Save Money Boston Grill The cheapest way to buy the Dally News U to subscribe by the yesr The cost Ls 13.00 and your ropy U delivered to your address ea evening. Just figure out the tmnli cost to you tor this daily aervice for twelve months I Will., No. 117. VANCOUVER mm COMBINE FOR MARKETING M UM TN'I.NTi t'lRMH COMMAS 1 : I A II. IT TK SRIXIMi IN K.tHlfcH erfttTM "MirvER. May IS To factllUte 11 :u of Brit i Mi Columbia lum- II Atlantic c..iu.t o! the United If iv twenty Mtwinill cumpaniea .nice are lsrmitu: under the . Seaboard Lumber 8ale Co. Urlnell manager of the irganscaiton will represent DtcdUt tiu 80 per "t of exported :-.iuslly to the ' of the United States. This twenty to twenty-flee per total production of the BILL HAYWOOD DIED RUSSIA lion ! : i.tmiK I.KAIlF.K SPBNT N llll.ll til' YHAHH IN JAII. IN MTATBH May II.- Willmin Haywood, as "Big Bill' the social let and one ot the founders of in the United was one of the principals In i'iwn aa the Moyer. Haywood, impirecy at Cripple Creek 11 ' was In Jail for n number 'im after the close of the m Ruaala. CONFERENCE IN AUSTRALIA 11 iiooKtn ron toitwrritv ii I'UlTMKNT IN NAME OF THE MINI IKK i.ll Mav IB British rMumbia i " ' wuied at the Empire forestry 'ii Australia In September 1 unship reservations In July ' made in the name of Hon. nlio (or attendance of a re-'' ' of the government but It '- ivriain that the minuter of ix-fsonally sUertd- " BUYING DOG FISH AT SKIDEGATE FOR RUPERTREDUCTION '"ut-UATE, May 18. The Rupert '" I'loiluft ooncern at Prlnoe Bu-' MnmuK to buy dog fiah here to I. reduction plant at Tuck'i h"ld that every enoouragement effort to Mduce the '!. dog fish peats. X SPEAKER Chinese Owner of Gambling House Tells or Goodfellowship Account Spent by Them Monthly iFtequenl visits made to V omce ior purpose or oaiung oat men; question of diamond ring N( OUVER, May 18. That all his gambling houses operated ,,t if had regular monthly "goodfellowship expense items'" was t H .statement made at the police inquiry yesterday afternoon Woiik Lum who was on the witness stand. Chow, an ad-pt-iatur of several gambling houses, had been on the wit-mil the greater part of two days. i rest (entered for some time around a diamond ring, which mI in have been purchased by Chow and one of his business vi . (ieorgie Chow. Chow Wong Lam testified that he wished v. J .Police Sergeant at f"'s j tq buy rait of clothes for Oeorgie but later preferred a diamond ring. The ring, it was suggested by O. O. McOeer. coat SIM. Chow Wong denied be bed gone to toe police slat ton to give It to Sergeant McLaughlin, as suggested by Mr. Mc-Oeer. Oeorgie Chow bad taken the ring and did not tell what he did with it. one Wong aald. Wllnsas IK M aeetat vtstead Me liomiilin fseaeeaaty at wW tsetse's of-flee at police headquarters. He weht there, he aald. after raids to see If bis awn had been baited out. ' Under cross eiamlnatlon Chow Wong i denied that he totd OonaUble Stewart in the preaence of Sergeant Parsons that his gambling place bad been j closed up because he would not pay 1180 a month for protection money, lie denied absolutely that be ever mentioned to Stewart or anyone elac the payment of SW a month as protection money. riiKiiKi( finiiWT .T...NOT UK IN IIUIHAV 4 111111111 TO ELECTION T VAJSOOCVwB. May 18 "Don t be in a hurray." declared Pre- aster Maclean, when questioned this morntng retarding the poa- slMe date of the election. The Premier added that be did not want to make any an- nounceoMMit In regard to the Pacific Oreat Baa tarn at pre- seat. FISH ARRIVALS leeal of .W. hmmh ef IUIUmU MM at KwnaHge TM lf)ivg A total of A0JO0 pounds of halibut was sold at the Fish Exchange this morning. Two American veaseu received 94c and 6c and Sc and So for as. too pounds, while four OaiUMIIaM were paid from sec and et to Mc and Me for 27.000 pounds Arrivals and Anirrtesi Ysiiowatone. 17.000 potaads. Booth Fisheries, B Ic and Sc. Wave. 5.700 pouuds Canadian Pish At Cold Storage Co.. c and 6c. Canadian Belme. 7,000 pounds. Royal Pish Co., 8.8c and 6c. , Balaac. 6,000 pounds, aoow mm a.c and 6c. .v Xmblem I . 8,000 pounds, a,- lea. B.Sc and 64c. Viamg, 1.000 pounds, r-ecinc 9.5c and Sc. FRENCHWOMAN WON WOMAN'S CHAMPION , OPEN TOURNAMENT MUe. M,nllc tournament to- .Ty.unrMr'sylvl. MsmhaH. three up nd two t0 P'y ! Cspt. Vrxnc opr svatawr p' C.PK. gjo this even- SL.ThtrKurn to V.ncouv.rand jwayport.' Northern and VQRSTS MANY YEARS ALASKA GULF XKA M.UIl TO IIAVK HSIIN IMI-OHMUMJ; IOK N Will VI ION KIR .t.L HI T LAHUBST CRAFT SRWAKD. Alaska. May 18 -A pounu- .ng jta stenn driven across the Pacific to pile In boBiug a mother on the Alaskan coast made the Oulf of Alaska Impose! hie to navigation to all but taw aratst craft "It was the worst I ever aw." said Captain Berger of the motor-Jhlp Discoverer PAID MONEY That in Evidence of Partner in (iamb line; IIou.e at Vancouver VANCOUVER, Slay 18 He-( calls J to the witness stand in the police inquiry this morning Jee tm declared that Chow Wong Lum, his partner in a gambling houe had told him he paid protection money to Sergeant ilcLaujjhlin and inspector fieorve Jackson of (he morality ttquad. Yern swore Chow Wong Lum named the officers in explaining the entry of $50 a month which Yem was ordered to enter in the books of (he gambling houte on .Main Street an expense money. NEW YORKMAN SHOTVICTORIA VtCTOKIA. May 18 W P. Haunch of New Yurk City wan found dead In a pool Of blood In a room in a downtown hotel that las' night He had been shot through the body, with a United Btatec 45 army revolver. FIGHT POSTPONED BECAUSE OF RAIN FOR SECOND TIME NBW YOOK. May 18. The MandelU MoLarnln fight, which was postponed from yesterday on account of rain. Is again postponed until tomorrow night at the Peto O rounds Peter Bosoovlch and Mike Povteh. who arrived In the city earlier In the week from Stewart where they lute been mpsoyed, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Montreal whence they SMI embark on May SO aboard the OjP.O. steamer Bmpreas of Praaee, bound Jar their former horn in Juee lavla. P. W. -HhTt, i pMMMit) t the 'Prtftee Rupert Seneet s ' MoVMtbn ' wW Is aow la the eeAttV'pWtnei'lo remain In Vancouver for a month and will parti-cipete on June 13 m the analveraary of the Oreat Ptre In I860 which wiped out the town including Mr. Hart's pisoe of business at that time. The Orand Terminal club wUI receive the returns tomorrow night of the postponed Jimmy McLsrnln-Sanuny Mandell nght for the world's Ught-weight championship fight, Ben Self announced this morning. Advertise in the Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY WOULD BARON AT ClIL'UCil: The Lutheran Churili. Xcv. Voik, IiunefeUl when he Speedy Boat Causes Flurry Along the Waterfront Mis Morning When Boyd Xoung Came irvTrom&ort Simpson on $ewCrdft Rupert people could hardly believe their eyes thi. PRINCE morning when they saw a sea sled Iratelling at a speed that i mo-jt unusual around Prince Rupert harbor. The boat lifted itself almost out of the water and moved on the sur face. It wa discovered that the new craft is a speed boat owned by R. Royd Vourvg of Port Simpson with an outboard twelve hp. Johnson engine. It came in this morning in an hour and twenty-five minute but the engine is new and was not let out at full speed. Twenty miles an hour is claimed forit. Greater Activity This Year on Queen Charlotte Islands Already Made Evident by Preparations steamer Prince John, arriving in port last night, brings THE news of general activity on the Queen Charlotte Islands ih fnvsaa ru t i n n fnt f rift annpntpkinu I ntAn in m 1. e 1 aaenel fa vk" swvax'is svs esv wasaa vHvtiiiig vestauvil a louiuaji nua)IIU MUU timber season. The prospects are that there will be a general re vival in the various industries this year with possibly a larger number of men than ever before employed. Both at Harbor, on the south end of the Islands, and Naden Harbor, ut the north, preparations are in full swing for the whaling season and it is expected Whaling Corporation will be arriving from Victoria a-ou At Hose Harbor, the wharf has been rebuilt. A new aalleiy lor the Tanaka Fish Co. of Vancouver at Houston Inlet, near Jedway. is ;iiinost completed and seventeen men are now employed. Houston Inlet is h new port of call for the Prlnoe John. W. Trotter, nuunixer of the Canadian Pishing Co 'a canneries at Lagoon Bay and Lockeport. is Retting hia plants in readiness for the wason. a new wharf :i put In at lagoon Bay and the construction ere v. is now moving to Lockeport to erect new buildings, including mess and bunk houses. The cannery at South Bay in Bklde- gate Inlet la also being put In shape with the manager. Marsh English. In charge. J. Olllesple and R. Pehl are turning out a good production ef logs at their eeaap near Queen Charlotte city as are also Atkins tt Roughton in the same vicinity. NO less than 160 people, moaUy la st, are engaged in gathering , clams i for the Langara Fishing A Packiag.OD. cannery at Tow Hill. Manager Dan McPherson and crew are getting the watun River cannery ready for the season. Most of the dock has now been repleaked. At Shannon Bay the eennery is being put in shape under the direction of the manager. J. T. Kin., and a lot of heavy machinery was landed there by the Prlnoe John thu trip. The floating cannery Laurel Whalen, owned by the Mlllerd Peeking Co. arrived at Ferguson Bey from Vancouver 18, 1928 EXTEND at the first of tlio week and la ready tolt,iay the parishioners of St. Peter's made over Baron von went there to worship. that the boats of the Consolidated go Into operation as soon as the salmon run commences. George Gray is the msnager. Bd. Crawford Is logging steadily at Buckley Bay and the Btlckson Construction Co. la making good progress on the work of nutting in a new road and building camps at Meyer Lake, five miles back of Port Clements where th I Baiter Pole Co. will open up. ' Road work Is also the cause of con-i slderable activity. The Port-Clementa-) Tlell road has now been planked about five miles from Port Clements, leaving about seven miles to Tlell yet to be completed . PREMIER MAY . VISIT GENEVA riUIHHAI, THAT HC KkTKKKH.N'T CAN-! -i AIU AT.i'TllK tXliXT AfcSKMHLY, ,i , . oOt-..UiAlUH. OTTAWA. Hay 18. The suggestion that Right Hon. W. L Mackenate King, premier of Canada, should attend the next sitting of the eaecmbly of the league of Nations at Geneva was en-dorsed by the executive of the League ot Nations Society of Canada. It Is expected to play the finals this afternoon nl the Junior tennis tournament for cups presented by Doug Prls- zell. Yesterday It was too wet to games, M TO cGeer Urges Building P.G.E. Into Peace River at Cost of $30,000,000 Tells Vancouver Hoard of Trade he Does Not Fear 1'rincc Rupert Will Get Grain Although Some will go There V AN'COUVER, An tavesttaent of $30,000,000 for the completion of the Pacific Great J&aatern Railway from Vancouver to the eace Uiver would erfavte a of $5ri,000.000, G. G. said ver Board of Trade 1 aawavjr t. Within five yej would pay all the ex ut of 000,000 would be am nieiu oi' traffic, incl BaUaar colonization. , eni i j ibe railroad c'jmH:eteil, ii- su.ld would be StfO.OOS.000 within a . years. The completion of the P.O. I Is our.een years overdue, SlcOeer aald. "I am net airald Peace 'Stiver wheat will go to Prince Rupert. j Some will go there. There will OSdloU far all. Nor un I afraid that thaaionstructlon of the j abort line lrom Start to the Peace1, wUI take the trade pway from Vancou- ver. Por a great avny yean to oome , Vancouver will be Bsc chief and most logical centre for Bk grain trade of the we Pacific.' facuic. lt.tff.Tf PICTt'KK Of ECftTALL Kit kk ih iti;liiii:h IV LOMXIV MinIM11-:lt j The London Dally Telegraph illustrated section ba a large i picture taken from the air of I the EoataJl River which It rightly says Is close to Prince Rupert. : However It also aays It Is In the heart of the Rookies which of ; course la wrong. In the sub- title Is the following : "Non- existent only a few years ago Prince Rupert la new a prosper. ous town and ssaport with s fine natural harbor and la the centre of a large and growing trade. The town ha been laid out in the moat approved west- f ern style with a network of regular streets " ttttttffff tftf DISPUTE AT HIPPO OVER SALMON PRICE BKIDCOATB. May IS. Reports from Hippo Island. Baterday, the latest received from that point, waa that salmon were scarce and the trailers were on strike. Fiali packers were offering eleven cents a pound and the trailers are asking fifteen cents. The fishermen here seem to expect a late run but a big one. DAUGHTER OF SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DROWNED LADNER YESTERDAY LADNXR. May IS Margaret, the ten-year-old daughter of Charles Joyce, principal of the high school here, wss drowned yesterday In Canoe Pass Creek when she fell Into the water whUe running after a ball. The body waa recovered. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS GRAND CHANCELLOR VANCOtiySR. May 18. J. A. MoKln-non of TrduVwea efeetad grand jeha net)- leiam, Ural! f)- be; the next meet- ing -pitee W. 8. Harris, well known Haselton mining man. who has been spending the winter In Vancouver, is expected to arrive in the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning and proceed to the Interior by train. He will be accom panied by Thomas D. Lewis, consulting engineer for the Federal MIuIuk Smelting Co.. who will take an In-apecUon of the Mohawk property on 'Nine Mile Mountain. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cents PEACE railroad with a replacement value in an address before the Vancou- completion, the speaker said, the line operating revenue. A further $15,-ail contingent purposes in the develop- The value of the lands ad- - - MACLEAN TAKES HIS TIME OVER ELECTION DATE I MAY II. It. POOLSY MAKBM JIIM L.UOI1 IS Ut'BkSIMi AT TIME KHt APHUL OPORIA. May aW Meea Mr. PoOley gives me a hearty laugh every time he makes a new gueea as to when the government will ask the people to said, regarding the Pooley forecast of in election by July 10 "All I can aay I' I know nothing. Aak me in two weeks, in a month or may be sta months and I may have something to aay as to the time of our appeal to the voters." JACKSON WILL OPPOSE PECK MIMI.NATbll IX l,HLAMI! tfWMTITU-Kfc'CY AT (-OSVKIVTION LAST NIUIIT UY UIHUtALB VICTORIA. May 18 M P Jackson. AVC, chairman of the game commission and formerly member or the legislature for The Islands, was chosen by Liberals at a nominating convention last night to contest the constituency against the sitting member. Colonel C. W. Peek V.C.. who has been nominated by the Conservatives SLUGGING STARS MAKE HOMERS ItOTII HUTU AMI OtilHIO llltlVK LONG ( IN YBHTIKIl.U"g I tIAMB NBW YORK. May 18 - Carried along by an eleven game winning streak the Chicago Cubs headed the National league today. Ruth made his twelfth homer of the season and Oehrlg hia sixth yesterday Philadelphia lost ground to tee Yankeea by losing to Chicago. AIRSHIP ITALIA BACK IN PORT KINO'S BAY. May 18. The dirigible Italia returned here at 0. IS tilts morning lrom an exploration trip to Lenln-Isnd occupying ifSfleuTn oer eonrae of J.0O0 miles ' ' C.P.R. SETTLES WITH FORMER HOTEL MANAGER VANCOUVER May 18. -By the payment of to S F Pierre, the former mtu uer of tii:' Hotel Vancouver, '.he Oman un Pmid. lias settled his 20.000 damattt' rhiirn for wrongful dismissal. The i iiiiipaiiy also Will glre im a letter of recommendaUon.