipia. , , h .ver fallen to hlrn lot .. s.r.i Locke's Essay, Lycidas, and Pilgrim's Progress still constitute a permanent fashion of their own and will continue long after our present d$y best-sellers have pone to oblivion. If history repeats It-self we may even now be on the edjre of a real revival and refine-mnt of fasnton In conversation and manners, and what is immensely more important, a refinement of literary and ethical standards. Dorft get Spring Fever ! Eat breakfasts that arc light but nourishing. Two biscuits in whole milk daily for health. TRISCUiT is the Shredded Wheat Wafer Made Uy Tlic Canadian Shredded Wheal Company, Lid. the strange. anUnal-Uke peasant. Ignorant, ttmld with the fears of genera tions of oppressed peasantry, who. thrown suddenly into the red maelstrom of revolt, becomes a dangerous beast, and then, when loyalty and love touch this strange metamorphosed character, j into the bulwark of a besieged arlsto-icrat. Ii is a vivid study of hitman na ture, with the vividness of De Maupassant or Toljtoy. Hi disguise is as amaatng aa the complexity of the character be plays, but the f harm of the role lies in his delicate ahading of meanings and subtle acting It Is one of the ehenose Chaney Uaa . hat ttoi be. a really great actct-iid he.Btaltee the tseet Jf. It. - GRIFFCO, FORMERLY EL ABETO, HERE FOR FIRST RUPERT CALL Making bar first call at this port. Oonatwlae Steamship Barge Co 's fr iKhtcr Onffco. Capt D McKlnnon. .irrlved from the south at 4 o clock W(lneiisy Mfternoon anrt renin I tied for about an hour unloading a car lonrt of canned milk for F CI Dawson. I.ld . alter which she proceeded to auwsrt and Anyox The tlilflro, pur- chaaad, about t monttu ago by the Ccaatarlaa Steaaatbip & Barge Co and renamed altar toe " onffco which has gone to Jaonotulu. was formerly the m Abeta and for years waa en-vivMI with thai F' Cedro and El Ci- cuu, In earfftag log (rom MuMtt Inlet to SeanaaSnd California for the Lq Angeles Lumber Co I 'd She 1 a much large? ! than the old Clrllf-oo and la eminently fitted tor the ore carrying trada in ahich slie is ww engaged. SERIAL STUNTS FOR FAIR WEEK IWrlFIC AllttVAYS MAY PIT ON DKMONSIKATION- IIERE'IV FALL , SPECIAL !TEAIF.K? IH:IVI MlHillT Three Paeltsl Airways seaplanes which will be here this season to patrol the Ihherlcs will be sought to give demon -s-.raiion of nararhuie Jumaiint and other modern dr lopmenta In aerial i navigation at tli- Prince Rupert Es- tn n I or. ion in aepien.txi. il is anuouncea ty M. P. McCaffe y president of the Pair Beard, who returned to the city this weak from Vancouver where he Icpened negotlatioiu with this end in I view. Major D. R MacLaren. Di O, i general manager of the air company. jcaptct to ha In the city neat month with the flrat plane and one of the first matters ha will go into will be an Inspection of the Acropolis Hill grtunda to ascertain tf parachute leaps may be aaada on to that field. In any case, it will fea quite feasible to make jumps over the harbor. It will be the llrst UOM that this sort of thing has been performed here. The planes anight also do same barnstorming here. While In Vancouver. Mr. McCaflery alas took up with BC Keeiey. Paclfk manegar of Canadian Mauonal MaamahiBa. and Reginald Beaumont, assistant manager, the matter of hav- ag special services given during Pair Weak to bring visitors here from Ketchikan. Ocean Palls and other points. The oatelala expressed their sympathy and stated tint they would do every-' thing In their power to meet the altua-l tlon In Ocean Palls. Mr. McCaaery interviewed the managers of the baseball and football teams and they stated that they would Ilka to bring teams here during Pair Week. If some special attraction such aa the airplane per- crmancea were put on. it waa also stated that quite a number of v let tors from the paper town might coaae ua for the occasion, ' l Man in the Moon Every man has his price but only a few of them are worth It. Barty to bed . And early to rite And you won t be Ulsanted By the night cluk guys. The hide of a Mppasavtaasua is said to be two inches thick and Jake says be thinks that of a newsnaDennan is about one and three quarters. Sitting around will in hia feat. never put a nan They aay there la a new raaor that wzrka like a lawn mower but Jake ays what be sweats Is a stump puller. jf iii ii. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert tranches tallon. MIV IS. ISIS. In letter to Major J, P. Brant, who Is In the city. P. I. Panose writes ess' interesting and takphfe, afiepunt of a raid carried Aug the German I v v i 1 iWfJWi man at The Sons of flrtshnn' entMtaiiverf their friends at a Jolly gathering last? nignt in the K. of P. IMI. Prise winners at cards were Mies Lillian King. R Tabrum. Mlae Ptorrle Byatt and John Myhlll-Jones, Oontrlbutlng to the program were W. Oummlngs, W. Vsughan Davles. 0. Freeman. J. Myhlll Jones. Oeorge WalMl and Arthur ail-verildes aa well as others. "I'KOVINCIAIs ELECTIONS ACT rillNTE Rt'rr.KT EI.ECTOK.U. DHTKICT NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall, on Monday, the aut dy of May. 1OT8. st the hour of lo o'etook In the forenoon, at the Court-house, Prince Hu- ftevitlon for tM !LlMM tt HrllML th m or rowr fSr fee said electoral Sw'ct, sad of hearing and determining ol ny name on the said list, or to Me rigiairaiion se a OUT Of IDT applicant " r?fUtratlon; and for the other ' forth In the "Provincial lections Act." ..Pil ;t Prince Rupert, B.C.. thU 6th day of April. IMS. rUKJlBTRAR Or VOTERS. 119 Prince Ru nert Elftotoral Diet rut. UVND ACT NOTICi: Ol INTIATION TO APPLY TO l.l..M. ,.tN In Prince Runert fjmd rteeoirdlne nia. trlrt and sltuafi un Moreabv Island nd- laoent to Alliford Bay Skldegate Inlet-Queen Charlotte islands. iake notice that Pacific Mills Limited of Vanrniiver. DC. occupation pulp and Httv manufacturers. Intends lo apply loi a lease of the following 1 bs described lands - Commencing at a post planted at the .w. corner nf hti r. ,, .w". degree. 30 m n w7 'Va. ,' W ft: thenr h 7WZ."'l .' minutes West ( Agronomic i u thence North 22 deg: ?ei so minutes East '!!!i "00 ?t., thence NmhM degrees West (A troiiu.iic) 2500 ft- TlyfR. JIGGS, his family. Mr. and Mrj. and their darling Cheater. Mr. Dingle. Koofcr and fiis adored dog AdoljIe. The Katzenjammer Kids, Nicodemm O'Mallev, Laura the Parrot. Peter Rabbit and his friend. Reglsr Fellers, Tillie the Toiler, Van Swaggrr, and bit but not least, the gallant Felix .... The merries I, nt'nth-ptovolmt crowd that ever ttepped out of a newt piper. From now on, in EVERY SATURDAY'S "PROVINCE," they will hold a special carni-val of fun in 8 full shed pget all their own. Tliis NEW Saturday Section ako ha four more page featuring a Complete Short Story, TWO Fashion Paget, and a Page of Famous Cltaractcr Studies bf Hill. Be sure and get Saturday's "Province" with iti Big, NEW 12-page Section, brim full of Fun. SATURDAYS DAILY' PROVINCE i ' Mirii'iiMMiiiiii imrnw m i mk i n hi m high water mark Bouthe.ij . . trW of commencement, save and xrZTl " ?cr2.0mr0ro7., ni PAOIPIC MIU-S. LIMITED ! "ini -a. tune. jj MINERAL AC1' ' cr.nTirio.TBNoriMPI,ovniENi8 An "ST1015 th,t .nn nd C. R. Fnaer. Free Min.,r?SLfS?! James stokes no. MB80-9006I. intend sitw 1J2 . the date hVrei'f S'S'tS.'ffiS Recorder for a Certiffcau f ? Jll!-nK A T. ,ht cUon under w.-' w.i TTCU " as B5 must must he rtr iinmnunnx ,-mM. . "'orr tne vine iiiprovemr nu U8 of such Certificate 0f tert t),is 5th dny of Mr, !, t, ,2H H. HcN. rilAEH Ajent. i IcanaqianJ Vt npirir i rrtbiriuj sii.sri Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kftrhlkan, lVraiigrll, 4nnesu, and Mkagwa.v May t, I ' To Vanruuvrr, Vlrtorla and Heal lie May S, IS, tl. I'lllNCIMH HOVAl, lur llutedale, nat llella lletla. Ocean tails. Nsinii. Alert ll.iv t'anijle1l lllver and Vancoturr etety ' Irhlay, 10 li". .,al- Agency for all Ktramslilii Lines. 'hill liiforin" " " "on w. I'. i)i(t ll lltli. (leiternl Atent. Corner of 41 It Nlrett and Snl .tvrnue. prinre llujrt, ll.C. i SMMOTn--nSMS--M-MHM--M',l sHHIrL HBtt CURE rt)'' DKFBCTIVB VISION, DKFKCTIVIv HEAB" INCJ, CATAH1UI and other organic troubles by hm1"11' methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.CJ I'lionc mi. Wnllace I. loch. Open l-vcnlnr