CRACK WARP CRUMBLE BURN or WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in snanner and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones US and 117 Insurance Real Estate Bonds We specialise in B.C. Mining stocks and accept buying aad selling orders on Vancouver Exchange at Vancouver rates. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 17 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. i5LAWkVtll Special j For three weeks, commencing May 7, we will give the following prices: Single Blankets :V,f Doable Blankets .") All Blankets waabad in Ivory Soap and retuned bJcb and fluffy. i Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 DRY : BIRCH JACKHNE AND CEDAR Single load iXM Double Load $459 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless gf 11M Pembina Washed Huts Jll M. Alberta Bootless Egg $12.60 Alberta Lump $13.80 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Seccnd Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Mnvlug. ti C. B. Bsetaoe was ITS MO USE.-1 CAN' TVT.fa HOUSE The oBtoers were empowered to draw up by-laws for the dub. ft was that an eBort should Pete Magaumen retnrnad on Moaday sftcr a short trip to Prince Bupsrt. Mr. and Mrs. Oaorge Msss Kerr COBipensatloo Instill B. Berth aad been rscerrlng further treatment his iajutwd arm. Prank Jlciseav erf Mnea Bupert me time here a few yeara ago spent a few dsys in town this week. Oua Mslrhsr who suSared a frae- tured thigh about a vear sgo while working in the woods here sod who s been srmstwbat crippled left oa from VaaoBWver during the weak i. Butt and two children of Usk In town at the beginning of the Osorge W. Kerr. Prusea OFFICERS FOR iPowafid, Penetrating Anhsephc Oil TERRACE CLUBi s czeraa -er n seases (MHl- CCM BE EXPETTEfJ TO BC HEADY FOB PLAY BY MAY S4 l ANV(H nl aic follows: May IS Oaten for the. year m appointed at a meeting of! the Tarrant OoU Club Held In the Ter-. race hotel on Tuesday ermine They fuslilssil W H. Burnett. Vlts president. George Dover. Sacy.-Tiias A. Walters. Baecutlve oranmlftee a. B. Barker, A. AtLrec. J. K. Oonkm and O T Matt Give Results in 7 Days or Money Back up roar mbjs today that you , The very tm: .pplnllnri will The village cootoeUlars received s .-"potation from the efric committee at t". board of trade at their meeting on TufwAsy evening cussed methods of civisshtuty of providing a, bags dump. Mo sken la h tumkalum. Monday after spending a for teAOBUvsr for fur- iFr,nc Runrrt UM Vorknwsli P. M Moncsrano who hai survey work in the Psclflc dlatnct was in town on Toeaday. hum Mary prat a few da: . hi. Mrs. suchmend I left on TliSiaasi' usasBaBi (IMBS ' QUEEN CMU&TTES li - - FrlBANQUET GIVEN t I- 1 I 1 , ' frfvn LtL, TlfSCAPfTOL. BtaZNCS AIRES. ARGENTINE. Most notable cmovg the many glortous buHdtngs of a dry torlu-arr.rd or im Idmn architecture . . . Burn '$ Arret the Paris of the new world . . . nbra iiig day dud mjpSt with gaiety and hfc. "TOT only in this grct Latin capital, but throughout this rich republic ... the proud Argentina, inheriting the fine palate of his Spanish ancestor, fully appreciates the , , t superior qualities of jSabwiOj ( Sll i HIRAM HIRAM WA1 imm a c bv WALKER & SONS LIMITED snunTiWHOiii.rfiaiu.itcin'Ut (Mast ' " """"tltBLItHtO IS5 8 Write to cur Montreal Office, 517 Phillipl 5?.( tor one of our FREE PATENT WALL BOTTLE-OPENERS mB atTTO 9 This advertiaement is not t 1 1 1 1 i -hed nr 1Nj1:ivi l ly the Liquor Control Uohi'i of British Columbia ft K Ta MM Mjsrv f give xrt gctng to gtwr -tw real you iwlktf.aBd Jew short treatments chance to get sM j rill tliimiiiglil j convince you that by Ukc a lot fl washer people, you've idJcadag shUar-alljr iz it lor a short while probably I ma Hall all Id that the only your amn tswubies will be a thing of. '. ih:ag to use wagtta ointment or salve , the past. I icrjB n tk'A m eadi but m. Br iMiihsr Uu: Moone's KaMrald Oil (the bit asaorltft cases these aueftyjla a csaan. prwertul. peaemua Antl-j alves slBsoIr doa the oorss and tbetstatlc OU that does not siaia or lea t canditton pruBart-fSMBns the same , a gaeaay assMue and lost it must gnt ; Go to any eueri.arufgWt today and- eoenplete sattslscuuu or your ret an ortgtaal botaw af Maone'a OU. ' v. . . .k. i. .h.. h.i D W Dsris of the D OedarTale. waa in sa. ..wi in i m ihtnM t. der way speedily a "working bee" of all interested ts being held this after-dood when the greens will be marked out aod other lssprovsment started. TERRACE Wsa little returned on WedDesday tron Prince Bupen where he spent ttveral days wtth his brother Albert K. Little who is critically 111 tu the hospital there. j few days In Terraor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa P. Prince Bupert ware fa nesdsy and Thursday. MUMS. Ltd.. Wsnnsh of . iwai fully iwTunded. an the Pnnee John yesterday. j Husband came up from Vancouver eat this trip of the Pnnee to vhm si'-b mends tn Bwianaw it James OUkKt to Maasttt yasterday attar having sprat ; the past tea days at BUdegat on offl- BY NORWEGIANS A by-law govercjng the regulating iMiCtSaft'L BVBVT LST l fnw bsubsdjs wtthfa the.numl igilisy iMtut AfiartC or I alt BMK was grsea eBt.stftlel kistwig i it. iMMnETY UK lJiffiPf T. Praaer of Prince Bupert was ta own at the lisglnnrng Of few week. i nirNct; uv i j About os aMsastred DVFMDav WVfw gaWFeWsWaH and seventy five niaht at Ur. aad Ma. Jeaw) U at. Pftaee try aucceasfwl harjquet sad dance beld gwaat of Mrs. Wmlm itatkmal Anthem. After s ikotmteows reaaat had been dona full A. McOoMkf of Oak BBS . Mi on gtsmt by B M. Btmpsoo and the toast hn ..iTuesday. to -The K:ng" was wary sm n via. ir by the Government r-Vr RA.T.OR f W anted For Sale FoftRrat door. The WANTED manaca aad share grocery and soft drink store. Baa lot Dally News WAMTBD. WOstAJi proeral housrwork. the right ptraaa. Dally News OOc. W ANTED CHKAP LOT ON Baeood or Third Avtsues: building uawadersd. Apply 1 Bews TWO M. B. Warlock. Prtnee Bupsrt was aidal dnUcs. ha ring been armmpanswl business Tiailor hera cm Tueidav. issi his Ma by Mrs Oukrtt aad child- FOB Boston Cafe POUND 'OtJND - BONCH OF UTS OM Xing. Apply Dairy aboot tou OB OOU. Good - WOMABT OB OIBL General housework- Biota A ewa rOl ftBNT Boyal Bank Building oa Ptfth Aveaai ppy u At Omkoaa. Ltd. Apply City Treasurer. City Ball. OB BBMT flANOB. PLAYBR-PIAKOB, i ; Pbooogrsphs and Bewtng Machines Walker Music Store. tf TllOlir by the day. weak or POTJND PODNTAIN PEN PHOXB Aa address em the day was given by oreen sTO t Baaarton. simA Bslri, pTsMdiui of the Lett Brtk- -r too weak with Kn sjortwy. asm a Borwagmn song was u ..... . . Aidagh and urs There Was a vocal aoto and en- K1 i ., ay ssrs. -n " 8 , McSjordsi Tom Psratad played 17 sssss a- - . riollrr sdsb and B. A srrsciww i favored with a solo and encore I ser sad hum Bersne mom. a toto , . , 1 P- . , gaalaation was given by B M. Simpson 'Baton Ok Co, a sV auslness visit cmpatued by Mrs Morris Blott. fol- 9fQt tamQm .3(0 by Mrs Carl spent to Msaam. hsring gk)Vd from Yan- lowed with a vocal daet by Mrs Mur- Qyt,rMTn Mlowlng. During the UieaiailmluB, there war more musical numbers - and dancing folic wed with Tom Dybbstn as d2J5'wiit3 'Bowaa and T. Parstad providing the music continued until I am. The social nraamlllss tn charge of the sisantijiiiil of the sawnt aoar Tom Dywhvaa, taw last mniiined be (tg cnairmaa. ti program committee ccnlews of B. M Stmpsoa. ehairmsn. Mlsa Wick and B Btockland HOTEL AHKIVALM Prlare Raprrl Pred Lounabrrry. Usk: Wlllum C SparSaa. Terrace; A. Johnston. John Clark aad Boy C Ktlghl. Vancouver. J H MBler. Edmonton: klro I R Cos. Hs set too: Mrs. B McKsy snd Mlw McKay. OtUwa: Mn J w Wilson. Prince Albert. P o Russell, anitheta: Mr. and Mrs. N w Msc- t,soo. an yes: sirs o D Besitir. Quern Chartotta; W. H. Porrtat, Vtrtoris tVntral C. BOtwiaoa. city; C. Wllkltwon. CH-B.: Pred Lehrman. Bsrrrtl. J.. H Rlcbea and Anton Joharwon. Vsncou- var: a. a. osidwatl and W Oronlund. aayws; wuilssa Oordon. Bardy Bay. 4 a MUlLDlNfi ViS-BOT LOOK TRtEOTO VsWTE. FOB SA LB 1 TO FOB SALB HOOSK IK OOOO LOCA Ucn eoctapilin (our rooms sad bath. M y laooso Oood view lots tn Wast slew from aoo to eMO sack. McOaffrry Sc Oibbooa. LU1 11 MAY BE MATEKIAI DM IO: earad of building paper or to lay be- ; tfj aeath carpets oa the Door. Oct, ath tt POB BSMT. HOC8K OM OBABAM Avenue: modern: with raage. PBnan Oreea 1M lit Bupert came up oa Wsrjnaadey aad m the Beaton waaquet bell by theloral rwitt - piJRJtlBHAU APABT- went out to the McBae ranch at Kit-,Latf BrBtsoo- Society la ohservnace tt.mmauM risnwrw ' af the H4tti amruvcrssry of the De- ' 1 rlarausa cf Morwegiaa Iaovpetusraor HOrjat! POM BENT APPLY BLACK Mrs. V. Souce sMurnat home on) The ban j net program opened with 47. - 1S1 ays la the ataglax ; spec tsl prVw oa large quantities. Dstir News eheap ' ' ' 10a.irXB SALAV PTJBXIBHXD HODSa AMD I 3 ku. fine garden. MS rib Avenue 1 E st a bargain. Pries S14O0. pert cash. J. famureaoek. liaPOB SAUK. PARTLY 1 run naii I ranch, over 400 fruit tree. ! Phone Bed Sl. PO Bos ST? tst large three room eahta at the Salt WAMTBD. Apply j La., apply 8yd Tboeason Phone 1" : las lav Its POB BALK. MASON afflD BI90B plana: praeUcaUy new. Phone Sat. U LOST 'LOBT Bt 1WSSJI BIO POUB AMD DI- landar two tsrcnty-doUar htU Pindar please return to Jsek Holroyd. la-lander. 117 ftPCCIAL LIM8CK PNsfBS. Par M Set Cms. Sload. a gsmj grade !l0 ltd Shipmp. No a Ptt V Joint BCnIO Lt-MBKB A 1 it as i tu or in. Flooring or V Joint ! 16 la Wall Shingles 1 k It tn Boot Shlngtae. No t Pert IAS V, In No. 1 Bhipktp any width. to it m stsao Bough Fir Boards, mined widths I 4 Light Bash, each l.W t Light wash A !. Inside doors. I rt I It 1 ItL la. Back Doors. S ft. t tn. s t ft- s la. (glass) f im Pront Doors, ditto I S.7 Also a big stock of finish lumber si ways on hand, as well sa leasable wall board, veneer, etc Write us far Ca. Limited Pt of Tic tons, - vaaeouver. UJO EXCHANGK W AlHl MflHIl ttt fTHMITt'ltr ought and told aad sirksaasd , rtiyw Piaao ,aad Two Cash RssrHiarS in etoek PtPAfHrPVUM A MARAa MB TMrd .tea. PTHNflJ BI'PKMT IrWKM MART Purnlture of all kinds bought, sold or asahanaed. Craung and packing doae. Ooods sold on rtnm mission 0. J. DAWES, tnrlUMSrw. CHIItOPUACTIC IIL JL a BYOLtlMlV SSI Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now to Bias B. Resident phone Blsek SM Acute aad aad Chronic Chronic Disor Disorders 'WSJSMlT SNSlMd 'BStahllsherl ISM r '"SJ 1 wihoa and Mr and :Mpt ttone, city. T. Austin. Pasco. Wuhlniton. merchant, and W. si envder. 8t Paul Minnesota, fish broker, who arrived In the city on Wednesday from aissks, will ssU tonight on the Prlncass r..i (or Beatth). J H Miller of the i.K R depot ofBcr sug In Bdmonton arrived In the uy on yrsterdsy aiexnooa'f truin frc.m the Bast snd sailed last night on the P,f, Oeorge fr Vancouver be- .i:g on t vacation trip to the coast. High V phincr iiurRirr Tinns SAffnilAV. JlAY IS 044 am. J 10-39 p.m. M'NUAY, MAY tS High I 'M a.m. If 33 pm. Low ( 09 a.m. 90:14 p m. MOMUtY, MAY II High 3:13 pjn 11:14 pm. Low 8:64 ix rr 31:00 p re. TI KMDAY. MAY -!t High 3 SB a jo. . 10:07 p.m. Low 140 im 31 40 pm. j SO.Ti P OA Sit I sa. n 80.4 " 0.0 " Sfl " 93.4 ft IDS I 0.0 " 8.4 32.S ft 18.1 " OS" 7.4 " FriiSi. PiG2 F0E2 jFkz DAIL? WBWB J 1! By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER Plaster I I fSSK THtMAT j j , o (OK-O 0KDO4T BE SO ZZZE Wall Board ensures a lifttime of aatia-faction wMMoaed fr vsili and eeitisjtfi fit tnw ai stands fins w! a ring the lffi of the building. Won't T 1 I i ANCR ANCRY DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. '2c per word in advance. No Advertkement taken for less than 50c Bunds- s cauit Arbda STEAMSHIP MOVTMDfB Tuasdar -s Cu. "Jj Pnday m. Pr:nr- r..Ti Saturday s Cirt.i May 17 m fz ., May Tl as Pr::. r. a:.. Wednesday- m Pr Go.- :is( Pi ids y aa. Cardrni mmiy -aa. rnnctt ttojti 4 j Saturday as Pr 8u:-, ;is ( May is as. Prtnetw ; May S3 m. Prinrr a; Part iStsjs' in 4 u. 1 PMday-m Csrdr-. ar At anS Nasi Sunday- s cti i; Wldnmdsy -e Pr - r Gmrfi l riwm Aaywa Tuesday as Cattu ::S' Tburaday- ss Pr.r.r ot?p 1 f ar tai ami sad Prrsstn- nnday ss. Ci I ttUSday- ss Pr n t k-atr. S Yarn fUewart aad Pmein Print Ruprr I CsUU i:a rhsrt ! May la Prirc i- l Ism tgarsa rbartsttM- May 17 ss Pnncr J -May 1 ss Pnnc J .r. ' or tmswa Wedaesday- ss Pr::vc Ofcrp M May IS ss. Prtr..- .t May St -m Pr nr Piwm .tlbeks Thursday ss Pnrirr GKtp J the the IT ss Prit'T- ,t: e 1Y as Pr nerv J MAIL SCHEDULE ys. Wednelv the Bast mall due to Vwnemtrr Ba turds ys Thuril tundays Tuesdsys Thursdays Saturdays eta usv s i -i n Trakaa. Mondays. Oaluidsft f-raas Vaaeaaw- To Alaoka Polat kaav 19 and S3 SH'Jrt II Prkum Saturdays . CJB Ms It ar.d 33 Trains. Bundsys Tud days - To .tyw sad Alsre rsr- pgHni am MMaeadavs . rteea iaysx aad Alk Ans- Tusadays Thursdays or Stewart aad Premirr- 14 WrdBtee ad ...t td' 1 Saturdays uf" ram Stewart aad Prrrsirr- (j To Nass Klrrr rrem Naas Blrrr rval ..II Bill M tHm AUsa Polal .1 :a7 S. 16 md n Tataren rh rrstle I"' May S sn,l 19 . rrem t,aeen TMrMHir May 17 snd Si , , ,,fl Orahem A Atlln Avr 1st Ave. A- Stb Bt 1 ifi int 1 11 1 bamforiT ,a tBs"AffMS -BovrOTQ-'"- ,s 11th Ave. Conrad - th Ave. A Hays Cove ftth Ave. Hsys oovf Ar Cirti Sth Ave. tt Cotton St . ft Sth Ave. & Oreen St HP f Mh Ave. it MoBrids 8t g, Prov. Oovt. Building Prov. Oovt. What ts OT P. Wharf its. OT P. Station " Snd Ave. ft Snd St S Srd Ave. it Pulton St Srd Ave. 4c 8th St .,,' Bundsys On oiirrtion colltctloo.